

单词 SAD
例句 SAD1 feeling sad or unhappy2 feeling sad or unhappy for a long time3 extremely sad4 making you feel sad5 to make someone feel sad6 to feel sad and pity yourself7 to feel sad because someone has died8 a sad feeling9 to make somebody feel less sadRELATED WORDSoppositeHAPPYto become happy again after a period of problems or sadness 遇到问题或伤心过一段时间后又高兴起来 RECOVER (4-5)to make someone less sad 使某人减少难过 REDUCEsee alsoDISAPPOINTEDUPSETFED UPCRYFEEL1 feeling sad or unhappy 感到伤心或不高兴的 sad /sæd/ [adjective not usually before noun] not happy, especially because a happy time has ended, or because you feel sorry about someone else's unhappiness 〔尤因开心的时光已结束,或因别人的不幸而〕伤心的,难过的 She felt sad as she waved goodbye. 她挥手道别,心里感到很难过。 Don't look so sad! It won't be long until the next holidays. 别这么不开心!下一个假期没有多久就会到的。 There was such a sad look in her eyes. 她的眼神非常忧伤。sad to see/hear/learn etc We were very sad to hear about Mrs Humphrey's death. 听到汉弗莱太太去世的消息,我们都非常难过。sad to do something I was glad to be going home, but sad to leave all my friends. 我很高兴要回家了,但是要离开所有朋友,我心里很难过。sad about It's natural to feel sad about it when your children finally leave home. 孩子们最后都离家走了,感到难过是很自然的事。 sadly [adverb] She shook her head sadly and sighed. 她难过地摇摇头,叹了口气。 unhappy /ʌnˈhæpi/ [adjective] not happy, because you are in a situation, job, or relationship that you do not enjoy at all, and it seems likely to continue 〔因某境况、工作或关系〕不高兴的,不快乐的 Neil was very unhappy at school. 尼尔在学校里很不快乐。 Her parents’ divorce left her feeling confused and unhappy 父母亲离婚使她不知所措,心里很难过。desperately/deeply unhappy very unhappy 极为/深深不快 She was desperately unhappy after Sean left her. 肖恩离开她之后,她极为难过。unhappy about I felt so unhappy about what he had said that I just sat down and cried. 他的话让我很不开心,我坐下来哭了。 unhappily [adverb] ‘I really don't know what to do’ said James, unhappily. “我真不知道该怎么做。”詹姆斯郁郁地说。 upset /ʌpˈset/ [adjective not before noun] unhappy because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened, so that you feel shocked or you want to cry 心烦意乱的,烦恼的;失望的 Don't be upset. I'm sure she didn't mean to be unkind. 别难过,我相信她不是有意使你难堪的。 The children were very upset when we told them that we wouldn't be going to Disneyland. 我们告诉孩子说不去迪斯尼乐园了,他们非常失望。get upset We'd better not tell Mum about what's happened. She'll only get upset. 我们最好不要告诉妈妈发生什么事情了,她只会感到烦恼。upset about Liz is very upset about her uncle's death. 莉兹对叔叔的死感到非常难过。upset that ‘What's the matter with Rod?’ ‘I think he's still upset that we forgot his birthday.’ “罗德怎么啦?”“我看他还在为我们忘记他生日的事而恼怒。” miserable /ˈmɪzərəbəl/ [adjective] extremely unhappy, because of the situation you are in, especially because you are lonely, hungry, cold etc 痛苦的;悲哀的;可怜的〔尤因孤独、饥饿、寒冷等〕 He sat all alone in his room, thoroughly miserable. 他独自坐在自己的房间里,可怜极了。 The poor miserable animals were starving, dirty and wet. 这些可怜的动物饿极了,而且又脏又湿。 All the staff seemed to look miserable and the atmosphere was not at all pleasant. 员工看上去都是愁眉苦脸的,气氛很不愉快。 miserably [adverb] He shook his head miserably, the tears pouring down his cheeks. 他悲哀地摇摇头,眼泪顺着脸颊淌了下来。 homesick /ˈhəʊmˌsɪk/ [adjective] unhappy because you are away from your home, your family, and your friends, and you wish you were back there 想家的,思乡的 My sister was very homesick when she first went to college. 我姐姐刚上大学的时候非常想家。 They were both gazing out of the window like a couple of homesick kids. 他们俩眼睛盯着窗外,像一对想家的孩子。 Most people get homesick the first time they leave home. 大多数人第一次离家都会想家。homesick for Sampras confessed that he was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe. 