FIND OUT1 to find out about something2 to find out something new or something that was secret3 when something is found out4 to find out the exact cause of something5 to find out information from someone6 to try to find out something private or personal7 to try and find out about an accident, crime etc8 the process of finding out about something9 something that you find out10 someone who likes to find out about things11 someone whose job is to find out about somethingRELATED WORDSsee alsoKNOW/NOT KNOWLOOK FORLEARNSECRET1 to find out about something 发现某事find out /ˌfaɪnd ˈaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]to get information about something, either by chance or by deliberately trying to get it 问清;查明;弄清 ‘Do you have these shoes in size 8?’ ‘I'm not sure - I'll just go and find out.’ “你这里有没有8号尺码的这款鞋?”“我不清楚,我去查一查。” When we found out the price we were shocked. 我们知道价格后都吃了一惊。find out what/where/whether etc I'll go and find out which platform the train leaves from. 我去查一下这趟火车从哪个站台出发。 Dad was really mad at me when he found out where I'd been. 爸爸知道我去了哪儿后,他简直气疯了。find out about He's trying to find out about Japanese classes in the area. 他正试图搞清楚这一领域有什么日语课程可以修读。find out something/find something out Could you find out his address for me, please? 你能帮我查出他的地址吗? ‘John's been married twice.’ ‘How did you find that out?’ “约翰已结婚两次了。”“你怎么知道的?”find out (that) She found out that her husband was having an affair. 她发现丈夫有外遇。discover /dɪsˈkʌvəʳ/ [transitive verb]to find something out, especially something that is surprising or something that is difficult to find out.Discover is more formal thanfind out弄清,查明〔尤指难以查明的信息;discover 比find out更为正式〕 Fire officers are still trying to discover the cause of the fire. 消防员仍在设法查清起火原因。discover (that) I began to learn the guitar, and discovered that I was pretty good at it. 我开始学弹吉他,发现自己学得不错。 She discovered the job wasn't as easy as it might seem. 她发现这项工作不像看起来那么容易。discover how/why/what etc They never discovered who the murderer was. 他们一直未查出凶手是谁。see /siː/ [intransitive/transitive verb]especially spokento get the information that you want by going somewhere to look, or by doing something and noticing what happens 【尤口】看一看,弄清楚 ‘Is he ready yet?’ ‘I don't know - I'll go and see.’ “他准备好了吗?”“我不知道,我去看看。”see if/whether See if the rice is done while you're in the kitchen, will you? 你在厨房里就看看饭好了没有,行吗?see how/where/what etc Can you see who's at the door? 你能去看看是谁在门外吗? Let's see what happens if we add some oil. 我们加点油,看看会怎么样。hear /hɪəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive]to know about something because someone has told you, you have read about it, seen it on television etc 听说 ‘Nina's quit her job.’ ‘Yes, so I've heard.’ “尼娜辞职了。”“是的,我也这么听说了。”hear about How did you hear about our company? 你是怎么听说过我们公司的? We've heard such a lot about you from our daughter. 我们从女儿那里听到了很多有关你的事。hear (that) I hear you're moving to Toronto. 我听人说你要搬往多伦多去了。hear whether/if When will you hear whether you've got the job? 你何时能知道你是否得到这份工作?hear what/why/how etc I suppose you've heard what happened? 我估计你已听到发生的事了?be told /biː ˈtəʊld/ [verb phrase]to find out about something because someone tells you 被告知be told (that) He was told that Anna had left some time ago. 有人告诉他安娜已经离开了。 Visitors have been told the building will be used as a museum. 参观者被告知这幢建筑将被用作博物馆。so I'm toldspoken ‘Is it true that she's moving to Hollywood?’ ‘So I'm told.’ “她真的要搬到好莱坞去吗?”“我是这么听说的。”find /faɪnd/ [transitive verb]especially writtentofind out a fact orfind out that something is true, especially by asking questions 【尤书面】发现,了解到find that We found that, despite their poverty, very few people wanted to leave the area. 我们发现尽管这些人很穷困,却极少有人想离开这一地区。 Researchers found that smokers were more likely to get depressed than non-smokers. 研究人员发现吸烟者比起不吸烟的人更容易情绪沮丧。