

单词 SIT
例句 SIT1 to be sitting in a chair, on the floor etc2 to sit after you have been standing3 to sit with your legs in a particular position4 a place where you can sit5 what you say to tell someone to sit6 something that is done while sittingRELATED WORDSsee alsoSTANDLIEBEND (2)1 to be sitting in a chair, on the floor etc 坐在椅子上、地板上等 sit /sɪt/ [intransitive verb] to be in a chair, on the floor etc, with the weight of your body resting on your bottom, not on your feet Is it okay if I sit here? 我坐在这里行吗? Do you want to sit next to Brian? 你想坐在布赖恩旁边吗? Let's go sit outside. 我们坐到外面去吧。 A woman in a huge hat came and sat right in front of us. 一个戴了一顶巨大帽子的女人来了,就坐在我们的前面。 Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs. 比利坐在桌子的边上,摇晃着他的两条腿。 I saw a man with grey hair sitting in the car next to Jean. 我看到车里有一个白发男子坐在琼的身边。 Come and sit on Mommy's knee. 来,坐在妈妈的膝盖上。sit at a desk/table/bar/fire etc A grey-haired woman was sitting at the reception desk. 一个灰白头发的女子坐在接待处。sit around a desk/table etc We all used to sit around the kitchen table, smoking and chatting. 以前我们都会围坐在厨房的餐桌旁边抽烟、聊天。sit still sit quietly without moving 坐着不动 I wish you children would sit still for 10 minutes. 我希望你们这些孩子安静地坐十分钟不要动。 sit up /ˌsɪt ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to move your body so that you are sitting, after you have been lying down, or to sit so that your back is straight 坐起来,坐直 When I got home, Nigel was sitting up in bed. 我回家的时候,奈杰尔正从床上坐起来。 Sit up like a big girl, and eat your dinner. 像大姑娘一样坐直吃饭。sit up straight sit with your back very straight 挺直背坐 Cadets here are taught to always dress neatly and to sit up straight. 这里的学员被训练一定要穿戴整齐、坐姿端正。 sit back /ˌsɪt ˈbæk/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to lean your back against the back of the chair, after you have been sitting straight, especially because this is more comfortable 靠着坐好〔尤因更舒适〕 Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music. 靠在椅子上坐好,放松下来,好好享受这音乐。 Mel sat back on the couch and admired the view of the city. 梅尔靠坐在沙发上,欣赏这城市的风景。 be seated /biː ˈsiːtd/ [verb phrase] formal to be sitting in a particular chair or place, especially because someone has asked or arranged for you to sit there 【正式】就座,入座〔尤指经别人安排坐在某位置上〕 The meal cannot start until everyone is seated. 大家都就座了才可以开始用餐。 John was seated on my left. 约翰坐在我的左边。 Helen was more than pleased to be seated beside Chris. She'd always wanted to meet him. 海伦非常高兴被安排坐在克里斯旁边,她一直想认识他。 lounge /laʊndʒ/ [intransitive verb] to sit so that you are very comfortable and relaxed, sometimes almost lying down 懒洋洋地坐〔躺〕着 lounge on I dried off, then lounged on a hammock at the poolside. 我擦干身子,然后舒舒服服地躺在泳池边的吊床上。lounge in Are you the sort of person who likes to lounge in bed at the weekend? 你是不是那种喜欢周末赖在床上不肯动的人? slump /be slumped /slʌmp, biː ˈslʌmpt/ [intransitive verb] to be sitting with the top of your body leaning forwards or sideways and down, as if you are very tired or as if you are unconscious 〔如十分疲倦或失去知觉一般〕倒伏;瘫坐 slump forward/in/against etc He slumped further forward, his lips parted and his eyes closed. 他又往前倒伏,双唇张开,两眼紧闭。 She slumped back in her seat. 她倒在她的座位上。be slumped in/on/under etc Brad was slumped in front of the television watching the game. 布拉德趴坐在电视机前看比赛。 Theresa found him slumped over the keyboard. 特雷莎发现他伏在键盘上。sit slumped A young man sat slumped behind the hotel desk, showing little interest in the new arrivals. 一个年轻人歪坐在旅馆的登记柜台旁边,对新来的客人没多大兴趣。 