

例句 HAVE/NOT HAVEto have something1 to have something such as a television, car, house etc2 to have something with you3 to have something that you do not want4 to have a particular feature, quality, or abilityto not have something5 to not have something6 to not have any more of something7 to not have something you need8 to not allow yourself to have something you need9 to not have a particular substance, quality, feature etc10 to no longer have something importantRELATED WORDSto have an illness 得病 ILLNESS/DISEASEhave to 不得不 MUST/DON'T HAVE TOsee alsoGETOWN1 to have something such as a television, car, house etc 有某物,如电视机、汽车、房子等 have also have got especially British /hæv, həv ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] Most families in England have a car, and over 25% of them have two cars. 英格兰大多数家庭都拥有汽车,其中超过25%的家庭有两部车。 ‘Have you got a garden in your new place?’ ‘Yes, we have.’ “你的新居有花园吗?”“有的。” They have a houseboat out on the lake. 他们在湖上有间船屋。 ‘Do you have a phone here?’ ‘Yes sir, we do.’ “你们这儿有电话吗?”“有的,先生。” Have you got your own computer at home? 你家里有自己的电脑吗? with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] someone with something has that thing There aren't many people with cars in this part of town -- they're too poor. 镇上这地区有车子的人不多—他们太穷了。 Taking the bus across the country appeals to people with more time than money. 乘公共汽车走遍全国对于钱少时间多的人来说很有吸引力。 Anybody with shares in the company is urged to contact the receivers to register a claim. 凡持有该公司股份者必须与破产管理人联系作所有权登记。 own /əʊn/ [transitive verb] if you own something, especially something valuable such as a car, a house, or a company, it belongs to you legally 拥有〔尤指有价值的东西,如汽车、房子、公司等〕 Andy and his wife own a vacation home near the beach. 安迪和他妻子在海滩附近拥有一处度假的居所。 The company was previously owned by the French government. 这家公司早前由法国政府拥有。 American newspapers in different cities are often owned by the same company. 美国不同城市里的报纸经常为同一家公司所有。 possess /pəˈzes/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to have or own something, especially something valuable or important 【正式】拥有〔尤指有价值或重要的东西〕 The number of nations that possess nuclear weapons has risen. 拥有核武器的国家数量增多了。 Hamly admitted illegally possessing a handgun. 哈姆利承认自己非法拥有手枪。 The caller claimed to possess valuable information about the boy's whereabouts. 来电者称,他掌握了那名男孩下落的重要信息。2 to have something with you 身上带有某物 have also have got especially British /hæv, həv ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] Excuse me, do you have change for a dollar? 不好意思,你能把一美元换成零钱吗? Have you got a pen I could borrow? 你有笔我可以借用一下吗? Here, I have a map. 嗨,我这儿有一张地图。 I think you've got my tickets. 我想我的票在你那儿。 The dancers had elaborate costumes with long embroidered skirts. 舞蹈演员们穿着华丽的服装,包括长长的绣花裙子。 with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] someone with something has that thing now 有,带有 There's a man at the door with a parcel for you. 门口有个人有包裹给你。 A woman with a baby in a stroller was looking at clothes. 一名妇女把婴儿放在婴儿车上推着看衣服。 Rob is the guy with the blue jacket. 罗布是那个穿蓝夹克的家伙。 have something on you /ˌhæv something ˈɒn juː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be carrying something in your pocket, bag etc 随身带着某物 I don't have enough change on me for the parking meter. 我身上没有足够的零钱付停车费。 Jim is the only guy I know who always has a handkerchief on him. 吉姆是我知道的唯一一个身上总是带着手帕的人。 have something with you /ˌhæv something ˈwɪð juː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have something in your pocket, bag, hand etc 身上有某物 Her address is in my diary but I haven't got it with me. 她的地址在我记事本上,但是我没带记事本。 She had her camera with her on the hike. 她去远足时带着照相机。 You should have your identity card with you at all times. 你应该随身带着身份证。 have/keep something handy also have/keep something to hand /ˌhæv, ˌkiːp something ˈhændi, ˌhæv, ˌkiːp something tə ˈhænd/ [adverb] to have something near you, especially because you might need to use it 手头备着某物 have something handy/have something to hand When you call, have your credit card handy. 