learn /lɜːʳn/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive]to find out something because someone tells you, you read it somewhere etc 了解,知道 I doubt if we will ever learn the truth. 我怀疑我们是否能够了解到真相。learn of/about She learned of her mother's death when it was announced on the radio. 她从电台广播中知道了母亲的死讯。learn (that) Several months ago, McNair learned that he had cancer. 几个月前麦克奈尔知道自己患了癌症。gather /ˈgæðəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive]to know a piece of information because that is what you hear people saying and not because you have been told it directly 〔根据听说的〕推测,猜测gather (that) I gather you've decided not to resign after all. 我猜想你终究还是决定不辞职了。 Despite my limited Spanish, I gathered that there was a problem with my passport. 虽然我的西班牙语很有限,但我还是推测出是我的护照有问题。from what somebody can gatheraccording to what I have found out 据某人所知 From what I can gather, there has been fighting further down the valley. 据我所知,山谷里一直进行着战斗。come to somebody's attention/notice /ˌkʌm tə somebodyˈs əˈtenʃən, ˈnəʊts/ [verb phrase]formalif something such as a problem or a mistakecomes to someone's attention ornotice, that person finds out about it, especially because someone else tells them about it 【正式】某人注意到,某人发现 Illegal trading first came to the attention of top management in late April. 最高管理层最早是在4月底注意到非法交易的。come to sb's attention/notice that It has come to my notice that your account is overdrawn by £200. 我注意到你的账户已透支200英镑。hear through/on the grapevine /ˌhɪəʳ θruː, ɒn ðə ˈgreɪpvaɪn/ [verb phrase]to find out about something because the information has been passed on from one person to another in conversation 从传言中听说,通过口耳相传得知 ‘How did you find out she was leaving?’ ‘I heard it through the grapevine.’ “你怎么知道她要走了?”“我是从小道消息听说的。”hear through/on the grapevine that I heard on the grapevine that Josie and Tom are expecting a baby. 我从小道消息听说乔茜和汤姆要有孩子了。2 to find out something new or something that was secret 发现新的或秘密的东西find out /ˌfaɪnd ˈaʊt/ [] He just had to hope he'd get away with it and that nobody would find out. 他只得希望这件事他能躲过去,没人会发现。 She doesn't want people to find out her age. 她不想让人知道自己的年龄。 You read her diary? Just make sure she never finds out! 你看了她的日记了?可千万别让她发现!find out what/why/how etc Dad was furious when he found out where I was living. 爸爸发现我住什么地方后气极了。find out about It's a surprise party, so I don't want her to find out about it. 这是一次惊喜聚会,所以我不想让她事先知道。find out (that) It was three months before my parents found out I'd been going out with Peter. 父母三个月之后才发现我在和彼得约会。find somebody outfind out someone's secret 【英】发现某人的秘密British It won't work. Someone's bound to find you out eventually. 这不行的,你最终会被人发现的。uncover/unearth /ʌnˈkʌvəʳ, ʌnˈɜːʳθ/ [transitive verb]to find out information that has been deliberately kept secret, especially while you are studying or examining a particular subject 揭开;发现〔故意隐藏的秘密,尤指在研究或调查某问题时〕 Detectives have uncovered a plan to smuggle illegal weapons into the country. 侦探发现了走私非法武器入境的阴谋。 Lawyers unearthed evidence that he held several bank accounts. 律师发现了他有几个银行账户的证据。dig up /ˌdɪg ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]to find out information by searching carefully for it, especially information about someone's past that they have deliberately tried to keep secret 发现;查清〔尤指某人试图保密的过去〕dig something up/dig up something I wanted to dig a few more facts up for my article. 我想为我的文章再查清一些实据。dig up dirt on somebodyfind out something bad about someone 查出某人的丑事 Politicians try to dig up dirt on their opponents. 政客们试图挖出政敌的丑事。dig something up on somebody He wanted as much evidence as could be dug up on the girl. 他想尽可能多地查探出有关那个女孩的证据。get at /ˈget æt/ [transitive phrasal verb]to find something out, especially the truth about a situation, or facts that someone has tried to hide 发现;掌握〔尤指某一情形的真相或某人企图隐瞒的事实〕 It's hard to get at the facts when people are afraid to speak out. 如果人们不敢站出来说话,那就很难掌握事实了。 