BEHAVE1 to behave in a particular way2 to behave well3 to behave badly4 to start to behave better5 the way someone behaves6 to behave towards someone in a particular way7 the way you treat someone elseRELATED WORDSsomeone who behaves badly 行为很差的人BAD (5-10)someone who behaves well 行为良好的人GOOD (8-15)to react to someone or something in a particular way 对某人或某事作出某种特定的反应REACTthe way that someone behaves 某人的行为方式WAYsee alsoPOLITERUDESENSIBLESTUPID/SILLYCONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL1 to behave in a particular way 作出某种举止behave /bɪˈheɪv/ [intransitive verb]the way someone behaves is the things that they do and say, and the effects these things have on other people 行为举止;表现 How does Sam behave at school? 萨姆在学校表现怎样?behave towards William was behaving very strangely towards me. 威廉对我表现得很古怪。behave well/badly/unreasonably etc I'm not going to talk to him until he starts behaving reasonably. 除非他行为像样了,否则我不会去跟他说话。behave like Oh, be quiet! You're behaving like a two-year-old. 哦,别闹了!你的行为就像个两岁的娃娃。behave as if The next time I saw him, Frank behaved as if nothing had happened. 我再次看到弗兰克时,他表现得像是什么都没发生过似的。act /ækt/ [intransitive verb]to behave in a particular way, especially in a way that seems unusual, surprising, or annoying to other people 表现;举动,举止〔尤指表现得反常、令人惊讶或厌烦〕act like He has been accused of acting like a dictator. 别人指责他的所作所为就像独裁者。act as if She acts as if she owns the place and we're her servants. 她的举止就好像她是这地方的主人,我们都是她的仆人。act strangely/strange/stupid etc Tina's been acting very strangely lately. 蒂娜近来举止很古怪。 You're acting stupid and I don't want to talk to you anymore. 你的行为愚蠢透了,我再也不想跟你说话。be /biː/ [verb]be rude/helpful/silly etcto behave in a rude, helpful, silly etc way 无礼/愿意帮忙/犯傻等 Don't be so rude! 不许这么无礼! The waiter was really friendly and helpful. 这侍者非常友善并乐于助人。 Stop being silly! 别再犯傻了! Why is she being so nice to us? 她干吗对我们这么好?conduct yourself /kənˈdʌkt jɔːʳˌself/ [verb phrase]to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people will notice and judge the way you behave 表现;行为〔尤指人们会借此作出评判〕 Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly, even in their private lives. 公众人物应该行为端正负责,即使是在私生活方面也应如此。 By the end of the course, you should be able to conduct yourself with confidence in any meeting. 本课程结束时,你无论参加什么会议都能表现得充满自信。react /riˈækt/ [intransitive verb]to say or do something because of what another person has said or done, or because of something that has happened 作出反应 How did she react when you told her the news? 你告诉她这消息时,她有何反应?react angrily/violently/calmly Ned reacted angrily to Bill's comments. 内德对比尔的话非常气愤。2 to behave well 举止得体behave /bɪˈheɪv/ [intransitive verb]especially spokento do what people tell you and not cause any trouble - use this especially about children 【尤口】举止端正,循规蹈矩;听话〔尤用于小孩〕 If you two don't behave, I'm taking you straight home. 你们俩要是不听话,我马上带你们回家去。behave yourselfbehave well 守规矩 Make sure you behave yourselves when we visit Grandma. 看望外婆时你们一定要规规矩矩的。well-behaved /ˌwel bɪˈheɪvd◂/ [adjective]someone who is well-behaved does not cause any trouble and does what other people tell them to do - use this especially about children, pets, or large groups of people 举止良好的,乖的〔尤用于孩子、宠物或一大群人〕 Can I bring my dog? She's very well-behaved. 我能带狗来吗?它很乖的。 a well-behaved child 举止有礼的孩子 The crowd was noisy but well-behaved. 人群吵吵嚷嚷的,但行为规矩。good /gʊd/ [adjective]if a child is good, he or she does not cause trouble and does what he or she is told to do 〔小孩〕乖的,听话的 I was always very good at school. 我在学校里总是循规蹈矩。 He's a good little boy. 他是个听话的小男孩。be good!used to tell a child to behave well 乖点! Bye now, Jessie. Be good. 再会啦,杰茜。乖点啊。