你打电话的时候手边要备好信用卡。 Before you begin make sure you have all the tools you need to hand. 开始之前一定要准备好所有要用的工具。keep something handy/keep something to hand Keep a fire extinguisher handy in the kitchen. 厨房里要备有一个灭火器。 Keep important telephone numbers to hand by the telephone. 把重要的电话号码放在电话机旁边。 have something in your possession /ˌhæv something ɪn jɔːʳ pəˈzeʃən/ [verb phrase not in progressive] formal to have something in your hand, pocket, bag etc, especially something illegal 【正式】拥有〔持有〕某物〔尤指非法的东西 The man who was arrested had an illegal firearm in his possession. 那名被捕的男子非法持有火器。 The drugs he had in his possession had an estimated street value of $15,000. 他持有的毒品黑市价估计达15,000美元。3 to have something that you do not want 拥有不想要的东西 be stuck with /biː ˈstʌk wɪð/ [verb phrase] It's only a rented house, so we're stuck with the decor. 这只是租来的房子,所以这样的装修我们只能将就了。 As a result of the financial collapse many people are stuck with worthless investments. 由于金融崩溃,许多人手上都只得拿着一些毫无价值的投资。4 to have a particular feature, quality, or ability 具有某种特征、品质或能力 have also have got especially British /hæv, həv ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] Although she's eighty she has an excellent memory. 她虽然已经80岁了,可是记忆力非常好。 Kids have wonderful imaginations, and it is natural for them to create imaginary friends. 儿童有着丰富的想象力,他们自然就会想象出一些朋友来。 The hotel only had two double rooms and they were both occupied. 这家旅店只有两间双人房,而且都已有住客了。 The jacket has two side pockets and two more pockets inside. 这件夹克两边都有口袋,里面还有两个口袋。 Her brother's got long dark hair and blue eyes. 她哥哥有一头长黑发,长着一双蓝眼睛。 with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] use this after a noun to describe the qualities or features that someone or something has 具有〔某种品质或特征,用于名词后〕 We booked a room with a sea view. 我们订了一间海景房。 The company needs more people with marketing experience. 公司需要更多有市场推广经验的人。 Katrina's over there in front of that man with red hair. 卡特里娜在那儿,那个红头发男人的前面。 there is/there are /ðeər ɪz, ðeər ɑːʳ/ use this to describe the things that a place has 〔某处〕有〔某物〕 It's a big house - there are five bedrooms. 房子很大—有五间卧室。 There are lots of old temples and gardens to visit in Kyoto. 京都有许多古寺和花园可以游览。 There's an Olympic-sized swimming pool on campus. 校园里有一个具有奥运会规模的游泳池。 possess /pəˈzes/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to have a particular ability, feature, or quality 【正式】有;具有〔某种能力、特征或品质〕 He possessed an unusual ability to learn languages quickly. 他有一种特殊的能力,学语言很快。 Like all towns and villages on Trinidad, it possessed a cricket ground. 和特立尼达的所有村镇一样,这儿也有一个板球场。 The Western Highlands possess a beauty and a majesty found nowhere else in Britain. 西部高地的风光雄伟壮丽,这在英国其他地方是没有的。 of /əv, ə, strong ɒvǁəv, ə, strong ɑːv/ [preposition] especially written if someone or something is of a particular feature, quality, or ability, they have that feature etc, especially if it is something good 【尤书面】有…的〔尤指有好的特征、品质或能力等〕 Father was a man of great integrity and honesty. 父亲是个非常正直诚实的人。 an area of outstanding beauty 风景秀丽的地区 She was an actress of great skill. 她是个演技精湛的演员。 enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to have special advantages, conditions, abilities etc that are better than the ones that other people or things have 【正式】享受,享有〔特别的优势、条件或能力等〕 Some of the workers enjoy a relatively high degree of job security. 其中有些工人工作比较稳定。 When first introduced on the market, these products enjoyed great success. 这些产品刚刚引入市场就大受欢迎。 be blessed with /biː ˈblest wɪð/ [verb phrase] to have something such as a useful ability, a good feature, or an important advantage - used formally or humorously 有幸拥有〔有用的能力、好的特征、重要的优势等;尤作正式或幽默的用法〕 Londoners are blessed with some of the very best Thai restaurants in the country. 伦敦人有福气,他们有英国最好的一些泰国餐馆。 Justine was unfortunately not blessed with a sense of humour. 贾斯廷真是不幸,没有一丁点幽默感。 Few gardens are blessed with an ideal site. 很少有花园位于理想的地段。 