COPYcopy something1 to copy something2 to write down exactly what someone has said or written3 to copy someone else's work or ideas4 something that has been copied from something else5 a copy of something that is intended to deceive peopledo the same as somebody else6 to do the same as someone else does7 to copy someone you admire8 to do the same things as other people in a group9 someone who other people copy10 to copy someone or something to make people laughRELATED WORDSsee alsoMAKE FUN OF1 to copy something 复制某物copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑːpi/ [transitive verb]to produce something that is exactly the same as something else or that is very similar to it 复制 Would you go down to the print room and copy these documents for me? 你能否到楼下打印室替我把这些文件复印一下? They were arrested for illegally copying video recordings. 他们因非法复制录像带遭逮捕。 Each artist was asked to copy the scene exactly as he or she saw it. 每一位画家都被要求将自己所见的场面确切地描绘下来。copy something from/into/onto something The drawings had been copied from photographs. 这些画是从照片临摹下来的。 Copy all the files onto disk. 将所有文件复制到磁盘中。make a copy /ˌmeɪk ə ˈkɒpiǁ-ˈkɑːpi/ [verb phrase]to copy something using a machine 〔用机器〕复制,复印 Can you make some extra copies for the staff? 你能多复印几份给员工吗?make a copy of John said he'd make a copy of the will and send it over to the house. 约翰说他要将那份遗嘱复印一份寄给议院。 The program does not automatically make backup copies of your files. 这种程序不会自动将文件复制备份。photocopyalsocopy /ˈfəʊtəkɒpiǁ-kɑːpi, ˈkɒpi,ˈkɑːpi/ [transitive verb]to copy a piece of paper with writing or pictures on it, using a special machine that makes a photograph of the original 影印,复印 Photocopy the application before sending it. 将申请书寄出之前先复印一份。 This form needs to be copied and sent to Paul with the letter. 这份表格需要复印,连那封信一起寄给保罗。reproduce /ˌriːprəˈdjuːsǁ-ˈduːs/ [transitive verb usually in passive]to print a copy of a picture, document etc especially in a book or newspaper 复制;翻印〔尤指书或报纸中的图片、文件等〕 We'll need to ask the New Yorker for permission to reproduce the cartoon. 我们得征求《纽约客》同意转载这幅漫画。 Letters and rare maps are handsomely reproduced in the book. 那本书中的信件和珍贵地图复制得很精美。clone /kləʊn/ [transitive verb]to make an exact copy of a plant or animal by taking a cell from it and developing it artificially 〔从动植物细胞〕复制,克隆 The process allowed Scottish scientists to clone the sheep named Dolly. 这方法使苏格兰科学家能克隆出那头名叫多利的羊。 It is only a matter of time before we are able to clone human beings. 克隆人类只是时间上的事。forge /fɔːʳdʒ/ [transitive verb]to illegally copy something written or printed, such as a bank note or official document, for dishonest purposes 伪造;伪制〔钞票或正式文件等〕 Marino obtained the drugs by forging his doctor's signature on a prescription. 马里诺在处方上伪造医生签名获得药品。 He entered the country using a forged passport. 他用伪造的护照进入该国。forgery [uncountable noun]the crime of forging a document 伪造罪 Spearman is now serving a three-year prison sentence for forgery. 斯皮尔曼因为伪造罪,正在服三年徒刑。forger [countable noun] Mason is a convicted forger from Rialto. 梅森是里阿尔托人,因伪造被判有罪。back up /ˌbæk ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]to copy information from a computer onto a disk, so that it can be used if something goes wrong with the computer 〔从电脑〕备份〔到磁盘〕back up something Don't forget to back up all the new files you create. 别忘记给新建文档作备份。back something up I didn't back the document up and lost the whole lot. 我没给文件备份,结果全都弄丢了。