DEAL WITH1 to do things that need doing2 to deal with a problem or difficult situation3 to deal successfully with a difficult situation4 to deal with a difficult situation in a particular way5 when there are difficult problems that you must deal with6 a particular way of dealing with somethingRELATED WORDSsolve a problem 解决问题SOLVEsee alsoPROBLEM1 to do things that need doing 做需要做的事deal with /ˈdiːl wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb]to decide what needs to be done and make sure that it is done 处理 Who is dealing with the accommodation arrangements for the conference? 是谁负责安排这次会议的住宿? I spend most of my working day dealing with customer inquiries. 我工作日的大多数时候都在处理顾客的询问。 I'm sorry I'm late. I had an urgent call to deal with. 很抱歉我迟到了。我接了一个紧急电话。see to/attend to /ˈsiː tuː, əˈtend tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]to deal with all the practical details of something that needs to be done or organized 料理,处理 I'll join you later - there are a few things I need to see to at the office first. 我稍后才和你会合。办公室里有几件事需要先处理。 My brother attended to all the funeral arrangements. 我哥哥安排了葬礼的一切事宜。 You'd better get someone to see to that leaking pipe. 你最好找个人来修理一下那渗漏的管子。see to it that I'll see to it that everything is ready on the day. 我会确保处理好那一天的一切事情。take care of /ˌteɪk ˈkeər ɒv/ [verb phrase]to make sure that arrangements are made or work is completed, especially when you do this for someone else so that they do not need to worry about it 负责,处理〔尤为他人作出安排完成事情〕 My secretary will take care of the details. 我的秘书会处理所有细节的。 Shall I take care of your mail for you while you are away? 你不在时由我来处理你的信件好吗?it/everything is taken care ofsomeone has dealt with it for you 一切都已处理 Don't worry about your passport and visa - it's all taken care of. 别担心你的护照和签证,一切都为你办妥了。leave it to me /ˌliːv ɪt tə ˈmiː/spokensay this to tell someone that you will be responsible for making arrangements or for doing something that needs doing 【口】让我来处理 ‘We need to make sure the others know where we'll be meeting.’ ‘Leave it to me. I'll phone them when I get home.’ “我们要确保其他人知道我们要在哪里开会。”“这事交给我吧。回家后我会打电话给他们。”process /ˈprəʊsesǁˈprɑː-/ [transitive verb usually in passive]if an organization such as a government departmentprocesses a letter, an official document, or formal process etc, it deals with it 〔某一组织如政府部门〕处理〔信件、官方文件、正式程序等〕 You should allow two weeks for your visa application to be processed. 你的签证申请要两周的时间处理。 Computers have given banks the power to process millions of transactions a day. 有了电脑,银行一天能处理数百万笔交易。follow upBritish/follow up onAmerican /ˌfɒləʊ ˈʌp, ˌfɒləʊ ˈʌp ɒnǁˌfɑː-/ [transitive phrasal verb]to take further action in order to deal with a complaint, request, letter etc 对〔投诉、请求、信件等〕采取进一步行动;跟进 I got your e-mail but I'm afraid I forgot to follow it up. 我收到了你的电子邮件,但却忘了跟进那件事。 Our rule is that the complaints department must follow up a letter within two days. 我们规定投诉受理部门必须在两天内对来信作出处理。 Following up on recommendations made last year, the president called for the more efficient use of resources. 作为对去年的提议的回应,总统呼吁要更有效地使用各种资源。2 to deal with a problem or difficult situation 处理问题或困难的局面tackle /ˈtækəl/ [transitive verb]to begin to deal with a problem in a determined way, especially a big or complicated problem 解决,处理〔难题〕 Many schools are now trying to tackle the problem of drug abuse. 许多学校现正设法解决滥用药物的问题。 The new laws are aimed at tackling unemployment. 新法律旨在解决失业问题。tackle something head ondeal with something in a direct and determined way 正面地解决某事 Police forces in the area are trying to tackle car crime head on. 该地区警方正设法迎头打击汽车犯罪活动。handle /ˈhændl/ [transitive verb]to deal with a problem or a difficult situation, especially in an effective or confident way 〔尤指以有效或自信的方式〕应付,对付,处理〔问题或困境〕 There were a few problems, but nothing I couldn't handle. 出了些问题,但没有我应付不了的事。 A lot of people find it difficult to handle criticism. 许多人觉得难以处理批评。handle something well/badly The whole situation has been very badly handled. 对整个局面的处理手法非常糟糕。 It's her first year as a doctor, but she is handling the pressures of the job very well. 这是她当医生的第一年,可她对工作压力应付得很好。