He was a good reporter, who wanted to get at the truth and present it without bias. 他是一位优秀的记者,总是力争把握真相,报道时不带偏见。get wind of /ˌget ˈwɪnd ɒv/ [verb phrase]informalto find out about a situation or something that is going to happen, especially when it is supposed to be secret 【非正式】得到有关…的消息;听到…的风声 Reporters somehow got wind of the fact that Carr was going to be arrested. 记者们不知从哪里得到风声说卡尔要被抓起来了。get wise to /ˌget ˈwaɪz tuː/ [verb phrase]informalto find out about something such as a trick or an illegal activity 【非正式】发觉〔诡计或非法活动等〕 The police parked an empty patrol car there to reduce speeding, but drivers got wise to it pretty quickly. 警察将一辆无人的巡逻车停在那里来减少超速驾驶,但驾驶者很快就识破了这一招。3 when something is found out 某事被发觉come out /ˌkʌm ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb]if something that people knew nothing aboutcomes out, people find out about it, especially as a result of an official inquiry 披露;公之于众〔尤指正式调查的结果〕 The truth about the scandal came out long after he had left office. 他离职后很久这则丑闻才真相大白。 A few new facts came out at the trial. 审判过程中有一些新的事实被披露。it comes out that During the hearing it came out that she had tried to commit suicide. 在审讯过程中披露了她曾企图自杀。come to light/be brought to light /ˌkʌm tə ˈlaɪt, biː ˌbrɔːt tə ˈlaɪt/ [verb phrase]if new information or a new factcomes to light oris brought to light, people find out about it 〔新的信息或事实〕被发现;出现 Fresh evidence has come to light since the report was published. 报道刊登后,出现了新的证据。 Some serious problems have been brought to light by the latest report on health and safety. 最近一篇关于健康与安全的报告使一些严重的问题暴露了出来。it comes to light that/it is brought to light that It came to light that the CIA knew he was a security risk. 后来发现中央情报局已清楚他是个对安全构成威胁的人物。emerge /ɪˈmɜːʳdʒ/ [intransitive verb]if factsemerge from a meeting or an inquiry, people find out about them 〔事实在会上或在调查中〕被知晓;显露;暴露 More details of the plan emerged at yesterday's meeting. 昨天的会上又披露出这一计划的更多细节。it emerges that During the court case it emerged that both men had convictions for terrorist offences. 法庭审判过程中披露了两名男子都犯过恐怖主义罪。leak /liːk/ [transitive verb]if someone within a government or organization leaks official information, they secretly tell the public or a newspaper about it 泄露,透露〔官方信息或秘密〕 Someone at the Pentagon leaked a letter from the Secretary of Defense. 五角大楼内部有人将国防部长的一封信的内容泄露了出去。 Information on the merger had been leaked to the press. 购并的信息被人透露给了报界。get out /ˌget ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb]if a piece of informationgets out, people find out about it even though other people have tried very hard to keep it secret 〔信息〕被泄露 If any of this gets out, we'll be in serious trouble. 如果这件事有一点被泄露,我们的麻烦就大了。word/news etc gets out If word gets out that Jordan is here, we'll be mobbed. 如果乔丹在这里的消息被传出去,我们会被包围。it gets out that If it gets out that we knew about this, we'll lose all our clients. 如果我们早就知道这件事被泄露出去,我们就会失去所有的客户。it transpires that /ɪt trænˈspaɪəʳz ðət/formalifit transpires that something is true, people find out that it is true 【正式】被人知道;得知 It now transpires that the prime minister knew about the deal all along. 现在得知首相一直都知道这笔交易。4 to find out the exact cause of something 发现某事的确切原因determine /dɪˈtɜːʳmɪn, dɪˈtɜːʳmən/ [transitive verb]to find out the exact details or facts about something, especially by using technical methods and equipment 确定;查明;测定〔某事物的确切细节或事实,尤指通过技术方法和设备〕 ‘Web police’ are often able to determine the exact source of unwanted mailings on the Internet. “网络警察”常能够查明互联网上垃圾电子邮件的确切来源。determine what/why/how etc Quizzes are used to determine how much material students have learned. 小测验用来检查学生掌握了多少学习内容。determine that A survey of traffic accidents determined that seat belts reduced serious injuries by up to 90%. 对交通事故的调查显示,系安全带能减少高达90%的受重伤的机率。establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ [transitive verb]to find out facts that will prove how something happened or what caused it 证实,查明,找到〔某事的经过或起因〕 We haven't yet established the cause of the accident. 