DRUNK1 drunk2 a little drunk3 very drunk4 to get drunk5 to drive while you are drunk6 someone who is often drunk7 an occasion when people get drunk8 when you feel ill the day after you have been drinking9 not drunk10 able to drink a lot of alcoholRELATED WORDSsee alsoDRINKDRUGUNCONSCIOUS1 drunk 喝醉的drunk /drʌŋk/ [adjective]someone who isdrunk hasdrunk too much alcohol and cannot think clearly or behave sensibly 喝醉的 She was so drunk she could hardly stand up. 她醉得几乎无法站起来。 Gary was too drunk to remember what had happened that night. 加里醉得很厉害,以致无法记起当晚发生的事。get drunkbecome drunk 喝醉 I just hope they don't get too drunk and start fighting. 我只是希望他们不会醉得打起架来。pissed /pɪst/ [adjective not before noun]British spokendrunk - many people consider this to be an impolite word 【英口】喝醉的〔许多人认为这词不礼貌〕 Every time she goes to a party she gets pissed. 她每次参加聚会都会喝醉。 Don't listen to him - he's pissed. 别听他的,他醉了。have had too much to drink/have had one too many /həv hæd ˌtuː mʌtʃ tə ˈdrɪŋk, həv hæd ˌwʌn tuː ˈmeni/ [verb phrase]to have drunk too much alcohol so that you feel very drunk or sick 喝多了 I'd better take Tanya home - she's had too much to drink. 我最好送塔尼娅回家,她喝得太多了。 He usually has one too many and starts making a fool of himself. 他经常喝酒过量,然后就开始出丑。drunken /ˈdrʌŋkən/ [adjective only before noun]writtenadrunken person is drunk and theirdrunken behaviour shows that they are drunk 【书面】喝醉的 A couple of drunken sailors were arguing with a policeman outside the bar. 几个喝得醉醺醺的水手在酒吧外跟一个警察争吵。 The place was full of noise and drunken shouting. 这个地方闹哄哄的,醉汉们在大声叫嚷。drunken brawla fight between people who are drunk 酒后打斗 Many of their beer parties ended in a drunken brawl. 他们很多次的喝啤酒聚会都以喝醉了打架结束。in a drunken stuporalmost unconscious as a result of being drunk 醉得神志不清 We found him lying by the roadside in a drunken stupor. 我们发现他躺在路旁,醉得不省人事。drunkenness [uncountable noun] She hated Morel because of his constant drunkenness and his violent temper. 她恨莫雷尔,因为他经常喝醉酒,脾气火爆。intoxicated /ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪtəd, ɪnˈtɒksəkeɪtədǁ-ˈtɑːk-/ []formaldrunk - use this especially in legal, official, and medical contexts 【正式】醉酒的〔尤用于法律、正式和医学范围〕 Jensen was found guilty of driving while intoxicated. 詹森被判犯有醉酒驾车罪。 Our policy is not to serve alcohol to anyone who is already intoxicated. 我们的政策是不卖酒给已经喝醉的人。intoxication /ɪnˌtɒksɪˈkeɪʃən, ɪnˌtɒksəˈkeɪʃənǁ-ˌtɑːk-/ [uncountable noun]formal He's already been arrested twice for public intoxication. 他因在公共场合醉酒已两次被捕。have been drinking /həv biːn ˈdrɪŋkɪŋǁ-bɪn-/ [verb phrase]use this about someone who you know has been drinking alcohol because they are behaving as if they were drunk or because you can smell alcohol on their breath 〔从醉态或酒味得知某人〕喝酒了 Have you guys been drinking all day? 你们整天都在喝酒吗? She answered the door in her bathrobe and I could tell she'd been drinking. 她穿着浴袍来开门,我看得出她喝酒了。2 a little drunk 微醉的tipsy /ˈtɪpsi/ [adjective] After the second glass of wine I was feeling a little tipsy. 喝下第二杯酒后,我感到有些醉意。 We went out to dinner, got a little tipsy, and ended up at my place. 我们出去吃饭,喝得微醉,最后留在我家过了夜。mellow /ˈmeləʊ/ [adjective]pleasantly friendly and ready to talk because you are slightly drunk 〔微醉而显得〕友好健谈的;平和轻松的 She wasn't drunk yet, but she was feeling nice and mellow and happy. 