

例句 ADVANTAGE1 a good feature of something2 the only good feature of something3 the good and bad features of something4 something that makes you more likely to be successful5 to have an advantage6 when something gives someone an advantageRELATED WORDSoppositeDISADVANTAGE1 a good feature of something 某事物的优点 advantage /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁədˈvæn-/ a good feature of something, for example a way in which it is useful or better than other things of the same kind 好处,优点〔如相比于同类其他事物更有用或更好的方面〕 There are different ways of saving money for retirement, but this one has several advantages. 为退休而储蓄有各种不同的方法,但是这一种方法有不少好处。advantage of The advantage of walking to work is that I get some exercise. 步行去上班的好处是我可以得到一些锻炼。big advantage One of the big advantages of the course is that it helps students develop their writing skills in English. 这门课程的一大好处是可以帮助学生培养英语写作能力。 the good thing about something /ðə ˈgʊd ˌθɪŋ əbaʊt something/ spoken use this when you are talking about one of the main advantages of something 【口】某事物的好处〔用于谈论某事物的几大好处之一〕 The good thing about this job is that I can work at home whenever I want. 这份工作的好处是我什么时候想在家工作都可以。 benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt, ˈbenəfɪt/ [countable noun] a feature of something that has a good effect on people's lives 〔有利于人们生活的〕好处,裨益 Tourism has brought many benefits to the area. 旅游业给这个地区带来许多好处。benefit of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式的益处 What are the benefits for Britain of belonging to the European Union? 英国归属欧盟有何裨益? merit /ˈmerɪt, ˈmerət/ [countable noun] one of the good characteristics of something such as a plan, system, or way of doing something 〔计划、体系、做事方式等的〕好处,优点 The merits of the new health programme are gradually being recognized. 新的卫生保健计划的好处逐渐得到承认。 The committee is still considering the merits of the new proposals. 委员会仍在考虑这些新提议的优点。 a plus /ə ˈplʌs/ an additional quality that helps to make something more useful, valuable, or attractive than other things of the same type 〔相比于同类其他事物更有用、更有价值或更吸引人的〕好处,优势,有利条件 be a plus The hotel's closeness to the beach is definitely a plus. 酒店离海滩近便绝对是个优势。plus point British The plus point of this area is its school system, which is considered one of the best in the city. 这个地区的有利条件在于它的学校体系是这个城市最好的。 the beauty of /ðə ˈbjuːti ɒv/ a particularly good quality that makes something especially useful, suitable, or likely to be successful 的好处,…的妙处 that's the beauty of it spoken Our new generator runs entirely on recycled fuel. That's the beauty of it. 我们这种新款发电机完全以再循环燃料为动力,这就是它的好处。the beauty of something is that The beauty of the plan is that it only requires a small investment. 这个计划的好处是它只要很少的投资。2 the only good feature of something 某事物唯一的好处 saving grace /ˌseɪvɪŋ ˈgreɪs/ [countable noun] I can't really play baseball. My one saving grace is that I can pitch. 我真的不会打棒球,我唯一能做的就是投球。 I hate this house. Its only saving grace is that it's near the centre of town. 我讨厌这房子,它唯一可取之处就是离镇中心近。 redeeming feature /rɪˌdiːmɪŋ ˈfɪːtʃəʳ/ the one good quality that something or someone has that saves it from being completely bad, useless, or unacceptable 可资弥补的特点 The heroine of the novel is cruel and evil, with no redeeming features. 小说的女主人公性情残酷,为人歹毒,一无是处。 Coal is relatively expensive but its redeeming feature is that it is in plentiful supply. 煤相对比较贵,但是它的可取之处是供应充足。3 the good and bad features of something 某事物的利与弊 advantages and disadvantages /ədˌvɑːntɪdʒɪz ən ˈdɪsədˌvɑːntɪdʒəz, ədˌvɑːntɪdʒəz ən ˈdɪsədˌvɑːntɪdʒəzǁ-ˌvæn-/ [noun phrase] the good and bad features of something -- use this especially when you are comparing what is good and what is bad about something 优缺点;利与弊〔尤指比较某事物的好坏〕 Being an only child has both advantages and disadvantages. 作为独生子女有利也有弊。the advantages and disadvantages of something the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car in the city 在城市里有车的利与弊weigh the advantages and disadvantages of something to consider the advantages and disadvantages of something 权衡某事物的利弊 Politicians should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of committing US troops to this conflict. 政治家应仔细权衡使美军卷入这场冲突的利与弊。 the pros and cons /ðə ˌprəʊz ən ˈkɒnzǁ-ˈkɑːnz/ [noun phrase] the advantages and disadvantages of something that you need to think about in order to make a decision 〔作出决定前所考虑的〕利和弊 the pros and cons of There has been a lot of discussion about the pros and cons of making certain types of drugs legal. 关于让某些药物合法化的利弊,人们讨论得很多。 