我们尚未查明事故的起因。establish that It was quickly established that several members of the crew had been negligent. 事情很快就证实了,有几名机组人员玩忽职守。establish how/where/why etc They are carrying out research to establish exactly why so many species of songbird are disappearing. 他们正在进行研究以确定那么大量种类的鸣禽灭绝的原因。identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ, aɪˈdentəfaɪ/ [transitive verb]to find out exactly what the cause or origin of something is 查明;确定〔某事的起因或原由〕 After years of research, scientists have identified the virus that is responsible for the disease. 经过多年的研究,科学家确定了引起这种疾病的病毒。 Experts are examining the wreckage, but the cause of the accident has not yet been identified. 专家们正在检查残骸,但事故的起因尚未查明。pinpoint /ˈpɪnpɔɪnt/ [transitive verb]to find out exactly what something is, when something happened, or what exactly is causing something 查找,确定〔某物是什么、某事何时发生或某事的起因〕 Investigators are trying to pinpoint the cause of the fire. 调查人员正设法查明火灾的起因。 Mechanics are having difficulty pinpointing the problem. 技工在查找故障原因时遇到了困难。pinpoint what/how/when etc The test is meant to pinpoint which types of jobs you are suited for. 这一测验旨在确定你适合做哪一类工作。diagnose /ˈdaɪəgnəʊzǁ-nəʊs/ [transitive verb]to find out what is wrong with someone or something, especially what illness someone has, by making a careful examination 断定〔某人或某物的问题所在〕;诊断 If cervical cancer is diagnosed in its early stages, it can be cured. 子宫颈癌如果在早期阶段得到确诊就能治愈。diagnose somebody as having somethingfind out that they have a particular disease 诊断某人患有某病 Several years ago, she was diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease. 几年前,她被诊断患有阿尔茨海默病。diagnose something as something Programmers diagnosed the problem as a computer virus. 程序员确定这是个电脑病毒问题。diagnose what/how/where etc There are various methods for diagnosing what is wrong with a sick person. 确诊病人哪里出了问题有多种方法。diagnosis /ˌdaɪəgˈnəʊsɪs, ˌdaɪəgˈnəʊsəs/ [uncountable noun] Much progress has been made in the diagnosis of genetic diseases. 对遗传性疾病的诊断有了很大的进展。5 to find out information from someone 从某人处查问出信息find out /ˌfaɪnd ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb]tofind out information from someone by asking them questions or by forcing them to tell you 查出find out something ‘Did you find out her views on the subject?’ ‘No, she wouldn't tell me.’ “你问出她对这个问题的看法了吗?”“没有,她不愿告诉我。”find out what/how/when etc He asked me to find out what your plans are after you leave. 他要我搞清楚你离开后有何打算。find something out Will you see if you can find anything out about Sandy? 你能否问出有关桑迪的情况?get something out of /ˌget something ˈaʊt ɒv/ [verb phrase]informalto find out a particular piece of information from someone, especially by forcing them to tell you 【非正式】从…问出某事,迫…说出某事 Jed admitted he'd been at the scene, but that's all I could get out of him. 杰德承认他当时在场,但我能从他那里问出的就这么多。 We'll get the truth out of her sooner or later. 我们迟早能从她那儿问出真实情况。get information /ˌget ɪnfəʳˈmeɪʃən/ [verb phrase]to find out something from a person, a book, the Internet etc 〔通过人、书、互联网等〕得到信息 To get more information, telephone or contact us on our website. 欲知更多信息,可来电话或通过我们的网站联系。 You will be able to get most of the information you need from the school library. 你可从学校图书馆获得大部分所需的信息。get information about/on I've written to the tourist information centre to get some information about the area. 我已写信给旅游信息中心以得到有关这一地区的一些资料。extract /ɪkˈstrækt/ [transitive verb]formalto find out information from someone who does not want to give it, by asking them questions or by using physical force 【正式】设法获取,逼取;拷问 Police questioned the prisoner for several hours, but were unable to extract any further information. 警方对囚犯盘问了几个小时,还是无法得到更多的情报。extract something from somebody The court ruled that her confession had been unlawfully extracted from her. 法庭判定她的口供是通过非法手段逼取的。