

例句 ASHAMED1 ashamed2 the feeling of being ashamed3 to make someone feel ashamed4 not feeling ashamedRELATED WORDSoppositePROUDsee alsoEMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSINGGUILTYREGRET/NOT REGRETBAD (5)1 ashamed 羞愧的 ashamed /əˈʃeɪmd/ [adjective] someone who is ashamed feels very sorry about something they have done or embarrassed by something relating to them, so that they think people may no longer respect them 惭愧的,羞愧的 I didn't want anyone to know I'd been fired because I felt ashamed. 我不想让别人知道我被解雇了,因为我感到羞愧。ashamed of She was so ashamed of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher. 她对自己在考试中作弊的行为感到非常羞愧,于是去告诉老师。 For a long time I was ashamed of my father and the fact he never finished school. 有很长时间我都在为父亲中学没毕业感到羞愧。ashamed about There's nothing to be ashamed about - lots of people have money problems. 没什么不好意思的—很多人都会有金钱上的问题。ashamed (that) I realize now that you were telling the truth, and I'm ashamed that I didn't believe you. 我现在才知道你是说了实话的,而我当时却没有相信你,我很惭愧。ashamed to do something She really needed me but - I'm ashamed to admit it - I didn't help her. 她那时真的需要我,但—说来很惭愧—我没有帮她。ashamed of yourself You ought to be ashamed of yourself - coming home drunk like that! 你应该感到丢脸一醉成这样回家来!bitterly/deeply ashamed The knowledge that I had caused him to lose his job made me bitterly ashamed. 在知道是我让他丢了工作时,我感到深深的内疚。 humiliated /hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪd, hjuːˈmɪlieɪtəd/ [adjective not usually before noun] feeling very ashamed and upset, especially because you have been made to look weak or stupid and you think that no one will respect you 感到羞辱的,感到丢脸的 Ross yelled at me in front of the whole office - I've never been so humiliated in my life! 罗斯当着全办公室人的面冲着我叫嚷—我这一辈子从未感到如此羞辱! Many women who have been assaulted feel too frightened and humiliated to report their ordeal. 许多被强暴的妇女都又怕又羞,不敢说出她们的痛苦遭遇。 can't look somebody in the face/not be able to look somebody in the face /kɑːnt ˌlʊk somebody ɪn ðə ˈfeɪsǁkænt-, nɒt bi ˌeɪbəl tə ˌlʊk somebody ɪn ðə ˈfeɪs/ [verb phrase] to be so ashamed about something you have done to someone that you find it difficult to be with them or talk to them 〔因羞愧而〕不敢正视某人,不敢面对某人 I'm so embarrassed - I'll never be able to look her in the face again. 我太难为情了,我再也没脸见她了。 After the layoffs were announced, I couldn't look any of the people on the shop floor in the face. 裁员名单公布以后,我都不敢正眼看工厂的人了。 shamefaced /ˌʃeɪmˈfeɪst◂/ [adjective] showing in the expression on your face that you are ashamed about something and you know you have behaved badly 〔因知道自己表现得不好而〕脸带愧色的 He came to my office, shamefaced, to apologize. 他一脸愧色,到我办公室来道歉。 A shamefaced spokesperson admitted that mistakes had been made. 一位发言人羞愧地承认是弄错了。 hang/bow your head (in shame) /ˌhæŋ, ˌbaʊ jɔːʳ ˌhed (ɪn ˈʃeɪm)/ [verb phrase] to look ashamed 〔羞愧地〕垂着头/低着头 He bowed his head in shame as the details of his arrest were read out in court. 法庭宣读逮捕他的详情时,他惭愧地低下头来。 shame on you! /ˈʃeɪm ɒn juː/ spoken use this to tell someone that they should feel shame because of something they have done 【口】你真丢脸! Shame on you for lying to your grandmother! 你真丢脸啊,竟然对祖母撒谎!2 the feeling of being ashamed 羞愧的感觉 shame /ʃeɪm/ [uncountable noun] the feeling that you have when you know that you have behaved badly or that you have lost other people's respect 〔因知道自己举止不得体或失去了别人的尊敬而产生的〕羞愧,惭愧 She remembered her angry words with a deep sense of shame. 她想起自己说过的气话,就深感羞愧。 ‘Please don't tell my dad about this,’ he said, blushing with shame. “这件事请不要告诉我爸爸。”他不好意思地红着脸说道。shame of She never overcame the shame of having abandoned her children. 她一直没有摆脱因为遗弃孩子而产生的愧意。