DIG1 to dig earth out of the ground2 to remove something from the ground by diggingRELATED WORDSsee alsoHOLE1 to dig earth out of the ground 从地里挖出泥土dig /dɪg/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to make a hole in the ground, using your hands, a tool, or a machine 〔用手、工具、或机器〕掘,挖 I found two dogs digging in the garden, looking for bones. 我看到两条狗在花园里翻扒着找骨头。 He was paid twelve dollars an hour to dig ditches and mix cement. 他挖沟和拌水泥每小时工资12美元。dig for somethingin order to find something 挖寻某物 There were two fishermen on the beach digging for worms. 海滩边有两个渔民在挖蚯蚓。dig a hole/ditch/grave etc The workmen began digging a hole in the middle of the road. 工人开始在路中央挖一个洞。 Some of the prisoners escaped through a tunnel they had dug under the wall. 一些囚犯从他们在墙底下挖掘的一条地道逃跑了。excavate /ˈekskəveɪt/ [transitive verb]formalexcavate a hole/chamber/trench etcto dig a deep or large hole, especially as a preparation for building something 【正式】挖洞/洞穴/沟等〔尤为兴建某物作准备〕 The turtle excavates a hole in the sand and then lays its eggs in it. 海龟在沙里挖洞,然后把蛋下在里面。 Workers had already begun excavating the foundations for the house. 工人们已经开始为房子挖掘地基了。tunnel /ˈtʌnl/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to dig a long passage under the ground, especially one that people or vehicles can go through 掘隧道,凿地道tunnel under/beneath/through etc Special drilling equipment is being used to tunnel beneath the sea bed. 在海底下面挖隧道用的是特殊的钻探设备。 worms tunnelling through the mud 在泥里钻洞的蚯蚓tunnel your way out/through/under etc After days of digging, the prisoners finally tunnelled their way out of the camp and escaped. 经过很多天的挖掘,那些战俘最终掘了一条地道逃出了集中营。burrow /ˈbʌrəʊǁˈbɜːrəʊ/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive]if an animalburrows, it makes a passage under the ground by digging through the earth as it moves forward 〔动物〕掘地洞;钻洞burrow into/under/through Toads burrow into the earth to hide from their enemies. 蟾蜍掘洞钻入土里以躲避天敌。burrow a hole The rabbits had burrowed a hole under the fence. 兔子在篱笆下掘了个洞。ploughBritish/plowAmerican /plaʊ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to turn over the earth in a field using a special tool or machine in order to prepare it for growing crops 〔用特别的工具或机器〕犁〔地〕〔以准备种庄稼〕 The fields are ploughed as soon as the winter crop is removed. 冬季作物一收割完毕就犁地。 Farmers were plowing their land and planting cotton seeds. 农民们正在犁地并播种棉籽。2 to remove something from the ground by digging 从地里挖掘出某物dig out /ˌdɪg ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb]to remove something that is just below or partly below the surface of the ground by digging 挖出,掘出dig somebody/something out What do we do with these trees after we've dug them out? 我们把这些树掘起后该怎么办呢? The spade was missing, and we had no choice but to dig the weeds out by hand. 铲子不见了,我们没有别的办法,只好用手把野草挖出来。dig out something A couple of local people helped us dig out the car, which was by now completely stuck in the mud. 汽车现已完全陷入了泥里,几个当地人帮我们把它挖了出来。dig up /ˌdɪg ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]to dig, and remove something from the ground that is buried or that is growing there 把…挖出来dig up something Thieves came in the night and dug up the body. 夜里小偷来把尸体挖了出来。 I don't know why archaeologists get such a thrill from digging up broken pots. 我不知道考古学家为什么对挖出这些破罐子会如此兴奋。dig something up Squirrels bury hundreds of nuts, then dig them up in winter when food is scarce. 松鼠把成百上千的坚果藏起来,然后在冬天食物缺乏的时候再挖出来吃。excavate /ˈekskəveɪt/ [transitive verb]to remove ancient objects from the ground or uncover ancient houses, villages etc, by taking away the earth carefully 发掘〔古物、古屋、村落遗址等〕 Archaeologists are excavating a Bronze Age settlement on the outskirts of the village. 考古学家正在该村庄外围发掘青铜器时代的一个村落。 The mosaics excavated in 1989 have now been fully restored. 于1989年发掘出来的马赛克现已完全恢复原状。excavation /ˌekskəˈveɪʃən/ [countable noun] The excavation revealed layer after layer of ancient fortifications. 这次发掘一层层地展现出古要塞的真貌。mine /maɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to take minerals such as coal, iron, or diamonds out of the ground, especially by digging a deep hole and a series of passages 开采〔矿物,如煤、铁或钻石〕 Lead has been mined in this area for hundreds of years. 这一地区开采铅矿已有几百年的历史了。 The church was built by Don José de la Borda, who made his fortune mining silver. 这座教堂是由唐·何塞·德·拉·博尔达捐资建造的,他靠开采银矿发了财。mine for gold/silver etc Most of the new settlers came here to mine for gold. 大多数新来的定居者到这里是为了淘金。mine [countable noun] Before World War I more than a million workers labored in the coal mines of Great Britain. 第一次世界大战前有一百多万工人在英国的煤矿工作。