RISK1 a possibility that something bad might happen2 involving risk3 to do something even though there is a risk4 to do something that involves unnecessary risks5 to risk losing something6 when you are in a situation where there are risks7 in a situation where there are risks8 to cause risksRELATED WORDSsee alsoDANGEROUSGAMBLINGCHANCE1 a possibility that something bad might happen 发生坏事的可能性risk /rɪsk/ [countable/uncountable noun]a possibility that something harmful or unpleasant will happen, especially as a result of something else 风险;危险 There are a lot of risks involved when you start your own business. 创办自己的公司会涉及到很多风险。risk of People continue to smoke, despite knowing the risks of heart disease or cancer. 尽管知道会有患上心脏病或癌症的危险,人们依然吸烟。risk of doing something Drivers often break the speed limit, and there's little risk of getting caught. 司机常常违反时速规定,而被抓住的风险却很小。risk that We can't ignore the risk that fighting could spread throughout the region. 我们切不可忽略战斗会扩大到整个地区的危险性。reduce/increase the risk of something Clean the wound thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection. 彻底清洗伤口以减少感染的风险。danger /ˈdeɪndʒəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun]the possibility that something dangerous or very unpleasant will happen, for example if a particular situation continues or is not dealt with 危险 The river has not flooded yet, but that does not mean the danger has passed. 河水尚未泛滥,但这不等于说危险已经过去了。 The gas leak was quickly fixed, but workers at the factory say the danger remains real. 煤气泄漏很快就修好了,但厂里的工人说危险仍然存在。danger of Is there any danger of Mike being arrested? 迈克有没有被逮捕的危险? Wear a hat and drink plenty of fluids to reduce the danger of sunstroke. 戴上帽子并喝大量液体来降低中暑的危险。danger that There's a real danger that the region's forests will disappear completely in the next 50 years. 该地区的森林在未来50年里彻底消失的危险性很高。threat /θret/ [countable noun usually singular]a strong possibility that something very bad will happen, especially something that will affect a lot of people 威胁〔尤指会影响很多人的坏事即将发生〕 Tuberculosis is a common threat when people live in crowded conditions. 肺结核对居住在拥挤环境中的人是一种常见的威胁。 The nuclear threat, while not gone completely, is reduced. 核威胁虽未彻底消除,却也减少了。threat of Once again the people of Sudan face the threat of famine. 该国人民再次面临饥荒的威胁。threat to The latest outbreak of the disease can be seen as the greatest threat to UK farmers yet. 最近这一疾病的爆发可以被看作是迄今为止对英国农民最大的威胁。threat that There is a threat that the violence will break out again. 这类暴力行为有再次爆发的危险。pose a threatbe a threat 构成威胁 It's nonsense to say that the protesters pose any threat to democratic society. 说抗议者对民主社会构成威胁简直是无稽之谈。hazard /ˈhæzəʳd/ [countable noun]a risk that cannot be avoided, because it is always there in a particular activity or situation 〔不可避免的〕风险;危害 For international traders, changes in the exchange rate are an unavoidable hazard. 对做国际贸易的商人来说,汇率的变动是无法避免的风险。hazard of doing something a study into the potential hazards of playing computer games for long periods of time 一项对长时间玩电脑游戏的潜在危害的研究hazard of Malaria is a common hazard of life in the region. 疟疾是这一地区常见的威胁生命的疾病。occupational hazarda hazard that always exists in a particular job 职业风险 Serious lung disease seems to be an occupational hazard of working in mines. 严重的肺病似乎是在矿井里工作的一种职业风险。2 involving risk 涉及到危险的risky /ˈrɪski/ [adjective]involving a risk 冒险的,有风险的 It's always risky leaving your car out on the street overnight. 