桑普拉斯承认,在欧洲待了五个星期,他想念美国了。 dejected /dɪˈdʒektɪd, dɪˈdʒektəd/ [adjective] sad and disappointed because something you hoped for did not happen - use this especially when this is shown in the way that someone looks, sounds etc 沮丧的,失望的〔尤指从某人的样子、声音等表示出来〕 He looked utterly dejected when she told him he'd failed again. 她告诉他说他又失败时,他看上去失望极了。 Greg sounded dejected. ‘Anything wrong?’ I said. 格雷格听上去很沮丧。“有什么问题吗?”我说。 One glance at the doctor's dejected expression answered my question. 我看了医生一眼,他沮丧的表情解开了我心中的疑问。 Kirkwood was a particularly dejected figure after their defeat. 他们受挫以后,柯克伍德特别沮丧。 dejectedly [adverb] She read the letter and looked up dejectedly. 她看完信,沮丧地抬起头来。 downcast /ˈdaʊnkɑːstǁ-kæst/ [adjective] sad or disappointed because of a situation or because something you hoped for did not happen 沮丧的,消沉的 Jamie seems very downcast at the moment. He misses Jenny terribly. 杰米这阵子好像非常消沉,他非常想念珍妮。 ‘You mustn't be downcast’ he said. ‘You can always try again.’ “你不要沮丧,”他说,“还可以再试嘛。” The photograph of her sitting on her own made her look lonely and downcast. 她一个人单独坐着的那张照片显得她很孤独和落寞。 glum/gloomy /glʌm, ˈgluːmi/ [adjective] informal sad because something slightly bad has happened or you do not have much hope for the future 【非正式】愁眉苦脸的,愁闷的,忧郁的〔因有坏事发生或对未来没有多大希望〕 Don't look so glum! Things aren't as bad as all that. 别这么闷闷不乐的!事情还不至于那么糟糕。 Monday morning? Feeling glum ? 星期一早上?感到郁闷? Sorry to be gloomy. I've had a bit of a bad day. 对不起,是我心情不好,我今天有点不顺心。 The doctor was a tall gloomy Scotsman. 医生是个苏格兰人,高高的个子,表情忧郁。 The glum expression on the England manager's face said it all. 这位英格兰领队脸上阴郁的表情说明了一切。 Why are you in such a gloomy mood? 你为什么心情这么沉重 glumly/gloomily [adverb] ‘Raining again,’ she said glumly. “又下雨了。”她闷闷不乐地说。 wistful /ˈwɪstfəl/ [adjective] someone who looks wistful has a slightly sad and thoughtful expression on their face, especially because they are thinking about the past or want something they cannot have 惆怅的;怀旧的;渴望的〔尤因想念过去,或不能得到想要的东西〕 Simon's face grew wistful as he thought about his happy student days. 西蒙回忆起学生时代的快乐日子,脸上怅然若失。 She looked at them with a wistful smile. ‘I wish I could go with you.’ 她看着他们,无可奈何地笑了笑:“我真希望能跟你们一起去啊。” wistfully [adverb] ‘We used to have lovely family holidays all together,’ she said wistfully. “我们以前都是一家人一起度假的,非常开心。”她失落地说。 mournful /ˈmɔːʳnfəl/ [adjective] looking or sounding very sad, as if something very bad has happened 〔样子或声音〕凄切的,哀婉的,忧伤的 His voice sounded so mournful that tears came into her eyes. 他的声音听起来这么忧伤,她眼泪都涌上来了。 I could hear the slow, mournful music of the bagpipes. 我听到了和缓凄婉的风笛声。 The dog lay at his feet, looking up from time to time with big mournful eyes. 那狗躺在他脚下,不时地抬起头来看看,大大的眼睛里充满了忧伤。 mournfully [adverb] In the distance, a wolf howled mournfully. 在远处,一头狼在哀嚎。2 feeling sad or unhappy for a long time 长时间地感到难过或不高兴 depressed /dɪˈprest/ [adjective not usually before noun] very unhappy and without any hope for a long time, and feeling that your life will never get better, sometimes so that this becomes a mental illness 抑郁的,沮丧的,消沉的〔以致有时会变成一种精神病〕 My sister's been really depressed since she lost her job. 我姐姐失业以后一直非常消沉。 A lot of people get depressed in the winter, when the weather's bad and there's very little sunlight. 冬天天气不好,日光又少,许多人会因此而感到抑郁。depressed about Greta often gets depressed about her weight. 格蕾塔经常为自己的体重感到沮丧。 down/low /daʊn, ləʊ/ [adjective not before noun] informal unhappy, especially because something bad has happened to you and you cannot see how to make the situation better 【非正式】情绪低落的,精神不振的〔尤因发生了不好的事而不知道如何扭转情况〕 John's pretty low at the moment -- his business is losing money. 