STAY1 to stay in a place and not leave it2 to stay in the same job, school etc and not leave it3 to stay somewhere a little longer4 to stay somewhere too long5 to stay in someone's house or at a hotel6 someone who is staying in a hotel or someone's house7 a place where you can stay for a short period of time8 to let someone stay in your home9 the time when you stay somewhereRELATED WORDSoppositeLEAVEto be left after others have gone 其他人走后被留下REMAINsee alsoVISITTRAVEL1 to stay in a place and not leave it 待在某地不离开stay /steɪ/ [intransitive verb] Stay where you are and don't move. 待在原地别动。 I'm coming too. I'm not staying here on my own. 我也要去,我可不想一个人待在这里。 Neighbors keep to themselves around here, they stay inside. 这里邻居之间互不往来,他们都待在自己家里。stay with He stayed with the baby until she fell asleep. 他陪着宝宝直到她睡着。stay (for) 3 hours/two days/a while etc John only stayed at the party for a couple of hours. 聚会上约翰只逗留了几个小时。 Don't go so soon -- can't you stay just a little longer? 不要这么快就走—你就不能再待一会儿吗?stay for dinner/a drink/a game of cards etc You're welcome to stay for lunch, you know. 欢迎你留下来吃午饭! Are you staying for a drink, or do you have to go? 你留下来喝一杯呢,还是一定要走?stay to dinner/tea etc Mom always seated me next to him whenever he stayed to supper. 他每次留下来吃晚饭,妈妈总让我坐在他的旁边。stay to do something Are you staying to watch the game? 你留下来看比赛吗?stay behindstay in a place after other people have left 〔在别人走后〕留下来 He stayed behind after class to ask the teacher a few questions. 他课后留下来问老师几个问题。remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ [intransitive verb not usually in progressive]formalto stay 【正式】留下;停留 Some 2,000 students, lecturers and university workers remained inside, refusing to leave. 有2,000名大学师生和职员留在里面,拒绝离开。 He was determined to remain out west until he had made his fortune. 他下决心留在西部发财。remain at/in The judge ruled that Borkin should remain in jail until his case is heard. 法官判博尔金待在狱中等候听证。 He had finished, but he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience. 他讲完了,但是在麦克风旁边待了几分钟,看着观众。remain with The children will remain with their mother. 孩子们将留下来和母亲在一起。remain behindto stay in a place after other people have left 〔在别人走后〕留下来 The others were dismissed, but Harwood was asked to remain behind. 其他人都解散了,但哈伍德被留了下来。stay put /ˌsteɪ ˈpʊt/ [verb phrase]to stay in the same place and not try to move from there 待在原地 He won't stay put long enough for me to take his photo. 他不肯站着不动,给我足够的时间拍照。 I've decided to stay put until after Christmas, but after that I want to start looking for a new apartment. 我决定在原来的地方住到圣诞节以后,过完圣诞节我想开始找新的公寓。sit tight /ˌsɪt ˈtaɪt/ [verb phrase]to stay in the same place and wait until a difficult or dangerous situation has ended before moving 留在原地不动〔等着困难或危险过去〕 You sit tight while I go and get some help. 你待着别动,我去喊人来帮忙。stay inalsostop inBritish /ˌsteɪ ˈɪn, ˌstɒp ˈɪnǁˌstɑːp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]informaltostay in your house and not go out, especially in the evening, instead of going out to enjoy yourself 【非正式】待在家里不出门〔尤指在晚上〕 I've got to stay in and look after my sister on Friday night. 星期五晚上我得待在家里照顾我妹妹。 So, are you going out or stopping in tonight? 那么,今天晚上你是出去呢,还是待在家里?stick around /ˌstɪk əˈraʊnd/ [intransitive phrasal verb]informalto stay in the same place for a short time, especially because you are waiting for someone, or expecting something to happen 【非正式】逗留,待在原地〔尤为了等待某人或等待某事发生〕 If you don't feel like sticking around here, we could find a place to get some coffee. 