LIQUID1 a liquid2 an amount of liquid3 a liquid that flows easily4 a liquid that is almost solid5 when something becomes a liquid6 when a liquid gets thickerRELATED WORDSsee alsoPOURFLOWWATERWET1 a liquid 液体liquid /ˈlɪkwɪd, ˈlɪkwəd/ [countable/uncountable noun]a substance, such as water or milk, that is not a solid and not a gas 液体 Add most of the flour to the liquid and stir the mixture. 把一大半面粉倒入水中,然后搅拌。 She screamed as the boiling liquid burned her skin. 滚烫的液体烫到她的皮肤,她尖叫了起来。liquid [adjective usually before noun]use this about something which is liquid, but which is usually a solid or a gas 液态的,液体的〔用于指通常为固体或气体的某物〕 Treat your plants once a week with liquid fertiliser. 给植物一个星期施一次液体肥料。 liquid soap 肥皂液 liquid nitrogen 液态氮fluid /ˈfluːɪd, ˈfluːəd/ [countable/uncountable noun]a liquid - used especially in technical contexts 液体;流质〔尤用于科技方面〕 In extreme heat your body will lose fluid and salt. 在极度高温中,人体会流失水分和盐分。 Brake fluid was leaking out from under my car. 制动液从我的汽车底部漏了出来。body/bodily fluids The HIV virus is transmitted though body fluids, during sexual intercourse. 艾滋病病毒在性交的时候通过体液传播。2 an amount of liquid 一定数量的液体drop /drɒpǁdrɑːp/ [countable noun]a very small amount of liquid in a round shape, that falls from somewhere 滴drop of Big drops of rain slid down the window pane. 大滴大滴的雨水从窗户玻璃上滑下来。 Add a few drops of vanilla essence, the egg white and half the butter. 加入几滴香草精、蛋白和半块黄油。 She applied a few drops of perfume behind her ears and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. 她在耳朵后面抹了几滴香水,对着镜子里的自己微笑。blob /blɒbǁblɑːb/ [countable noun]a drop or small amount of thick liquid 一滴〔浓稠的液体〕blob of paint/glue/wax/grease etc Rita dropped a blob of paint on the new carpet. 丽塔把一滴油漆滴落在新地毯上。 Blobs of wax had dripped from the candle onto the table cloth. 蜡烛油一滴滴地落到了桌布上。 Put a blob of glue on each surface and carefully press together. 在每一个表面上涂上一滴胶水,然后小心地贴在一起。pool /puːl/ [countable noun]an area of liquid lying on a surface 一摊〔液体〕pool of Trautman was lying in a pool of blood. 特劳特曼倒卧在血泊之中。 A pool of oil had collected under the car. 那部汽车下面集了一摊油。3 a liquid that flows easily 稀的液体thin /θɪn/ [adjective]athin liquid flows very easily - use this about liquids that are often thick 稀的〔用于指常为浓稠的液体〕 The paint was too thin, and was dripping everywhere. 颜料太稀,滴得到处都是。 For these crepes you will need a fairly thin batter, so do not add too much flour. 做这种煎饼要用比较稀的面糊,所以不要放太多的面粉。runny /ˈrʌni/ [adjective]informalfood that isrunny is liquid but should be thicker than it is 【非正式】〔食物〕稀薄的;黏软的 a boiled egg with a runny yolk 一个溏黄的煮鸡蛋 runny custard 稀稀的牛奶蛋糊watery /ˈwɔːtəriǁˈwɔː-, ˈwɑː-/ [adjective]food or drink that iswatery contains too much water, so that it does not taste or look good 食物或饮料〕含水过多的;像水一样的 The coffee is horrible - really weak and watery. 这咖啡味道不好—很淡,像水一样。 All they had to eat for weeks was bread and watery cabbage soup. 一连几个星期他们吃到的只有面包和清水般的白菜汤。4 a liquid that is almost solid 浓稠的液体thick /θɪk/ [adjective]athick liquid flows slowly because it is almost solid 浓稠的,稠厚的 If you want to make the sauce thicker, add flour. 如果要酱汁稠一点,就加面粉。 thick vegetable soup 蔬菜浓汤lumpy /ˈlʌmpi/ [adjective]a liquid that islumpy contains small solid pieces, so it is not as smooth as it should be 结块的,有团块的 This gravy is lumpy. 这肉汁中有结块。 I hate lumpy porridge. 我最讨厌有团块的粥。creamy /ˈkriːmi/ [adjective]thick and smooth like cream 奶油般柔滑的 The tomato soup was hot, creamy and delicious. 番茄汤热腾腾的,很香滑可口。 Add the chocolate to the butter and eggs, stirring the mixture until it is thick and creamy. 在黄油和鸡蛋中加入巧克力,把混和物搅拌至浓稠软滑。smooth /smuːð/ [adjective]if a liquid issmooth, it is thick and has no lumps in it, especially because it has been mixed very well 均匀的,无结块的: Beat the eggs and flour until they are smooth. 把鸡蛋和面粉打至均匀。 Blend the strawberries with a little icing sugar in a food processor until it forms a smooth purée. 给草莓加入一点糖粉,放在食品加工机里搅拌成均匀的糊状。paste /peɪst/ [countable noun]a soft and usually sticky mixture of liquid and another substance, which you can spread easily 糊状物;酱 Mix the flour in just enough milk to make a smooth paste. 面粉中加入适量的牛奶调成均匀的糊状。 Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. 芝麻酱是用磨碎的芝麻做成的一种酱。 He made a paste of mud and water. 他用泥和水调成泥浆。