约翰这阵子很消沉一他的生意正在亏本。 He's been feeling down since he failed his driving test for the fifth time. 他第五次驾驶考试又没通过,从那以后他一直情绪很低落。 down in the dumps /ˌdaʊn ɪn ðə ˈdʌmps/ [adjective phrase not before noun] informal feeling unhappy and not having much interest in what is happening around you, but usually in a way that is not very serious 【非正式】心情不好,闷闷不乐 Mom's kind of down in the dumps at the moment -- why don't you buy her something to cheer her up? 妈妈这阵子心情有点不太好—给她买点东西让她开心开心吧。 If you're feeling down in the dumps, come over and have a chat. 如果你心情不好,就过来聊一聊吧。 feel blue /ˌfiːl ˈbluː/ [verb phrase] informal to feel slightly sad or unhappy, because something bad has happened to you or sometimes for no particular reason 【非正式】心情不好〔因为发生了不好的事情,有时则是没有特别的原因〕 Feeling blue? Don't know who to talk to? Phone Depression Hotline, 24 hours a day. 心情不好吗?不知道向谁倾诉吗?打电话给“解忧热线”吧,全日24小时服务。 morose /məˈrəʊs/ [adjective] someone who is morose behaves in an unhappy, bad-tempered way, and does not speak much to other people 阴郁的;脾气不好的;孤僻的 Since the accident she's been morose and moody. 出事以后,她一直郁郁寡欢。 Frank was sitting alone at the table, looking morose. 弗兰克一个人坐在桌子旁边,一副闷闷不乐的样子。 Some people become morose and depressed when they first retire. 有些人刚退休的时候会变得郁郁寡欢,情绪低落。3 extremely sad 极其伤心的 heartbroken /ˈhɑːʳtˌbrəʊkən/ [adjective] extremely sad and sorry because something very bad has happened, especially to someone or something that you love or care about very much 〔尤对所爱或所在意的某人或某物〕心碎的,伤心欲绝的 When her parents separated, she was heartbroken. 父母分居时,她伤心欲绝。 Heartbroken fans camped outside his house in Beverly Hills. 心碎的影迷在贝弗利山他家的门外扎营。heartbroken at/about Mr and Mrs Dudley were heartbroken at having to leave the home where they had lived for thirty years. 达德利夫妇因为要搬出他们居住了30年的家,感到伤心不已。 devastated /ˈdevəsteɪtɪd, ˈdevəsteɪtəd/ [adjective] extremely sad and shocked because something very bad has happened, and you feel that this has ruined your life or your plans 悲痛欲绝的,伤心欲绝的;极为震惊的〔因很不好的事发生而觉得毁了自己的一生或计划〕 The whole town was devastated by the tragedy, in which fourteen schoolchildren died. 这场惨祸夺去了14名学童的生命,全镇的人都悲痛欲绝。devastated to hear/find etc something When we got back, we were devastated to find that the house had been burgled, and everything of value taken. 我们回到家里发现家里被盗,凡值钱的都被拿走了,感到极为震惊。 inconsolable /ˌɪnkənˈsəʊləbəl/ [adjective not usually before noun] so sad that other people cannot make you feel happier, especially because someone has died or because something very bad has happened 伤心欲绝的,无法安慰的〔尤因某人死去或发生了很不好的事情〕 After the death of her baby she was inconsolable. 婴儿死后,她痛不欲生。 Doris was inconsolable. How could her husband walk out on her like that? 多丽丝悲痛欲绝,她丈夫怎能就这样抛弃了她呢?4 making you feel sad 使你感到伤心的 sad /sæd/ [adjective usually before noun] use this about a story, piece of music, period of time etc that makes you feel sad 令人伤心的,使人难过的〔故事、音乐、一段时间等〕 sad time/day/moment/occasion etc The day her son left home was one of the saddest days of her life. 儿子离家那天是她一生中最伤心的时候之一。sad news/story/song etc Fairuz sang a sad song that made us all feel homesick. 法鲁兹唱了一首伤感的歌,听得我们都想家了。 I don't like movies with sad endings. 我不喜欢结局伤感的电影。it is sad that It's very sad that she died before her children grew up. 孩子尚未成年她就死了,这真叫人伤心。 unhappy /ʌnˈhæpi/ [adjective] unhappy childhood/marriage/year etc a time when you are unhappy because you are in a difficult or unpleasant situation 不幸的童年/婚姻/一年等 Phil was married for three unhappy years. 菲尔有过三年不幸的婚姻。 Looking at that photo always bring back unhappy memories. 