ALONE1 when there are no other people with you2 when you do something without help from someone else3 someone who spends a lot of time alone4 alone and unhappy5 to feel lonely because someone that you love is not thereRELATED WORDSnot married 没有结婚MARRYsee alsoONLYINDEPENDENT1 when there are no other people with you 没有别人和你在一起alone/on your own/by yourself /əˈləʊn, ɒn jɔːr ˈəʊn, baɪ jɔːʳˈself/ [adjective/adverb]if you are alone, on your own, or by yourself, you are in a place and no-one else is there with you 单独的〔地〕,独自一人的〔地〕 She was sitting alone on a park bench. 她一个人坐在公园的长凳上。 I don't really like walking home on my own at night. 我不大喜欢夜里一个人走回家。 Do you share the apartment, or do you live by yourself? 你和别人合住这个套房,还是自己一个人住?all alone/on your own/by yourselfcompletely alone 孤零零的 Wendy was frightened, all alone in that big old house. 温迪孤身一人在那古老的大房子里,感到很害怕。leave somebody alone/on their own/by themselves The first time his parents left him alone in the house, he set fire to the kitchen. 父母第一次把他单独留在家里的时候,他放火把厨房烧起来了。 Mark's not well. I can't go out and leave him on his own. 马克身体不好,我不能出去,把他一个人留在家里。unaccompanied /ˌʌnəˈkʌmpənid◂/ [adjective/adverb]if you go somewhereunaccompanied, you go there alone, especially when it is more usual to be with someone else 无人陪同的,单独的〔尤指通常应有人陪伴〕 Children flying unaccompanied are looked after by the cabin crew. 无人陪同乘飞机的小孩由乘务人员照顾。 Some parts of town are not safe for an unaccompanied woman. 镇上的有些地方妇女单独出行不安全。solitude /ˈsɒlɪtjuːd, ˈsɒlətjuːdǁˈsɑːltuːd/ [uncountable noun]when you are alone, especially when you want to be alone because this gives you time to think, work etc 独处〔尤指自己希望有时间思考、工作等〕 I need solitude in order to paint my pictures. 我需要独处来画我的画。 Ella loved the quiet solitude of her weekends. 埃拉喜欢周末一个人时的那种清静。in solitude He spent his free time in solitude, reading or walking in the hills. 他空闲时独自一人看看书,或者在山间散散步。2 when you do something without help from someone else 做某事时没有别人的帮助on your own/by yourself /ɒn jɔːr ˈəʊn, baɪ jɔːʳˈself/ [adverb]if you do something on your own or by yourself, you do it without anyone helping you 独力地,独自地 I managed to fix the car on my own. 我设法自己修好了汽车。 He's old enough to get dressed by himself, isn't he? 他到了可以自己穿衣服的年龄了,是吗?all on your own/all by yourselfuse this when it is surprising that someone has done something without anyone's help 全靠自己 How did you manage to prepare so much food all by yourself? 你一个人是怎么做出这么多食物来的?you're on your ownuse this to tell someone that you will not help them 【口】你要靠自己spoken I can get an application for you, but after that you're on your own. 我可以给你弄一张申请表,但以后的事你自己去做。unaided /ʌnˈeɪdɪd, ʌnˈeɪdəd/ [adverb]if you do something difficultunaided you do it without the help of anyone or anything 无助地,独力地〔指做困难的事〕 After his illness he was unable to walk unaided. 病后他不能独力行走。 With no one else in the office I had to deal with the problem unaided. 办公室里没有别人,我只得独自处理这个问题。single-handedly/single-handed /ˌsɪŋgəl ˈhænddli, ˌsɪŋgəl ˈhændd/ [adverb]if you do something very difficult or very impressivesingle-handedly orsingle-handed, you succeed in doing it without the help of anyone else 单独地,独力地〔做困难的事,或令人印象深刻的事〕 In 1992, he rowed across the Atlantic single-handed. 1992年,他一个人划船横渡大西洋。almost single-handedly/single-handed Sanger almost single-handedly founded the birth control movement in the early 1900s. 20世纪初,桑格夫人几乎是单枪匹马地发起了节育运动。solo /ˈsəʊləʊ/ [adverb]if you do somethingsolo, especially a sports or musical activity, you do it alone 独力地;单独地〔尤指进行体育运动或音乐活动〕 By the end of the course, all students will fly solo. 课程结束的时候,所有学生都要单独飞行。go solostart doing something on your own instead of in a group 单独做 John played with the band for five years before going solo. 约翰和乐队一起合作了五年后单飞。solo [adjective usually before noun] Albert wants to take a solo sailing trip around the world. 艾伯特想作一次单独航行环游世界。self-made /ˌself ˈmeɪd◂/ [adjective usually before noun]someone who started without much money but has become rich and successful simply through their own efforts and work 白手起家的,靠个人奋斗而成功的self-made man/businesswoman/millionaire etc C.J. Walker became one of black America's first self-made millionaires. C.J.