

例句 BECOME1 with adjectives2 with nouns3 to become a teacher, manager, student, etcRELATED WORDSsee alsoCHANGE/NOT CHANGEDEVELOPINCREASELESS1 with adjectives 与形容词连用 become /bɪˈkʌm/ [verb] if you become rich, famous, worried etc, you start to be rich, famous, worried etc 成为,变得 Julian's book was a big success and he quickly became rich and famous. 朱利安的书大获成功,他一下子变得既富有又出名。 The weather was becoming warmer. 天气逐渐变暖。 After a while my eyes became accustomed to the dark. 过了一会儿我的眼睛就适应黑暗了。become aware/certain/convinced etc that Slowly she became aware that there was someone else in the room. 慢慢地她开始感觉到房间里另有别人。it becomes clear/evident/obvious etc that It soon became clear that the fire was out of control. 很快就很清楚,火势已失去控制。 get /get/ [verb] to become 变得,成为 It normally gets dark at about 8.30 p.m. 天色一般是在晚上8:30开始变黑。 The man in the shop got annoyed and started shouting at me. 商店里的那个男人生气了,开始朝我大喊大叫。 The situation doesn't seem to be getting any better. 形势似乎并未有任何好转。 I think I'm getting too old for this kind of thing. 我想这类事情对我来说是过了我的年纪了。 You'll need to take out insurance, in case anything gets damaged in the move. 你需要去买一份保险,以防搬运时损坏了东西。 Become and get : Become is more formal than get and is used mainly in written English. Get is the usual word to use in conversation. Don't use get with these words: available , calm , clear , famous , happy , important , necessary , obvious , poor , powerful , proud , sad , silent , successful , useful . But you can use get with comparatives, such as: clearer , happier , more famous , more important . You can also use get with past participles, such as: annoyed , bored , damaged , lost , broken . grow /grəʊ/ [verb] grow old/tired/worse/larger etc to slowly and gradually become old, tired etc 逐渐衰老/腻烦起来/恶化/变大等 As we grow old, we worry more about our health. 年纪越大,我们就越担心自己的健康状况。 I'd been waiting for forty minutes and I was beginning to grow uneasy. 我已经等了40分钟,心里开始变得不安起来。 The sound of footsteps grew louder. 脚步声变得越来越响。 Fiona was growing tired of being treated in this way. 菲奥娜对自己受到这样的对待已变得忍无可忍了。 go /gəʊ/ [verb] to become - only use go with these words 变得〔go只能与以下这些词搭配使用〕 go grey/white/red/dark etc Her face went bright red with embarrassment. 她窘得满脸通红。go mad/wild/crazy Your dad'll go crazy when he finds out. 你爸爸知道后会气疯的。go quiet/silent As soon as the band started playing, the crowd went silent. 乐队一开始演奏,人群就静了下来。go bad/sour/cold My coffee's gone cold. 我那杯咖啡已变凉了。 turn /tɜːʳn/ [verb] to become - only use turn with these words 变得〔turn只能与下列这些词搭配使用〕 turn red/white/blue etc It was late autumn and the leaves were slowly turning golden. 深秋时节,树叶逐渐变成金黄色。turn nasty/mean When I said that I was not prepared to help him, he suddenly turned nasty. 我说我不打算帮助他,突然他发怒了。turn sour Their friendship was beginning to turn sour. 他们的友谊开始破裂了。turn cold/warm Just when we were all getting our summer clothes out, it turned cold again. 就当我们把所有的夏装都翻出来时,天突然又变冷了。2 with nouns 与名词连用 Don't use get with nouns. become /bɪˈkʌm/ [verb] Since winning all that money he's become a very unpleasant person. 自从赢了那一大笔钱之后,他就变成一个令人十分讨厌的人。 Mobile phones have now become fashion accessories for schoolkids and teenagers. 手机现已成为学生和青少年的时装配饰了。 change into/turn into /ˈtʃeɪndʒ ɪntuː, ˈtɜːʳn ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] if someone or something changes or turns into someone or something else, they become completely different 变得,变成〔与原先完全不同〕 The little brown caterpillar will eventually turn into a beautiful butterfly. 这条棕色的小毛虫最后会变成一只漂亮的蝴蝶。 She's changed into a much gentler person since she had her own kids. 她自从有了自己的孩子后性格就变得温和多了。 During the brewing process all the sugar turns into alcohol. 在酿制过程中,所有糖分都会变成酒精。change from something into something When I went back, the countryside had changed from farmland into housing estates and factory sites. 我回来时,郊外地区已由农村变为住宅区和厂房了。 grow into /ˈgrəʊ ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to gradually change over a long time and become a different type of person, place, or thing 〔慢慢地〕变成,变为 Leo had grown into a slim blond young man since she last saw him. 自从她上次看见利奥至今,他已长成一个瘦瘦的金发小伙子了。 In recent years the town has grown into a city of about 500,000 people. 近几年该镇已发展成为一个有大约50万人口的城市了。 The crowd's cheers slowly grew into a loud crescendo of noise. 人群的喝彩声逐渐演变成了震耳欲聋的喧闹声。 develop into /dɪˈveləp ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] to gradually change and become something or someone that is better or worse than before 发展成为 Over the years the college developed into one of the finest language institutions in all of South East Asia. 多年后,那所学院发展成为全东南亚最出色的语言学院之一。 Joe had no athletic ability, and was developing into an overweight child. 乔缺乏运动能力,逐渐成为一个超重儿童。 3000 troops were sent to prevent the disturbances from developing into a full-scale civil war. 3,000名士兵被派去,阻止骚乱演变成全面的内战。3 to become a teacher, manager, student, etc 成为教师、经理、学生等 become /bɪˈkʌm/ [verb] Even when I was a kid, I wanted to become a psychologist. 我在孩提时代就想成为一名心理学家。 My friend Kyle stayed with the company and became a departmental manager. 我的朋友凯尔留在公司里当了部门经理。 Bradley went on to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 布拉德利进而当上了参谋长联席会议主席。 Every time you open the newspaper these days someone else has just become a millionaire. 如今你一翻开报纸就会看到某某人刚成了百万富翁。 get to be /ˈget tə biː/ [verb phrase] informal to succeed in getting an important job 【非正式】当上,坐上〔重要职位〕 She got to be a lawyer through sheer hard work and determination. 她全凭苦干和决心成了一名律师。 I wanted to ask him how he got to be boss of such a big company. 我想问问他是如何摇身一变成为这么大一家公司的老板的。




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