be endowed with /biː ɪnˈdaʊd wɪð/ [verb phrase] formal to have something good, especially a natural ability or social advantage 【正式】天生具有,享有〔尤指天生的能力或社会优势〕 Hugh was young, handsome, and endowed with the privileges of class and education. 休年轻英俊,生来就有贵族和教育的特权。 Jefferson wrote that all citizens were endowed with ‘the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ 杰斐逊写道,所有公民都被赋予“生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。” boast /bəʊst/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if something such as a place, organization, or object boasts a good feature, it has that feature - used especially in advertisements and literature 〔地方、组织或物体〕拥有〔好的特征;尤用于广告和文学作品〕 The golf course is surrounded by hills and boasts some of the finest scenery in the country. 这个高尔夫球场群山环抱,拥有国内最美丽的景色。 Each luxury home boasts an indoor pool and three-car garage. 每一所豪华居室都拥有一个室内游泳池和一间可停放三辆汽车的车库。5 to not have something 没有某物 not have also haven't got especially British /nɒt ˈhæv, ˌhævnt ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive] I don't have any brothers or sisters. 我没有兄弟姐妹。 My parents haven't got a television. 我父母没有电视机。 The store didn't have the right type of glue in stock. 这家商店没有合用的胶水。 She hasn't got anything to wear for her interview. 她去面试没有衣服可穿。 Haven't we got any more tomatoes? I need some for the salad. 我们没有番茄了吗?我做沙拉要用。not have something with you not have brought something with you 没有带某物 I'm sorry, I don't seem to have my credit card with me -- can I pay by cheque? 不好意思,我好像没有带信用卡—我付支票行吗? without /wɪðˈaʊtǁwɪðˈaʊt, wɪθˈaʊt/ [preposition] if you do something without something, you do not have or own that thing 没有〔指做某事的时候〕 Billy came to class without his school books. 比利没有带课本就去上课了。 You can't get a passport without a birth certificate. 没有出生证就领不到护照。 There are so many people without jobs that companies receive hundreds of applications to each advertisement. 没有工作的人很多,公司一登招聘启事就会收到数百封求职信。 The schools are having to provide programs without adequate funding. 有些学校没有足够的经费,却又不得不开办这些课程。 be missing /biː ˈmɪsɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if something is missing, you do not have it because it has been lost, removed, or stolen 掉了,不见了;缺少 Two of her front teeth were missing. 她的两颗门牙掉了。 When I put my hand inside my pocket I discovered that my wallet was missing. 我把手伸进口袋,发现我的钱包不见了。have something missing The dog has part of his left ear missing. 那条狗左耳缺了一块。what's missing is/all that's missing is It's such a romantic setting -- all that's missing is the candles. 多浪漫的情调啊一唯一欠缺的就是蜡烛。6 to not have any more of something 没有更多的某物 not have any more/not have any left /nɒt hæv ˌeni ˈmɔː, nɒt hæv ˌeni ˈleft/ [verb phrase not in progressive] That was my last one -- I don't have any more. 那是我最后一个了,没有了。 I didn't have any time left to finish. 我没有时间去完成了。! The theatre didn't have any seats left when I went to get tickets. 我去买票的时候,剧院里已经没有位子了。 He didn't have any more questions. 他没有问题了。 be out of/run out of /biː ˈaʊt ɒv , ˌrʌn ˈaʊt ɒv/ [verb phrase/transitive phrasal verb] to not have something that you usually have or that you regularly use, because you have used or sold all of it 用完,耗尽;卖完 Looks like we're out of milk again -- can you go to the store for me? 看来我们又没有牛奶了一你帮我去商店跑一趟好吗? The store was out of the paint I wanted. 这家商店卖完了我要的油漆。 In the end she ran out of patience and started yelling. 最后,她失去耐心,开始大叫了起来。 Better take plenty of water -- we don't want to run out. 最好多带点水—不够用可不好了。7 to not have something you need 没有你所需要的某物 lack /læk/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to not have something that you need, especially something that you need in order to do something 缺少,缺乏〔尤指需要的东西〕 Tom lacks confidence and needs a lot of encouragement. 汤姆缺少自信,需要多加鼓励。 They lived in appalling conditions, lacking even the most primitive sanitation. 他们的生活条件令人震惊,甚至连最基本的卫生设施都没有。 lack [singular noun] lack of She showed a complete lack of interest in her own baby. 她对自己的宝宝毫无兴趣。 