

例句 ILLEGAL1 illegal2 an illegal action3 to do something that is illegalRELATED WORDSoppositeLEGALto take part in something illegal 参与某项非法活动 TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED (7)see alsoCRIMELAWSTEALCOURT/TRIALFORBIDRULE/REGULATIONRULE/REGULATION1 illegal 非法的 illegal /ɪˈliːgəl/ [adjective] forbidden by law 不合法的,非法的 Scott was arrested for being in possession of illegal drugs. 斯科特由于藏有非法毒品而被捕。 In those days, abortion was illegal. 那时候,堕胎是非法的。 Large numbers of illegal immigrants crossed the border at night. 大量非法移民在夜里越过边境。it is illegal (for somebody) to do something It is illegal to sell tobacco to children under 16. 把香烟出售给16岁以下的儿童是非法的。 Since 1990, it has been illegal for the US to develop or possess biological weapons. 自1990年起美国研制或拥有化学武器就属非法。make something illegal Gorbachev wanted to make all strikes illegal, but the Soviet parliament refused to accept such a ban. 戈尔巴乔夫想立法禁止一切罢工,但苏联议会拒绝接受这一禁令。 illegally [adverb] It is possible, of course, for computer users to illegally download games for free. 电脑使用者非法免费下载游戏当然是可能的。 be against the law /biː əˌgenst ðə ˈlɔː/ [verb phrase] to be illegal 违反法律规定,违法 Driving a car without insurance is against the law. 驾驶未上保险的车上路是违法的。it is against the law (for somebody) to do something In Britain, it's against the law to own a gun without having a licence. 在英国,无证持有枪支是违法的。 Nowadays it is against the law for a teacher to hit a child in any circumstances. 现在教师在任何情况下打小孩都是违法的。 be a crime /biː ə ˈkraɪm/ [verb phrase] if something is a crime it is illegal and you can be punished for it 是犯罪,属于犯罪活动 Violence in the home is a crime, just as much as violence from a stranger. 家庭暴力同陌生人暴力行为一样,都是犯罪。it is a crime (for somebody) to do something It should not be a crime for people to criticize their own government. 人民批评自己的政府不应该是犯罪。 unlawful /ʌnˈlɔːfəl/ [adjective usually before noun] illegal - use this especially about something that could be legal if the situation in which it was done was different 非法的〔尤指某种活动在不同的情况下是合法的〕 The court ruled that the raid had been unlawful. 法庭裁决该次搜查属非法行为。 unlawful employment practices 非法的雇用行为unlawful arrest/killing/imprisonment etc the illegal arrest, killing etc of someone 非法逮捕/杀人/禁锢等 Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest is entitled to compensation. 任何人遭到非法逮捕都有权得到补偿。 unlawfully [adverb] The teacher claimed that his contract was terminated unlawfully. 该教师称他的合同被非法终止了。 criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnəl, ˈkrɪmənəl/ [adjective only before noun] criminal activities/behaviour/offence etc activities, behaviour etc that can be severely punished by law 犯罪活动/犯罪行为/刑事犯罪等 Cruelty to animals is a criminal offence. 虐待动物是一种刑事犯罪。 It was estimated that Walker had made around £100,000 from his criminal activities. 据估计沃克从其犯罪活动中获得了10万英镑。 illicit /ɪˈlɪsɪt, ɪˈlɪsət/ [adjective usually before noun] illicit activities or goods are illegal and usually kept secret 〔活动或商品〕非法的 Illicit diamond exports are said to be worth over $200 million. 据称非法出口的钻石价值高于2亿美元。 Marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. 大麻仍然是美国最常见的非法毒品。 be against the rules /biː əˌgenst ðə ˈruːlz/ [verb phrase] if a type of behaviour or an activity is against the rules, it is not allowed by the rules of an organization, game etc 〔行为或活动〕违反规则,违反规定 Smoking in the school building is strictly against the rules. 在校舍内吸烟绝对违反校规。it's against the rules to do something It's against the rules to touch the ball with your hand. 用手触球是犯规的。2 an illegal action 违法行为 offence British /offense American /əˈfens/ [countable noun] an illegal action for which you can be punished 违法行为 Travelling on the train without a ticket is an offence. 不买票乘火车是违法行为。it is an offence (for somebody) to do something It is an offence for a shopkeeper to sell alcohol to anyone under 18. 商店向18岁以下的人出售酒类是违法的。commit an offence do something illegal 违法,犯罪 Davies claimed that he did not know he was committing an offence by accessing the website. 戴维斯说他不知道进入那网站是违法行为。criminal offence Driving when drunk is a criminal offence. 酒后驾车是刑事犯罪。serious offence The number of women convicted of serious offences is still relatively small. 被判犯有重罪的女性人数仍然相对较少。minor offence not serious 轻微违法行为 Motorists can be fined on the spot for minor offences, such as speeding. 汽车驾驶者轻微违反交通法规,如超速行驶之类可当场罚款。 