如果你不想待在这里,我们可以找个地方喝咖啡。stick around for ten minutes/a while etc Do you guys want to stick around for a while? 你们几个想在这里待一会吗?stop /stɒpǁstɑːp/ [intransitive verb]Britishinformalto stay somewhere for a short time, especially at someone's house 【英,非正式】逗留〔尤指在某人家里〕 I'm not stopping, I've just popped in to pick up some books. 我不久留了,只是过来拿几本书。stop for tea/a chat/a cup of coffee etc Why don't you stop for lunch -- there's loads of food. 为什么不留下吃午饭呢一有很多东西吃啊。2 to stay in the same job, school etc and not leave it 继续做原来的工作、继续在原来的学校上学等stay /steɪ/ [intransitive verb]to continue tostay in the same job, school etc and not leave it 留下 Do you think she'd stay if we offered her a raise? 如果我们给她加薪,你觉得她会留下来吗?stay at/with I've stayed at the same company for seven years, and I'd like to stick around for a while longer. 我在这家公司待了七年,还想继续待下去。 I didn't want to stay with Jordan's all my life -- I wanted a real career, one with a future. 我不想一辈子都待在乔丹公司。我想有一个真正的事业、一个有发展前途的事业。stay (on) at schoolcontinue to go to school 【英】继续上学British Most students stay at school until they are 16 or 17. 大多数学生都继续上学,直到十六七岁左右。stay in schoolAmericancontinue to go to school 【美】继续上学 We're trying to persuade our daughter to stay in school for another year. 我们在想办法劝女儿在学校再待一年。stay in Alice has never stayed in the same job for more than a year. 艾丽丝从来没有干一份工作超过一年的。stay on /ˌsteɪ ˈɒn/ [intransitive phrasal verb]to stay in a job, school etc for a longer time than you had planned, or after other people have left 继续留下〔指超出原来计划的时间,或在别人离开之后〕 Alvin came here initially as a session musician, but he stayed on. 阿尔文最初来这里是做录音乐师,后来他就留了下来。 There was little encouragement for those over 65 to stay on after retirement. 不大鼓励65岁以上的人退休后继续留下来。stay on at school/university/college etc He stayed on at college for an extra year to do a Master's degree. 他在大学里多待了一年攻读硕士学位。 Forty-four per cent of fifth formers now choose to stay on at school. 五年级的学生中,有44%的人现在都选择继续上学。stay on to do something He entered University College to study zoology and stayed on to work in genetics. 他进大学学院修读动物学,后来就留了下来研究遗传学。remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ [intransitive verb not in progressive]formalto stay in the same job, school etc and not leave it 【正式】留下,继续留在remain at/in/with He's decided to remain in his present job for the time being. 他决定暂时留下来继续做现在的工作。 Williams was offered $200,000 to remain with the Defense Department. 他们给了威廉斯20万美元让他继续留在国防部。remain as Sir Rocco Forte will remain as chief executive of the UK hotels company. 罗科·福特爵士将继续留任英国酒店管理公司的总经理。stay put /ˌsteɪ ˈpʊt/ [verb phrase]to stay in the same job, school etc, especially because you have to and not because you want to 留在原处〔尤指是迫不得已的〕 If you stay put, you'll be even more miserable in a year's time. 如果你待在原处,一年以后甚至会更不愉快。3 to stay somewhere a little longer 待在某地久一些stay on /ˌsteɪ ˈɒn/ [intransitive phrasal verb]to stay somewhere after other people have gone, or after you expected to leave 〔别人走后或希望能离开时〕继续留下 The others went back to the hotel, but I stayed on in the bar, chatting to Alan. 其他人都回宾馆了,但我留在酒吧里陪艾伦聊天。 It's okay, I'll stay on until you're ready to leave. 没关系,我再待到你们准备好可以走了。 About 40 members of the audience stayed on after the performance for a glass of wine. 