她还没完全喝醉,只是感觉很舒服,心情轻松愉快。 She poured him another glass of brandy to keep him in a mellow mood. 她又给他倒了杯白兰地,使他保持愉快健谈的心情。merry /ˈmeri/ [adjective not before noun]Britishfeeling happy and friendly because you are slightly drunk 【英】〔因微醉而感觉〕欢快的 We were all very merry by the time the party broke up. 聚会结束的时候,我们都有点醉意了。 Some of the officers got quite merry celebrating our recent victory. 在庆祝最近一次胜利的时候,有些军官喝了点酒非常兴奋。buzzed /bʌzd/ [adjective not before noun]American spokenfeeling slightly drunk 【美口】感觉微醉的 This stuff is strong - I'm already a little buzzed. 这东西劲儿很大,我已经有点醉意了。3 very drunk 大醉的blind drunk /ˌblaɪnd ˈdrʌŋk/ [adjective not before noun] Every Saturday night he came home blind drunk. 每个星期六的晚上他都喝得大醉回家。 Don't give him anything more to drink. He's already blind drunk. 别再给他酒喝了。他已经酩酊大醉了。roaring drunk /ˌrɔːrɪŋ ˈdrʌŋk/ [adjective not before noun]very drunk and very noisy 大醉而显得非常吵闹的 They were all roaring drunk and kept singing bawdy songs. 他们都喝得大醉,不停地唱着一些粗野的歌曲。smashed/plastered/trashed /ˈsmæʃt, ˈplɑːstəʳdǁˈplæs-, træʃt/ [adjective not before noun]spoken informalvery drunk 【口,非正式】大醉的,烂醉的 We went to a nightclub in town last night and got absolutely plastered. 我们昨晚到城里的一家夜总会去,喝了个烂醉。 She came home completely smashed at about 2 o'clock this morning. 她今天凌晨两点左右回家,喝得酩酊大醉。 Man, you were so trashed. How much did you have to drink? 你呀,已经醉得这样子了,要喝多少才算个够?bombed/loaded/wasted /bɒmdǁbɑːmd, ˈləʊdd, ˈweɪstd/ [adjective not before noun]American spokenvery drunk 【美口】烂醉的 Did you see Kim at Rob's party? She was totally wasted. 罗伯的聚会上你看到金了吗?她醉得一塌糊涂。 He's loaded. Somebody better call him a cab. 他烂醉了,最好谁给他叫辆出租车。 I was so bombed, I can't even remember half of what I did. 我醉得都记不起自己干了些什么。paralytic/legless /ˌpærəˈlɪtɪk◂, ˈlegləs/ [adjective not before noun]British spokenextremely drunk 【英口】酩酊大醉的,醉得不能行走的 Don't give Dave any more to drink -- he's already legless. 别再给戴夫喝什么了——他已经醉得走不动了。 The day I got my exam results we went out and got absolutely paralytic. 我得知考试成绩的那天,我们出去喝了个酩酊大醉。4 to get drunk 喝醉酒get drunk /ˌget ˈdrʌŋk/ [verb phrase] Their idea of a good time is to go out and get drunk. 他们所想的玩得痛快是指出去喝个烂醉。 I can't remember the last time I got drunk. 我记不起最后一次喝醉是什么时候了。get drunk on She sometimes gets drunk on two glasses of wine. 她有时候喝两杯葡萄酒就会醉。drown your sorrows /ˌdraʊn jɔːʳ ˈsɒrəʊzǁ-ˈsɑː-/ [verb phrase]to drink a lot of alcohol with the purpose of getting drunk, in order to forget your problems 借酒消愁 After his girlfriend left he spent the evening drowning his sorrows in a local bar. 女朋友离开他之后,他那个晚上都在当地一家酒吧里借酒消愁。drown your sorrows in You can't just sit around day after day drowning your sorrows in whiskey. 你可不能日复一日地坐着靠威士忌来消除忧愁。hit the bottle /ˌhɪt ðə ˈbɒtlǁ-ˈbɑːtl/ [verb phrase]informalto start to drink a lot of alcohol regularly, especially in order to forget your problems 【非正式】开始酗酒〔尤指为了忘却烦恼〕 When his wife died he hit the bottle again. 妻子死后,他又开始酗酒了。 My sister's been hitting the bottle a lot lately and her work is starting to suffer. 我姐姐近来一直酗酒,她的工作已开始受到了影响。