看到那张照片总是让人回想起不愉快的往事。 an unhappy love affair 一段不愉快的感情 depressing /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ [adjective] a depressing experience, story, piece of news etc makes you feel that there is nothing to be happy about and not much hope for the future 令人沮丧的,令人消沉的〔经历、故事、消息等〕 The Deerhunter was a very depressing movie about Vietnam. 《猎鹿人》是一部关于越南的非常令人沮丧的电影。 It's such a depressing town - it's full of ugly, disused factories. 小镇死气沉沉,全是废弃的丑陋厂房。 Listening to the news can be really depressing, when all you ever hear about is violence and crime. 新闻里听到的全是暴力和犯罪,实在是让人非常沮丧。 upsetting /ʌpˈsetɪŋ/ [adjective] an upsetting experience or event makes you feel very sad and often shocked 令人难过的;令人苦恼的〔经历或事件〕 Seeing her lying there in a hospital bed was a very upsetting experience. 看到她躺在医院的病床上,心里非常难受。 She can't talk about her son's death - she finds it too upsetting. 她不能说起儿子的死—她觉得太令人伤心了。it is upsetting to find/know/learn etc something It's very upsetting to arrive home and find that your house has been burgled. 回到家时发现家里遭人行窃,那真是非常令人苦恼的。 miserable /ˈmɪzərəbəl/ [adjective] a time that is miserable is one when you are extremely unhappy because you are in a very unpleasant situation 〔指一段时间〕令人难受的;悲惨的〔因身处非常糟糕的情况〕 Factory workers during the 18th century led miserable lives. 18世纪的工厂工人过着悲惨的生活。 The journey home was miserable. Everyone was depressed about losing the game. 回家的路很令人难受。比赛失利,大家都很沮丧。 heartbreaking/heart-rending /ˈhɑːʳtˌbreɪkɪŋ, ˈhɑːʳt ˌrendɪŋ/ [adjective] a story, event, piece of news etc that is heartbreaking makes you feel extremely sad and sorry or extremely disappointed 〔故事、事件、消息〕令人心碎的 It's a heartbreaking moment when a great sportsman finally decides that it's time to quit. 一名伟大的运动员终于决定退出体坛,那真是令人极度伤心的时刻。 The decision to kill the infected animals was a heart-rending one for farmers. 宰杀受感染的牲口对农民来说是一个令人心碎的决定。it is heartbreaking to see/learn etc something Having worked so hard to start the business, it would be heartbreaking to see it all collapse. 这么辛苦创立的公司,眼巴巴地看着它倒闭,真叫人心痛啊。 dismal /ˈdɪzməl/ [adjective] a dismal place, situation, or time makes you feel unhappy and not at all hopeful 阴郁的;令人沮丧的,令人灰心的〔地方、情况或时间〕 It was a grey, dismal November afternoon. 那是11月里一个灰暗阴郁的下午。 Melinda joined her husband in Moscow, but soon found life there bleak and dismal. 梅琳达前往莫斯科和丈夫团聚,可是不久她就觉得那里的生活令人沮丧且沉闷。 The profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29%. 第一季度五金件销售的利润率只有29%,令人灰心。 dismally [adverb] At the time there was a dismally weak market in the rest of Europe. 当时欧洲其他地方市场疲软,令人沮丧。 dreary /ˈdrɪəri/ [adjective] a place, activity, or time that is dreary is not at all interesting or enjoyable and makes you feel unhappy 〔场所、活动或时间〕沉闷的,枯燥无味的 This room is so dreary. How can we brighten it up? 这房间这么阴沉,我们怎么让它亮丽起来? a dreary winter's day 一个沉闷的冬日 Cooking for one person can be a dreary business, as many elderly people find. 做饭只有一个人吃很没劲,许多老人都这么觉得。 bleak /bliːk/ [adjective] a place or situation that is bleak is one in which there is nothing to make you feel cheerful or hopeful about the future 〔地方或情形〕凄凉的,苍凉的 The wild landscape was bleak and bare. 荒郊野地光秃秃的,景色一片苍凉。 He gazed around the empty, bleak little room in despair. 他环顾这空荡荡没有生气的小房间,心里充满了绝望。 Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas. 许多人都面临着要过一个拮据的圣诞节。 The chief executive said that the company was looking at a bleak future. 总经理说公司前景黯淡。the outlook/prospect/future etc is bleak Prospects of success looked bleak as the opposition scored the first two goals. 对方队进了头两个球,看来获胜希望渺茫。