演出结束后,观众中大约有40个人留下来喝杯葡萄酒。stay on to do something I'll be late home -- I'm staying on to help organize the exhibition. 我要晚点回家—我要留下来帮助安排展览。stay late /ˌsteɪ ˈleɪt/ [verb phrase]to stay somewhere after other people have gone, often because you have work to do 〔因为有工作要做而〕留得很晚 Employees regularly stay late to complete tasks, but they are not paid overtime. 雇员经常为完成工作留得很晚,但是却拿不到加班费。 In those days, teachers enjoyed running reading clubs, and stayed late after the bell to do so. 那时候老师爱办读书俱乐部,他们放学后会留到很晚才回家。stay (in) after school /ˌsteɪ (ɪn) ɑːftəʳ ˈskuːlǁ-ˌæf-/ [verb phrase]if a student has tostay after school, they have to stay at the school for a short period of time after the other students have left, usually as a punishment 课后留在学校〔常作为惩罚〕 If Sean failed to complete any of his classwork assignments, he had to stay after school until they were finished. 肖恩如果不能完成课堂作业,就得下课后留在学校把作业做完。linger /ˈlɪŋgəʳ/ [intransitive verb]to stay in a place a little longer, either because you are hoping to see someone, or because you are enjoying yourself 逗留;徘徊〔因希望见到某人或因为玩得开心〕 Jack lingered for a while in the hall, hoping to get the chance to talk with her. 杰克在大厅里逗留了一会,希望有机会同她交谈。 She lingered for a moment, uncertain what to do, then turned on her heel and left abruptly. 她不知所措地待了一会儿,然后突然转身走了。linger over As she lingered over her coffee, the sky began to darken and heavy rain clouds swept in. 她慢慢地喝着咖啡,天色开始暗了下来,天空中乌云密布。linger on A few fans lingered on after the concert was over. 音乐会结束后,一些乐迷仍不愿离去。4 to stay somewhere too long 待在某地太久outstay your welcome/overstay your welcome /aʊtˌsteɪ jɔːʳ ˈwelkəm, əʊvəʳˌsteɪ jɔːʳ ˈwelkəm/ [verb phrase]to visit or stay with someone for too long, so that they wish you would go 待得太久而不再受欢迎 Isn't it time your friends left? They've outstayed their welcome a bit. 你的朋友是不是该走了?他们待得太久了。 She was so worried about overstaying her welcome that she left after only one night. 她担心待得太久会惹人嫌,所以只住了一个晚上就走了。5 to stay in someone's house or at a hotel 住在某人的家里或旅馆里stay /steɪ/ [intransitive verb]to spend a few days, weeks etc at someone else's house or at a hotel, but not live there permanently 〔在某人家里或旅馆里〕暂住,留宿 Where in New Hampshire were you staying? 你在新罕布什尔住在哪里? How long are you staying? 你要住多久?stay (for) a few months/two weeks etc I was having such a good time in Paris that I phoned my mother to say I was staying another week. 我在巴黎过得非常开心,所以我打电话给母亲说我还要待一个星期。stay at/in I stayed at my brother's house for a couple of weeks. 我在哥哥家里住了几个星期。 Which hotel are you staying at? 你住在哪家旅馆?stay withstay at someone's house 住在〔某人〕家里 You could stay with John and Anne while you're in London. 你去伦敦的时候可以住在约翰和安妮家里。stay the night/stay over/stay overnightBritishsleep at someone else's house 【英】在…过夜 Is it all right if I stay the night? 我在这里过夜行吗? You can stay over, Gail, if it would help. 盖尔,你可以在这里过夜,如果这样对你有帮助的话。come to stay One of Sarah's friends is coming to stay with us this summer. 今年夏天萨拉的一个朋友要来和我们一起住。visitalsovisit withAmerican /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət, ˈvɪzt wɪð/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to go to the house of a friend or relative and stay there for some time, because you want to see them 探望,看望 I went to visit her last winter and I really had a great time. 去年冬天我去看望过她,真的很开心。 How much do you visit with your Mom and Dad while you're here? 