worm something out of /ˌwɜːʳm something ˈaʊt ɒv/ [verb phrase]to find out information from someone who is unwilling to give it, especially by being clever, making them feel they can trust you etc 从…套问出某事〔尤指通过骗取信任〕 He didn't want to tell me her name but I managed to worm it out of him. 他不想把她的姓名告诉我,但我设法套问出来了。drag something out of /ˌdræg something ˈaʊt ɒv/ [verb phrase]to get information from someone who does not want to tell you it, especially by asking a lot of questions 盘问出某事 If she doesn't want to tell you, there's no point in trying to drag it out of her. 假如她不愿告诉你,那么犯不着问她。6 to try to find out something private or personal 企图探听出私密的或个人的事snoop /snuːp/ [intransitive verb]to try to find out about someone's private affairs, especially by secretly looking in their house, examining their possessions etc 窥探;窥察 Bob caught her snooping through the papers on his desk. 鲍勃当场发现她在偷看他书桌上的文件。snoop on Technology is making it easier to snoop on just about anybody. 科技使得窥探几乎任何人都变得更容易了。snoop around/aboutBritish What are you doing snooping around in my room? 你在我房间里探头探脑地干什么?pry /praɪ/ [intransitive verb]to try to find out about someone's private life by asking a lot of personal questions in a way that people find rude or annoying 无礼地问别人的私事 My son hasn't given us a reason for his divorce, and we don't want to pry. 我儿子没说为什么要离婚,我们也不好冒昧问他。pry into Employers shouldn't try to pry into what a person does in the privacy of their own home. 雇主不该多管闲事,窥探别人在自己家里干什么。nose around/aboutBritish /ˌnəʊz əˈraʊnd, əˈbaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]informalto look around a place, especially someone's home or office, to try to find out things that do not really concern you 【非正式】四处寻找〔与自己不相干的事,尤指在某人家里或办公室里〕 The kids were nosing around in the attic and found a box of old photos. 小孩子们在阁楼上到处翻弄时发现了一盒旧照片。nose around an office/room/house etc I got suspicious when I found him nosing around my office early one morning. 有一天我发现他一大早在我办公室里翻找东西,我就起了疑心。7 to try and find out about an accident, crime etc 试图查清事故、犯罪活动等investigate /ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt, ɪnˈvestəgeɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to try to find out the truth about a crime, an accident, or a problem, especially by using careful and thorough methods 调查,侦查 Police are investigating an explosion at the city store. 警方正对市中心一家商店的爆炸案进行调查。 We sent our reporter, Michael Gore, to investigate. 我们派出记者迈克尔·戈尔去进行调查。 The commission will investigate the cause of the accident, focusing especially on safety issues. 委员会将对这起事故的原因进行调查,尤将着重调查安全问题。make inquiries/enquiries /ˌmeɪk ɪnˈkwaɪəriz/ [verb phrase]especially Britishto ask people questions about a person, crime, accident etc in order to find out information about it 【尤英】作调查,进行追查 A reporter who tried to make inquiries was arrested. 一名想作调查的记者被捕。make inquiries/enquiries into/about Police are making inquiries into the theft of a quantity of explosives. 警方正在追查一宗炸药盗窃案。 He had made a few inquiries and learnt that she inherited the money from her father. 他作了一些侦查,发现这笔钱是她从父亲那里继承来的。go into /ˌgəʊ ˈɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]to try to find out the facts of a situation in order to explain why it happened 深究,彻底调查 ‘How did Blake manage to escape?’ ‘That's something that we will have to go into.’ “布莱克是怎么逃脱的?”“这件事我们要好好查一查。” The headteacher promised the parents that he would be going into the matter of bullying very thoroughly. 校长向家长保证他将对欺负同学的事作彻底追查。probe /prəʊb/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to carefully and thoroughly try to find out all the facts about a situation, especially when someone wants to keep these a secret 探查,查究〔尤指某人想要保密的事〕 The Secretary of State is probing claims of election fraud. 国务卿正对选举作弊一事进行查究。probe for Reporters began probing for more information. 记者们开始探查更多的信息。probe into The press have been criticised for probing too deeply into the actor's private life. 