

例句 WORK FOR SB1 to work for a company, person etc2 to work independently and not for someone else3 someone who works for a company or organization4 all the people who work in a company, organization, or country5 someone that you work with6 when there are not enough people working in a company etcRELATED WORDSsee alsoJOBWORKBUSINESSCOMPANYPOSITION/RANKMANAGERIN CHARGE OF1 to work for a company, person etc 为某公司、某人等工作 work for /ˈwɜːʳk fɔːʳ/ [transitive verb not in passive] to do work for a person, company, or organization 为…工作 How long have you worked for Mr Jackson? 你为杰克逊先生工作有多长时间了? My Dad's been working for IBM for over twenty years. 我爸爸在国际商业机器公司公司工作了二十多年。work as something for Russell is working as a software developer for Microsoft. 拉塞尔在微软公司当软件开发员。 be employed /biː ɪmˈplɔɪd/ [verb phrase] to work for a company or organization, especially when you have an official contract and a permanent job 被雇用〔尤指有正式合同和固定工作〕 be employed by She was the first woman pilot to be employed by a commercial airline. 她是第一位被商业航空公司雇用的女飞行员。be employed in The number of people employed in the construction industry has been falling for many years. 建筑行业的雇用人数多年来一直在下降。 be on the payroll /biː ɒn ðə ˈpeɪrəʊl/ [verb phrase] to officially work for a company or organization and to receive regular payments for your work 被雇用 Just before the company closed in 1968, there were 300 people on the payroll. 就在1968年倒闭之前,该公司有雇员300人。be on the payroll of Ames exposed 34 intelligence agents on the payroll of the US or its allies. 埃姆斯抖出了受雇于美国及其盟国的34名特工。 be on the staff /biː ɒn ðə ˈstɑːfǁ-ˈstæf/ [verb phrase] to be one of the people who work for a company or organization, especially when you have a permanent job there 成为〔某公司或某组织的〕一名职员〔尤指有固定工作〕 Police questioned everyone on the staff at the hotel. 警察查问了酒店每一个职员。be on the staff of Valerie has been on the staff of the French Department at Reading University since 1992. 自1992年起,瓦莱丽就在雷丁大学法语系任职。 be with somebody /biː wɪð somebody/ [transitive verb] informal to work for a company, especially a large well-known one 【非正式】为某人工作〔尤指众所周知的大公司〕 I believe he's with Random House now. 我相信现在他在兰登书屋工作。 I used to be with the BBC, but then I got the chance of being a producer for Channel Four. 我过去为英国广播公司工作,后来得到机会当了第四频道的制作人。 employer /ɪmˈplɔɪəʳ/ [countable noun] the person, company, or organization that you work for 雇用者,雇主 We will need a reference from your last employer before we can send you a contract. 我们给你合同之前,需要你上一位雇主的推荐信。 She applied to her employer for a redundancy payment, but she was refused. 她向雇主申请裁员补偿,但是遭到拒绝。2 to work independently and not for someone else 不为他人而独立工作 self-employed /ˌself ɪmˈplɔɪd◂/ [adjective] someone who is self-employed does not have a job with one particular employer, but instead works independently and does work for many different people 自雇的,非受雇于人的 Martin is a self-employed builder. 马丁是自雇建筑工。 Most fashion models are self-employed, and find work through agencies. 大多数时装模特儿是个体经营,通过代理人寻找工作。the self-employed people who are self-employed 个体经营者,自由职业者 The government gives generous tax allowances to the self-employed. 政府给自由职业者很大的免税额。 have/run your own business /ˌhæv, ˌrʌn jɔːr əʊn ˈbɪzns/ [verb phrase] to own and manage a business, especially a small one such as a shop or restaurant 经营自己的公司〔尤指做小生意,如开商店或餐厅 She runs her own business, making and selling hand-knitted clothes. 她自己做老板,制作及销售手工编织的衣服。 It's always been Maria's ambition to have her own business. 玛丽亚的抱负一直是自己做生意。set up your own business begin running your own business 自己创业 People wanting to set up their own business should take expert financial advice. 如想自己创业,应该听听专业的财务方面的建议。 freelance /ˈfriːlɑːnsǁ-læns/ [adjective] working for several different organizations instead of being employed by only one - use this especially about people such as writers, designers, and photographers 自由职业的〔尤指作家、设计师和摄影师〕 freelance designer/journalist/photographer Jamie's trying to earn a living as a freelance photographer. 杰米试图以自由摄影师为业谋生。freelance work/writing/photography etc Karen stayed at home while the children were small, and made a little money from freelance writing. 孩子小的时候卡伦待在家里,以自由写作赚一点钱。 