slouch/be slouched /slaʊtʃ, biː ˈslaʊtʃt/ [intransitive verb/verb phrase] to sit in a tired or lazy way, often with your head down and your shoulders sloping downwards 低头垂肩地坐;没精打采地坐 Marie, don't slouch, sit up straight. 玛丽,别垂头丧气的,坐直吧。slouch back/against/in etc Cantor slouched back in his seat and lit a cigarette. 坎托没精打采地靠坐在位子里,点了一支香烟。 I slouched on a bench and watched the children feed the swans. 我没精打采地坐在长凳上,看着孩子们喂天鹅。be slouched in/over/beside etc One boy was slouched down in his chair, with a baseball cap almost covering his eyes. 一个男孩垂着头坐在椅子上,一顶棒球帽几乎盖住了他的眼睛。2 to sit after you have been standing 从站立的姿势坐下 sit down /ˌsɪt ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to sit on a chair, bed, floor etc, after you have been standing 坐下 Come in and sit down. 进来坐下。 Oh, it's nice to sit down after all that waiting. 噢,等了那么久,能坐下来真好。 Fay sat down on the edge of the bed. 费伊在床沿坐了下来。 Pull up a chair, and sit down right here. 拖一把椅子过来,坐在这里。 sit /sɪt/ [intransitive verb] to sit in a particular place or position after you have been standing sit beside/against/next to etc It's so hot in here. Shall we go and sit by the window? 这里这么热,我们要不要坐到窗边去? Come and sit next to me -- I haven't seen you for ages. 过来坐在我旁边—好久没见你了。 He sat down right beside me. 他就在我的旁边坐了下来。sit up sit after lying down After a few days, he was finally allowed to sit up in bed. 过了几天,他终于获准在床上坐起来了。 take your seat /ˌteɪk jɔːʳ ˈsiːt/ [verb phrase] to sit down in your chair in a public place such as a theatre or cinema, so that you can watch a play, film, ceremony etc 〔在剧院或电影院等里面〕就座 Would the audience please take their seats -- the show will begin in five minutes. 请观众就座—演出五分钟以后就开始。 She waved before taking her seat at the back of the church. 她挥挥手,在教堂的后面坐了下来。 sink into /ˈsɪŋk ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to sit in a comfortable chair, by letting yourself fall back into it, especially because you are tired 倒入〔舒服的椅子中,尤因劳累〕 It had been an exhausting day. Christina gratefully sank into the armchair and kicked off her shoes. 劳累了一天,克里斯蒂娜求之不得地倒入扶手椅中,并蹬掉了鞋子。3 to sit with your legs in a particular position 双腿放在某个位置坐着 kneel also kneel down /niːl, niːl ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive verb] to be or move into a position in which your knees are on the floor and your body is upright 跪,跪下 He told them to kneel, then began to say a prayer. 他叫他们跪下,然后开始祷告。 Grandpa knelt down and lifted the little girl into his arms. 祖父跪下来,把小女孩抱在怀里。 An old woman was kneeling at the altar, her hands clasping a rosary. 一个老妇人跪在祭坛前,手中握着一串念珠。 You'll need to bring a small mat to kneel on. 你需要带一个小小的垫子,那就可以跪在上面。 sit cross-legged /sɪt ˌkrɒs ˈlegdǁ-ˌkrɔːs ˈlegd/ [verb phrase] to sit on the ground or floor with your knees bent and your feet crossed in front of you 盘腿坐着 Several children sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her. 几个孩子盘腿坐在她前面的地板上。 They were sitting on the bed cross-legged and giggling. 他们盘腿坐在床上咯咯笑。 squat also squat down /skwɒt, ˌskwɒt ˈdaʊnǁskwɑːt/ [intransitive verb usually in progressive] to put your body into a position in which your feet are flat on the ground, your knees are bent up to your chest, and your bottom is off the ground, or to move into this position 蹲,蹲下 A little boy was squatting at the edge of the pool. 一个小男孩蹲在水池边。 People squatted around the fire in small groups 人们三五成群地蹲在火堆的周围。 He squatted down beside me and offered me a cigarette. 他在我身边蹲下,递了一支烟给我。 sit astride /ˌsɪt əˈstraɪd/ [verb phrase] to sit on something or someone, with one leg on each side 跨坐 He sat astride a motorcycle. 