be without /biː wɪðˈaʊt/ [verb phrase] if someone is without food, water, clothes, or other important things that they need, they do not have them 没有〔食物、水、衣服等重要的东西〕 Over a million people in the Sudan have been without supplies of food and water for several months. 那儿有一百多万人已经有好几个月没有食物和水供应了。 Some towns are still without electricity after last week's storms. 上个星期的暴风雨之后,有些镇上到现在还是没有电。 go without /ˌgəʊ wɪðˈaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive] to not have something that you usually have, for example food or sleep 没有〔食物或睡眠等通常都有的东西〕 Lucas's soldiers had to go without food or water for several days. 卢卡斯手下的士兵好几天没有食物和水。 New parents go without much sleep for at least the first few months. 初为父母的人最起码在头几个月里睡不了多少觉。 There wasn't enough water to go around, and some people went without. 水不够大家分了,有些人就没有了。 do without/manage without /ˌduː wɪðˈaʊt, ˌmænɪdʒ wɪðˈaʊt/ [] to live your life or do something you want to do without having something you need or without someone's help 在没有…的情况下应付过去 For three years I managed without pain-killing drugs. 我有三年时间没有吃止痛药。 From May to November it is very hot, but the schools do without air-conditioning. 从5月份到11月份天气非常炎热,但学校里却没有空调设备。 Many of the young people here had never before had to do without. 这里的许多年轻人以前从来都不曾缺少过什么。 through lack of something/for lack of something/for want of something /θruː ˈlæk əv something, fəʳ ˈlæk əv something, fəʳ ˈwɒnt əv something ǁ-ˈwɑːnt-/ [preposition] if something happens through lack of a particular thing, it happens because there is not enough of that thing available or because there is none at all 因为缺少某物 Crops and animals died through lack of rain. 因为缺少雨水,庄稼和牲口都死了。 The case was abandoned for lack of evidence. 因为缺乏证据,此案撤诉了。 We haven't yet quite succeeded, but not for want of trying. 我们还没有完全成功,但并不是我们没去努力。8 to not allow yourself to have something you need 不允许自己拥有需要的东西 do without/go without /ˌduː wɪðˈaʊt, ˌgəʊ wɪðˈaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to choose or decide not to have something, especially because there is not enough of it, because you need to save money, or for religious reasons 不要,放弃〔尤因为东西不够,想省钱或出于宗教上的原因〕 His parents often did without lunch or supper so that he could have more. 他的父母经常不吃午饭或晚饭,好让他可以多吃一点。 During the month of Ramadan, Muslims go without food and drink between the hours of sunrise and sunset. 斋月里,穆斯林从日出到日落的时间里不吃也不喝。 Meat was expensive and a lot of people went without. 肉很贵,许多人就不吃了。 Cuts have to be made, and city residents need to think about what services they can do without. 开支必须削减下来,市民们需要想想,哪些服务是可以省去不要的。 deny yourself /dɪˈnaɪ jɔːʳself/ [verb phrase] to not do or have things you enjoy because you think this will be good for you 戒绝,不让自己拥有 Girls who constantly deny themselves food in order to get thin rarely do well at school. 经常为减肥不吃东西的女孩子,很少有学习成绩好的。 I worked hard, lived frugally, and denied myself material goods in order to achieve financial security. 我工作勤奋,生活节俭,不让自己享受任何物质上的东西,为的就是要有经济上的保障。 abstain /əbˈsteɪn/ [intransitive verb] to not do something that you usually do or that you want to do, especially for health or moral reasons 戒除〔尤出于健康或道德原因〕 The sex education program encourages teens to abstain. 这个性教育节目劝勉青少年不要有性行为。abstain from Catholics are supposed to abstain from meat on Good Friday. 天主教徒在受难日当天要禁肉。abstain from doing something Trial volunteers are told to abstain from watching TV for a month. 参加试验的志愿者被告知要禁看一个月的电视。 abstinence /ˈæbstɪnəns/ [uncountable noun] a season of fasting and abstinence 禁食禁欲的季节 forgo also forego /fɔːʳˈgəʊ/ [transitive verb] formal to not have or do something good or something you enjoy, especially for moral reasons, because of your principles etc 【正式】弃绝,放弃〔好的东西或开心的东西,尤出于道德上的原因,或因为这是你的原则〕 Senior board members have offered to forgo their annual bonuses this year. 高层的董事会成员已经主动提出放弃今年的年度奖金。 Novices were expected to forgo all earthly pleasures and concentrate on the hereafter. 见习修士必须放弃所有尘世间的乐趣,潜心于来世的问题。