be on your best behaviourBritish/behaviorAmerican /biː ɒn jɔːʳ ˌbest bɪˈheɪvjəʳ/ [verb phrase]to make a special effort to behave well by doing and saying the right things and being very polite, because you know other people are watching you 尽可能地举止良好 Dinner was very formal, with everyone on their best behaviour. 晚宴很正式,人人都尽量表现得体。stay out of trouble /ˌsteɪ aʊt əv ˈtrʌbəl/ [verb phrase]to try not to behave badly, especially because you do not want to be noticed or caught 不惹麻烦〔尤因不想被人注意到或抓到〕 Have a good time, boys, but try to stay out of trouble. 男孩子们,玩得高兴点,但是别闯祸。 If I stay out of trouble till June, my parents will take me to Florida. 如果我到6月份一直没惹什么麻烦,爸爸妈妈就会带我去佛罗里达。keep your nose clean /ˌkiːp jɔːʳ ˈnəʊz ˌkliːn/ [verb phrase]informalto behave well, especially by not doing anything wrong or illegal 【非正式】行为检点;不卷入是非 It's not a great job, but if you keep your nose clean, you should be promoted by the end of the year. 这不算是什么好工作,但只要你老老实实地干下去,到年底应该就会得到提升。 He's been sentenced to seven years in prison, but he'll be out in four if he keeps his nose clean. 他被判了七年徒刑,但如果表现好,四年就能获释。orderly /ˈɔːʳdəʳli/ [adjective]an orderly crowd/demonstration/march etcwell-behaved and not violent or out of control 秩序井然的人群/示威/游行等 Police said it was an orderly demonstration and there were no arrests. 警方说这是一次有秩序的示威游行,所以没有逮捕任何人。 The crowd were orderly and in good spirits. 人群秩序井然,兴致勃勃。3 to behave badly 行为不得体behave badly /bɪˌheɪv ˈbædli/ [verb phrase]to be rude, unhelpful, or unpleasant and not do what you are told to do 行为不检点,举止粗鲁 I knew I'd behaved very badly, and I was sorry. 我知道自己很不礼貌,我很抱歉。 The kids behaved so badly that I was embarrassed. 孩子们表现得如此无礼让我感到尴尬。badly behaved /ˌbædli bɪˈheɪvd/someone who is badly behaved behaves badly - use this especially about children 不守规矩的〔尤用于小孩〕 The hotel was full of badly behaved celebrities. 这家酒店里尽是些举止差劲的名流。misbehave /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv/ [intransitive verb]if children misbehave, they deliberately behave badly by being noisy, rude etc 〔小孩〕调皮捣蛋,不听话 Kids often misbehave when they are bored or tired. 孩子们感到厌烦或疲倦时就会调皮捣蛋。 We never dared to misbehave in Miss Dill's classes. 在迪尔老师的课上我们从来不敢捣蛋。get into trouble /ˌget ɪntə ˈtrʌbəl/ [verb phrase]if someone gets into trouble, they do something that is illegal or against the rules, especially something not very serious, and get caught doing it 闯祸;惹麻烦〔并被当场抓住〕 Tony is always getting into trouble at school. 托尼在学校里老惹麻烦。 Don't copy my work or we'll both get into trouble. 别抄我的作业,不然我们两个都会有麻烦的。get into trouble with He first got into trouble with the police at the age of 15. 他第一次跟警察惹上麻烦是在15岁。be up to no good /biː ˌʌp tə nəʊ ˈgʊd/ [verb phrase]if someone is up to no good, they are secretly doing something that they should not do - use this especially when you think someone may be doing something bad, but you are not completely sure 做不光彩的事 She knew that her brother was up to no good but she didn't tell anyone. 她知道哥哥在干坏事,但她没有告诉任何人。act upalsoplay upBritish /ˌækt ˈʌp, ˌpleɪ ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]informalto behave badly by being very active and noisy - use this especially about children 【非正式】胡闹,捣蛋〔尤用于小孩〕 During his parents’ divorce, Robert began acting up in class. 父母闹离婚那阵子,罗伯特就开始在班上捣乱。 The kids have been playing up all afternoon. They're driving me mad. 孩子们整个下午都在调皮捣蛋,简直把我逼疯了。mess aroundalsomuck aboutBritish /ˌmes əˈraʊnd, ˌmʌk əˈbaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb]informalto behave in a silly way when you should be working or paying attention 【非正式】〔在应该正经的时候〕胡闹 Stop messing around and pay attention! 别胡闹了,好好听着! They just mucked about all afternoon and went home early. 他们胡闹了一个下午,然后早早回了家。mess around with Paul blew off his fingers messing around with homemade rockets. 保罗在瞎摆弄自制火箭时把手指炸断了。