

例句 SCORE1 to get points in a game or sport2 when two teams or players have the same score3 the points scored in a game or sportRELATED WORDSa letter or number that shows how well you have done in a test 分数,成绩 GRADEsee alsoGAMESPORT/GAMERESULTTESTTHROW (2)1 to get points in a game or sport 在比赛或运动中得分 score /skɔːʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to get points in a game, competition, or sport 〔在比赛或运动中〕得分 San Francisco scored twice in the last ten minutes of the game. 圣弗朗西斯科队在比赛的最后十分钟里两次得分。score a point/goal Tottenham scored the first goal of the game. 托特纳姆热刺队在比赛中率先入球得分。 In Scrabble you score points by making words on the board. 拼字游戏中,在板上拼出单词就能得分。 get /get/ [transitive verb] informal to score points in a game, competition, or sport 【非正式】〔在比赛或运动中得〔分〕 When you get a total of 5 points it's your turn to throw the dice. 你总分达到五分时就轮到你扔骰子了。 Stevens got only 10 goals in 41 games, and decided to leave the Boston Bruins. 在41场比赛中,史蒂文斯只取得10分,于是他决定退出波士顿棕熊队。 make /meɪk/ [transitive verb] especially American to score points in a game, competition, or sport 【尤美】〔在比赛或运动中〕得分 Jordan made 34 points to put his team into the lead. 乔丹得了34分,使他的球队处于领先地位。 He ran 30 yards to make his second touchdown of the quarter. 他奔跑了30码,在这一节中第二次持球触地得分。 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb] to get a point or points by hitting a ball etc 击球得分 The batter hit a home run. 击球员击出一个本垒打。 Greg Davis didn't disappoint his teammates, hitting six field goals in six attempts. 格雷格·戴维斯没有让他的队友失望,六次投球全中。2 when two teams or players have the same score 两个球队或两名球员得分相同 draw especially British /tie especially American /drɔː, taɪ/ [countable noun] when both players or teams have the same number of points at the end of a game 平局,平手 ‘What was the result of the Barcelona v Real Madrid game?’ ‘It was a draw.’ “巴塞罗那队和皇家马德里队的比赛结果如何?”“打平了。” The game ended in a tie. 比赛打成了平局。 be two all/be four all etc /biː ˌtuː ˈɔːl/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when both players or teams have two points, four points etc in a game 【口】二平/四平等 It's two all at the moment, but United seems the better team. 现在是二平,但是联队看来实力更强。 ‘What was the final score’? ‘One all.’ “最后比分是多少?”“一平。” equalize also equalise British /ˈiːkwəlaɪz/ [intransitive verb] to score a goal or point in a team game such as football, so that the number of points or goals that each team has is equal 〔足球比赛等中〕打成平局 Liverpool equalized in the last minute. 利物浦队在最后的一分钟里打成了平局。 Manchester United were a goal down against Real Madrid when Bobby Charlton equalized. 曼彻斯特联队落后皇家马德里队一分,这时博比·查尔顿进球扳平了比分。3 the points scored in a game or sport 比赛或运动的得分 point /pɔɪnt/ [countable noun] a unit you get when you achieve something during a game or competition 〔比赛的〕得分 Steve Jones is 15 points ahead. 史蒂夫·琼斯领先15分。 Damon Hill leads the Formula 1 Championship, with 58 points from 6 races. 一级方程式锦标赛中,戴蒙·希尔6场比赛共得58分,处于领先位置。 score /skɔːʳ/ [countable noun] the number of points that the two teams or players have in a game 比分 What's the score? 比分是多少? The score at half-time was 12-18. 中场休息时比分是12:18。final score the score at the end of the game 最终的比分 The final score went up on the scoreboard, and the crowd let out a roar. 积分板上亮出了最后的比分,观众发出了欢呼。 goal /gəʊl/ [countable noun] the point you get when you make the ball go into the net in sports such as football or hockey 〔足球、曲棍球等运动的〕进球,得分 Goal! Right in the last minute, England have scored. 射门!就在最后的时刻,英格兰队进了一球。get/score a goal Florin Raducioiu scored four goals, putting Romania in the lead. 弗洛林·拉杜乔尤进了四球,使罗马尼亚队处于领先地位。 result /rɪˈzʌlt/ [countable noun] especially British the final number of points at the end of a competition 【尤英】〔比赛的〕最后结果,最后的比分 Turn to BBC1 for the latest football results. 请调到英国广播公司一台收听足球赛的最新结果。 D'you know the result of the Arsenal game? 你知道阿森纳队这场比赛的最后结果吗? run /rʌn/ [countable noun] the point you get in cricket or baseball 〔板球或棒球的〕得分 The West Indies beat Australia by 273 runs. 西印度群岛队以273分打败了澳大利亚队。score/get/hit a run Camilli scored 936 runs in 12 major-league seasons. 卡米利在12个大联盟赛季中一共得了936分。




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