把汽车停在街上过夜总是有危险的。 Being self-employed is much more risky than being a wage earner. 作为自雇人士比拿工资的人风险要大得多。 Risky investments can offer high yields, but also the possibility of greater losses. 有风险的投资可提供高利润,但也有导致更大损失的可能性。risky to do something The experiments would be too risky to perform on humans. 在人身上做这些实验太危险了。dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ [adjective]risks that are not necessary and that could cause harm or serious problems 有风险的,危险的 Using humor in a job interview is a dangerous thing - you never know how the interviewer will react. 在求职面试时运用幽默是很危险的事,因为你预料不到主持面试者会如何反应。 Women felt that complaining about sexual harrassment was dangerous, as there was always the threat of losing their jobs. 女性感到对性骚扰进行投诉是有风险的,因为始终有失去工作的威胁。it is dangerous to do something It is dangerous to assume that share prices will continue to rise. 假设股价将持续上升是很危险的。foolhardy /ˈfuːlhɑːʳdi/ [adjective]an action that is foolhardy involves so much risk that someone seems stupid for trying it 莽撞的,鲁莽的 It was foolhardy to take the plane up alone, with so little flying experience. 在飞行经验这么少的情况下独自驾飞机升空是很鲁莽的。 The country was in such huge debt that any spending proposals looked foolhardy. 该国欠下如此巨大的债务,任何有关开支的提议看上去都会显得莽撞。 I drove to the hospital at a foolhardy speed, arriving just after my wife. 我以不顾死活的速度驾车赶到医院,刚好在我妻子之后到达。high-risk /ˌhaɪ ˈrɪsk◂/ [adjective only before noun]something that is high-risk involves a lot of risk, but if you choose to do it and it is successful, you will have very good results 高风险的,危险性高的 It was a high-risk strategy to attack with such a small number of planes, but it was brilliantly successful. 用这么少的飞机进行攻击是风险很大的行动计划,但却获得了极大的成功。 a high-risk investment 高风险投资a gamble /ə ˈgæmbəl/ [singular noun]something risky that you do because you hope that it will succeed and that you will gain something from it 冒险〔行动〕 A gamble by the quarterback on the final play allowed them to score. 最后一场比赛时四分卫的一次冒险进攻使他们得分了。 Changing jobs is always a gamble, but the opportunity looks good. 换工作总是有点冒险,但机会看起来不错。a gamble pays offit is successful 冒险获得成功 Despite the serious doubts of his advisors, the President's gamble paid off. 尽管顾问们都持十分怀疑的态度,但总统的冒险成功了。dicey /ˈdaɪsi/ [adjective]informalinvolving a serious risk that things will go wrong 【非正式】冒险的;靠不住的 It's too dicey to base this policy on what might happen in the coming year. 这项政策要是以来年的形势为基础是太冒险了。 Taking the mountain road is always a bit dicey at this time of year. 在一年中的这个时候走山路总是有点冒险的。precarious /prɪˈkeəriəs/ [adjective]involving a serious possibility of failure or loss 不安全的,不稳定的 No one would lend money to a company in such a precarious position. 没人会借钱给一家处境这么不稳的公司。 The typical peasant farmer has a precarious existence, at the mercy of flood, disease and famine. 典型的农民过着不安定的生活,要任凭洪水、疾病和饥荒的摆布。 His political position has become extremely precarious. 他的政治地位已变得很不稳固了。3 to do something even though there is a risk 虽然有危险仍做某事take a risk /ˌteɪk ə ˈrɪsk/ [verb phrase]to decide to do something, even though you know that something bad or harmful might happen as a result 冒险 I knew we were taking a risk when we lent him the money. 我们借钱给他时,我就知道我们是在冒险。 Nobody is successful in business without taking a few risks. 没有人做生意不冒几次险就能成功。 Climbers like the thrill that taking risks gives them. 登山者喜欢冒险带来的刺激感。