Your doctor should explain the pros and cons of the different treatments available. 你的医生应该向你解释各种可用的治疗方法的利和弊。weigh up the pros and cons think about the advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊 Karen and David weighed up the pros and cons of having another child and decided against it. 卡伦和戴维权衡了再要一个孩子的利和弊,最后决定不要。 the pluses and minuses /ðə ˌplʌsz ən ˈmaɪnəsz/ [noun phrase] the advantages and disadvantages of something such as a plan or method that you consider before you do something, or that you notice after it has been done 〔事前所考虑到的或事后所注意到的〕有利和不利因素,好处和坏处 the pluses and minuses of She talked about some of the pluses and minuses of being self-employed. 她讲到了从事自由职业的一些利和弊。4 something that makes you more likely to be successful 使你更有可能成功的事物 advantage /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁədˈvæn-/ [countable noun] something that makes someone more likely to be successful, especially compared to other people 有利条件,有利因素,优势 have an advantage People who have been to university have a big advantage when it comes to finding jobs. 上过大学的人找工作时有很大的优势。advantage over I had already lived in France for a year, so I had a big advantage over the other students. 我之前曾在法国住过一年,所以比起其他同学,我有很大的优势。give somebody an advantage Taxes on imports gave Japanese companies an unfair advantage. 进口税使日本公司有着不公平的优势。 asset /ˈæset/ [countable noun] something or someone that is valuable because they help you to succeed 宝贵的人事物〕;财产 A sense of humour is an important asset for any teacher. 对任何老师来说,幽默感都是一个重要的优点。be an asset to something Laney continues to be a great asset to the company. 莱尼依旧是公司十分难得的人才。 privilege /ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ, ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ [countable noun] a special advantage or right that only a few people have, for example because their family is rich or because they have an important job 特权,特别待遇 Foreign diplomats have all kinds of special privileges. 外国外交官享有各种特权。 Countries within the European Community grant certain commercial privileges to each other. 欧洲共同体内的国家在商业上互相提供特惠条件。the privilege of something Not everyone has the privilege of a private education. 不是每个人都有接受私立学校教育的特权。5 to have an advantage 具有优势 have an advantage /hæv ən ədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have something that makes you more likely to succeed than other people 占有优势 The American team seemed to have all the advantages - better training, better facilities, and much better financial support. 美国队似乎占尽优势—训练好、设施好,得到的赞助更是多出许多。have an advantage over The winning boxer had an advantage over his opponent because he was several pounds heavier. 获胜的拳击手比对手重几磅,所以更有优势。 be at an advantage /biː ət ən ədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if someone is at an advantage, they have experience or qualities which make them more likely to succeed in doing something or more likely to do something well 占有优势〔因有经验或才能〕 Students with a strong math background will be at an advantage next year when the statistics course starts. 数学学得好的学生明年上统计课就有优势了。be at an advantage over Children have several advantages over adults when it comes to learning another language. 学习其他语言的时候,儿童比成人有更多优势。distinct advantage definite advantage 明显的优势 Mitchell's height gives him a distinct advantage over the other players. 米切尔的身高使他比其他球员有明显的优势。 the odds are stacked in somebody's favour British /the odds are stacked in somebody's favor American /ði ˌɒdz ɑːʳ stækt ɪn somebodyˈs ˈfeɪvəʳǁ-ˌɑːdz-/ used to say that someone has a big advantage in a competition, election etc so that they are very likely to win 〔在竞争、选举等中〕某人占有明显优势 Everyone knows that you can't win at gambling because the odds are stacked in the dealer's favour. 谁都知道赌博你是赢不了的,因为庄家占有明显优势。 The odds were stacked in the Labour Party's favour, so it was a great surprise when they were not elected. 工党有明显的优势,所以他们落选极为出人意料。 have a head start /hæv ə ˌhed ˈstɑːʳt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have a big advantage over others in a particular activity, especially because you started doing it before them 占先起步的优势,占了先机,先一着 have a head start on The British have a head start on many other countries in areas such as genetic engineering. 在基因工程等领域,英国比其他许多国家领先一步。give somebody a head start Sending your children to nursery school clearly gives them a head start. 送孩子上幼儿园显然可以使他们有个好的开端。 have everything going for you /hæv ˌevriθɪŋ ˈgəʊɪŋ fəʳ juː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have all the qualities that are likely to make you succeed in whatever you decide to do 具有各种优点,样样都好 She was bright and pretty and had everything going for her. 