2 to write down exactly what someone has said or written 一字不差地记下某人的话或写的东西copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑːpi/ [transitive verb]to write down exactly what someone else has written 抄写 Can I copy your notes? 我能抄你的笔记吗?copy something from something She copied the poem from an old book of Grandma's in the attic. 她从阁楼上祖母的一本旧书中抄录下这首诗。copy something into/onto something I need to copy these phone numbers into my address book. 我得将这些电话号码抄在通讯录中。copy out /ˌkɒpi ˈaʊtǁˌkɑː-/ [transitive phrasal verb]to copy the whole of a piece of writing using exactly the same words as the original 抄写〔全部内容〕copy out something At school we often had to copy out whole chapters from the Bible. 学生时代,我们常常得整章整章地抄写《圣经》。copy something out As a kid, I used to copy song lyrics out and keep them in notebooks. 小时候我常把歌词抄在笔记本上。copy down /ˌkɒpi ˈdaʊnǁˌkɑː-/ [transitive phrasal verb]to copy a short piece of written information such as a list or an address 抄下,记下〔清单或地址等短信息〕copy down something The witness had copied down the license plate number of the taxi the suspect used to get away. 证人记下了嫌犯逃跑时乘坐的出租车的车牌号。copy something down Roger copied the train times down on the back of an envelope. 罗杰在信封的背面抄下了列车时刻表。transcribe /trænˈskraɪb/ [transitive verb]to write an exact copy of a piece of writing or a speech 抄写,誉写;把…写成文字 I record my business letters, and my secretary transcribes them. 我将商业信函口述录音,由秘书转成文字。transcribe something into somethingtranscribe something using special signs or a different alphabet 〔以特殊符号或另一种字母〕转录某物 The conversation had been transcribed into phonetic script. 谈话记录被转成了音标。3 to copy someone else's work or ideas 抄袭别人的工作或想法copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑːpi/ [intransitive/transitive verb]tocopy something that someone else has written or thought of and pretend it is your own work 抄袭 Any student caught copying will fail the test. 被发现抄袭的学生该门考试将不予及格。 The company has been accused of copying software ideas from larger competitors. 该公司被指责抄袭大竞争对手的软件设计思路。copy something straight from somethingcopy it without changing anything 直接抄袭某物 Most of his answers had been copied straight from the student who sat next to him. 他的大部分答案都是直接抄袭旁边学生的。plagiarizealsoplagiariseBritish /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to illegally copy words, ideas etc from something written by someone else, and pretend that they are your own 抄袭;剽窃〔他人书上、文章上等的文字、观点等〕 He got kicked out of school because he plagiarized a term paper. 他因抄袭学期论文被勒令退学。 She claimed that she didn't plagiarize - she just paraphrased. 她声称自己没有抄袭,只是改述了一下。plagiarism [uncountable noun] Donahue's reputation was damaged when he was accused of plagiarism. 多纳休被指责剽窃他人文章,名声受到损害。lift /lɪft/ [transitive verb usually in passive]informalto copy someone else's words or ideas and pretend that they are your own 【非正式】抄袭 One paragraph of his essay has been lifted from an economics textbook. 他文章里有段话是从一本经济学教科书里抄来的。be lifted straight from/out of somethinguse exactly the same words or ideas 直接抄袭某物 The plot of the play had been lifted straight out of an old episode of ‘The Honeymooners’. 这部戏的情节是从旧连续剧《蜜月佳偶》的一集中直接抄来的。steal /stiːl/ [transitive verb]to take someone else's ideas and use them without their permission in order to make money from them 窃取,剽窃〔他人的想法,为了赚钱〕 Professional designers and architects steal ideas from each other all the time. 专业设计师和建筑师总是相互抄袭设计思路。 She claims that the director stole ideas from her historical novel and used them in the movie. 她声称那位导演抄袭她历史小说的构思并用于影片中。