take a calculated riskdecide to do something after thinking very carefully about the risks 作精心考虑的冒险 Most investors study the market and take calculated risks. 大多数投资者对市场进行研究,然后作出精心考虑的冒险。take a chancealsochance itinformal /ˌteɪk ə ˈtʃɑːns, ˈtʃɑːns ɪtǁ-ˈtʃæns/ [verb phrase]to decide to do something even though there is a risk, because you think that you will succeed 冒险,碰运气〔因认为会成功〕 Victor took a chance and set up his own company, which has been very successful. 维克托冒险开了自己的公司,结果搞得非常成功。 Isaacs chanced it with a long three-point shot at goal in the last minute of the game. 艾萨克斯在比赛最后一分钟时投了个长距离的三分球碰碰运气。take a chance onhope that something happens 对…冒险 He persuaded the record company to take a chance on the band, and it became a huge hit. 他劝说唱片公司对那个乐队冒险一试,结果他们大受欢迎。take chancesalways be ready to take a chance, especially in your work 〔尤在工作上〕冒险 There are a lot of people in the movie industry who are afraid to take chances and do new things. 电影业里有不少人害怕冒险,不愿尝试新事物。risk /rɪsk/ [transitive verb]to do something that you know might have a harmful or negative result 冒险,担风险 He risked a cautious glance over the wall, and saw a group of guards standing by the gate. 他冒险从墙头小心翼翼地看出去,看到大门旁有一队卫兵站着。risk doing something I decided to risk looking for a place to stay when I got there, rather than booking in advance. 我决定到那里后碰运气找住处,而不是预订房间。risk it Road conditions were supposed to be pretty bad, but we decided to risk it. 据说路况很糟,但我们决心冒险。stick your neck out /ˌstɪk jɔːʳ ˈnek aʊt/ [verb phrase]informalto do something or give your opinion about something, even though you know there is a risk that you are wrong or will be criticized 【非正式】冒险〔做某事或说出自己的意见〕 The evidence is good, but I won't stick my neck out until all the data is in. 证据很有利,但在拿到所有资料之前我不会冒险。 Look, I'll stick my neck out and say it'll be finished by tomorrow evening. 看,我甘冒风险,说明天晚上以前会把它完成。take the plunge /ˌteɪk ðə ˈplʌndʒ/ [verb phrase]to finally decide to do something important but which involves some risk, after thinking about it very carefully 〔经仔细考虑后〕决定冒险一试 Forsyth took the plunge into politics in 1996. 福赛思于1996年毅然决定加入政界。 ‘Are you two getting married?’ ‘Yes. We've decided to take the plunge.’ “你们俩要结婚了?”“是的,我们已决定了。”at your own risk /ət jɔːr ˌəʊn ˈrɪsk/ [adverb]if you do somethingat your own risk, it will be your own fault if something bad happens - used especially on official signs and notices to warn people 自担风险,后果自负〔用于警告,尤写在正式告示或通知上〕 Visitors who park their cars in the corner lot do so at their own risk. 游客们如果把汽车停在角落处则后果自负。 Journalists were allowed into the area, but only at their own risk. 记者可以进入该地区,但后果自负。at the risk of doing something /ət ðə ˌrɪsk əv ˈduːɪŋ something/ [preposition]spokensay this when what you are going to say or do might make someone angry, upset etc 【口】冒着…的危险 A school has to be able to make rules about students’ dress, even at the risk of upsetting parents. 学校要对学生的衣着作出规定,哪怕会得罪家长。 At the risk of sounding like your mother, you'd better dress up warm. 恕我像你妈妈的语气,但你最好穿得暖和一些。 This is a point which -- at the risk of being boring -- I must emphasize once again. 可能很啰唆,但这点我一定要再强调一下。risk-taking /ˈrɪsk teɪkɪŋ/ [uncountable noun]when people deliberately take risks in order to achieve something - use this especially about actions in business or dangerous sports 冒险〔尤指商业活动或危险运动〕 The culture in Silicon Valley values risk-taking and entrepreneurship. 硅谷的文化重视冒险和开拓精神。 