

例句 UNITE1 to join together with other people, organizations, or countries2 when people unite3 when people are united4 to make people, organizations, or countries uniteRELATED WORDSsee alsoWITH/TOGETHERJOIN1 to join together with other people, organizations, or countries 加入其他人、组织或国家 unite /juːˈnaɪt/ [intransitive verb] especially written if people, organizations, or countries unite, they start working together or join together as a single unit, for example because they have the same aims as each other 【尤书面】联合;团结 unite to do something In 1960, British and Italian Somaliland united to form Somalia. 1960年,英属索马里兰和意属索马里兰合并成立索马里。 Various political and religions groups united to oppose the dictatorship. 各个政治、宗教团体联合起来反对独裁统治。unite against Police chiefs called on the local people to unite against the drug dealers. 警长们号召当地百姓联合起来反对毒贩。unite behind a speech in which he asked America to unite behind the new President 一篇他号召美国人民团结起来支持新总统的演说 team up /ˌtiːm ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if two or more people team up, they agree to work together, especially in business, music, or theatre 与…结成一队;与…合作〔尤指商业、音乐或戏剧方面〕 team up with I teamed up with a local journalist, and we worked on the story together. 我和当地一名记者合作,共同报道这件事。team up to do something It all started when Paul McCartney and John Lennon teamed up to form a band. 保罗·麦卡特尼和约翰·列侬合作成立了一个乐队,一切就这样开始了。 get together /get təˈgeðəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if people or organizations get together, they join together in order to do something, especially in an informal way 聚集,相聚 Designers from both countries got together and held a joint exhibition. 两国设计师共聚一堂,举行联合展览。get together to do something The whole family needs to get together to decide what to do about the trip. 全家人需要聚在一起把行程安排好。 combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ [intransitive verb] to join together and work very closely together so that you succeed in achieving the result you want 结合,联合〔以实现期望的目标〕 combine to do something The opposition parties combined to drive the Prime Minister out of office. 反对党联合起来把首相赶下了台。combine with Members of the radical Right combined with communists in holding an illegal meeting. 右翼极端分子和他们联合举行了一次非法集会。 join forces /ˌdʒɔɪn ˈfɔːʳsz/ [verb phrase] if people or organizations join forces, they join together in order to work together or to fight against an enemy 合力〔做某事或对付敌人〕 join forces to do something The two manufacturers, who were once bitter rivals, have now joined forces to develop a new sports car. 这两家制造商曾经是激烈的竞争对手,现合力在开发一款新跑车。join forces with The socialists hope to join forces with the communists to fight the next election. 社会党员希望与共产党员联手,参加下一届的竞选。 come together /ˌkʌm təˈgeðəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if people or organizations come together, especially ones who usually disagree or compete with each other, they join together in order to do something 联合起来〔尤指彼此通常不和或竞争的个人或组织〕 Women from the different organizations have been able to come together and agree on certain basic principles about what they, as women, are fighting for. 不同组织的妇女已联合起来,并为女性要竭力争取的事定下了一些基本原则。come together to do something The Conference called on everyone to come together to resist the government's planned educational reforms. 大会号召大家合力抵制政府的教育改革计划。 amalgamate /əˈmælgəmeɪt/ [intransitive verb] if two or more organizations amalgamate, for example colleges, unions, or hospitals, they join together to form a single organization 〔学院、工会或医院等〕合并 The two schools amalgamated in 1974. 这两所学校于1974年合并。amalgamate with The women's association has amalgamated with the men's. 妇女联合会已经和男子联合会合并了。amalgamate into A and B squadrons amalgamated into a single squadron. A中队和B中队合并成了一个中队。 amalgamation /əˌmælgəˈmeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the amalgamation of several small farms into one large agricultural unit 几家小农场合并成一个大型农业单位 merge /mɜːʳdʒ/ [intransitive verb] if two companies or organizations merge, they join together to form a single company or organization 〔两间公司或组织〕合并 The two banks have announced plans to merge next year. 这两家银行已经宣布了明年合并的方案。merge with In 1969, Cadbury merged with Schweppes, changing the whole character of the company. 1969年,吉百利和施韦普合并,改变了公司的整体特色。2 when people unite 人们团结在一起 pull together /ˌpʊl təˈgeðəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if the people in a group pull together, they all work together to deal with a difficult situation 〔团体里的人〕齐心协力,通力合作 In Japan in the 50s and 60s, the government, bankers and workers all pulled together and brought about what we now call "the economic miracle'. 五六十年代的日本,政府、银行家和工人齐心协力,创造了我们现在所说的“经济奇迹”。pull together to do something Parents, teachers, and students should all pull together to tackle the school's drugs problem. 家长、教师以及学生应该齐心协力对付校内的毒品问题。 stand together /ˌstænd təˈgeðəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if a group of people stand together, they unite and deal with a difficult or dangerous situation as a group 团结一致 We must all stand together on this one. I don't want anybody quitting or saying they don't want to get involved. 