5 when something becomes a liquid 化成液体melt /melt/ [intransitive verb]if something solidmelts or if heat melts it, it becomes liquid 〔使〕熔化;〔使〕融化 The chocolate had melted and was all over the inside of her pocket. 巧克力融化了,弄得她口袋里全是。 Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the sugar. 把黄油放在平底锅里融化,然后拌入糖。melted [adjective only before noun] a pasta dish topped with melted cheese 上面盖了一层融化的奶酪的意大利面dissolve /dɪˈzɒlvǁdɪˈzɑːlv/ [intransitive verb]if something soliddissolves or if youdissolve it, it is added to a liquid and mixed with it, so that it become liquid itself 〔使〕溶解 The crystals dissolve in water to create a purple liquid. 结晶体在水中溶解,形成一种紫色的液体。 Dissolve the salt in 125 ml of hot water. 把盐放在125毫升的热水中溶解。thaw /θɔː/ [intransitive verb]if ice, snow, or a frozen lake or riverthaws, it becomes a liquid because the temperature has become warmer 〔冰、雪等〕融化;〔江河等〕解冻 The lake is frozen all winter, but it usually thaws in March. 整个冬季湖面都结冰,不过通常3月份就解冻了。 The snow had started to thaw, and there was a faint scent of spring in the air. 积雪开始融化,空气中有了一丝春天的气息。melt down /ˌmelt ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to melt something such as a metal object, especially so that you can make it into something different 熔化;熔毁〔金属物件等,尤用于制作不同的东西〕melt down something He melts down coins to make into earrings and ornaments. 他把硬币熔化掉,做成耳环和装饰品。 Most of the brass in the church has been melted down and sold. 教堂里的黄铜大部分都被熔下来卖掉了。melt something down We collected all the old candles and melted them down to make one big candle. 我们把所有的旧蜡烛都收集起来熔化掉,制成一根大蜡烛。molten /ˈməʊltən/ [adjective only before noun]molten rock, metal, glass etc has been made into a liquid by being heated to a very high temperature 熔化的〔岩石、金属、玻璃等〕 You can watch craftsmen make beautiful vases out of molten glass. 你可以看到工匠用玻璃熔液制造出精美的花瓶。 The town was buried under a river of molten lava. 小镇被掩埋在熔岩的巨流之下。 Castings are made by pouring molten metal into a mould and allowing it to solidify. 金属熔液注入模具后,让它凝固,就制成了铸件。condense /kənˈdens/ [intransitive verb]if gas or steamcondenses, it becomes liquid by becoming colder 〔气体或蒸汽〕凝结,冷凝 Steam from the shower condensed on the cold bathroom mirror. 淋浴产生的水蒸气在冰凉的浴室镜子上凝成小水珠。 During cold nights, air condenses on the grass to form dew. 在寒冷的夜晚,空气在草地上凝结成露水。condense into The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc. 气态金属被置于一个密封容器里冷却,让它凝成液态锌。soluble /ˈsɒljɑbəlǁˈsɑː-/ [adjective]a solid substance that issoluble can be mixed into a liquid so that it become part of it 可溶解的 soluble aspirin 可溶性阿司匹林 The use of soluble chemical fertilizers is banned, as they seep into rivers and pollute the water supply. 可溶性化肥是禁用的,因为它们会渗入河流污染水源。be soluble in something There are two sorts of vitamins: some are soluble in fat, and some soluble in water. 维生素有两类,一类是可溶于脂肪的,一类是可溶于水的。water-soluble/fat-soluble etcsoluble in water, fat etc 水溶性/脂溶性的 Plants take up water-soluble minerals through their roots. 植物通过根部吸收水溶性矿物质。6 when a liquid gets thicker 液体变稠thicken/get thicker /ˈθɪkən, get ˈθɪkəʳ/ [intransitive verb/verb phrase]if a liquidthickens or you thicken it, it becomes more solid and does not flow very easily 变稠 When the sauce is just starting to thicken, pour it over the meat. 酱汁开始变稠的时候,把它浇到肉上。 Now boil the mixture until it thickens. 接下来把混合调料煮沸,直到它变稠。 As the temperature goes down, the oil in the engine gets thicker. 随着气温下降,发动机里的油也凝结起来了。set /set/ [intransitive verb]if a liquidsets, for example some types of food or plastics, it becomes solid or almost solid after a period of time 〔某种食物或塑料等〕凝结,凝固 Leave the jam in a cool place to set. 把果酱拿到阴凉的地方凝固。 It's best to pour your yoghurt into small containers before it sets. 最好在酸奶凝固之前倒在较小的容器里。 Has the glue set yet? 胶水凝固了吗?clot /klɒtǁklɑːt/ [intransitive verb]if bloodclots, it becomes thicker and more solid 〔血液〕凝结 Blood had clotted on the cuts on his back and on his arms. 他背上和手臂上伤口的血已经凝结。 Some types of snake venom prevent blood from clotting. 有些蛇的毒液会阻止血液凝结。congeal /kənˈdʒiːl/ [intransitive verb]if a liquidcongeals, it thickens and becomes unpleasantly sticky and almost solid as it becomes cooler 凝结 Josie picked up a plate of congealed egg and beans, and scraped it into the bin. 乔西拿起一盘结在一起的鸡蛋烧豆子,把它倒入了垃圾桶。