derivative /dɪˈrɪvətɪv/ [adjective]formalnot original, but strongly influenced by someone else's work or partly copied from it 【正式】缺乏独创性的,模仿他人的 a derivative artistic style 一种模仿他人的艺术风格derivative of This relatively new style of music is derivative of ragtime and blues. 这种相对新兴的音乐风格是拉格泰姆和布鲁斯的衍生物。4 something that has been copied from something else 抄来的东西copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑːpi/ [countable noun]something that has been copied and made to look exactly like something else 复制件;副本 I don't have my original birth certificate. Will you accept a copy? 我没有出生证的原件,复印件行吗?copy of Connie left copies of the document on everybody's desk. 康妮把文件副本放在大家的桌子上。 a 19th century copy of the popular Rembrandt painting 伦勃朗名画的19世纪复制品photocopyalsocopy /ˈfəʊtəˌkɒpiǁ-ˌkɑːpi, ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑːpi/ [countable noun]a copy of a piece of paper or a picture that has been made using a machine 复制件;副本 Please send a photocopy of your passport. 请寄上一份护照的复印件。make a copy Can you make seven copies of this, please? 请复印七份,好吗?duplicate /ˈdjuːplɪkət, ˈdjuːpləkətǁˈduː-/ [countable noun]an exact copy of something that can be used in the same way, especially when the original one has been lost 复制品 I only have one house key, but I'll have a duplicate made for when you visit. 我只有一把家里的钥匙,但你来的时候给你一把复制的。duplicate [adjective only before noun] It's a good idea to keep duplicate files on floppy disk. 将文件副本保存在软盘上是个好主意。model /ˈmɒdlǁˈmɑːdl/ [countable noun]a small copy of a building, vehicle, or machine, made to look exactly like the original building, vehicle etc 模型model of White's team made a model of the new ballpark to show the public. 怀特的小组制作了新棒球场的模型向公众展示。model ship/airplane etc There was a shelf in his bedroom full of model planes. 他卧室的一个架子上全是模型飞机。scale modela model with the same size and distance relationships as the real thing 按比例缩小的模型 The 1957 photo shows him holding a scale model of an ocean liner he built entirely by hand. 在这张摄于1957年的照片上,他拿着一艘自己完全用手工制作的按比例缩小的远洋邮轮模型。replica /ˈreplɪkə/ [countable noun]a copy of a well-known vehicle, building, or weapon, especially one that is the same size as the original 〔著名交通工具、建筑物或武器等的通常与原物一样大小的〕复制品;仿造品 a replica fire truck from the 1920s 一辆20世纪20年代消防车的复制品replica of A replica of the space shuttle is parked at the center's entrance. 一架航天飞机的复制品停在该中心的入口处。 The building is an exact replica of the original Globe theatre. 这建筑是完全按照原环球剧院建造的。reproduction /ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃən◂/ [countable noun]a copy of an old or valuable work of art or piece of furniture 〔艺术品、家具等的〕复制品;仿制品 The store sells a range of reproduction furniture in Colonial style. 该商店出售殖民地时期式样家具的一系列仿制品。reproduction of a reproduction of a beautiful Ming vase 一件精美的明代花瓶的仿制品imitation /ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃən◂, ˌɪməˈteɪʃən◂/ [adjective only before noun]imitation jewellery, furniture, fur etc are copies of expensive things that are made of cheaper material so that they look similar but cost much less 仿制的,仿造的〔珠宝、家具、皮革等〕 an imitation sheepskin seat cover 一件仿羊皮座椅套 The original woodframe house had been covered with imitation brick siding. 原先的木结构房屋已覆上了仿制的砖墙板。imitation [countable noun] The necklace was a cheap imitation, but she was obviously very proud of it. 那条项链是廉价的仿制品,但她显然非常以此为傲。facsimile /fækˈsɪmɪli, fækˈsɪməli/ [countable noun]an exact copy of an old or valuable document or piece of writing, that is done on the same kind of paper or material it was originally written or printed on 〔旧的或有价值的文件或文字的〕摹本 A facsimile of the 1896 book was published in February. 