infringement /ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/ [countable noun] an illegal action, especially one that breaks a law that protects someone's rights 违法行为;〔尤指对他人权利等的〕侵犯 infringement of The new rule was regarded as an infringement of the free-speech rights of government employees. 这一新规定被认为是对政府雇员的言论自由权的侵犯。 an infringement of Article 86 of the Treaty of Rome 违反《罗马条约》第86条的行为 violation /ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən/ [countable noun] an action that breaks a law or agreement, especially one that has been agreed by several different countries - use this about a serious illegal action 〔尤指对几个国家共通的法律或达成的协议的〕严重违反 violation of Any further fighting will be seen as a violation of the ceasefire agreement. 任何继续交战行为都将被视为对停火协定的践踏。flagrant/blatant violation of something one that is done without any attempt to hide it 对某事公然/明目张胆的违反 The United Nations described the invasion as ‘a flagrant violation of international law’. 联合国把这次入侵称为是“对国际法的公然践踏”。gross violation of something a very serious violation 严重违反某事 The way they treat women there represents a gross violation of human rights. 他们那里对待妇女的行为是在公然侵犯人权。in violation of something The UK government was found to be in violation of the European Convention. 英国政府被裁定违反了《欧洲公约》。 breach /briːtʃ/ [countable noun usually singular] something that a company or government does that breaks a particular law, especially when they do not do it intentionally 〔公司或政府〕违反,不履行〔某项法律,尤指无意的〕 breach of This is a clear breach of the 1994 Trade Agreement. 这显然违反了《1994年贸易协定》。breach of contract Workers who have lost their jobs plan to sue the company for breach of contract. 失去工作的工人打算起诉该公司违反合同。be in breach of something In future, six-monthly accounts will be required from those firms that are in breach of the rules. 今后将要求那些违反规定的公司每六个月报一次账目。 contravention /ˌkɒntrəˈvenʃənǁˌkɑːn-/ [countable noun usually singular] formal something a business, organization, or government does that breaks a particular law or part of an official agreement 【正式】〔企业、组织或政府对某法律或正式协议的〕违反;违背 in contravention of something Many shops and bars stayed open, in contravention of the Sunday trading laws. 许多商店和酒吧仍然开门营业,这违反了星期日贸易法规。contravention of It was a clear contravention of EU regulations. 这明显违反了欧盟的规定。3 to do something that is illegal 做非法的事 break the law /ˌbreɪk ðə ˈlɔː/ [verb phrase] If you break the law, you must expect to be punished. 如触犯法律,必定要受到惩罚。 You're breaking the law if you drive without wearing a seat belt. 驾车如不系好安全带即属违法。 In many cases, people who have been released from prison will break the law again. 许多从监狱释放的人会再度犯法。 commit /kəˈmɪt/ [transitive verb] commit a crime/an offence/burglary/murder etc to do something that is a crime, or that is a particular type of crime 犯罪/违例/犯盗窃罪/犯谋杀罪等 Detectives believe that the crime was committed at around 7.30 pm. 侦探认为罪案的发生时间大约在晚上7时30分。 Most violent crimes are committed by young men under the age of 25. 大部分暴力罪犯是25岁以下的男青年。 She later claimed that she did not realize she was committing an offense. 她后来声称自己并未意识到是在犯罪。 contravene /ˌkɒntrəˈviːnǁˌkɑːn-/ [transitive verb] if something a company or government does contravenes a particular law, it breaks that law, especially unintentionally - used especially in legal or official contexts 〔尤无意地〕违反,与…相抵触〔尤用于法律或正式文体〕 Penalties for contravening the laws on food hygiene have been increased. 对违反食品卫生法的处罚已加重了。 Any interference in one country's domestic affairs by another country contravenes the UN charter. 一国对另一国内政的干涉违反联合国宪章。 break the rules /ˌbreɪk ðə ˈruːlz/ [verb phrase] to do something that is not allowed by the rules of an organization, game etc 犯规,违反规定 Any student caught breaking the school rules was immediately sent to the Principal. 学生一旦被发现违反校规立刻被送到校长那里。break the rules on Athletes can be fined thousands of dollars for breaking the rules on steroid use. 违禁服用类固醇的运动员会被处以数千美元的罚款。 infringe /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/ [transitive verb] to break a law, especially one that protects someone's rights 违反;侵犯〔他人权利等〕 If a teacher makes copies of software for students, he or she is infringing copyright. 如果教师为学生复制软件,他就侵犯了版权。 Arrangements for widow's pensions infringed laws on equal pay and treatment. 对遗孀的抚恤金安排违反了有关公平薪酬和待遇的法律。




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