Risk-taking has long been a feature of the theatre company's productions, which have tackled many difficult issues. 冒险精神长期以来一直是该剧团剧作的一个特色,这些剧作克服了许多难题。4 to do something that involves unnecessary risks 冒不必要的风险去做某事be asking for trouble /biː ˈɑːskɪŋ fəʳ ˌtrʌbəlǁ-ˈæsk-/ [verb phrase]to stupidly do something that is almost certain to be dangerous or cause trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 Anyone who buys second-hand car tires is just asking for trouble. 谁要买二手汽车轮胎就是自讨苦吃。 You need to have a good knowledge of the industry before you buy stocks, or you're asking for trouble. 买股票之前你必须对该行业非常熟悉,否则就是自讨苦吃了。invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ [transitive verb]especially writtenif youinvite trouble, criticism, attack etc, you do something that seems likely to cause you trouble or that encourages people to criticize you, attack you etc 【尤书面】自找,招致〔麻烦、批评、攻击等〕 If you don't maintain your car regularly, you're just inviting trouble. 如果你不定期保养汽车,那就是自找麻烦了。 Not to provide aid will just invite further catastrophe in the area. 不提供援助只会在该地区导致更严重的灾难。push your luck /ˌpʊʃ jɔːʳ ˈlʌk/ [verb phrase]informalto do something that involves a risk of failure, because you have been successful when you have done it before 【非正式】〔因曾经成功而〕再次冒险;再碰运气 I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked him to babysit again on such short notice. 我想我要是再临时请他看管孩子,那真是心存侥幸。 Twelve months later, the captain of Sea Rover pushed his luck once too often. 12个月以后,“海盗船”的船长贪心不足又去冒了险,可这次未能幸免。tempt fate /ˌtempt ˈfeɪt/ [verb phrase]to do something that involves unnecessary risk, because you are too confident that there will be no problems 〔因太有自信而〕冒不必要的风险 It would be tempting fate to travel without a spare wheel. 不带备用车胎出去旅行是在冒险。 By building houses in the steep canyons, Californians are tempting fate in the form of mudslides and fires. 加州人把房子盖在陡峭的峡谷中,面对泥石流和火灾,他们是在玩命。be playing with fire /biː ˌpleɪ-ɪŋ wɪð ˈfaɪəʳ/ [verb phrase]to stupidly take a risk, especially by doing something or getting involved in a situation that is likely to have a very unpleasant result 自找麻烦,玩火自焚 The government was warned it was playing with fire by arresting so-called ‘separatist’ leaders. 政府被警告说,逮捕所谓的“分裂主义分子”领袖无异是在玩火自焚。 Anyone who gets involved with a married man is playing with fire. 谁要和已婚男人有染的话就是在自寻烦恼了。5 to risk losing something 冒着失去某物的危险risk /rɪsk/ [transitive verb]torisk losing something, especially in order to gain something else 拿…作冒险〔尤为了得到另一物〕 Companies cannot risk losing customers through computer problems. 因为电脑有问题而失去客户,公司可不能冒这样的险。 The university has already cut its budget as much as possible without risking its quality and reputation. 这所大学在不牺牲教学质量及名誉的前提下,已经尽量削减了预算。risk something on something You'd have to be crazy to risk your money on an investment like that. 你肯定是疯了才会冒险拿钱作那样的投资。gamble/take a gamble /ˈgæmbəl, ˌteɪk ə ˈgæmbəl/ [intransitive/transitive verb or verb phrase]to do something even though there is a risk of failure or loss, because you will gain a lot if it is successful 冒险〔因成功的话会获得很多〕 They seem to be gambling the whole future of the compamy in return for a quick short-term profit. 他们似乎是为了快速的短期利润回报而拿整个公司的前途作赌注。 If we gamble and succeed, no one will mind. But if we gamble and fail, we'll probably lose our jobs. 要是我们冒险成了没人会在意,但假如冒险失败,我们可能就要失业了。 