INSULT1 to be very rude to someone2 language or behaviour that insults someone3 words or actions that insult someoneRELATED WORDSsee alsoOFFENDRUDE1 to be very rude to someone 对某人非常无礼insult /ɪnˈsʌlt/ [transitive verb]to be very rude and unpleasant to someone, either by saying rude things to them or by making them feel stupid or unimportant 侮辱,冒犯 Jarvis was fired for insulting a customer. 贾维斯因侮辱一名顾客被解雇了。 They offered me $20 for a whole day's work - I felt really insulted. 他们给了我20美元作为我工作一天的报酬。我感到深受侮辱。be rude to /biː ˈruːd tuː/ [verb phrase]to speak or behave towards someone in a way that offends them 对…无礼 My mother doesn't like my boyfriend because he was rude to her once. 我母亲不喜欢我的男友,因为他有一次曾冒犯了她。 You shouldn't let her be so rude to you. 你不应该让她对你这么无礼。abuse /əˈbjuːz/ [transitive verb]to say a lot of rude, offensive, unpleasant things to someone, especially when you are angry with them 辱骂〔尤指愤怒时〕 The men were getting drunk on cheap beer and some had started abusing passers-by. 这些人喝了廉价啤酒已有醉意,其中有几个开始辱骂过路人。verbally abuseto say something very rude to someone 辱骂 The player was reported to the tournament director for verbally abusing match officials. 这名球员辱骂裁判,此事已向联赛主席报告。shout/scream/hurl abuse at /ˌʃaʊt, ˌskriːm, ˌhɜːʳl əˈbjuːs æt/ [verb phrase]to shout a lot of rude and offensive things at someone 大骂 The crowd screamed abuse as the two men accused of the murder left the court in police vans. 群众对乘警车离开法庭的两名被指控谋杀的男子高声大骂。 Strikers outside the factory gate were shouting abuse at anybody who tried to get past them. 厂门外的罢工者对任何试图突破他们的包围的人都破口痛骂。call somebody names /ˌkɔːl somebody ˈneɪmz/ [verb phrase]to try to offend someone by calling them rude names in the way that children do 〔儿童之间〕辱骂某人 He tried to make Oliver cry by hitting him, pulling his hair, and calling him names. 他对奥利弗又打又拉头发又是骂,想把他弄哭。 ‘She said I was a fat pig.’ ‘Oh, I've been called far worse names than that.’ “她骂我是头肥猪。”“哦,别人骂我骂得比这可难听多了。”be an insult /biː ən ˈɪnsʌlt/ [verb phrase]if an action or someone's behaviouris an insult, it offends you because it shows no respect 〔行动或行为〕是种侮辱 The pay offer of 2% was an insult. 付2%报酬的提议是种侮辱。be an insult to The girl's father claimed the portrait revealing his daughter's face was an insult to Islam. 女孩的父亲称这幅画展示了他女儿的面孔,这对其家族是一个侮辱。2 language or behaviour that insults someone 侮辱某人的语言或行为insulting /ɪnˈsʌltɪŋ/ [adjective]insulting remarks or behaviour are very rude and you feel offended by them 侮辱的,冒犯的 She started making insulting comments about the size of my stomach. 她开始对我肚子的大小说起了侮辱性的话。 I wasn't being deliberately insulting. I simply meant that more exercise would be good for you. 我不是故意在损人。我的意思不过是多参加运动对你有好处。 He was accused of using threatening or insulting behaviour and of assaulting a police officer. 他被指控做出了威胁性或是侮辱性的举动,并袭击了一名警察。 I find his behaviour towards me extremely insulting. 我发觉他对我的举止极具冒犯性。 Sexist language is very insulting to women. 带有性别歧视的语言对妇女极具冒犯意味。abusive /əˈbjuːsɪv/ [adjective]very rude and using offensive language 满口脏话的,恶言谩骂的 The woman became angry and abusive when she was not allowed into the hotel. 那名妇女被挡在旅馆外,于是就怒火冲天,破口大骂。 Smith was fined £500 for making foul and abusive comments to match officials. 史密斯因用脏话辱骂赛场裁判被罚500英镑。 Drunken football fans began directing a stream of abusive language at the policemen. 喝醉了酒的球迷开始用一串串脏话谩骂警察。 The way pupils use sexually abusive language to insult each other presents particular problems for teachers. 学生们使用下流脏话互相辱骂给教师带来了难题。3 words or actions that insult someone 侮辱某人的词语或行动insult /ˈɪnsʌlt/ [countable noun]something rude that someone says or does to someone else, that offends their intelligence, character, or appearance etc 侮辱,羞辱 Outside the pub, a drunk was shouting insults at everyone who came past. 酒馆外一个醉酒者高声辱骂每个过路人。 You mustn't wear your shoes inside the temple -- it is a great insult. 你决不可穿着鞋子进庙,这是大不敬。hurl insults (at somebody) People were hurling insults at the players as they walked off the pitch. 当球员从球场上走下来时,观众朝他们大声辱骂。take something as an insultbe insulted by it 认为某事是侮辱 I said something about her new hairstyle and she took it as an insult. 我就她的新发型说了几句话,她把我的话当作是侮辱。abuse /əˈbjuːs/ [uncountable noun]rude, offensive, or unpleasant things that someone says to someone else, especially when they are angry 谩骂,侮辱的话shout/scream/hurl abuse People were shouting abuse at the Prime Minister as he sped away in a large car. 首相坐上大车快速离去时,大家朝他高声谩骂。 An angry mob screamed abuse and hurled missiles during clashes with police yesterday. 在昨天与警方的冲突中,愤怒的暴民向警察又是辱骂又是投掷东西。 Demonstrators hurled abuse at councillors as they entered the council building in Glasgow. 格拉斯哥的示威群众在议员进入议会大楼时朝他们谩骂。term of abusea word used to insult someone 骂人话 By the late 1970s, the word ‘hippie’ had become a term of abuse. 到了20世纪70年代末,“嬉皮士”一词已成骂人话。torrent/stream of abusea lot of abuse 一串谩骂 Leaning out of the window, he let loose a stream of abuse. 他把身体斜探出窗外骂了一连串脏话。affront /əˈfrʌnt/ [countable noun usually singular]formala remark or action that offends someone because it treats them without any respect 【正式】侮辱,冒犯affront to She felt that his behaviour was an affront to her dignity as a human being. 她觉得他的举止是对她人格尊严的侮辱。 Lucy was so shocked by these affronts that she remained speechless for the rest of the evening. 露西对这些侮辱感到十分震惊,整个晚上余下的时间什么话也没说。personal affront Though I only intended it as a joke, he took it as a personal affront. 尽管我只不过是想开个玩笑,他却把这当作是我对他个人的侮辱。