沃克尔成了美国黑人社会中最早白手起家的百万富翁之一。self-starter /ˌself ˈstɑːʳtəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who is able to do things on their own without being told what to do by other people, especially in their job 〔尤指在工作中〕做事主动的人 We're looking for creative self-starters with at least three years’ experience. 我们想招聘一些工作积极主动、有创造力的人,他们至少要有三年的工作经验。3 someone who spends a lot of time alone 经常独处的人solitary /ˈsɒlɪtəri, ˈsɒlətəriǁˈsɑːlteri/ [adjective]asolitary person spends a lot of time alone, especially because they like being alone 喜欢独处的,惯于独居的 She was a very solitary woman who didn't make friends easily. 她是个喜欢独来独往的人,不轻易交朋友。 Ed enjoys the solitary life of a rancher. 埃德喜欢牧场上的独居生活。loner /ˈləʊnəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who prefers to do things alone and has few friends 爱独处的人 I had always been a loner, and I hated sharing an apartment when I went to college. 我一向喜欢独处,所以上大学时讨厌与人合住一套公寓。 Joe is one of our best workers but he's too much of a loner to be a good leader. 乔是我们这儿工作最出色的人之一,但他太孤僻了,当不了好领导。recluse /rɪˈkluːsǁˈrekluːs/ [countable noun]someone who lives alone and avoids meeting other people 隐居者;隐士;遁世者 Old Mr Grimes was a bad-tempered recluse, rarely seen in the town. 老格兰姆斯先生脾气古怪,离群索居,在镇上很少见到他。 If you don't get out more, you're going to turn into a recluse. 如果你不出来多走走,都快成隐士了。reclusive /rɪˈkluːsɪv/ [adjective] The author has grown even more reclusive he avoids meeting people in recent years. 作者近年来越来越不同外人打交道了。prefer your own company /prɪˌfɜːʳ jɔːr əʊn ˈkʌmpəni/ [verb phrase]someone whoprefers their own company prefers to be alone rather than being with other people 更喜欢自己一个人 We asked him to come and eat with us, but he said he preferred his own company. 我们叫他过来一块吃饭,但他说他更喜欢一个人。4 alone and unhappy 孤单的lonelyalsolonesomeAmerican /ˈləʊnli, ˈləʊnsəm/ [adjective]unhappy because of being alone or without friends 寂寞的,孤独的 Tammy felt very lonely when she first arrived in New York. 塔米初到纽约时感到非常寂寞。 Our neighbor George is a very lonely man. 我们的邻居乔治是个非常孤独的人。 I get so lonesome here with no-one to talk to. 我在这里连说说话的人都没有,非常寂寞。loneliness [uncountable noun]the feeling you have when you are lonely 孤独,寂寞 Many old people complain of loneliness. 许多老人都抱怨说觉得寂寞。isolated /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd, ˈaɪsəleɪtəd/ [adjective]feeling that there is no one you can talk to or have as a friend, because your situation makes it difficult for you to meet people 孤独的,孤单的〔指没人说话或没有朋友〕 Young, single parents often feel isolated and unhappy. 年轻的单身父母亲常常感到孤独和不快。isolated from Children of very rich parents can grow up isolated from the rest of society. 父母非常有钱的孩子在成长过程中可能与外界隔绝。isolation /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/ [uncountable noun]when you are alone and unhappy, for example because you have no-one to talk to or no-one to help you 孤单,孤独isolated of At first I couldn't stand the isolation of living in a foreign country. 起初,我在异国他乡生活,寂寞难耐。alienated /ˈeɪliəneɪtɪd, ˈeɪliəneɪtəd/ [adjective]feeling alone and as if you are not wanted or understood by other people 感到被疏远的 We're making a special effort to help alienated members feel more part of the group. 我们正在作特别的努力,帮助感觉受到冷落的人融入这个群体。alienated from In high school she felt somehow different and alienated from other students. 中学的时候,她总觉得自己与别人不同,和别的同学格格不入。alienation /ˌeɪliəˈneɪʃən/ [uncountable noun]alienated from Ray spoke of his daughter's growing alienation from the Church. 雷说他女儿和教会的隔阂越来越深了。5 to feel lonely because someone that you love is not there 因所爱的人不在身边而感到寂寞miss /mɪs/ [transitive verb]to feel lonely because someone that you like very much is not with you 思念,想念 When are you coming home? I miss you. 你何时回家?我很想你。 It was great living in Prague, but I really missed all my friends. 在布拉格的生活很好,但是我非常想念我的所有朋友。be pining (away) for /biː ˌpaɪnɪŋ (əˈweɪ) fɔːʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb]to feel unhappy because you cannot be with someone you love - often used humorously 想念,思念〔常用于表示幽默〕 ‘What's wrong with Dan?’ ‘I think he's pining for his girlfriend.’ “丹怎么啦?”“我想他是在想他女朋友吧。”