他跨骑在一辆摩托车上。 He pinned her to the ground by her shoulders, sitting astride her so that she couldn't move. 他抓着她的肩把她摁倒在地上,骑在她身上让她动不了。 straddle /ˈstrædl/ [transitive verb] to sit on someone or something with one leg on each side, especially when you have to stretch a long way to do this 跨坐在…上〔尤指两腿伸得远〕 He sat facing her, straddling the small wooden chair. 他跨在小木椅上,坐在她的对面。 I looked up to see her straddling one of the huge branches of the oak tree. 我抬起头来,只见她跨腿坐在橡树上一根粗大的树枝上。4 a place where you can sit 一个能坐的地方 seat /siːt/ [countable noun] something you can sit on, especially in a bus, plane, theatre etc 〔尤指公共汽车、飞机、剧院等的〕座位,位子 Our seats were right at the front of the airplane. 我们的位子就在飞机的前部。 He leaned back in his seat and lit a cigarette. 他仰靠在座位上,点了一支香烟。 When we arrived, every seat was filled, so we stood at the back. 我们来到的时候,每个座位上都已经坐了人,所以我们就站在后面。 There was blood and broken glass all over the front seats. 前排的座位上全是血和碎玻璃。 ‘Slow down!’ yelled Ben from the back seat. “开慢点!”本在后排座位上大叫。 comfortable padded theater seats 舒适的剧院软座 place /pleɪs/ [countable noun] a particular seat where you sit for a formal meal or in a public place - use this especially to talk about whether seats are available 〔正式宴会上或公共场合里的〕座位,席位 We'd better hurry and get to our places before the show starts. 我们得赶快在节目开始之前坐到位子上去。 I don't think there are enough places for everyone. 我认为位子不够每个人坐。take your place sit in the seat that you are expected to sit in 坐到自己的位子上 Jennifer quietly took her place at the table. 珍妮弗悄悄地在桌子旁边自己的位子上坐了下来。5 what you say to tell someone to sit 叫某人坐下时说的话 sit down /ˌsɪt ˈdaʊn/ spoken Sit down -- I have some bad news for you. 坐下来,我有个坏消息要告诉你。 Sit down and finish your breakfast. 坐下来,把早餐吃完。 have a seat/take a seat /ˌhæv ə ˈsiːt, ˌteɪk ə ˈsiːt/ [verb phrase] spoken say this to politely ask someone to sit down, especially someone you do not know well 【口】请坐〔尤对不熟悉的人说〕 Take a seat. Mr Bennet will be available in a moment. 请坐,贝纳特先生一会儿就来。 You'd better have a seat, Mr Hanks. This may take some time. 您请坐,汉克斯先生,这可能要花点时间。 please be seated /ˌpliːz biː ˈsiːtd/ formal say this to a group of people to ask them politely to sit down, especially at a public occasion or ceremony 【正式】请入座,请坐下〔尤指在公共场合或仪式上礼貌地叫大家坐下〕 Would the audience please be seated. 请观众入座。 Please do be seated. This won't take a moment. 请坐下,不会要很长时间。 sit /sɪt/ spoken say this to a dog when you want it to sit down 【口】坐下〔用于叫狗坐下〕 Sit, Bowser, sit! Good dog! 坐下,鲍泽,坐下!好狗狗!6 something that is done while sitting 坐着完成的 sedentary /ˈsedəntəriǁ-teri/ [adjective] if someone is sedentary or they have a sedentary job, they spend most of their time sitting down 〔人〕久坐不动的;〔工作〕坐着做的 The exercise program was aimed at men in their fifties and sixties who were previously sedentary. 这个锻炼计划是针对以前都是久坐不动、年龄在五十多至六十多岁的人。 People with sedentary jobs generally need to eat less than those in very active occupations. 坐着干活的人一般比工作活动量很大的人食量小。 health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle 因为长期坐着缺乏运动所造成的健康问题 sit-down /ˈsɪt daʊn/ [adjective only before noun] sit-down meal/dinner etc a meal etc in which everyone in a group, usually a large group, sits at tables 〔通常一大群人〕坐在桌前吃的一顿饭/晚餐等 We usually organize a sit-down dinner, but we wanted to go for something less formal this year. 我们通常都是举办晚宴,但是这一年我们想办一个不是那么正式的。 We offer a cafeteria and a sit-down service at very reasonable rates. 我们有食堂,提供餐饮服务,价格非常合理。




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