5 to make someone feel sad 令某人感到伤心 make somebody (feel) sad/unhappy /ˌmeɪk somebody (fiːl) ˈsæd, ʌnˈhæpi/ [verb phrase] Something at school was making her unhappy, but she didn't want to talk about it. 学校里有什么事情让她不开心,但她不想讲。it makes somebody sad/unhappy to do something It made me sad to see her looking so old and ill. 看到她显得这么苍老,又满脸病容,我心里很难受。 upset /ʌpˈset/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel sad and want to cry 使难过;使苦恼 I'm sorry if I upset you - I didn't mean to. 对不起我让你难过了,我并非有意的。 The idea of having to change school seemed to upset him more than we thought it would. 转学的想法好像使他很苦恼,超过了我们原先的想象。it upsets somebody to do something Her father died when she was ten, and it still upsets her to think about it. 她十岁的时候父亲去世,现在想起来她仍很伤心。 sadden /ˈsædn/ [transitive verb] if a situation or event saddens someone, it makes them feel sad, especially because they think that this type of situation or event should not happen 〔情形或事件〕使难过,使伤心〔尤因认为这种情形或事件不应该发生〕 Everyone was saddened by the news that housing is to be built on the fields beside Cliff Lane. 有消息说莱恩山崖附近的田地上要建住房,大家都很难过。 Those of us who knew him are shocked and saddened by his death. 我们中认识他的人对他的死都既震惊又悲痛。it saddens somebody to do something Sometimes it saddened him to think that he was no longer young. 有时候他想起自己已不再年轻,心里很悲哀。it saddens somebody that It saddens me that there are people who go around vandalizing public places like this. 有人这样到处破坏公共场所,我很难过。 depress /dɪˈpres/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel very sad or unhappy, especially so that they feel that only bad things happen and they cannot change the situation 使沮丧 Listening to the news can really depress you, if you let it. 听新闻有时会让人很沮丧,如果你有心的话。 Shaun decided to leave. The way the others were behaving was beginning to depress him. 肖恩决定离开。其他人的做法开始让他感到沮丧。it depresses somebody to do something It depressed me to think that five years ago I was earning more than I do now. 想到五年前我赚得比现在还多,我就非常沮丧。 get somebody down /ˌget somebody ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to gradually make someone feel unhappy and tired over a period of time 【非正式】逐渐使某人消沉 The endless rain was beginning to get him down. 雨下个不停,他开始觉得心烦了。 You can tell me if there's anything that's worrying you or getting you down. 如果有什么事情让你担忧或者不开心,你可以告诉我。 break somebody's heart /ˌbreɪk somebodyˈs ˈhɑːʳt/ [verb phrase] to make someone very sad and upset, especially because a relationship has ended or because they are very disappointed 使某人心碎〔尤因失恋或感到非常失望〕 When Annie left him, it broke his heart. 安妮离开了他,他心都碎了。it breaks somebody's heart (that) It breaks my heart that his career has been ruined. 他的事业被毁了,这使我心碎。it breaks somebody's heart to do something It would break her heart to leave the lovely old stone house where she'd lived for so long. 这栋可爱的石结构老房子她住了那么久,要她离开会使她很伤心。 be a downer /biː ə ˈdaʊnəʳ/ [verb phrase] spoken if something is a downer, it makes you feel unhappy, especially because it is not good or successful 【口】令人扫兴 I thought the movie was going to be a total downer, but it wasn't. 我原以为这部电影会让人十分失望,结果不然。on a downer The home team concluded its season on a big downer with a 2- 0 defeat. 主队以0比2挫败的成绩结束这一赛季,令人大为扫兴。 drive somebody to despair /ˌdraɪv somebody tə dɪˈspeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to make someone feel very unhappy and without hope - use this especially when a bad situation is continuing and they cannot see how to change it 把某人逼入绝境,令某人绝望 There were times when the endless arguments drove him to despair. 有时候,没完没了的争吵把他逼入了绝境。 By the time I was 17, the atmosphere at the school was driving me to despair. 