

单词 DRY
例句 DRY1 not wet2 when there is not much rain3 to become dry4 to make something dry or make yourself dry5 something that has had liquid removed from itRELATED WORDSoppositeWETsee alsoWEATHERWATERTHIRSTY1 not wet 不湿的 dry /draɪ/ [adjective] You should change into some dry clothes. 你该换上干衣服了。 Keep the apples stored in a cool, dry place. 把苹果存放在凉爽干燥的地方。 The wood was dry and it burned easily. 这木头很干,容易燃烧。 Can you check to see if the laundry's dry? 你能去看一下洗的衣服是否干了吗?bone dry/dry as a bone completely dry 干透的 I forgot to water the plants and the soil has gone bone dry. 我忘了给植物浇水,泥土已经干透了。2 when there is not much rain 雨水不多时 dry /draɪ/ [adjective] if the weather is dry, there is not much rain 〔天气〕干旱的,干燥的 It was a very dry summer. 那是个十分干燥的夏天。 The weather tomorrow will be sunny and dry. 明天天气是阳光充足而干燥。 Tunisia has a hot, dry climate. 突尼斯的气候炎热而干燥。 In Arizona, the air is often extremely dry. 亚利桑那州的空气通常都极为干燥。 drought /draʊt/ [countable/uncountable noun] a long period when there is little or no rain, so that people and animals do not have enough water and plants die 〔长时间的〕干旱,旱灾 Central Africa is suffering one of the worst droughts of the century. 中非正遭遇到本世纪最严重的旱灾。 A severe drought has caused most of the corn crop to fail. 一场严重的旱灾导致了大部分谷物歉收。 dusty /ˈdʌsti/ [adjective] a dusty road, town, track etc is dry and covered with dust, because the weather is hot and there is not much rain 〔路、城镇或跑道等〕干而多尘的 The road to Bangalore was hot and dusty. 去班加罗尔的道路炎热又尘土飞扬。 Samandari lives in a small dusty village on the edge of the desert. 萨曼达里住在沙漠边缘的一个干而多尘的小村庄里。 arid /ˈærɪd, ˈærəd/ [adjective] land that is arid is extremely dry and produces low quality crops because there is very little rain 〔土地〕干旱的;贫瘠的 Much of Namibia is arid country and only fit for raising goats. 纳米比亚有许多地方都很干旱,只适宜于饲养山羊。 The region is an arid wasteland. 这一地区是干旱的不毛之地。 parched /pɑːʳtʃt/ [adjective] ground that is parched is completely dry because the weather has been very hot and there has been no rain for a long time 〔土地因天气炎热或久旱不雨〕焦干的,干枯的 The earth was so parched that there were huge cracks in it. 土地焦干得出现了巨大的裂缝。 The parched yellow landscape of Death Valley stretched out for miles in front of us. 死谷那片干枯的黄土地在我们面前绵延数英里。3 to become dry 变干 dry /draɪ/ [intransitive verb] to become dry 变干 This should only take a few minutes to dry. 这应该只需几分钟就干了。 Wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day. 在阳光充足的日子里,湿衣服很快就能干。 Leave the dishes on the draining board to dry. 把碗碟放到滴水板上去滴干。hang something out to dry hang clothes outside, so that they are dried by the sun or wind 晾晒某物 I like to hang the sheets out to dry. It gives them a fresh smell. 我喜欢把床单挂出去晒干,这样床单会有一种清新气味。 dry out /ˌdraɪ ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to become completely dry - use this about something that dries naturally in the air, sun etc 干透〔指在户外空气中吹干或晒干〕 Hang your towel over the chair to dry it out. 把毛巾挂在椅子上晒干。 Cover the pastry with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out. 在油酥面团上盖块湿布以防它干硬。 Farmers will have to wait for fields to dry out before they can harvest their soybeans. 农夫要等到地里干透后才能收割大豆。 dry up /ˌdraɪ ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a river or lake etc dries up, it becomes completely dry because there has not been any rain 〔河、湖等〕完全干涸 Last summer the river dried up and you could walk right across it. 去年夏天河水干涸了,你可以直接走过去。 The town's reservoir has nearly dried up and many homes are without water. 该镇的水库几乎干涸了,许多家庭都没水用。 Lake Elizabeth will not dry up, but its water level could drop. 伊丽莎白湖不会干涸,但其水位可能下降。 shrivel up /ˌʃrɪvəl ˈʌp/ [intransitive verb] if a plant or a fruit shrivels up it becomes smaller and deep lines form on its surface, because it has become very dry 〔植物或水果〕枯萎;皱缩 There was so little rain that most of the crops shrivelled up and died. 雨下得那么少,大部分的庄稼都枯死了。4 to make something dry or make yourself dry 把某物弄干或把自己擦干 dry /draɪ/ [transitive verb] to make something dry 弄干;擦干 Could you wait ten minutes while I dry my hair? 你能等10分钟让我把头发揩干吗? We built a fire to get ourselves warm and dry our clothes. 我们生了个火暖暖身体,烤干衣服。 dry yourself off /ˌdraɪ jɔːrself ˈɒf/ [verb phrase] to use a towel to make yourself dry, for example after a bath or a swim 〔如在洗澡或游泳后〕把自己完全擦干 Evan got out of the pool and dried himself off. 埃文从水池里出来并擦干了身体。 She began to dry herself off, talking to me over her shoulder. 她开始揩干身体,一边回过头来跟我说话。 dry off /ˌdraɪ ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to dry the surface of something 完全擦干〔某物的表面〕 dry off something He dried off his bicycle seat with a towel. 他用一条毛巾把自行车座措干。dry something off Clean the plastic cover with a damp sponge, then dry it off with a soft cloth. 用湿海绵把塑料盖擦干净,然后用一块柔软的布把它擦干。5 something that has had liquid removed from it 被除去了液体的某物 dried /draɪd/ [adjective] dried food or plants have been allowed to become dry, or have had the liquid taken out of them in order to preserve them 〔水果或植物〕干的,〔为了保存而〕脱水的 Dried herbs are convenient but I think fresh ones have more flavour. 干的香草用起来很方便,但我觉得新鲜的香草味道更好一些。 My friend Minu loves dried flowers. 我的朋友米纽喜爱干花。 Add four tablespoons of dried milk to a pint of cold water, and stir until dissolved. 在一品脱冷水中加入四汤匙奶粉,搅至溶解。




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