try it on /ˌtraɪ ɪt ˈɒn/ [verb phrase]British informalto behave badly in order to find out how bad you can be before someone gets angry with you or punishes you 【英,非正式】调皮捣蛋〔以试探别人的容忍程度〕 For your first few days’ teaching, the kids will probably try it on just to see how you react. 在你上课的头几天,孩子们可能会故意捣蛋,看看你有何反应。 At home she's allowed to tell everyone what to do, but she wouldn't dare try it on at work. 在家里她对谁都可以指手画脚,但在上班时她就不敢这样乱来。step out of line /ˌstep aʊt əv ˈlaɪn/ [verb phrase]to behave badly by breaking rules or disobeying orders, especially in a situation where everyone is expected to be very obedient 不守规矩;违反规定〔尤指在人人都应遵守规定时〕 The prisoners were warned that if they stepped out of line they would be severely punished. 囚犯们受到警告说,如果他们不守规矩就会受到严惩。 The boss is very tough on anyone who steps out of line. 老板对违反规定的人毫不手软。4 to start to behave better 开始改好mend your ways /ˌmend jɔːʳ ˈweɪz/ [verb phrase]to change the way you behave, and start being obedient, hard-working etc, after behaving badly for a long time 改过自新 It's possible the college might take you back, but first you'll have to convince them you've mended your ways. 学校有可能让你回去,但首先你要让他们相信你已经痛改前非。 If he doesn't mend his ways he'll be in jail by the time he's eighteen. 如果他不悔改,到了18岁就会去坐牢。turn over a new leaf /ˌtɜːʳn əʊvər ə ˌnjuː ˈliːfǁ-ˌnuː-/ [verb phrase]to decide that you will change the way you behave, because you really want to stop behaving badly, breaking the law etc 翻开新的一页;重新做人;改过自新 I know I've done some bad things in the past, but now I'm turning over a new leaf. 我知道自己以前做过一些坏事,但现在我要重新做人了。 After being released from jail, Tony decided to turn over a new leaf. 从狱中获释后,托尼就决心重新做人。clean up your act /ˌkliːn ʌp jɔːr ˈækt/ [verb phrase]to start behaving better after a situation in which people did not trust you because you were behaving illegally or dishonestly 痛改前非;改邪归正 She told her son to clean up his act or move out. 她告诉儿子要改过自新,否则就搬出去。 Tish has really cleaned up her act - she doesn't drink or smoke pot any more. 蒂什的确已经改过了—她不再酗酒和吸食大麻了。straighten up /ˌstreɪtn ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]Americanto start to behave well after you had been behaving badly 【美】〔行为〕变好,改好 You'd better straighten up or you'll never make it out of high school. 你得改过自新,否则就别想高中毕业。a reformed character /ə rɪˌfɔːʳmd ˈkærktəʳ/ [singular noun]Britishsomeone who has changed completely and no longer behaves badly or does things they should not do - often used humorously 【英】回头浪子,改过自新的人〔常为幽默用法〕 ‘Does Alex still drink as much as he used to?’ ‘No, he's a reformed character now.’ “亚历克斯还是像过去一样酗酒吗?”“不,现在他可是浪子回头了。”go straight /ˌgəʊ ˈstreɪt/ [verb phrase]to stop being a criminal and decide to obey the law and live an honest life 改邪归正,重新做人 He's been going straight for about six months now. 他改邪归正已经六个月了。 You can't expect these people to go straight when no one's ever going to give them a job. 假如没有人给这些人一份工作的话,就别指望他们会改邪归正了。5 the way someone behaves 某人的行为方式behaviourBritish/behaviorAmerican /bɪˈheɪvjəʳ/ [uncountable noun]the way someone behaves 行为;举止 His behaviour in school is beginning to improve. 他在学校的表现正在改进。 That kind of behavior is not acceptable. 那种行为是无法接受的。behaviour towards Eric's behaviour towards his family surprised me. 埃里克对待家人的态度让我吃惊。manner /ˈmænəʳ/ [singular noun]the way someone behaves when they are talking to or dealing with other people 举止;态度 The driver's manner was very unfriendly. 那个司机的态度很不友善。 She impressed everyone with her businesslike manner. 她那种务实的态度给大家留下了深刻的印象。conduct /ˈkɒndʌktǁˈkɑːn-/ [uncountable noun]the way someone behaves in public, in their job etc, especially in matters where moral principles are involved - used especially in legal or official contexts 行为,举止;操守〔尤与道德有关,多用于法律或正式的场合〕 A middle-aged banker has been fined £200 for violent conduct on a train. 