5 to drive while you are drunk 喝醉后开车drink and drive /ˌdrɪŋk ən ˈdraɪv/ [verb phrase]an expression meaning to drive after you have been drinking alcohol, used especially in warnings about the dangers of doing this 酒后驾车〔尤用于警告这种做法有危险时〕 Val's not the kind of person who would drink and drive. 瓦尔可不是那种会酒后驾车的人。 I don't care if people who drink and drive kill themselves - what worries me is that they might kill someone else. 我才不担心那些酒后驾车的人会丧命呢,我担心的是他们可能会撞死别人。drink drivingBritish/drunk/drunken drivingAmerican /ˌdrɪŋk ˈdraɪvɪŋ, ˌdrʌŋk, ˌdrʌŋkən ˈdraɪvɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]the act of driving while under the influence of alcohol 酒后驾车 Drink driving causes over 800 deaths a year on the roads. 酒后驾车每年导致800多人死亡。 He was convicted of drunk driving and had his license suspended. 他犯有酒后驾车罪,被吊销了驾驶执照。drunk/drunken driver /ˌdrʌŋk, ˌdrʌŋkən ˈdraɪvəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who drives while they are drunk 酒后驾车者 Her husband was nearly killed by a drunk driver. 她丈夫差一点被一个酒后驾车者撞死。be over the limit /biː ˌəʊvəʳ ðə ˈlɪmt/ [verb phrase]especially Britishto have drunk more alcohol than is legal and safe for driving 【尤英】喝酒超过驾车所允许的量 He was caught driving over the limit and had to pay a large fine. 他醉酒驾车被捕,得缴付一大笔罚款。 In a large proportion of fatal accidents it is found that one driver is over the limit. 在大部分的致命交通事故中,发现都有一个司机酒后驾车。under the influence /ˌʌndəʳ ði ˈɪnfluəns/ [adverb]formalif someone drivesunder the influence, they drive when they are drunk - used especially by the police and in news reports 【正式】在〔酒力〕的影响下〔开车,尤为警察及新闻报道中使用〕 Driving under the influence is a very serious offense. 酒后驾车是非常严重的罪行。 Witnesses claimed that Jones was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. 证人称琼斯在事发时处于醉酒状态。DUI/DWI /ˌdiː juː ˈaɪ, ˌdiː dʌbəljuː ˈaɪ/Americanthe crime of driving while you are drunk 【美】酒后驾车 It was his first DUI offense. 这是他第一次犯酒后驾车罪。 I've never had a DUI or any kind of drugs record. 我从没有酒后驾车或任何吸毒之类的犯罪纪录。6 someone who is often drunk 经常酒醉的人alcoholic /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk◂ǁ-ˈhɔː-/ [countable noun]someone who drinks too much alcohol and cannot stop 嗜酒者,酒鬼 Many alcoholics do not realize that they have a problem until it is too late. 许多嗜酒如命的人意识到自己的问题时都为时已晚了。 I usually have a drink or two after work, but I don't think I'm an alcoholic. 下班后我通常喝一两杯酒,但我不认为自己是酒鬼。drunk /drʌŋk/ [countable noun]someone who isdrunk or who often getsdrunk - use this especially about someone you see in a public place such as a street or a bar 〔尤在公共场合如街上或酒吧里可看到的〕醉酒人,酗酒者,酒鬼 A couple of drunks were passed out on the sidewalk. 几个醉汉醉倒在人行道上。 I don't like to take the bus at night. It's full of drunks and crazy people. 晚上我不喜欢乘公共汽车,车上都是酒鬼和疯子。drinker /ˈdrɪŋkəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who often drinks a lot of alcohol 酒徒,酒鬼 He had the watery eyes and swollen nose of a drinker. 他泪水汪汪,鼻子红肿,是个酒鬼。heavy drinkersomeone who regularly drinks a lot of alcohol 酗酒者 Paul and Jane were both heavy drinkers and spent most of their time in the local bar. 保罗和简两个人都是酒鬼,他们把大部分时间都耗在当地的酒吧里。hard drinkersomeone who regularly drinks a lot of alcohol 酗酒者 He quickly earned the reputation as a hard drinker and hell-raiser. 他很快就因酗酒和专爱惹是生非而出了名。