9 to not have a particular substance, quality, feature etc 没有某一物质、品质、特征等 not have also haven't got especially British /nɒt ˈhæv, ˌhævənt ˈgɒtǁ-ˈgɑːt/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive] He doesn't have much of a sense of humor. 他没有多少幽默感。 Her little girl doesn't seem to have any fear at all. 她的小女儿好像什么都不怕。 It doesn't really have any practical use. 这其实没有什么实际的效用。 She said she hasn't got as much pain in her leg as she used to. 她说她的腿没有以前痛了。 lack /læk/ [transitive verb] if someone or something lacks a particular substance, quality, feature, or ability, they have never had it 缺乏,缺少 He lacked the energy to argue with him. 他没有精力和他争论。 Many people lack adequate pension arrangements. 许多人都没有足够的养老金安排。 Glenn has the discipline that Forman lacks. 格伦有自我管制的能力,这是福曼所没有的。 without /wɪðˈaʊtǁwɪðˈaʊt, wɪθˈaʊt/ [preposition] not having or containing a particular substance, feature etc 没有,不具备 ‘With or without sugar?’ ‘Without, please!’ “放不放糖?”“不放,谢谢!” ‘Gourmet Food without Salt’ is aimed at people with high-blood pressure. “无盐美食”是给血压高的人食用的。 He was without any sense whatsoever. 他根本没有头脑。 there isn't/there aren't /ðeər ˈɪzənt, ðeər ˈɑːʳnt/ use this to describe the things that a place or thing does not have 〔某处〕没有 There aren't enough ladies’ rooms at the stadium. 体育场里没有足够的女洗手间。 There wasn't a decent restaurant for miles. 几英里之内没有一家像样的餐馆。 be free from /biː ˈfriː frɒm/ [verb phrase] if a product, food, or drink is free from a substance, especially one that is harmful, it does not contain that substance 〔产品、食物、饮料〕不含〔尤指有害的物质〕 The new shampoo uses only natural products and is completely free from artificial colouring and preservatives. 这种新的洗发水只用天然原料,不含任何人工色素和防腐剂。 Organic produce is free from harmful chemicals. 有机农产品不含有害化学物质。 -free /friː/ [adjective] sugar-free/fat-free/lead-free etc not containing sugar, fat, lead etc - use this especially about things that have been deliberately made this way 不含糖/脂肪/铅等的〔尤指有意做成这种样子的〕 a sugar-free soft drink 无糖软饮料 It looks like wine and tastes like wine, but it's almost alcohol-free. 这看上去像葡萄酒,喝起来也像葡萄酒,但却几乎不含酒精。10 to no longer have something important 不再有重要的某物 lose /luːz/ [transitive verb] to no longer have something important or valuable, such as your job or your home, because it has been destroyed or taken away from you 失去,失掉,丢失〔如工作或家园〕 I'll lose my job if the factory closes. 如果工厂关门,我就要失业。 We lost our home and all our belongings in the fire. 我们在大火中失去了家园,失去了所有的东西。lose your sight/hearing etc lose the ability to see/hear etc 失去视力/听力等 Professor Wilkes lost his sight in an accident three years ago. 威尔克斯教授在三年前的一场事故中丧失了视力。 cost /kɒstǁkɔːst/ [transitive verb not in passive] if a mistake, accident etc costs you something important such as your job or your health, you lose that important thing because of it 使付出〔代价〕,使丧失〔如工作、健康等〕 cost somebody something Another mistake like that could cost you your job. 那样的错误再犯一次,你就会丢掉工作。 All this delay has cost the company an important contract. 这种延误已经使公司丢掉了一份重要的合同。cost somebody his/her life Larry's years of hard drinking and living almost cost him his life. 拉里长期酗酒和艰苦的生活差一点要了他的命。 at the cost of /ət ðə ˈkɒst ɒvǁ-ˈkɔːst-/ [preposition] if you achieve something at the cost of something else, you lose something of great importance or value as a result of what you achieve 以…为代价 An increase in profits was achieved, but only at the cost of hundreds of jobs. 利润增加是实现了,但代价却是有数百人丢了工作。 be a high price to pay /biː ə ˌhaɪ ˌpraɪs tə ˈpeɪ/ [verb phrase] if something is a high price to pay, losing or damaging it is so bad that the advantage you gain as a result is not worth it 代价很高 be a high price to pay for The pollution of our rivers is a high price to pay for agricultural development 我们的河流遭到污染,是发展农业所付出的一个巨大代价。 Most people know now that getting sunburnt is a high price to pay for a quick tan. 大多数人现在知道,晒伤是短时间里晒黑皮肤所要付出的高昂代价。be too high a price to pay (for) The new road has made life easier for commuters, but some say it is too high a price to pay. 这条新修的道路给通勤者的生活带来了方便,但是有些人说代价太大了。




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