sort out /ˌsɔːʳt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb]especially Britishto deal with small but difficult problems that are causing trouble or preventing you from doing something 【尤英】解决,处理〔零碎而棘手的难题〕 I spent the weekend sorting out my tax affairs. 我花了整个周末处理我的税务问题。 We'll have to sort your immigration status out before we can offer you a job. 我们得先解决你的移民身份问题,然后才能为你提供工作。sort yourself outdeal with any personal problems you have 处理自己的问题 I decided to take a week's holiday to try and sort myself out. 我决定去度假一周,尽量去解决自己的个人问题。grapple with /ˈgræpəl wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive]to try hard to deal with a difficult problem or situation, especially for a long time 努力解决〔难题或困境,尤指长时间地努力〕 The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade, but cars still choke the streets in the rush hour. 当局十年来一直在努力解决该问题,但在高峰时间汽车仍堵塞街道。 There is no environmental policy in a country that is still grappling with increasing poverty. 一个仍然在努力解决日益严重的贫穷问题的国家是不会有环境政策的。take the bull by the horns /teɪk ðə ˌbʊl baɪ ðə ˈhɔːʳnz/ [verb phrase]to deal with a difficult situation or problem in a quick, confident, and determined way 挺身面对困境;迅速果断地处理困难 Helena decided to take the bull by the horns and organize the show herself. 海伦娜决心果敢地解决这一问题,由自己来组织这场演出。3 to deal successfully with a difficult situation 成功地处理困境manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to deal successfully with a fairly difficult but ordinary situation 设法对付〔较难却很一般的情况〕 ‘How did you manage while you were unemployed?’ ‘Luckily, I had some savings.’ “你失业的时候是怎么渡过来的?”“所幸的是我有一些积蓄。” I'll be away for a week, do you think you can manage on your own? 我要离开一个星期,你觉得你一个人可以应付吗? Helen was always a difficult child. None of her teachers knew how to manage her. 海伦这孩子总是很难对付,她的老师中没有一个知道怎样才能管住她。 The seminar discusses typical work-related problems and strategies to manage them. 研讨会的议题是工作上的典型问题以及处理这些问题的策略。cope /kəʊp/ [intransitive verb]to succeed in dealing with difficult problems in your life, your job, or your relationships 成功地应付,妥善处理〔生活上、工作上或人际关系上的难题〕 It's a tough job but I'm sure he'll cope. 这工作很棘手,但我肯定他能应付。cope with When I got back from holiday, I had an enormous backlog of work to cope with. 我度假回来后有大量积压的工作要处理。cope emotionally/financially/psychologically etc The kids were very young and it was difficult to cope financially. 这些孩子还小,经济上也不容易应付。cope well/successfully/nicely etc People who cope successfully with difficult situations usually look ahead and anticipate the circumstances. 能成功应付困境的人一般都会向前看,预计未来情况。get through /ˈget θruː/ [transitive phrasal verb]to live through an unhappy or unpleasant time in your life, and deal with the problems that it brings 渡过,捱过〔难关〕 Her friends helped her to get through the first awful weeks after Bill died. 比尔去世后,是朋友们帮助她捱过了头几个星期的可怕日子的。have something under control /hæv something ˌʌndəʳ kənˈtrəʊl/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive]to be dealing successfully with a difficult situation at the moment 控制住〔难以应付的局面〕 The police have the situation under control. 警方控制住了局面。be under control The flight was very bumpy but the pilot assured us that everything was under control. 飞机颠得厉害,但机长向我们保证一切都在控制之中。bring something under controlstart to deal with it successfully 控制 The disease is spreading so fast that it is going to take years to bring it under control. 这一疾病传播得如此迅速,要控制住它需要许多年时间。keep something under control During the 1990s low oil prices helped to keep inflation under control. 20世纪90年代的低油价对控制通货膨胀起到了作用。get over /ˌget ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb]especially spoken/overcome /ˌəʊvəʳˈkʌm/ [transitive verb]especially writtento deal successfully with a problem so that it no longer exists or is not as bad 克服 I've always wanted to overcome my fear of spiders. 我一直想克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。 It's perfectly normal to be a bit nervous. I'm sure you'll get over it once you start your presentation. 有点胆怯是很正常的。我相信你开始作报告后就会克服过去的。 The school overcame the problem of funding by getting local firms to sponsor them. 该校得到本地公司的赞助,解决了经费问题。come/get to grips with /ˌkʌm, ˌget tə ˈgrɪps wɪð/ [verb phrase]to consider, understand, and deal with a very difficult or important problem or situation 认真对待,认真处理〔非常困难或重要的问题或情况〕 The residents of the small town are still struggling to come to grips with the tragedy. 