have a drink problemBritish/have a drinking problemAmerican /hæv ə ˈdrɪŋk ˌprɒbləm, hæv ə ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ ˌprɒbləmǁ -ˌprɑːb-/ [verb phrase not in progressive]to be unable to stop the habit of drinking too much alcohol, so that it has a bad effect on your life 有酗酒问题,酗酒成瘾 My sister has a drink problem but she won't admit it. 我姐姐酗酒成瘾,可她不愿意承认。 From everything you tell me, it sounds as if your husband may have a drinking problem. 根据你告诉我的所有情况看,你丈夫似乎有酗酒成瘾的问题。lush /lʌʃ/ [countable noun]American informalsomeone who is often drunk - often used humorously 【美,非正式】酒鬼〔幽默说法〕 You'll see her sitting at the bar all day. She's a real lush. 你会看到她整天坐在酒吧里。她是个名副其实的酒鬼。 What are you drinking, you big lush? 你在喝什么,你这个酒鬼?drunkard /ˈdrʌŋkəʳd/ [countable noun]someone who is drunk very often - used especially in literature 醉鬼,酒鬼〔尤用于文学作品〕 They were all drunkards, but Arthur was the worst of them all. 他们都是醉鬼,而阿瑟是最厉害的一个。 Unfortunately she had married an incurable drunkard. 不幸的是,她嫁了个不可救药的醉鬼。7 an occasion when people get drunk 人们喝醉酒的时候booze-up /ˈbuːz ʌp/ [countable noun]British informala party or other occasion where people drink a lot of alcohol 【英,非正式】狂饮作乐的聚会 We usually get together with our friends for a booze-up at Christmas. 圣诞节我们通常跟朋友们聚在一起痛饮狂欢。drunken /ˈdrʌŋkən/ [adjective only before noun]drunken party/night/orgy etcwhere people drink a lot of alcohol 狂欢宴会,纵酒宴乐 The two met at a drunken party in college. 他俩是在大学里的一次狂饮聚会上相识的。boozy /ˈbuːzi/ [adjective only before noun]especially British, informalaboozy occasion is one on which people drink a lot of alcohol 【尤英,非正式】酒醉的,暴饮的 She's going for a boozy night out with her friends. 她要去参加一个夜间聚会,和朋友们痛饮一番。8 when you feel ill the day after you have been drinking 酒醉后第二天的不舒服感觉hangover /ˈhæŋəʊvəʳ/ [countable noun]the feeling you have the morning after you have drunk too much alcohol, when your head hurts and you feel sick 宿醉〔指喝醉酒后翌晨头痛和不适的感觉〕 Kevin woke up the next day with a terrible hangover. 凯文第二天醒来宿醉很严重。have/have got a hangover Could you try to keep the noise down? I've got a hangover. 你能不能小点声?我宿醉很不舒服。 After all you had to drink last night, I'm surprised you don't have a hangover. 你昨晚喝了那么多酒竟然没有宿醉,我感到吃惊。9 not drunk 未醉的sober /ˈsəʊbəʳ/ [adjective not before noun]not drunk 清醒的,未喝醉的 I don't think I've ever seen Bill sober. 我从没看到比尔有不醉酒的时候。 I'll drive you home - I think I'm the only one here that's sober. 我开车送你们回去吧。我想我是这里唯一清醒的人。sober up /ˌsəʊbər ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]if someone who has been drunksobers up, they gradually become less drunk until they are not drunk at all 〔酒醉后〕渐渐清醒过来 He didn't sober up till he'd had a cup of strong coffee. 他喝了杯浓咖啡后才渐渐清醒过来。 Give her a little time to sober up. 给她一点时间清醒清醒。10 able to drink a lot of alcohol 能喝许多酒的can hold your drinkBritish/can hold your liquor/alcoholAmerican /kən ˌhəʊld jɔːʳ ˈdrɪŋk, kən ˌhəʊld jɔːʳ ˈlɪkəʳ, ˈælkəhɒlǁ-hɔːl/ [verb phrase]if youcan hold your drink, you are able to drink a large amount of alcohol without getting drunk 酒量很大 He can really hold his drink. I've seen him drink seven whiskies and still play a good game of billiards. 他的酒量真大。我见过他喝了七杯威士忌,可台球还是打得很好。 Debra giggled again - she'd never held her liquor very well. 德布拉又咯咯笑了起来,她的酒量从来都不好。