freelance [adverb] If you work freelance from home, your hours are completely flexible. 要是你在家做自由职业,你的时间完全是灵活的。go freelance start working freelance after being employed by one organization 开始做自由职业 I'd built up a number of contacts in the world of graphic design, so in the end I went freelance. 我在平面设计界建立了一些联系,因此到最后我做起了自由职业。 be your own boss /biː jɔːr ˌəʊn ˈbɒsǁ-ˈbɔːs/ [verb phrase] informal to work independently and not be employed by other people, and therefore be able to decide by yourself what you should do 【非正式】自己当老板 I'm not good at taking orders from anybody -- I prefer being my own boss. 我不喜欢听任何人的吩咐—我情愿自己当老板。 Jim sacrificed a television career to set up in business and be his own boss. 吉姆放弃了电视台的职业,自己创业当老板。3 someone who works for a company or organization 为一个公司或组织工作的人 worker /ˈwɜːʳkəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who works for an organization but is not a manager 〔不是管理人员的〕雇员,工人 We need better communication between the management and the workers. 我们的管理层和员工之间需要更好的沟通。manual worker someone who does physical work, for example in a factory, rather than working in an office 体力劳动者 The report shows that male manual workers earn twice as much as female workers. 报告显示男性体力劳动者的收入是女性体力劳动者的两倍。post office/factory/office etc worker Tony was a retired post-office worker. 托尼是个退休的邮局工人。 Ambulance workers threatened to refuse all calls for twenty-four hours on New Year's Eve. 救护车工作人员威胁说除夕夜24小时拒绝接求助电话。skilled/unskilled worker someone who has or does not have special skills 熟练/非熟练工人 Despite the high unemployment rate, there is a shortage of skilled workers in some sectors. 尽管失业率高,但有些行业还是缺熟练工人。white-collar workers people who work in offices, banks etc, rather than in factories or with their hands 白领 There is increasing social mobility among senior white collar workers, who are able to move quite rapidly between organizations. 高级白领的社会流动性越来越大,他们能够在企业之间迅速流动。blue collar workers people who do unskilled or manual work 蓝领 The report showed that blue collar workers lost ten days a year due to ill health, compared with five days for white collar workers. 报告显示,蓝领每年因病缺勤十天,相比之下白领是五天。 employee /ɪmˈplɔɪ-iː, ˌemplɔɪˈiː/ [countable noun] someone who has a job, especially a permanent job, with a particular company or organization 雇员,雇工〔尤指有固定工作〕 We are a multi-national corporation with 140,000 employees worldwide. 我们是一家跨国公司,全球共有14万名雇员。employee of Employees of American Airlines get generous reductions on the cost of flights. 美国航空的雇员享有很大的机票折扣。 member of staff/staff member /ˌmembər əv ˈstɑːf, ˈstɑːf ˌmembəʳǁ-ˈstæf/ [noun phrase] someone who is employed by a company, organization, school etc, along with other people 职员,员工 Training opportunities are available to all members of staff. 所有职员都有培训机会。 At certain stages of a project, most staff members are expected to work additional hours when needed. 一个项目进展到某些阶段,如有需要大部分员工都得加班。 Mr Vickers has been with the firm for forty years, and is their longest-serving member of staff. 维克斯先生在这家公司干了40年,是服务时间最长的员工。senior/junior member of staff All employees have a formal annual interview with the senior member of staff responsible for their work. 所有员工每年都与负责他们工作的高级职员进行一次正式面谈。4 all the people who work in a company, organization, or country 在一个公司、组织或国家里工作的所有的人 staff /stɑːfǁstæf/ [] all the people who work in a company, organization, school etc 全体职员,全体雇员 The staff were clearly worried about rumours of job losses. 所有职员显然在为裁员的传闻担心。library/office/hospital/security etc staff Our library staff will be happy to help if you are unable to find the book you want. 要是你找不到需要的书,我们图书馆的工作人员会很乐意提供帮助。 Ford is looking for part-time sales staff. 福特公司在招聘兼职销售员工。join the staff In 1998, she joined the President's personal staff in the White House. 1998年,她成为白宫的总统个人幕僚。 workforce /ˈwɜːʳkfɔːʳs/ [countable noun usually singular] all the people that work in a country, industry, or large organization 〔国家、行业或大机构的〕全体从业人员;总劳动人口 Women make up 41% of the workforce. 女性占全体劳动力的41%。 Cook began his cost-cutting campaign by getting rid of a third of his workforce. 库克以裁去三分之一的雇员来开始他的降低成本运动。 