小镇的居民至今仍在努力使自己面对这场悲剧。 Teachers must be prepared to spend time getting to grips with new technology. 教师们必须准备花时间去了解新的技术。 No country has really got to grips with the problem of nuclear waste. 没有一个国家真正认真地解决过核废料的问题。rise to the occasion/the challenge /ˌraɪz tə ði əˈkeɪʒən, ðə ˈtʃælndʒ/ [verb phrase]to deal successfully with a sudden, unexpected situation or problem by trying especially hard 〔竭尽全力地〕成功应付突如其来的情况/挑战 We are calling on all our employees to rise to the occasion and become more efficient and productive. 我们号召全体员工全力应对困境,以更高的效率和生产力来完成工作。 The team rose to the challenge and fought back to produce another goal. 该球队全力应战,奋起反击并再次攻入一球。rise to the challenge of something Naylor was one of those men who rise to the challenge of danger. 内勒是那种敢于挺身挑战危险的人。take something in your stride /ˌteɪk something ɪn jɔːʳ ˈstraɪd/ [verb phrase]to deal with an unexpected or difficult problem calmly and confidently 对某事泰然处之 Liz seems to be taking the divorce in her stride. 莉兹好像对离婚的事处之泰然。 Most kids get teased a bit at school - they have to learn to take it in their stride. 大多数孩子在学校都会受到一些取笑,他们得学会从容地应对。 Nigel smiled and took the criticism in his stride. 奈杰尔笑了笑,对批评处之泰然。rise above /ˌraɪz əˈbʌv/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive]to deal with a problem or difficult situation, by being able to ignore or forget about it 摆脱,克服,不受〔问题或困境的〕影响 Kate rose above all the trouble at home and did well in her classes. 凯特摆脱了家中所有的烦恼,在课堂上表现很好。 Immigrants to the country were struggling to survive and rise above the poverty that surrounded them. 移民在这个国家里奋力求存,竭力要摆脱困扰他们的贫穷问题。4 to deal with a difficult situation in a particular way 以某种方式应付困境treat /triːt/ [transitive verb]to deal with something or someone in a particular way and with a particular attitude 〔以某种方式或态度〕处理;对待,看待 The school are treating this matter very seriously. 校方以十分严肃的态度对待此事。treat something/somebody lightlynot seriously or severely 不严厉对待某事/某人 No one would suggest that sex offenders should be treated lightly. 没有人会提出对性侵犯者从轻发落。treat something as something The company treats training as a continuous part of career development. 这家公司把培训看作是事业持续发展的一个部分。 Police say that her death is being treated as suspicious. 警方表示她的死被认为有可疑之处。play/play it /ˈpleɪ (ɪt)/ [transitive verb/verb phrase]to deal with a situation by behaving in the way you think will be best in order to achieve the result that you want 〔以你认为是最好的方式〕对待,处置,处理〔以达到所想的结果〕 Have you decided how you want to play it? 你决定了如何处理这事吗?play it well/carefully/steady etc You can get exactly what you want if you play it carefully. 如果你小心处理好此事,你就能完全得到想要的结果。play (it) safenot take any risks 谨慎行事 In the run-up to the election, politicians in both parties just wanted to play it safe. 在大选前的准备阶段,双方政客都只想稳妥行事。play (it) straightdo something or deal with someone in a direct honest way 如实地做〔处理〕 Some of the people involved in the competition, were not playing it straight. 这次比赛中有一些人没有遵守公平的原则。 ‘Play straight with me or I'll kill you,’ he hissed. “别跟我耍花招,否则我就要你的命。”他嘘声道。play it coolbehave as though you do not care about something or someone 冷静对待 She would not show him how upset she was. It was always smarter to play it cool. 她不会对他表示她有多不开心。沉着一点总是较为聪明。play it by eardecide what to do as the situation develops 见机行事 ‘What'll you do if he asks you?’ ‘I'm not sure, I'll play it by ear.’ “他要是问你该怎么办呢?”“我也不知道,到时候见机行事吧。”approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ [transitive verb]to begin to deal with a difficult situation in a particular way or with a particular attitude 着手处理,开始对付〔困境〕 I don't think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem. 我觉得拒绝谈判不是着手处理这个问题的正确办法。 Try to relax before the exam, and you'll approach it in a better frame of mind. 考试前尽量放松一下,这样考试时精神状态就会好些。5 when there are difficult problems that you must deal with 遇到必须处理的难题时face /feɪs/ [transitive verb]if youface a difficult problem or duty, or itfaces you, you must deal with it 面临,面对〔难题或任务〕 Latin America faces a growing debt problem. 拉丁美洲正面临着日趋严重的债务问题。 McManus knew he was facing the biggest challenge of his career. 麦克马纳斯知道自己面临着事业上最大的挑战。 