in shame Following the scandal, Garrison resigned in shame. 出现丑闻之后,加里森羞愧地辞去了职务。 disgrace /dɪsˈgreɪs/ [uncountable noun] when you have completely lost other people's respect because of something bad you have done 耻辱,不光彩,丢脸 While the father was in jail, the whole family suffered his disgrace. 父亲入狱,全家人蒙羞。disgrace of Garton killed himself because he could not bear the disgrace of a public scandal. 加顿无法承受丑闻被公开的耻辱,于是自杀了。in disgrace Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school in disgrace. 布朗使用毒品被人发现,很不体面地被私立学校遣送回家。 humiliation /hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] a situation in which you are made to look weak or stupid that makes you ashamed and upset 〔因别人使自己显得卑微或愚笨所造成的〕屈辱,蒙耻 Her attackers seemed to take special pleasure in her humiliation. 袭击她的人似乎专以看她受辱为乐。humiliation of What really upset me was the humiliation of having to ask her for money. 最叫我难过的是向她伸手要钱的这种屈辱。public humiliation The Senator's public humiliation is almost punishment enough for what he did. 参议员在公众面前丢尽脸面,对于他的所作所为,这种惩罚几乎已经足够。 indignity /ɪnˈdɪgnɪti, ɪnˈdɪgnəti/ [countable/uncountable noun] a situation in which you feel that you have no pride or self-respect, because people treat you as if you were completely unimportant 侮辱,屈辱 He suffered insult and indignity in silence. 他默默地忍受着羞辱。 Being accused of theft was just one of the indignities I suffered under my last employer. 我被冤枉偷东西只是我在前雇主处所受的屈辱之一。indignity of I had to endure the indignity of being strip-searched for drugs. 我只得忍受屈辱,脱下衣服让他们在我身上搜查毒品。 lose face /ˌluːz ˈfeɪs/ [verb phrase] to lose other people's respect for you, especially by doing something that makes you look weak, immoral, or stupid 〔尤因做了使自己显得卑微、不道德或愚蠢的事而〕丢脸,失面子 The leaders need to find a way of compromising without losing face among their supporters. 领导人需要找一个不会让他们在支持者中丢失面子的折衷办法。 Rather than giving in and losing face, she carried on her needless quarrel with her father. 她不想作出让步失掉面子,就继续无谓地和父亲吵下去。 loss of face /ˌlɒs əv ˈfeɪsǁˌlɔːs-/ [noun phrase] The government suffered a severe loss of face when details of the scandal emerged. 丑闻细节浮出,政府大失面子。 stigma /ˈstɪgmə/ [countable noun usually singular] a strong feeling of being hated by society and being ashamed because of your situation or your actions 〔指因自己的处境或行为而感到的〕羞辱,耻辱 Even when someone has been found innocent of a crime, the stigma often remains. 一个人即使已经被证明无罪,但是耻辱往往会一直伴随着他。stigma of At first I found the stigma of being unemployed very difficult to cope with. 起初我感到很难忍受失业的耻辱。a stigma attached to something In many countries there is still a strong social stigma attached to homosexuality. 在许多国家,同性恋仍被社会认为是一种奇耻大辱。3 to make someone feel ashamed 使某人感到羞愧 make somebody (feel) ashamed /ˌmeɪk somebody fiːl əˈʃeɪmd/ [verb phrase] At first the neighbor's generosity made her feel ashamed. 起初,邻居的慷慨使她感到羞愧。 What I saw in the schools made me ashamed of my views - it was clear to me that most students really want to learn. 我在学校里所见到的使我为自己的观点感到羞愧—我清楚地看到,多数学生是真的想学习的。 shame somebody /ˈʃeɪm somebody/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel ashamed 使某人蒙羞 People with leprosy were shamed and driven out of their communities. 那时麻疯病人受到羞辱,并被逐出社区。shame somebody into (doing) something Many people have been shamed into silence when it comes to discussing their sex lives. 谈到性生活,许多人都羞于启齿。it shames somebody to do something It shamed her to realize how long she had been involved with Claude. 想到自己居然跟克劳德纠缠了那么久,她感到很羞愧。 humiliate /hjuːˈmɪlieɪt/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel very ashamed and upset, especially by making them look weak or stupid 羞辱;使蒙耻〔尤指使某人显得卑微或愚蠢〕 Why do you always have to humiliate me in front of your friends? 