labour British /labor American /ˈleɪbəʳ/ [uncountable noun] all the people that work in an industry or country, especially people whose jobs involve working with their hands, in factories etc rather than managing other people 〔行业或国家的〕全体劳工,全体工人 Large-scale growth in this type of farming is limited by the climate and the high cost of labour. 这种农业的大规模发展受到气候和劳动力成本高的制约。skilled/unskilled labour people who have or do not have special skills 熟练/非熟练工人 Many industries are reporting a shortage of skilled labor. 许多行业都说缺乏熟练工人。labour force all the people who work or are available to work in a particular country or organization 劳动力 The labour force is growing at a rate of 4% a year. 劳动力正以每年4%的速度增长。cheap labour people whose wages are very low 廉价劳工 Our produce prices cannot compete with those of Spain, with its cheap labour and sunshine. 我们的农产品价格无法与西班牙竞争,他们那里有廉价劳工和充足的阳光。 personnel /ˌpɜːʳsəˈnel/ [plural noun] the people employed by a particular company, organization etc - used in official or business contexts 全体人员,员工〔用于正式或商业文章〕 In the event of a fire, all personnel must report to the reception area. 如果发生火警,所有员工必须到接待处报到。 One of her responsibilities is recruiting highly trained personnel. 她的职责之一是招聘训练有素的职员。 manpower /ˈmænˌpaʊəʳ/ [uncountable noun] all the workers that an employer or a country has available to do work 劳动力;人力 The police say they don't have sufficient manpower to patrol the area. 警方说他们没有足够的人力来负责该地区的巡逻。 At the time there was a major shortage of trained manpower in computer science in the US. 当时在美国,计算机科学领域里训练有素的劳动力极其短缺。manpower levels/resources/shortages etc The Commission was set up to look at the management of the manpower resources of the National Health Service. 成立这个委员会是为了研究国民保健制度的人力资源的管理情况。5 someone that you work with 一起工作的人 colleague /ˈkɒliːgǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun] someone you work with - use this especially about people who do professional jobs in offices, schools, government etc 同事〔尤用于指在办公室、学校、政府等从事专业工作的人〕 I'd like you to meet a colleague of mine, Jean-Michel Blanc from our Paris office. 我来给你介绍我的一位同事——我们巴黎办事处的让-米歇尔·布朗。 Jenny is a conscientious manager, very popular with her colleagues. 珍妮是个认真负责的经理,深受同事爱戴。 workmate /ˈwɜːʳkmeɪt/ [countable noun] someone you work with, especially someone who works closely with you and who you are friendly with 〔尤指紧密合作和要好的〕同事;工友 Having the support of close family, friends and workmates is important to us all. 有亲密的家人、朋友和同事的支持对我们大家都很重要。 Kevin had come home really upset after a quarrel with a workmate. 凯文与一位同事吵架后,回到家里气呼呼的。 co-worker /ˈkəʊ ˌwɜːʳkəʳ/ [countable noun] especially American someone you work with, especially someone who works closely with you or does a similar job 【尤美】〔尤指紧密合作或做近似的工作的〕同事,共同工作者 Wantz's job is to teach employees how to handle difficult bosses and co-workers. 万茨的工作是教雇员如何与难相处的老板和同事打交道。 The manual explains what to do if a co-worker is injured and in need of medical attention. 这本手册说明了如果同事受伤需要治疗时该做些什么。6 when there are not enough people working in a company etc 公司等工作人员不足 be understaffed /biː ˌʌndəʳˈstɑːftǁ-ˈstæft/ [verb phrase] a company or organization that is understaffed does not have enough people working in it because it cannot or will not employ more people 人手不足,职员不够 It's crazy that unemployment is sky-high while so many companies are still understaffed. 失业率极高,却还有那么多公司人手不足,这真是荒谬。 The few public health clinics that existed were filthy and understaffed. 仅有的几个公共医疗中心卫生条件差,而且人手不足。 be short-staffed especially British also be short-handed especially American /biː ˌʃɔːʳt ˈstɑːftǁ-ˈstæft, biː ˌʃɔːʳt ˈhændd/ [verb phrase] to not have the number of people you need to do a job properly or on time, especially because some of the people who usually work are ill, on holiday etc 人手短缺,工作人员不足〔尤因一些人生病、度假等〕 Schools in inner city areas are often short-staffed because the work is particularly stressful. 旧城区的学校常人手短缺,因为那里的工作压力特别大。 After three hours, Mrs Morrison was told that her operation had been cancelled because the hospital was short-staffed. 三小时后,莫里森太太被告知因为医院人手短缺,所以她的手术取消了。 Let me know if you're short-handed -- I'll get a couple of the boys to help out. 你缺人手的话跟我说一声,我会叫几个男孩子来帮忙。




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