你在这里的时候,常去看你父母吗? So are you just visiting friends out here or something? 那你来这里只是看看朋友什么的,是吗? She sent me some photographs of when she visited in December. 她给我寄来了她12月份来这里时拍的一些照片。board /bɔːʳd/ [intransitive verb]to stay in a room in a family house or in a house where other people have rooms, and where some or all of your meals are provided 寄膳宿 Phoebe boards here during the week and goes home at weekends. 菲比平时在这里吃住,周末回家。board with I boarded with the Jansens until I found a place of my own. 我自己找到地方住之前借住在詹森家里。lodge /lɒdʒǁlɑːdʒ/ [intransitive verb]Britishif youlodge in someone's house or in a hotel, you pay money to stay there 【英】〔付款〕寄住,租住lodge in/at/with Mrs Gould and her niece are lodging in the Rising Sun. 古尔德夫人和她的侄女住在旭日酒店。 His wife and kids were forced to lodge with friends until they found a place of their own. 他的妻儿只得寄住在朋友家里,直到他们自己找到住的地方。6 someone who is staying in a hotel or someone's house 住在旅馆或别人家里的人guest /gest/ [countable noun]someone who is staying with friends or relatives or at a hotel 客人,宾客 The hotel bar is for guests only. 旅馆酒吧仅供住店客人使用。 I'm really busy - I'm expecting guests this weekend. 我真的很忙—这个周末有客人要来。 Police evacuated hotel guests after staff received a bomb threat. 员工收到炸弹恐吓以后,警方疏散了酒店客人。have a guesthave someone staying with you at your home as a guest 有客人 We had guests over Christmas - three of them stayed until the New Year. 圣诞节的时候我们家来了客人,有三个客人一直待到了新年。lodger /ˈlɒdʒəʳǁˈlɑː-/ [countable noun]Britishsomeone who pays rent to live in a room in someone else's house 【英】房客;租住者 Are you still looking for a lodger? 你还在寻找房客吗? This young lady's our new lodger. 这位小姐是我们的新房客。have a lodger/have somebody as a lodger We had lodgers all through the war, most of them evacuees. 战争期间我们一直都有房客,大多数都是疏散出来的人。take in a lodgerstart having a lodger in your home 收房客 If you're having trouble paying your mortgage, consider taking in a lodger or at least renting out a room. 如果你在偿还抵押贷款方面有困难,可以考虑收个房客,或者至少把一个房间租出去。7 a place where you can stay for a short period of time 可以小住一段时间的地方a place to stay/somewhere to stay /ə ˌpleɪs tə ˈsteɪ, ˌsʌmweəʳ tə ˈsteɪ/ [noun phrase]especially spokena place where you can stay, for example a hotel or a room in someone's house 【尤口】一个住的地方 She needs somewhere to stay while she's at college. 她上大学需要个住的地方。 If I can't find a place to stay, maybe I could stay at your pad. 如果我找不到住的地方,也许要住在你家。accommodationalsoaccommodationsAmerican /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən(z) ǁ əˌkɑː-/ []a place where you pay money to stay, for example a hotel or a room that you rent 〔付钱的〕住宿 The price includes flights, accommodation and transport. 这个价格包括机票、住宿和交通。 You won't find any really luxurious accommodations, but there are adequate hotels and guest houses. 你不会找到任何很豪华的住宿,但是宾馆和小旅馆有很多。 The cost of the six-day trip includes meals and motel accommodations. 六日游的价格包括膳食和汽车旅馆的住宿。 The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up. 租房的费用不停地在上涨。lodgings /ˈlɒdʒɪŋzǁˈlɑː-/ [plural noun]Britisha house where you pay rent to the people who own it so that you can live in one of their rooms 【英】寄宿舍;租住的房间 The Henstocks were lucky enough to find lodgings in the village while they awaited a new home. 亨斯托克一家人很幸运,他们在等着搬新家的时候,在村子里租到了一个公寓。 She's going to stay in lodgings until she finds a place of her own. 她在找到地方自己住之前,打算租住别人的公寓。board and lodgingswhen the price you pay includes some or all of your meals 食宿费 She was given free board and lodgings at the school where she worked. 