INNOCENT1 innocent2 to say publicly that you are innocent3 when a law court decides that someone is innocentRELATED WORDSoppositeGUILTYsee alsoCRIMEJUDGEACCUSECOURT/TRIALHONESTGOOD1 innocent 无罪的innocent /ˈɪnəsənt/ [adjective]if someone isinnocent of a crime, they did not do it - use this especially about someone that other people think is guilty 无辜的,清白无罪的 ‘I didn't kill him - I'm innocent!’ Davies shouted. “我没有杀他;我是无辜的!”戴维兹大叫道。 Bates allowed an innocent man to go to jail for his crime. 贝茨让一个无辜的人为他犯下的罪行去坐牢。innocent of Jett maintains that he is completely innocent of the charges against him. 面对指控,杰特坚称自己是完全清白无辜的。be presumed innocentlegally treated as being innocent 以无罪处理 Under criminal law people are presumed innocent until proved guilty. 按刑法规定,人们在被证明有罪之前被认定是无罪的。innocence [uncountable noun]when you are not guilty of a crime 清白无罪 Her parents were convinced of her innocence. 她父母坚信她清白无罪。not guilty /nɒt ˈgɪlti/ [adjective]if someone is not guilty of a crime, they did not do it - use this especially when a court has officially decided that someone did not do a crime 无罪的,清白的〔尤用于法庭宣判某人无罪〕 You don't have anything to be afraid of if you are not guilty. 如果你没有罪,那就没什么可怕的。 The evidence will show that my client is absolutely not guilty, Your Honour. 法官大人,证据将表明我的当事人是完全清白的。not guilty of She was convinced he wasn't guilty of the crime, no matter what anyone said. 不管别人说什么,她相信他没犯那个罪行。verdict of not guiltyofficial judgement 无罪的判决 Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty. 短短几分钟后,由大牧场主组成的陪审团作出了无罪的判决。blameless /ˈbleɪmləs/ [adjective]not having done anything wrong, or not responsible for something bad that has happened 无罪的,清白的;〔对坏事〕没有责任的 None of us is completely blameless - we all knew something like this could happen. 我们中间没有谁完全没有过错一我们都知道像这样的事有可能会发生。 The women had made every effort to lead blameless lives. 这些妇女尽一切努力过无可指摘的生活。 Last week a special prosecutor ruled that the three officials were blameless. 上周一名特别检控官裁定那三名官员无罪。in the clear /ɪn ðə ˈklɪəʳ/ [adverb]informalif you arein the clear, it cannot be officially proved that you have done something illegal or criminal 【非正式】无法被证明有罪;不受嫌疑 If we all stick to the same story we'll be in the clear. 如果我们大家口径一致,我们就无法被证明有罪了。stay/keep in the clear By keeping his name off all the documents, he'd managed to stay in the clear. 由于所有文件上都没有他的名字,他终于无法入罪。put somebody in the clear The testimony of the two witnesses seemed to put Richardson in the clear. 两名证人的证词似乎为理查森洗脱了嫌疑。2 to say publicly that you are innocent 公开宣称自己无罪plead not guilty /ˌpliːd ˌnɒt ˈgɪlti/ [verb phrase]to say publicly and officially in a court of law, that you are innocent of a crime 〔在法庭上〕不认罪 According to Maloney's lawyer, she will plead not guilty. 据马洛尼的辩护律师说,她将不认罪。plead not guilty to Barkin pleaded not guilty to the rape charges in municipal court Thursday. 星期四在市政法庭上,巴尔金表示对他的强奸起诉不认罪。 After pleading not guilty to the charges of conspiracy, Davis was released on bail. 戴维斯对同谋的控告表示不认罪后被保释了。protest your innocence /prəˌtest jɔːr ˈɪnəsəns/ [verb phrase]to say repeatedly that you are innocent, especially when other people think that you are guilty 坚持说自己是清白无辜的 The men have protested their innocence for 25 years. 25年来,这些人坚持说自己是清白无辜的。 Schultz appeared in public again on Wednesday to protest her innocence and deny any wrong-doing. 舒尔茨周三又公开露面坚持她是无辜的,否认犯了任何过错。3 when a law court decides that someone is innocent 法庭判定某人无罪find somebody not guilty /ˌfaɪnd somebody ˌnɒt ˈgɪlti/ [verb phrase] We find the defendant not guilty, Your Honor. 法官大人,我们认定被告无罪。! Despite the large amount of evidence against him, the jury found Gibson not guilty. 尽管有大量不利证据,陪审团仍然裁决吉布森无罪。find sb not guilty of The two women were found not guilty of drug-trafficking. 这两名妇女被判定未犯有贩毒罪。 It took the jurors less than three hours to find Gessler not guilty of murder. 陪审员花了三个小时不到便认定格斯勒未犯有谋杀罪。acquit /əˈkwɪt/ [transitive verb usually in passive]if someone is acquitted by a law court, they are officially told they are not guilty of a crime 宣判…无罪 Few observers expect the jury to acquit Mr Hoskins. 几乎没有观察者料到陪审团会判定霍斯金斯先生无罪。 His lawyer thought he had a good chance of being acquitted at the trial, if no further evidence was found. 他的律师认为如果没有发现新的证据,他在审判时被判无罪的可能性很大。acquit somebody of something To her relief she was acquitted of all the charges laid against her. 对她的所有指控都被判不成立,使她感到宽慰。clear /klɪəʳ/ [transitive verb usually in passive]if youare cleared of a crime, a court of law says that you are innocent, because it is impossible to legally prove that you are guilty 宣判…无罪 After Pagones was cleared in court, he sued his accusers. 帕戈内斯被法庭宣判无罪后,他对指控他的那些人提出起诉。clear somebody of something A jury cleared the company of all criminal charges in connection with the accident. 陪审团宣布对这家公司的一切与此次事故相关的罪行起诉均不能成立。 Marshall was given his job back after being cleared of accusations that he abused drugs. 马歇尔被证明吸毒罪名不成立之后就复职了。