一位中年银行家在列车上举止粗野,被罚款200英镑。 The Medical Committee found the doctor guilty of unethical conduct towards three of his patients. 医务委员会裁定该医生对他的三名病人有不符合职业道德的行为。code of conductrules of professional behaviour 行为规范 A new code of conduct for civil servants will be issued next week. 下周将公布新的公务员行为规范。antics /ˈæntɪks/ [plural noun]behaviour that some people think is stupid or not responsible but other people think is funny 愚蠢可笑的行为;不负责任的行为 The Queen is said to disapprove of the antics of some of the younger members of the Royal Family. 据说女王不赞成部分年轻的皇室成员不负责任的行为。demeanourBritish/demeanorAmerican /dɪˈmiːnəʳ/ [uncountable noun]the way someone looks and behaves, that gives you a general idea of their character 〔表现某人性格特征的〕行为,举止;模样;风度 He was a small round man with a cheerful demeanor. 他身材矮胖,性格开朗。 When you mention Polly's ex-husband, her entire demeanour changes. 你一提起波莉的前夫,她整个样子就变了。6 to behave towards someone in a particular way 以某种方式对待某人treat /triːt/ [transitive verb]to behave towards someone or deal with someone in a particular way 对待,看待treat somebody well/badly Amy's treated him really badly - no wonder he's upset. 埃米对他很不好——难怪他不开心。treat somebody like somebody/something I'm sick of my parents treating me like a child. 我父母把我当成小孩子;真让我讨厌。treat somebody like dirttreat someone very badly 把某人不当人看待 I don't know what she sees in him - he treats her like dirt. 我不知道她看中他什么,他简直视她如粪土。treat somebody with respect/contempt/kindness etc Douglas was treated with much more respect after his promotion. 道格拉斯升职后更受人尊重。treat somebody with kid glovesbe very careful how you deal with someone so that they do not become upset, angry etc. 小心谨慎地对待某人 After my nervous breakdown, everyone kept treating me with kid gloves. 自从我精神崩溃以后,大家都对我小心翼翼的。behave towardsBritish/towardAmerican /bɪˈheɪv təˌwɔːʳd(z)/ [verb phrase]to behave in a particular way when you are with someone 对待 Sometimes he behaves very strangely towards me. 有时他对我的态度非常奇怪。handle /ˈhændl/ [transitive verb]especially Britishto treat someone in a particular way in order to avoid problems and to get them to do what you want 【尤英】对待,应付 I knew I would have to be very careful how I handled Odette - she was so emotional. 我知道对待奥黛特得十分小心—她太情绪化了。 Francis is a natural leader. He's very good at handling people. 弗朗西斯是个天生的领袖,他很会处理人际关系。deal with /ˈdiːl wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb]to treat someone in a particular way, especially someone who has a problem or someone who has behaved very badly 对付;与…打交道〔尤有问题或行为很差的人〕 There's only one way to deal with naughty children and that's to be strict with them. 对付调皮捣蛋的孩子只有一种办法,就是要对他们严厉。 The police received training in how to deal with families of crime victims. 警察接受了如何对待罪案受害人家属的培训。 I try to deal with everyone in an honest, ethical way. 我努力以诚实和合乎道德的方式对待每一个人。7 the way you treat someone else 对待某人的方式treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/ [uncountable noun]the way that a person, organization etc treats someone 处理〔方式〕,对待,待遇 Harper described the treatment he had received in prison. 哈珀描述了他在狱中受到的对待。treatment of We're shocked by the government's treatment of young homeless people. 政府对待无家可归的年轻人的态度让我们震惊。special/preferential treatmentwhen one person is treated better than everyone else 特殊的待遇/优待 Although I was the boss's daughter, I didn't get preferential treatment. 虽然我是老板的女儿,但也没有受到优待。behaviour towards somebodyBritish/behavior toward somebodyAmerican /bɪˈheɪvjəʳ təˌwɔːʳd(z) somebody/ [noun phrase]the way in which one person behaves towards someone else 对待某人的态度 Your behaviour towards Lilly was disgusting. 你对待莉莉的态度让人恶心。 I was confused by her behavior toward me - one minute she was cold and unfriendly, the next she was all smiles. 我被她对待我的态度弄糊涂了—一分钟前还是冷冰冰的,然后忽然间就满面笑容了。