在这件事上我们大家必须团结一致,我不希望有人退出或者说不想插手。 Somehow they stood together and kept the business going in spite of all that was going on. 尽管发生了这一切,他们还是团结在一起把公司经营下去。 stick together /ˌstɪk təˈgeðəʳ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] informal if two or more people stick together, they continue to support each other even when there are problems or difficulties 【非正式】〔尽管有问题或困难仍然〕互相支持,团结一致 It is important for families to stick together. 家人团结一致很重要。 We should be able to get out of this mess, provided we stick together. 只要我们同心协力,就能渡过这个难关。 close ranks /ˌkləʊz ˈræŋks/ [verb phrase] if people who belong to a group or organization close ranks, they join together to protect each other, especially when the group or its members are being criticized or attacked 团结一致〔尤指团体或其成员受到批评或攻击时〕 When she applied for promotion, the male managers all closed ranks and made sure she didn't get it. 她申请升职时,所有男经理都联合起来,不让她成功。 President Nixon's staff were instructed to close ranks in response to the Watergate arrests. 就针对水门事件的逮捕行动的回应,尼克松总统的幕僚奉命要口径一致。 be united /biː juːˈnaɪtd/ [verb phrase] if a group of people are united, they support each other or are working together in a difficult situation 联合,团结 Organisers want the conference to show that the party is united as never before. 组织者想通过此次会议展现出该党空前的团结。be united in The Council is united in its resolve to maintain and develop standards of professional management. 委员会团结一致,决心保持并发展专业的管理水平。3 when people are united 人们团结起来 unity /ˈjuːnɪti, ˈjuːnəti/ [uncountable noun] In his speech the Prime Minister stressed the need for party unity. 首相在演说中强调了党内团结的必要性。 The lack of unity within the women's movement has resulted in a severe lack of power. 妇女运动缺乏团结导致其软弱无力。 solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti, ˌsɒləˈdærətiǁˌsɑː-/ [uncountable noun] loyalty and support for a person or group whose political views you strongly agree with, especially someone who is fighting against or being badly treated by people who are in authority 团结一致〔尤指与对抗当权者或受其虐待的人〕 solidarity with Workers all over the country went on strike to show their solidarity with the miners. 全国各地的工人都罢工了,表示他们与矿工的团结。solidarity between There was a feeling of solidarity between all the staff and a common suspicion as to why management had called the meeting. 员工们团结一致,对管理层为什么召开会议感到怀疑。 spirit /ˈspɪrɪt, ˈspɪrət/ [uncountable noun] team/community/public spirit a strong feeling of belonging to a particular group and of wanting to help them 团队/社区/公益精神 The crew enjoy working together and have developed an excellent team spirit. 船员们喜欢在一起工作,团队精神高昂。 I am sure that, given the great community spirit here, the fund-raisers will not give up. 我坚信,这里有如此高涨的社区精神,募捐者是不会放弃的。4 to make people, organizations, or countries unite 使人、组织或国家团结 unite /juːˈnaɪt/ [transitive verb] President Clinton's rousing speech united the Democrats. 克林顿总统振奋人心的演说把民主党人团结在一起。 What united the two groups was their hatred of fascism in all its forms. 把这两个团体团结在一起的,是他们对各种形式的法西斯主义的仇恨。 She and Picasso had always been friends, but now they shared a secret that united them even more. 她和毕加索向来是朋友,不过现在一个共同的秘密使两人的联系更为紧密了。 bring together /ˌbrɪŋ təˈgeðəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] if an event or a situation brings people together, it makes them have a closer, more friendly relationship with each other 〔事件或情况〕使团结起来 bring somebody together What was it that first brought you two together? Your love of music? 一开始是什么让你们俩走在一起的?是你们对音乐的热爱吗? In South Africa, cricket has been the one sport that has brought people together. 在南非,板球是唯一把人们紧紧联系在一起的运动。 rally /ˈræli/ [transitive verb] to persuade or encourage people to unite in order to fight for or against something 召集;团结〔以争取或反对某事〕 rally support/opposition The main effect of the new tax was to rally opposition to the government. 新税的主要影响是团结了反政府的力量。 Recent news reports on the situation in the capital have helped rally support for the war. 最近有关首都形势的新闻报道有利于动员力量支持战争。rally somebody Churchill's stirring speeches helped rally his countrymen to fight against the enemy. 丘吉尔一次又一次振奋人心的演说有助把国人团结起来共同抵抗敌人。 amalgamate /əˈmælgəmeɪt/ [transitive verb] to make two or more organizations join together, for example colleges, unions, or hospitals, in order to make a single one 使〔学院、工会、医院等〕合并 Worries have been expressed about the current trend of amalgamating sales teams. 有人对当前销售团队的兼并趋势表示了不安。amalgamate something into something The 55 army battalions would be amalgamated into 23 units. 55个军营将合并成23个单位。 merge /mɜːʳdʒ/ [transitive verb] to make two companies or organizations join together to form a single one 使〔公司或机构〕合并 There are plans to merge the two most successful TV channels. 有计划将这两个最成功的电视频道合并。merge something with something He wanted to merge his company with a South African mining firm. 他想把自己的公司与南非一家煤矿公司合并。




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