她又聪明又漂亮,什么优点都有了。 Barry had everything going for him -- charm, looks, intelligence, but still he was unemployed. 巴里样样都好—一有才貌又有魅力,但还是找不到工作。 have youth/experience etc on your side /hæv ˈjuːθ ɒn jɔːʳ ˌsaɪd/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have an advantage over others because you are young, have a lot of experience etc 因年纪轻/经验足等而占有优势 He is a strong player but his opponent will have youth on his side. 他是个实力强大的选手,但是他的对手却有年轻的优势。 With knowledge of the company on her side, she was more likely to get the job than any of the external candidates. 凭着她对公司的了解,她比外来应聘者更有可能获得这份工作。 hold all the cards /həʊld ˌɔːl ðə ˈkɑːʳdz/ [verb phrase] to have all the advantages in a particular situation so that you can control what happens 掌握整个局势 It seemed that he held all the cards and that there was nothing she could do but say ‘yes’. 一切都仿佛掌握在他手中,而她只好唯命是从。 have the upper hand /hæv ði ˌʌpəʳ ˈhænd/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have more power than someone, especially someone who is fighting against you or who does not agree with you, so that you are likely to defeat them 〔尤指在争斗或争论时〕占上风 Although the rebels control areas in the south, the government still has the upper hand. 虽然叛军控制了南部地区,但是政府仍然处于上风。have the upper hand against Police finally have the upper hand against the drug dealers in the area. 在打击该地区的毒贩活动中,警方最终占了上风。 be in a strong position/a position of strength /biː ɪn ə ˌstrɒŋ pəˈzɪʃən, ə pəˌzɪʃən əv ˈstreŋθǁ-ˌstrɔːŋ-/ [verb phrase] to be in a position where you have an advantage over someone and are likely to win, especially in discussions to get something from them 处于有利位置〔尤指在为了从对方那里获取某物而进行的商讨中〕 The government claims that as long as they have nuclear weapons, they can negotiate from a position of strength. 政府声称,只要有核武器,就能在谈判中处于有利地位。 At the end of the war, the US was in a strong position to influence the future of Europe. 战事接近尾声,美国处于强势地位,影响着欧洲的未来。6 when something gives someone an advantage 某事物使某人占优势 give somebody an advantage /ˌgɪv somebody ən ədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase] The fact that Liverpool had only ten men playing for them gave the other team an advantage. 利物浦队场上只有十个队员,这一点使对手占了便宜。give sb an advantage over What gives the company an advantage over its competitors is its location. 这家公司所处的位置使它比其竞争对手更为有利。 give somebody the edge /ˌgɪv somebody ði ˈedʒ/ [verb phrase] to give someone a slight advantage, for example in a competition or election 使某人略占上风,使某人稍微胜过〔如在比赛或选举中〕 His ten years’ experience will give him the edge in tomorrow's fight. 十年的经验将使他在明天的拳击比赛中略占上风。give sb the edge over He tried to find out as much as he could about the company, believing that it would give him the edge over the other interviewees. 他试图尽可能去了解这家公司,认为这样会使他比其他参加面试的人略占优势。 be to somebody's advantage /biː tə somebodyˈs ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ ǁ -ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase] if something is to your advantage, it will help you to succeed 对某人有好处 It will be to your advantage to start preparing for the exam now. Don't wait until the last minute. 现在就开始为考试作准备对你有益,不要临时抱佛脚。could/would/might be to somebody's advantage I think you should accept Steve's offer to help you with the presentation -- it could be to your advantage. 史蒂夫提出帮助你准备发言,我想你应该接受一这会对你有好处的。 be in somebody's favour British /be in somebody's favor American /biː ɪn somebodyˈs ˈfeɪvəʳ/ [verb phrase] if a situation or conditions are in someone's favour, they will help that person succeed 对某人有利 Investors are hoping that the new regulations will operate in their favor. 投资者希望新的法规能对他们有利。tip the balance in somebody's favour to give someone a slight advantage 使稍微有利于某人 It will be a closely fought match, but Corgan's greater physical strength is likely to tip the balance in his favour. 这将是一场势均力敌的比赛,不过科根体力更好,这可能会使他略胜一筹。 favour British /favor American /ˈfeɪvəʳ/ [transitive verb] if a situation or conditions such as the weather favour someone, they make that person more likely to succeed than other people 〔形势或条件〕对….有利 The weather favours the Australians, who are used to playing in the heat. 天气情况对澳大利亚队有利,他们习惯在热天打球。 German negotiators denied that economic circumstances had favored their companies and given them an export advantage. 德国的谈判人员否认经济形势对他们公司有利并为他们创造了出口优势。




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