In 1972, NBC took a gamble and created a show featuring Redd Foxx, a black comic whose stage routines were somewhat off-color. 1972年美国全国广播公司冒了个险,制作了一档以台风有点不正经的黑人喜剧演员雷德·福克斯为主角的节目。gamble/take a gamble that During the drought, water companies used water from the emergency reservoirs, gambling that normal rainfall would soon fill them up again. 干旱期间,自来水公司把紧急备用水库里的水也拿来用了,希望碰碰运气,指望正常的降雨会很快再次灌满水库。gamble/take a gamble on The team took a gamble on Whitney, who is fast and an accurate player, but only five-foot-nine. 球队把赌注押在惠特尼身上,他是位速度快而且投球准的球员,但身高仅5英尺9英寸。put something on the line /ˌpʊt something ɒn ðə ˈlaɪn/ [verb phrase]if you put your job, career, reputation etc on the line, you risk losing your job, reputation etc if something is not successful or if you make the wrong decision 拿〔自己的工作、职业、名誉等冒险 Whatever type of company you have, you put your reputation on the line when you handle complaint calls. 不论你在哪类公司工作,你要是去处理投诉电话,那就是拿自己的名誉在冒险了。 Many workers feel they may be putting their jobs on the line if they protest about safety abuses. 许多工人感到如果对安全缺乏保障提出抗议的话,就可能要冒失去工作的危险。stake something on /ˈsteɪk something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to risk losing something important if the result of a plan or action is not successful 把某物押上;拿某物冒险 Lincoln staked his political career on opposition to slavery. 林肯把自己的政治生涯都押在反对蓄奴制上。 She had staked her academic reputation on the accuracy of her research. 她的学术声望全看她这次研究的精确性了。speculate /ˈspekjɑleɪt/ [intransitive verb]to buy a large amount of shares, land, or foreign money because you hope to make a big profit when you sell it, even though you risk losing your money 〔在股票、土地或外币方面〕投机,做投机买卖 Her father made his money speculating on the New York Stock Exchange. 她爸爸在纽约证券交易所做投机买卖赚了钱。speculate in shares/land etc Terry speculated heavily in mining shares and lost a lot of money. 特里在矿业股票上做大笔投机买卖,输掉了许多钱。speculation /ˌspekjɑˈleɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] Irresponsible speculation can cause serious distortions in the stock market. 不负责任的投机行为会导致股票市场严重扭曲。6 when you are in a situation where there are risks 处于有危险的境地risk /rɪsk/ [transitive verb]to get into a situation where something very unpleasant might happen to you as a result of something you do 冒…的危险 Many refugees risk death or arrest in their attempts to flee persecution. 许多难民冒着死亡或被捕的危险设法逃脱迫害。risk doing something I don't want to risk offending your parents. 我可不愿意冒险得罪你父母。risk your life The Carnegie Hero awards are given to those who risk their lives to save others. 卡内基英雄奖是授予那些舍身救人的人的。run a risk /ˌrʌn ə ˈrɪsk/ [verb phrase]to be in a situation where something bad might happen to you, especially because of something you do 〔尤因自己所做的事而〕冒风险 The people who use these drugs are often unaware of the risks they are running. 吸食这些毒品的人通常意识不到自己所冒的风险。run a risk of doing something Men run a greater risk of dying from heart disease than women. 男性死于心脏病的危险性比女性更大。 Rather than running the risks of using harmful pesticides in your garden, try using natural or organic methods of pest control. 尝试使用天然或有机的方法来防治花园里的虫害,而不要冒险使用有毒的杀虫剂。be at risk /biː ət ˈrɪsk/ [verb phrase]to be in a situation in which you risk being harmed or losing something very important or valuable 有危险 The children were removed from the family because their father was violent and they were believed to be at risk. 孩子们从家中被带走,因为他们的父亲很粗暴,大家都认为他们很危险。