这本1896年版图书的摹本于2月出版。backup copy/backup /ˈbækʌp ˌkɒpiǁ-ˌkɑːpi, ˈbækʌp/ [countable noun]a copy of computer information that you save on a separate disk, so that if something goes wrong with your computer, you will still have the information 〔电脑的〕备份〔文件〕 Make sure to make backup copies of all your data. 确保所有数据都做了备份。 Don't store the backups near the computer, where someone could easily steal them both. 备份文件不要放在电脑附近,可能两样都会被人轻易偷走。clone /kləʊn/ [countable noun]an animal or plant that is an exact copy of another one, and is produced by taking a cell from another plant or animal and developing it artificially 〔动植物的〕克隆体 These plants are all clones of the same original plant. 这些植物都是同一株植物的克隆体。5 a copy of something that is intended to deceive people 目的在于骗人的复制品forgery /ˈfɔːʳdʒəri/ [countable noun]an illegal copy of something official such as a bank note, legal documentation or work of art 〔纸币、法律文件、艺术品等的〕伪造品,赝品 Three paintings now thought to be forgeries are included in the show 三幅现在被认为是赝品的画也包括在展览中。 Further investigation showed that the so-called ‘Hitler Diaries’ were a forgery. 进一步的调查显示,所谓的《希特勒日记》是伪造品。fake /feɪk/ [adjective]made to look like the product of a particular company or the work of a particular artist in order to trick people in to buying them 伪造的,假的 They were selling fake Rolex watches on the street. 他们在大街上兜售假劳力士手表。 His I.D. is obviously fake. 他的身份证明显然是假的。fake [countable noun]a copy of a valuable object or painting that is intended to deceive people 赝品,假货 Three months after I bought it, a friend who works at the museum told me it was probably a fake. 我买下那件东西三个月后,一个在博物馆工作的朋友告诉我这可能是假货。counterfeit /ˈkaʊntəʳfɪt/ [adjective]counterfeit money looks exactly like real money but has been produced illegally 〔货币〕伪造的,仿造的 Police have warned stores to look out for counterfeit $50 bills. 警方提醒商店小心面值50美元的假钞票。counterfeiting [uncountable noun]the crime of making counterfeit money: 伪造货币罪 The new twenty-dollar bills contain features designed to prevent counterfeiting. 新版的20美元纸币含有防止伪造的特征。counterfeiter [uncountable noun] Counterfeiters are now able to produce almost perfect notes. 造假币者现在能制造出几乎完美的钞票。pirateBritish/piratedespecially American /ˈpaɪərət, ˈpaɪərətd/ [adjective only before noun]pirate copies/videos/CDscopies of books, records, films etc that have been made illegally and are sold without the permission of the people who originally produced them 盗版书/录像/激光唱片 The government has closed a factory that was producing pirate CDs. 政府已关闭一家生产盗版激光唱片的工厂。 It's pretty easy to get pirated copies of the software. 购买盗版软件相当容易。6 to do the same as someone else does 模仿别人copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑːpi/ [transitive verb]to do the same things that someone else does, especially in order to look like them or be like them 模仿 Children learn swearing from copying their parents and siblings. 小孩子模仿父母和兄弟姐妹学会粗话。 Martin often claimed he copied Bing Crosby's singing style, but there was much more to his music than that. 马丁常称自己模仿宾·克罗斯比的歌唱风格,其实他的音乐内涵丰富得多。imitate /ˈɪmɪteɪt, ˈɪməteɪt/ [transitive verb]to copy the way someone behaves, speaks, writes, or moves, especially because you admire them or want to be like them 模仿〔尤因崇拜或为了相似〕 ‘Don't you talk to me like that!’ she said imitating her mother's high-pitched voice. “别对我那样说话!”她模仿母亲的嗓音尖声说道。 A lot of writers have tried to imitate Lawrence's style. 许多作家试图模仿劳伦斯的风格。