你为什么老要让我在你朋友面前丢脸? The invading army took every opportunity to humiliate the local peasants. 侵略军抓住每个机会羞辱当地的农民。 disgrace /dɪsˈgreɪs/ [transitive verb] if you disgrace yourself or disgrace your family, your school etc, you behave very badly so that other people lose respect for you or for your family or school 〔因举止非常不得体而〕使〔自己、家人或学校等〕丢脸;使受耻辱 She didn't tell anyone that she was pregnant for fear of disgracing her family. 她没跟任何人说她怀孕了,怕给家里人丢脸。 My grandmother thought I was disgracing myself, following Tim around like a love-sick puppy. 我祖母觉得我这样很丢人,到处跟着蒂姆,就像一条怀春的小狗。 bring shame on /brɪŋ ˈʃeɪm ɒn/ [verb phrase] to make people lose respect for yourself, your family, country etc because you have behaved badly 给…带来耻辱 The MP was accused of bringing shame and humiliation on the whole party. 这位议员被指责给全党带来了耻辱。 The shooting of an innocent man has brought shame on the entire police department. 这次开枪射击一名无辜男子的事件使整个警察部门蒙羞。 humiliating /hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪŋ/ [adjective] causing a complete loss of self-respect, especially because you have been made to look weak or stupid 丢脸的;使蒙受耻辱的〔尤指因别人使自己显得卑微或愚蠢〕 I had to apologize in front of everyone - it was so humiliating. 我不得不在众人面前道歉—这真是太丢脸了。 Prisoners are subjected to humiliating treatment and frequent beatings. 囚犯们受到羞辱,并常常遭到殴打。 Anderson suffered a humiliating defeat in the last election. 上次竞选中,安德森败得很不体面。 degrading /dɪˈgreɪdɪŋ/ [adjective] a situation or way of treating someone that is degrading makes them lose all their self-respect and makes them feel that they are completely worthless 〔处境或被对待的方式〕降低身份的,有辱人格的,丢脸的 These poor people live in the most degrading conditions. 这些穷人生活在极其卑微的条件下。degrading to Many of the remarks were degrading to women and minorities. 许多话都有辱妇女和少数族裔的人格。4 not feeling ashamed 不感到羞愧的 shameless /ˈʃeɪmləs/ [adjective] someone who is shameless or whose behaviour is shameless does not seem to feel ashamed about something that most people would be very ashamed about 无耻的,不知羞耻的 Lewis is shameless in making promises he doesn't intend to keep. 刘易斯信口许诺,却不觉羞耻。 This is just another shameless attempt by the Opposition to gain power at any cost. 这只是反对派又一次不惜代价篡夺权力的无耻行为。 unabashed /ˌʌnəˈbæʃt◂/ [adjective] not feeling embarrassed or ashamed about something that most people disapprove of or consider silly 〔对多数人不赞成或认为愚蠢的事〕不害羞的,不难为情的 Kendall is a nasty unabashed racist. 肯德尔是个无耻的种族主义者。 ‘I'd love to go!’ she said with unabashed enthusiasm. “我要去!”她热切地说道,一点也不觉得难为情。 unashamed /ˌʌnəˈʃeɪmd◂/ [adjective] not feeling embarrassed or ashamed about something that people might disapprove of 不知羞耻的 It's amazing how unashamed people are to discuss their problems on TV. 人们恬不知耻地在电视上大谈自己的问题,这很不可思议。unashamed of/about She was raised in a strict Catholic household but seems completely unashamed and relaxed about sex. 她在一个家教严格的天主教家庭长大,但是在性的问题上却是不知廉耻,非常放荡。 brazen /ˈbreɪzən/ [adjective] behaving in a very confident way that shows that you do not feel shame that you are doing something wrong 恬不知耻的,厚颜无耻的 His wife could no longer tolerate his brazen love affairs. 他妻子再也无法忍受他那些无耻的外遇了。 At first they were careful to keep their illegal practices secret, but as time went by, they grew more brazen. 起初,他们小心地给自己的非法行为严守秘密,但是渐渐地,脸皮就越来越厚了。 unrepentant /ˌʌnrɪˈpentənt◂/ [adjective] not feeling sorry for behaviour or ashamed of beliefs that most other people disapprove of 不改悔的,不悔悟的 Even after the rape conviction, Thayer remained unrepentant. 甚至在强奸案定罪之后,塞耶仍旧不知改悔。 Many consider the general an unrepentant and brutal tyrant. 许多人认为将军是个厚颜无耻的暴君。




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