This report highlights some of the problems faced by learners of English. 这份报告突显了英语学习者面对的一些问题。 The new administration faces the difficult task of rebuilding the country's economy. 新政府面临着重建国家经济的艰巨任务。be faced with/by something He was faced with the task of breaking the bad news to the boy's relatives. 他面临着要把这坏消息转告男孩亲属的任务。 Today's violence highlights the problems faced by the government here. 今天的暴行突显了这里的政府所面对的种种问题。be confronted with/by /biːkənˈfrʌntɪd wɪð, baɪ/ [verb phrase usually in passive]if you areconfronted with/by a difficult problem, you must deal with it 遇到,面临,面对〔难题〕 Nurses are confronted with life-or-death situations on a daily basis. 护士每天都要面对生死攸关的各种情况。 He remembered when he was first confronted by the racial realities of living in South Africa. 他想起了居住在南非时第一次遇到种族歧视现实的情景。have to contend with /hæv tə kənˈtend wɪð/ [verb phrase]to have to deal with a problem or several problems, especially when you are already in a difficult situation 必须处理〔应付〕〔尤指处境已经很困难了〕 The chairman also had to contend with divisions among the committee members. 主席还要去解决委员会成员之间的不和。 Rescuers were having to contend with cold weather, snow and ice. 营救人员必须应付寒冷的天气、雪和冰这些恶劣条件。face up to /ˌfeɪs ˈʌp tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]to accept and deal with an unpleasant fact or something difficult instead of ignoring it 敢于面对,正视〔令人不快的事实或难事〕 The Principal accused parents of not facing up to their responsibilities. 校长指责家长们不敢面对自己的责任。 It's only by facing up to her addiction that she can hope to live a normal life again. 她只有勇敢地正视自己的毒瘾问题,才有希望重新过上正常的生活。face up to doing something It's time the government faced up to spending more on health and education. 政府该正视在保健与教育领域增加开支这个问题了。face up to things You should face up to things, not just pretend that nothing's happening. 你要敢于面对发生的事情,而不是假装什么事都没发生。have somebody/something to reckon with /hæv somebody/something tə ˈrekən wɪð/ [verb phrase]to be in a position where you must deal with something or someone so difficult or powerful that you might not succeed 必须对付某人/某事〔指难以应付或强大的人或事,而且并不一定成功〕 You'll have the boss to reckon with if you go home this early. 如果你这么早回家,老板会找你麻烦的。 Anyone attempting to invade the country will have to reckon with the peacekeeping force. 谁若企图侵略该国必须先面对维和部队。6 a particular way of dealing with something 某种处理事情的方法course of action/course /ˌkɔːʳs əv ˈækʃən, kɔːʳs/ [noun phrase]an action or several actions which could be taken in order to deal with a particular situation 做法,行动 The best course of action would be to speak to her and tell her the whole story. 最好的办法是跟她谈谈,把整件事都告诉她。 One possible course of action is to increase taxes on alcohol and tobacco. 一个可行的办法是提高烟酒税。 Jim didn't want to start an argument, so agreeing seemed to be the safest course. 吉姆不想挑起争论,所以赞同似乎是最安全的做法。approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ [countable noun]a particular way of dealing with a problem, difficult situation, or job 〔对问题、困境或工作的〕处理方法 The company needs to adopt a much more radical approach. 这家公司必须采取更彻底的解决办法。approach to Each of the delegates suggested a different approach to the problem. 各个代表对这个问题都提出了不同的处理方法。 the government's aggressive approach to the question of homelessness 政府对无家可归这个问题所采取的积极的解决办法option /ˈɒpʃənǁˈɑːp-/ [countable noun]one of several ways that you could choose in order to deal with a problem or a difficult situation 选择;供选择的方法 Working full-time may not be your best option. 全职工作不一定是你的最佳选择。 What other options do I have? 我还有什么选择?only optionthe only thing you can do 唯一的选择 Our only option now is to contact the police. 我们现在唯一的选择是跟警方联系。no optionno other way of dealing with something 别无选择 These people have no option but to take low-paid unattractive work. 这些人除了接受低薪乏味的工作外,别无选择。environmental/nuclear/political etc option As for replacement fuels, many people do not like to contemplate the nuclear option. 说到替代燃料,许多人都不愿意考虑把核燃料作为选择方案。your best bet /jɔːʳ ˈbest ˌbet/ [noun phrase]spokenthe best way of dealing with something 【口】最好的办法 For getting around the city centre, a bicycle's your best bet. 在市中心逛逛的话,骑一辆自行车是最佳选择。somebody's best bet is to do something We decided that our best bet was to leave him where he was and go and get help. 我们决定最好的办法是把他留在原地去找人来帮忙。