be at risk ofalso + forAmerican Those with fair skin are more at risk of skin cancers than those with dark skin. 肤色浅的人比肤色深的人更有可能患皮肤癌。 Some firms provide health checks for employees who are at risk of back injury. 有些公司为背部有可能受伤的雇员提供健康检查。be in danger /biː ɪn ˈdeɪndʒər/ [verb phrase]to be in a situation in which something harmful might happen, often caused by your own actions 〔常常是因自己的行为而〕处于危险之中 The test helps identify pregnant women who are in danger of miscarriage. 这项测试有助于确诊有流产危险的孕妇。be in danger of doing something The Democrats are in danger of alienating their traditional supporters. 民主党人士有疏远历来的拥护者的危险。 If the team doesn't start winning, Coach Sanders could be in danger of losing his job. 如果该球队还不获胜,桑德斯教练就有丢掉工作的危险。high-risk /ˌhaɪ ˈrɪsk◂/ [adjective only before noun]likely to be in particular danger of something bad happening, or likely to involve greater risks than usual 高危的,危险性高的 high-risk occupations such as construction work 建筑工作之类的高危险性职业 The AIDS awareness campaign was targeted mainly at high-risk groups, especially drug users and prostitutes. 提高艾滋病意识的运动主要是针对高危群体发起的,尤其针对吸毒者和妓女。lay yourself open toalsoleave yourself open toAmerican /ˌleɪ jɔːʳself ˈəʊpən tuː, ˌliːv jɔːʳself ˈəʊpən tuː/ [verb phrase]to do or say something that makes it likely that people will blame you, criticize you etc 使自己易遭〔指责、批评等〕 He has left himself open to charges of racism. 他使自己有可能被指控为种族歧视。 Any journalist who writes a story without checking his facts is simply laying himself open to criticism. 任何记者如果不查明事实就报道出来,实在有可能使自己招致批评。be on dangerous ground/in dangerous territory /biː ɒn ˌdeɪndʒərəs ˈgraʊnd, ɪn ˌdeɪndʒərəs ˈtertəriǁ-tɔːri/ [verb phrase]to talk about a particular subject when there is a risk that you may offend, annoy, or or upset someone 〔讨论某一话题时〕处于危险境地;有可能冒犯人;有可能使人烦恼 A boss who puts his arm around an employee is on dangerous ground and could risk charges of harassment. 老板用手臂勾搂员工很是危险,有可能被指责为性骚扰。 I realized I was in dangerous territory, and steered the conversation away from his business interests. 我意识到我可能会冒犯人,就把话题从他的业务兴趣上引开了。7 in a situation where there are risks 有危险的情况be at risk /biː ət ˈrɪsk/ [verb phrase]if something is at risk, it could be harmed, destroyed or lost 有危险,处于危险的境地 Unless funding becomes available, the entire project is at risk. 除非得到拨款,不然的话整个计划就会有可能失败。be at risk of Wildlife along the coastline is at risk of serious pollution from the tankers. 沿海地区的野生生物因受到油轮的严重污染而处境危险。be at risk from The future of the party is clearly at risk from internal divisions. 该党因内部分裂,其前途显然受到威胁。at-risk [adjective only before noun] at-risk children 处境危险的儿童 at-risk patients 危重病人be in danger /biː ɪn ˈdeɪndʒəʳ/ [verb phrase]if somethingis in danger, especially something very important, there is a serious risk that it will be harmed, destroyed, or lost 〔尤指非常重大之事〕处于危险境地 With the rise of the fascist right, democracy itself was in danger. 随着法西斯右翼势力的崛起,民主面临着危险。be in danger of doing something The whole building is in danger of collapsing. 整幢大楼都有倒塌的危险。 The achievements of the 1917 Revolution are now in danger of being forgotten. 1917年革命的成就现在正面临着被忘却的危险。be in jeopardy /biː ɪn ˈdʒepəʳdi/ [verb phrase]if something, especially a plan, an agreement, or a relationshipis in jeopardy, there is a serious risk that it will fail, be lost, or be harmed 〔尤指计划、协议或关系等〕处于危险境地 Negotiations have broken down, and the peace agreement is now in jeopardy. 