报界被批评为对该演员的私生活探查得过了分。look into /ˌlʊk ˈɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]if someone in an official positionlooks into a problem or bad situation, they try to find out more about it so that the situation can be improved 调查,研究〔以期情况得到改善〕 The manager promised to look into my complaint. 经理答应对我的投诉进行调查。 Police are looking into the possibility that the bomb warning was a hoax. 警方在调查炸弹警告是谎报的可能性。 Callahan hired me to look into the accident. 卡拉汉雇我对此次事故作调查。solve /sɒlvǁsɑːlv, sɔːlv/ [transitive verb]if someonesolves a crime or a mystery, they get all the information they need so that they can explain exactly what happened 侦破;解答 Detectives are trying to solve the murder of a young girl. 侦探们正设法侦破小女孩被谋杀的案子。 Officials hope the Navy will solve the mystery of four bombs that are missing from the wreckage of a military jet. 官员希望海军能够解开军用喷气飞机残骸中四枚炸弹失踪的谜团。be under investigation /biː ˌʌndər ɪnvestˈgeɪʃən/ [verb phrase]if a person, organization etcis under investigation, the police are trying to find out if they are involved in a crime or illegal activity 正在调查〔犯罪或非法活动〕 A health club is currently under investigation by Boston detectives. 波士顿的侦探们正在调查一家健康俱乐部。 Several of the company's executives are under investigation. 公司的几位管理人员正在接受调查。8 the process of finding out about something 调查某事的过程investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈgeɪʃən, ɪnˌvestəˈgeɪʃən/ [countable noun]a process by which the police or another official organization tries to find out the truth about a crime or accident 调查,侦查 Following a major police investigation, two men have been arrested. 警方大规模侦查之后,有两名男子被逮捕。investigation into The investigation into the cause of the air crash is continuing. 对空难事故原因的调查仍在进行。carry out an investigation Prison officials are carrying out a full investigation after two prisoners escaped from a prison vehicle. 两名囚犯藏在监狱车上逃脱后,监狱负责人正在进行彻底调查。full/thorough investigation The Senator promised a thorough investigation into the fund-raising activities of both parties. 参议员答应对两党的筹款活动情况进行深入调查。inquiryalsoenquiryBritish /ɪnˈkwaɪəriǁ ɪnˈkwaɪəri, ˈɪŋkwəri/ [countable noun]a series of official meetings at which people try to find out why something happened 调查〔常以一连串会议的方式进行〕 The inquiry will be supervised by a senior judge. 此次调查将由一名资深法官进行监督。inquiry into Local people are calling for an inquiry into the accident. 当地居民要求对该事故进行调查。hold an inquiry An inquiry will be held to discover why the school's educational record is so bad. 将进行一项调查以查明该校的学业成绩如此低的原因。inquest /ˈɪŋkwest/ [countable noun]a legal process in Britain to find out why someone died 〔对死因的〕调查,审理〔英国的一项司法程序〕 The inquest heard that Mr Bovary was found hanging by a rope in his bedroom. 讯问中得知包法利先生被发现在其卧室中上吊。inquest into an inquest into the death of a 54-year-old woman 对一名54岁妇女死因的调查hold an inquest An inquest will be held into the actor's death. 将对这位演员的死因进行审理。autopsy/post mortemBritish /ˈɔːtɒpsiǁ-tɑːp-, ˌpəʊst ˈmɔːʳtəm/ [countable noun]a medical examination of a dead person's body, done in order to officially find out why the person died 尸体解剖,验尸 If she died of a drug overdose, it will show up in the autopsy. 假如她是死于用药过量,那么尸体解剖时应该看得出来。 The post mortem revealed that the man had been shot in the back. 验尸结果显示该男子背部遭枪击。9 something that you find out 发现的某物discovery /dɪsˈkʌvəri/ [countable noun]something such as a new fact or method that someone has found out, either accidentally or as a result of careful examination or questions 发现 At first I did not realize the importance of my discovery. 起先我没有意识到我这一发现的重要性。discovery that An investigation was ordered after the discovery that $89,000 was missing from the account. 发现账户中少了89,000美元之后,有命令要进行一次调查。discovery about The depletion of the ozone layer has been one of the most dramatic discoveries about our planet in recent years. 臭氧层变薄是近年来关于地球的最惊人的发现之一。