impersonate /ɪmˈpɜːʳsəneɪt/ [transitive verb]to pretend to be someone else by copying the way they talk, walk, dress etc, especially in order to make people think you are really the other person 假扮〔他人〕,假冒 Harmon is charged with impersonating a police officer. 哈曼被控假冒警察。 She makes a living out of impersonating Tina Turner in shows and films. 她依靠在演出和影片中假扮蒂娜·特纳谋生。impersonation /ɪmˌpɜːʳsəˈneɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun]impersonate of Katy does a great impersonation of Grandpa when he's annoyed. 凯蒂模仿爷爷生气的样子惟妙惟肖。ape /eɪp/ [transitive verb]to imitate someone's behaviour, in a way that other people think is stupid or silly 〔以别人认为愚蠢的样子〕模仿 His music attempts to ape classical styles, but the results are not very original. 他的音乐想模仿古典风格,但结果却不具原创性。 California wine makers are trying to do new things with Sauvignon blanc instead of just aping French styles. 加利福尼亚州的酿酒商正试图用苏特恩葡萄酿出新品,而不只是一味模仿法国风味。do what somebody does /duː wɒt somebody ˈdʌz/ [verb phrase]informalto do the same things as someone else, especially in order to learn from them 【非正式】照某人的样子做〔尤为了学习〕 Just watch and do what I do. It's pretty easy. 就看着照我的样子做,很容易的。follow somebody's example /ˌfɒləʊ somebodyˈs ɪgˈzɑːmpəlǁˌfɑːləʊ somebodyˈs ɪgˈzæm-/ [verb phrase]to copy what someone else has done because you think that their behaviour or actions were a good idea 以某人为榜样 Brian persuaded his brothers to follow his example and join the navy. 布赖恩说服他的兄弟像他一样去参加海军。 Following the example of Nixon, a politician he greatly admired, he decided to try to make himself more appealing to voters. 他以自己十分崇拜的政治家尼克松为榜样,决定让自己对选民更具吸引力。follow in somebody's footsteps /ˌfɒləʊ ɪn somebodyˈs ˈfʊtsteps ǁ ˌfɑː-/ [verb phrase]to do something that someone else has done before you, especially someone in a more powerful position than you 步某人的后尘 My father was always disappointed that Joey didn't follow in his footsteps and take over the farm. 我父亲一直感到失望,因为乔伊没有继承他的事业接管农场。 We will watch with interest what happens to these two women officers and to the young women who wish to follow in their footsteps. 我们将饶有兴趣地观察两位女军官以及想步她们后尘的年轻女子会怎样。follow suit/follow somebody's lead /ˌfɒləʊ ˈsuːt, ˌfɒləʊ somebodyˈs ˈliːdǁˌfɑː-/ [verb phrase]to do what someone else has just done because it seems the correct thing to do 跟着某人做,照着某人做 We're hoping that Europe will follow the US's lead and ban all use of these poisonous gases. 我们希望欧洲会仿效美国,全面禁止使用这些毒气。 Because the Black community has long experience with civil rights issues, other minority groups may follow its lead. 黑人群体对民权问题经验丰富,其他少数民族团体可能会仿效。 Other oil companies are expected to follow suit and raise prices before the end of the month. 其他石油公司大概会跟随在月底之前提价。7 to copy someone you admire 模仿所崇拜的人emulate /ˈemjɑleɪt/ [transitive verb]formalto copy someone else because you admire something that they have done very much 【正式】效仿,模仿 There is much in Cheng's work that we can admire and emulate. 程的作品中有许多我们能够欣赏和效仿的方面。 Developing countries often try to emulate experiences of developed countries, but this is not always a good idea. 发展中国家常常设法效仿发达国家的发展之路,但这并不总是个好主意。model yourself on /ˈmɒdl jɔːʳself ɒnǁˈmɑːdl-/ [verb phrase]to copy someone's behaviour and character as closely as you can because you want to be like them 以…为榜样 The junior Wimbledon champion said that she tried to model herself on Martina Navratilova. 温布尔登网球赛少年赛冠军称她以马丁娜·纳夫拉蒂洛娃为榜样。 Pender says his show models itself on the old-style talk shows. 彭德说他的节目模仿旧式的脱口秀。