她工作的学校给她提供免费食宿。guest house /ˈgest haʊs/ [countable noun]a small hotel where it is fairly cheap to stay, or a small house close to a larger house, where visitors can stay 小旅馆 They told me the old cinema had been turned into a guest house. 他们告诉我说,那家旧电影院已经改建成小旅馆了。 We pulled up at a little guest house, but there were no vacancies there. 我们在一家小旅馆停了车,但是那里已经客满了。boarding house /ˈbɔːʳdɪŋ ˌhaʊs/ [countable noun]a private house where you pay to sleep and eat, and where you stay for a short time 家庭旅馆,提供膳食的私人住宅 He took two rooms in a private boarding house. 他在一个私人家庭旅馆里包了两个房间。 Some of the boarding houses we stayed in were really run-down. 我们住的家庭旅馆中有几个实在很破旧。bed and breakfastalsoB and B /ˌbed ən ˈbrekfəst, ˌbiː ən ˈbiː/ [uncountable noun]a small hotel or house where you pay to sleep for the night and have breakfast the next morning 〔提供住宿和早餐的〕小旅馆 We found a cheap bed and breakfast near the coast. 我们在海边找了一家提供廉价住宿和早餐的小旅馆。 ‘Where will you stay when you get there?’ ‘Oh, a B and B or a little guest house I expect.’ “你到了那里之后会住在什么地方呢?”“噢,可能会住个包早餐的旅馆,或是一个家庭小旅馆。”digs /dɪgz/ [plural noun]British informala room in a house that you pay rent for, especially temporarily, for example because you are a student 【英,非正式】租住的住所〔尤指学生等暂住的地方〕 In our third year at university, we moved into digs in Elm Street. 我们在大学三年级的时候搬到榆树街租来的地方去住了。8 to let someone stay in your home 让某人待在你家里have somebody to stay/have somebody staying /hæv somebody tə ˈsteɪ, hæv somebody ˈsteɪ-ɪŋ/ [verb phrase]especially spokenif youhave someone to stay, orhave someone staying, they stay at your house for a few days, weeks etc 【尤口】有某人来住〔几天、几个星期等〕 I'm busy all next week - I've got people to stay. 下星期我都很忙,有人要来我家住。 Don't plan anything for next weekend because I might be having my sister to stay. 下个周末不要做什么安排,我妹妹有可能要来住几天。 We often had overseas students staying with us over the summer. 夏天经常有留学生来住在我们家里。put somebody up /ˌpʊt somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]especially spokento let a friend stay in your home for a short time, and provide them with a bed to sleep in 【尤口】留某人住在家中〔一段短时间〕 ‘Where are you staying?’ ‘Carole's putting us up for a couple of days.’ “你住在哪里?”“卡罗尔留我们住几天。” They put me up in the spare room for a few days while I sorted things out. 他们让我在客房住了几天,我就把事情想个清楚。take somebody in /ˌteɪk somebody ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to offer someone a place to live, especially because they need your help 收留某人〔尤因他们需要帮助〕take in somebody For every child we take in, thousands are left to look after themselves on the streets. 我们收留了一个个孩子,但还有成千上万的孩子仍然流落街头。take somebody in When Mary's parents threw her out, my mother took her in. 玛丽的父母把她赶出家门,我母亲收留了她。9 the time when you stay somewhere 待在某地的一段时间stay /steɪ/ [singular noun]the time when youstay in a place, for example when you go somewhere on holiday or for business 逗留,停留〔如度假或公干〕 So how was the rest of your stay? 那么,后来几天你在那里怎么样?stay in I met her during my stay in Venice. 我在威尼斯暂住的时候认识了她。visit /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət/ [countable noun]the time when you go to stay somewhere, especially in order to see people or see a place 作客;拜访;参观 It was my first visit to my wife's parents’ house. 那是我第一次上岳父母家。 She took the whole class out there for a visit. 她把全班同学带到那里参观。