我17岁的时候,学校的气氛令我绝望。6 to feel sad and pity yourself 感到伤心,为自己难过 feel sorry for yourself /fiːl ˈsɒri fəʳ jɔːʳselfǁ-ˈsɑːri-/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to spend a lot of time thinking about how unlucky you are or how unfairly you have been treated, in a way that annoys other people 【尤口】〔以烦扰其他人的方式〕为自己难过 Stop blaming other people and feeling sorry for yourself. 别怨天尤人,自哀自怜。 Andy was drinking too much again, and feeling sorry for himself. 安迪又酗酒了,为自己愤愤不平。 mope /məʊp/ [intransitive verb] to feel unhappy because of something bad that has happened, and to not be interested in doing anything, in a way that other people think is not reasonable 〔以其他人认为不合理的方式〕闷闷不乐,感到沮丧 Don't just lie there moping, waiting for the phone to ring. 别光躺在那儿百无聊赖地等电话铃响。mope around/about go around a place moping 闷闷不乐地转来转去 He's not even attempting to look for a job -- he just mopes around the house all day. 他甚至不去想办法找份工作—整天就是在屋子里没精打采地转来转去。mope over There's no point moping over Jane - she's not worth it. 为了简而闷闷不乐是没有意思的——她不值得。 wallow in /ˈwɒləʊ ɪnǁˈwɑː-/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] wallow in self-pity/despair/misery etc to keep thinking about how unhappy you are, in a way that makes other people think that you are actually enjoying feeling sorry for yourself and do not want to feel happier 沉湎于自怜/绝望/愁苦等 She told herself that she must try and learn from his criticism, rather than wallowing in self-pity. 她告诉自己必须从他的批评中吸取教训,不要自叹自怜。 It's no good wallowing in misery. You just have to get out there and find another job. 一味地痛苦是没有用的,你得走出来,再找一份工作。 self-pity /ˌself ˈpɪti/ [uncountable noun] the feeling you have when you feel sorry for yourself, because you think that you have been very unlucky or that you have been treated unfairly 自怜,自哀 If you feel a wave of self-pity coming on, go and talk about it with friends. 如果你心里泛起一阵自怜之情,去找朋友说说吧。 Jenny told her story without any of the self-pity that I thought I would feel after such an ordeal. 珍妮讲述着她的故事,丝毫没有哀叹自己的不幸。换作我遭遇这样的痛苦经历,肯定要自哀自怜了。7 to feel sad because someone has died 因某人的死而感到悲伤 grieve /griːv/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive] to feel extremely sad because someone that you love has died 〔因丧亲〕感到悲痛 It is a terrible tragedy for this small community. Everyone here is grieving. 对于这个小小的社区来说这是一场惨剧,人人都在悲痛之中。grieve for/over Millet continued to grieve for his wife for many years after her death. 妻子去世后,米利特的悲痛持续了许多年。grieve somebody's death/loss People must be allowed to grieve the loss of a relative for as long as they need to. 必须容许人们哀悼逝去的亲人,直到他们感到足够为止。 grieving [adjective] the grieving families of the dead 悲痛不已的死者家属 be in mourning /biː ɪn ˈmɔːʳnɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to feel sadness and respect for someone who has died, and to show this by the way you behave publicly, the clothes you wear etc 服丧,守孝;悼念 The whole town is in mourning after two boys died on a school trip to the US. 两名男童参加学校旅行去美国期间不幸丧生,全镇的人都在悼念。 In those days you were expected to wear black while you were in mourning. 那个时候,服丧期间须穿黑色衣服。be in mourning for The sport was united in mourning for Maskell, as a player, coach and commentator for most of the century. 体育界共同悼念马斯克尔这位大半个世纪以来的球员、教练和评论员。 mourn /mɔːʳn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to feel very sad because someone has died, and to show this in the way you behave 哀悼,悼念 All the neighbours and relations who had come to mourn stood around the coffin. 前来哀悼的所有邻居和亲戚都站在灵柩的周围。mourn for My mother never stopped mourning for my sister Frances, who died when she was four. 