谈判破裂了,和平协议现正受到威胁。 Lessing's career in football was in jeopardy after his back surgery in July. 莱辛在7月份做过背部手术后,他的足球生涯就前景不妙了。be at stake /biː ət ˈsteɪk/ [verb phrase]if something important or valuableis at stake, there is a risk that it will be lost if something that you are doing is unsuccessful 〔重要的或有价值的某物〕濒于险境,在危险中 With a place in the final at stake, there was everything to play for. 能否进入决赛仍处于成败关头,比赛时需要全力以赴。 The peace process will not end; there is too much at stake. 和平进程不会就此结束,很多事情仍成败难料。be under threat /biː ˌʌndəʳ ˈθret/ [verb phrase]if something important and valuableis under threat, there is a risk that it will be lost or destroyed unless someone takes action to stop the situation that causes it 〔重要的或有价值的某物〕受到威胁 With so many new offices being built in London, a lot of important archaeological remains are under threat. 伦敦要兴建那么多新的办公场所,大量的重要考古遗迹都受到了威胁。be under threat from Sensitive environmental areas are under threat from urban developers. 敏感的自然环境区受到城市开发商的威胁。be under threat of Demand for coal fell, and many of the mines were under threat of closure. 煤的需求量下降了,许多煤矿面临着关闭的威胁。be on the line /biː ɒn ðə ˈlaɪn/ [verb phrase]if something such as your job or people's opinion of you is on the line, there is a risk that you will lose it if you do not succeed in something that you are trying to do 〔工作或人们对你的看法等〕处在危险中 A company's reputation is on the line in the way it handles complaints. 如何处理好投诉是与公司的声誉攸关的事。〔 Your job's on the line in this case - you'd better make sure you're right. 这事关系到你会否丢掉工作,你最好确定自己是对的。8 to cause risks 带来风险put somebody/something at risk /ˌpʊt somebody/something ət ˈrɪsk/ [verb phrase]to do something that makes it more likely that someone or something will be harmed 使某人/某物处于危险中 The pilot has been accused of putting his passengers’ lives at risk. 该飞行员被指责使乘客的生命受到威胁。 Development in the wetlands will put the environment and wildlife habitats at risk. 开发湿地将使自然环境和野生生物的栖息地受到威胁。put sb/sth at risk of Some people carry a gene that puts them at greater risk of certain cancers. 有些人有着某些使他们更易于患上癌症的基因。threaten /ˈθretn/ [transitive verb]to make it likely that something bad will happen to someone or something 威胁 A severe drought is threatening the rice crop. 一场严重的旱灾正威胁着水稻作物。 According to some scientists, global warming threatens the survival of the whole human race. 根据一些科学家的观点,全球性变暖威胁到了全人类的生存。endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəʳ/ [transitive verb]to put someone or something in a dangerous or harmful situation 危及,危害 The U.S. was unwilling to do anything that might endanger the alliance with Japan. 美国不愿做任何可能危害与日本之间的联盟关系的事。 The pilot refused to endanger the lives of his passengers by making an unscheduled landing. 飞行员拒绝作未经计划的降落,因为那样做会危及乘客的生命安全。 If unemployment continues to rise, social stability may be endangered. 如果失业率继续上升,可能会危及社会的稳定。jeopardizealsoput/place something in jeopardy /ˈdʒepəʳdaɪz, ˌpʊt, ˌpleɪs something ɪn ˈdʒepəʳdi/ [transitive verb]to do something that increases the risk that something good will be harmed or lost 使处于危险境地;危及;损害 A scandal like this might jeopardize his political career. 这样的丑闻可能会危及他的政治生涯。 The breaking of the ceasefire has put the whole peace process in jeopardy. 破坏停火协定危害了整个和平进程。seriously jeopardize The country's economic future is seriously jeopardized by the mass emigration of young people. 年轻人大批移居国外,这会严重损害国家未来的经济。