8 to do the same things as other people in a group 效仿团体中的其他人follow the crowd/go (along) with the crowd /ˌfɒləʊ ðə ˈkraʊdǁˌfɑː-, ˌgəʊ (əlɒŋ) wɪð ðə ˈkraʊd/ [verb phrase]to do the same as the rest of a group of people because you have not really thought about what you want or because you do not want to disagree with what most people think 随大流 That experience taught me never to follow the crowd blindly. 那次经历教会我不要盲目随大流。 It's hard, as an investor, to resist the urge to go along with the crowd, but that isn't where the money is. 作为一名投资者,很难抵抗随大流的冲动,但随大流是赚不到钱的。jump on the bandwagon /ˌdʒʌmp ɒn ðə ˈbændwægən/ [verb phrase]to do the same as a lot of other people are doing because you think there will be some advantage for you or because it is fashionable 赶浪头,顺应潮流 When they realized there was money to be made from games such as snooker, sportswear advertisers soon jumped on the bandwagon. 意识到能从斯诺克等比赛中获利,运动服广告商很快一窝蜂随起大流来。 Opposition leaders have accused the government of jumping on the asylum seeker bandwagon. 反对党领导人指责政府随大流支持寻求政治避难者。9 someone who other people copy 其他人模仿的对象example /ɪgˈzɑːmpəlǁɪgˈzæm-/ [countable noun usually singular]an example to As the eldest in the family, she was expected to be an example to her younger brothers and sisters. 作为家里的老大,她应该为弟弟妹妹作个榜样。a shining examplesomeone or something that should be admired and copied 楷模;典范 The school is a shining example of what parent-teacher cooperation can achieve. 该校是父母和老师合作成果的典范。set an example /ˌset ən ɪgˈzɑːmpəlǁ-ˈzæm-/ [verb phrase]if someonesets an example they behave correctly, work hard etc because other people are expected to copy them 树立榜样 If Saunders is sincere about reform, he should set an example by taking a pay cut. 如果桑德斯对于改革是认真的话,他应当树立榜样减薪。set a (good) example for somebody Senior officers should be setting a good example for the men. 高级军官要为士兵树立好榜样。role model /ˈrəʊl ˌmɒdlǁ-ˌmɑːdl/ [countable noun]someone that you try to imitate because they are successful and have good qualities that you would also like to have 模范,榜样 He's a wonderfully kind man and an excellent role model for the children. 他是个极其和善的人,是孩子们的好榜样。 There aren't enough positive role models for young people today, especially for minority groups. 对如今的年轻人,尤其是少数民族群体来说,缺乏正面榜样。10 to copy someone or something to make people laugh 模仿某人或某物以使人发笑imitate /ˈɪmɪteɪt, ˈɪməteɪt/ [transitive verb]to copy what someone says or does, in order to make people laugh 模仿〔别人的话或动作,以使人发笑〕 She's really good at imitating our teacher's Scottish accent. 她模仿我们老师的苏格兰口音惟妙惟肖。do an impression/imitation /ˌduː ən ɪmˈpreʃən, ɪmˈteɪʃən/ [verb phrase]to copy the way someone famous moves, talks etc, in order to make people laugh 模仿〔名人的动作、讲话等,以使人发笑〕 He made her laugh hysterically during their walks, with his impression of Gene Kelly doing ‘Singin' in the Rain.’ 散步时,他模仿吉恩·凯利在《雨中曲》里的动作令她狂笑不止。mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to unkindly copy the way someone talks or moves in order to make people laugh 学〔…的〕样子〔以使人发笑〕 ‘Hmm,’ Phil said. ‘Hmm,’ Graham mimicked. “唔,”菲尔说。“唔,”格雷厄姆学他的样子。 Yolanda mimicked their father opening the letter. 约兰达学父亲拆信的样子。a take-off of somebody/somethingalsoa take-off on somebody/somethingAmerican informal /ə ˈteɪk ɒf əv somebody/something, ə ˈteɪk ɒf ɒn somebody/something/ [noun phrase]a copy of the way someone moves or talks, or of the style of a movie, book, etc that is done to make people laugh 对某人/某物的滑稽模仿 A local television reporter dubbed him StyroCop - a take-off on the movie ‘RoboCop’ . 一位地方电视台记者戏称他为聚苯乙烯战警,这是对影片《铁甲威龙》的滑稽模仿。do a take-off of/on somebody Karen can do a hilarious take-off of Bette Davis. 卡伦能滑稽模仿贝特·戴维斯。