finding /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ [countable noun usually plural]the information that someone has found out as a result of examining something carefully 调查结果;研究结果 One of the findings was that many cases of ‘stomach flu’ are caused by improper cooking of food. 其中一项调查结果是许多所谓的“肠胃流感”其实是由食物烹饪不当引起的。 The police force has had its image severely battered by the commission's findings. 委员会的调查结果使警察的形象受到严重的损害。10 someone who likes to find out about things 喜欢发现事物的人curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ [adjective]wanting to find out about someone or something because you are very interested in them 好奇的 ‘Why do you want to know about Catherine?’ ‘Oh no reason. I'm just curious.’ “你为什么想打听凯瑟琳的事?”“噢,没什么,我只是好奇。” Being naturally curious animals, cats often find their way into dangerous places. 猫天生好奇,经常不自觉地到危险的地方去。curious about Even young children often become curious about drugs. 就连小孩子也常常对毒品感到好奇。curious to learn/know/see etc It was a weird situation, and I was curious to learn more. 那情况真是奇怪,我很好奇想了解更多。curiously [adverb] ‘Why are you wearing that ring?’ said Sally, looking at me curiously. “你为什么戴那枚戒指?”萨莉边说边好奇地看着我。curiosity /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsɪti, ˌkjʊəriˈɒsətiǁ-ˈɑːs-/ [uncountable noun]the desire to find out about things 好奇心 Events like these excite a child's natural curiosity. 这种事情会激起小孩子天生的好奇心。curiosity about Olly was bursting with curiosity about the new house. 奥利对新房子充满了好奇。satisfy somebody's curiositytell them about something so that they are no longer curious 满足某人的好奇心 To satisfy vistors’ curiosity, park officials have prepared maps on which the historical sites are clearly marked. 为满足游客的好奇心,公园管理人员制备了地图,上面清晰地标示出各古迹的地点。inquisitive /ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv, ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv/ [adjective]always wanting to find out about what people are doing, how things work, what is happening etc 好奇心很强的;爱打听的;好问的 Jenny was a very inquisitive child, always asking ‘why?’ 珍妮这孩子好奇心非常强,老问“为什么?” The crowded room was filled with lights, cameras, and inquisitive reporters. 拥挤的房间内挤满了照明灯、照相机和爱打听的记者。 The kids were wide-eyed and inquisitive. 小孩子们瞪大了眼睛,满心好奇。inquisitively [adverb] He peered inquisitively into the open window. 他从打开的窗户好奇地往里面张望。nosy /ˈnəʊzi/ [adjective]always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people's private affairs 爱管闲事的;爱打听别人私事的 A nosy neighbor actually videotaped them in their own backyard. 一个好管闲事的邻居甚至用摄像机把他们在自家后院的活动拍了下来。 At first, the children are afraid to ask questions they think might be impolite or nosy. 起初这些孩子不敢问他们觉得可能被认为不礼貌的或管闲事的问题。11 someone whose job is to find out about something 以把事情调查清楚为职业的人investigator /ɪnˈvestɪgeɪtəʳ, ɪnˈvestəgeɪtəʳ/ [countable noun]someone whose job it is to find out about situations, crimes, problems etc in order to explain them 调查者,侦查员 A team of special investigators have gone to the scene of the explosion. 一批特别调查人员已前往爆炸现场。 The investigator has concluded that they were making a false insurance claim. 调查人员得出的结论是他们提出的保险索赔是虚假的。private investigator/private detective /ˌpraɪvɪt ɪnˈvestəgeɪtəʳ, ˌpraɪvət ɪnˈvestəgeɪtəʳ, ˌpraɪvt dɪˈtektɪv/ [countable noun]someone who people pay to find out about such things as a person's disappearance, someone's secret activities etc, but who does not work for the police 私家侦探 She hired a private detective to find her husband. 她雇了个私家侦探来寻找丈夫。 A private investigator had been engaged to watch Mr Hart and report on his activities. 一名私家侦探受雇监视哈特先生并报告他的活动。detective /dɪˈtektɪv/ [countable noun]a police officer whose job is to find out the facts about crimes and who is responsible for them 侦探,警探 I'm a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 我是洛杉矶警察局的警探,我能问你几个问题吗? Detectives made a TV appeal for anyone with any information about the crime to contact them. 侦探在电视上呼吁知道这宗罪案情况的人与他们联系。