姐姐弗朗西丝在四岁时夭折了,母亲从来都没有停止过为她哀痛。mourn somebody's death/loss His death was mourned by hundreds of former pupils and countless friends. 他死后,数百名以前的学生以及无数的朋友都来悼念。 mourning /ˈmɔːʳnɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the things people do and they way they behave, dress etc to show their sadness and respect for someone who has died - use this especially about formal or traditional actions and ceremonies 哀痛;哀悼,举哀〔尤用于指正式或传统的行动和仪式〕 Mourning for the death of your husband used to last up to a year. 以前,丈夫去世要服丧达一年。day of mourning an official period of mourning 哀悼日 Friday was declared an international day of mourning for the victims. 星期五被宣布为国际哀悼日,以悼念受难者。8 a sad feeling 悲伤的感觉 sadness /ˈsædnɪs, ˈsædnəs/ [uncountable noun] a sad feeling, caused especially when a happy time is ending, or when you feel sorry about someone else's unhappiness 伤心,悲伤 Her eyes were full of sadness. 她的眼里充满忧伤。with (great) sadness I remembered with great sadness all the friends I had left behind. 想起我离开了的所有朋友,心里非常难过。sense of sadness After her death, Charles felt a great sense of sadness and loss. 她死后,查尔斯感到极大的悲痛和失落。 unhappiness /ʌnˈhæpinɪs, ʌnˈhæpinəs/ [uncountable noun] the unhappy feeling you have when you are in a very difficult or unpleasant situation 不幸福;不愉快 After years of unhappiness, she finally decided to leave him. 经历了多年的不幸之后,她终于决定离开他。 There is no doubt that unhappiness contributes to ill health. 不愉快的心情无疑会使身体不健康。 You've no idea what unhappiness you cause your parents when you say that you want to leave home. 你说你要离开家,你不知道这让你父母有多难过。 grief /griːf/ [uncountable noun] especially written great sadness that you feel when someone you love has died 【尤书面】悲痛,悲伤〔因所爱之人死去〕 Thousands of people sent floral tributes as an expression of their grief. 成千上万的人敬献了鲜花表示哀痛。 He was overcome with grief when his wife died. 妻子死的时候,他悲痛欲绝。 depression /dɪˈpreʃən/ [uncountable noun] a mental illness that makes someone feel so unhappy that they have no energy or hope for the future, and they cannot live a normal life 抑郁〔症〕 The family had a history of alcoholism and depression. 这家人有酗酒和抑郁的家族史。 Mild symptoms of anxiety and depression are often associated with social difficulties. 轻度的焦虑和抑郁往往和社交困难有关。deep/severe depression My father had suffered from severe depression for many years. 我父亲患有严重的抑郁症已多年了。 the blues /ðə ˈbluːz/ [plural noun] a feeling of sadness that is not very serious, that you get sometimes for no particular reason 〔不很严重、有时没有特别原因的〕忧郁 get/have the blues I often get the blues in February, before the spring arrives. 2月份春天快到来的时候,我经常会出现忧郁的情绪。a fit of the blues It's very common for new mothers to have a fit of the blues after giving birth. 初为人母的妇女产后出现忧郁情绪是很正常的。the Monday/post-Christmas etc blues Most people know what it's like to have the Monday morning blues. 大多数人都知道周一早上忧郁症是什么滋味。 misery /ˈmɪzəri/ [uncountable noun] great unhappiness, caused especially by living or working in very bad conditions 极大的不幸;痛苦;苦难〔尤因居住或工作情况很差〕 The high interest rates caused misery for millions of people. 高利率给数百万的老百姓造成极大的不幸。the misery of something/somebody He talked openly about the misery of his marriage. 他坦率地说起他不幸的婚姻。 We cannot ignore the misery of the people in this country who are forced to live on the streets. 我们不能漠视这个国家里那些被迫流落街头的人们悲惨的生活。 melancholy /ˈmelənkəliǁ-kɑːli/ [uncountable noun] written a feeling of sadness, especially one that continues for a long time 【书面】忧郁,伤感〔尤持续较长时间〕 He was a strange man, prone to melancholy and bouts of drinking. 他是个奇怪的人,动不动就伤感起来,而且喜欢狂饮。 Jake was fourteen and suffering from adolescent melancholy. 杰克14岁,有青春期的忧郁症。 sorrow /ˈsɒrəʊǁˈsɑː-, ˈsɔː-/ [uncountable noun] written the feeling of being very sad, especially because someone has died or because terrible things have happened to you 【书面】悲伤,悲痛〔尤因某人死去或发生了可怕的事情〕 deep/great sorrow The deep sorrow she felt was obvious in the expression of her face. 她脸上的表情明显地流露出她深深的伤痛。in sorrow He turned quickly away, more in sorrow than in anger. 他迅速转过身去,伤心多于愤怒。to somebody's sorrow Six weeks later we heard, to our great sorrow, that he had died. 六个星期以后,我们悲痛地得知他已去世。 heartache /ˈhɑːʳteɪk/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of unhappiness and worry, that often continues for a long time and is usually caused by problems in your personal life and relationships 痛心,伤心,悲痛〔常因为个人生活或伴侣间的关系出现问题〕 Her relationship with Tyler had brought her a great deal of heartache. 她和泰勒之间的关系使她非常伤心。 Being unpopular at school can cause real heartache to children of any age. 在学校里如果不受欢迎,任何年龄的孩子都会感到很伤心。save/spare (somebody) a lot of heartache stop someone worrying and feeling unhappy 使〔某人〕免于痛心 If she had simply called them, her parents would have been spared a lot of heartache. 她只要给父母打个电话,他们就不会那么痛心了。 despondency /dɪˈspɒndənsiǁ-ˈspɑːn-/ [uncountable noun] formal a feeling of unhappiness, especially because you have been very disappointed and feel that you cannot change a situation 【正式】失望,沮丧 Robyn walked away from the hospital with a feeling of despondency. 罗宾怀着沮丧的心情离开医院。 The sense of well-being of the 1980s was replaced by a mood of despondency. 20世纪80年代那种幸福的感觉没有了,取而代之的是一种绝望的情绪。gloom/doom and despondency The atmosphere amongst the workers was one of gloom and despondency. 工人中间是一种悲观失望的情绪。 despair /dɪˈspeəʳ/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of great unhappiness, because very bad things have happened and you have no hope that anything will change 绝望 I could see hunger, exhaustion and despair in their eyes. 我从他们眼中看到了饥饿、疲惫和绝望。 There was a mood of despair about the quality of urban and industrial life. 人们对于城市和工业生活的质量有一种绝望的情绪。in despair Left all alone in her room, she was in despair. 房间里就留下她一个人,她陷入了绝望。the depths of despair It seems that he had reached the depths of despair, and he finally took his own life. 看来他是万念俱灰,最后结束了自己的生命。9 to make somebody feel less sad 使某人不那么伤心 cheer somebody up /ˌtʃɪəʳ somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make someone feel happier when they are disappointed or sad about something 使某人高兴起来;使某人振作起来 Is there anything we can do to cheer you up? 我们可以做点什么让你高兴高兴吗? She failed her test, so I'm taking her out to cheer her up. 她考试不及格,所以我要带她出去让她开心开心。 comfort /ˈkʌmfəʳt/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel less upset by being kind to them and telling them not to worry 安慰 Bill stroked her hair gently, trying to comfort her. 比尔轻轻地抚摸她的头发,试图安慰她。 We did our best to comfort him, but he was obviously very upset. 我们尽力安慰他,但是显然他非常伤心。 cheer up /ˌtʃɪər ˈʌp/ [] spoken say this to tell someone to stop feeling disappointed or sad and try to be more cheerful 【口】振作起来 Cheer up, Phil! It's only a game, and you can't win every time. 振作起来,菲尔!不过是场比赛嘛,哪会每次都能赢。 Cheer up! It's not the end of the world. 开心点!这又不是世界末日。 it's all right/it's OK /ɪts ˌɔːl ˈraɪt, ɪts ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ/ spoken say this to make someone feel calmer or make them stop crying, when they are very upset and worried about something 【口】好了,没事了 It's all right, honey, I'm here now. 没事了,亲爱的,现在有我在这儿呢。




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