

例句 REACT1 to react to something2 to react to someone in the same way as they treat you3 what someone says or does when they react to something4 the ability to react quicklyRELATED WORDSsee alsoBEHAVEANSWER1 to react to something 对某事作出反应 react /riˈækt/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] to say or do something because of what another person has said or done, or because of something that has happened 〔作出〕反应 How did your parents react when you told them you were going to marry Jim? 你跟父母说要嫁给吉姆时,他们有什么反应? It's hard not to react badly when your kids are playing up. 遇到孩子调皮捣蛋时很难不作出恶劣的反应。react to People reacted to the speech in different ways. 人们对这次演说反应不一。 The chairman reacted angrily to the report and said it would make it much harder to reach a deal. 董事长对那份报告大为光火,说它会使协议更难达成。react against Emma is not behaving very reasonably nowadays. I think she's reacting against her teachers’ strictness. 现在埃玛的行为不是很讲道理,我想她是在反抗老师的严格要求。react by doing something A shot was fired, and the police reacted by firing into the crowd. 有人开了一枪,警察作出反应向人群射击。react with disappointment/laughter/violence etc When children perform poorly at school, parents often react with anger. 孩子在学校表现不好时,做家长的反应通常是气愤。 Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of ‘outing’ senior public figures. 许多同性恋者对使资深公众人物“曝光”的策略反应极为愤怒。 respond /rɪˈspɒndǁrɪˈspɑːnd/ [intransitive verb] to react to something that someone has said to you, or something that someone has done to you or for you 〔对某人对你说的话、对你或为你做的事〕作出反应 The more attention you pay him, the better he responds. 你越关注他,他反应就越好。respond with Rob's smile was irresistible, and she responded with a grin. 罗布的微笑魅力无法抗拒,她也报以咧嘴一笑。respond to The children responded well to the day's activities. 孩子们对那天的活动反应很好。 The theatre has been slow to respond to the challenges presented by progressive drama. 戏剧界对革新派戏剧带来的挑战反应迟钝。respond by doing something The demonstrators attacked and burned buildings and cars; the soldiers responded by opening fire. 示威者冲击并焚烧建筑物和汽车,士兵开枪还击。 greet /griːt/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to react to something with a particular attitude or with a particular action 对〔某事〕作出…的反应 The news has been greeted angrily within Egyptian government circles. 这一消息在埃及政府内引起了愤怒的反应。be greeted with something Donaldson's remarks were greeted with cautious enthusiasm. 唐纳森的言论引起的是谨慎的热情态度。 The proposals were greeted with a mixture of skepticism and distrust. 对这些提议的反应是怀疑夹着不信任。 meet with /ˈmiːt wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to get a particular reaction, especially a negative one 遇到,遭到〔尤指负面反应〕 The proposals met with fierce opposition from women's groups and labour unions. 这些提案遭到女性团体及工会的激烈反对。 Any attempts to impose a solution would be quite likely to meet with even more violence. 试图强制推行解决方案很有可能会招致更严重的暴力行为。to be met with The US says any further attacks will be met with the full force of the US military. 美国政府表示如遇进一步袭击,美国军方将全力还击。 overreact /ˌəʊvəriˈækt/ [intransitive verb] to react too strongly to something that has happened, especially by becoming extremely angry, worried, or afraid 反应过火,反应过度〔尤指极为愤怒、担心或害怕〕 Don't you think you're overreacting? I only said ‘hi’. It's not as if we're having an affair! 你不觉得自己反应过度了吗?我只说了声“你好”,并不表示我们之间好像就有暧昧关系!overreact to Some residents overreact to the problem of crime by just not going out at all. 有些居民对犯罪问题作出了过度的反应,索性就不出家门了。 The state has dramatically overreacted to the use of soft drugs. 这个州对吸食软性毒品作出了颇具戏剧性的过激反应。overreact with Overreacting with shock when a child uses a swear word is likely to make him use it again. 小孩子说了句骂人话就作出吃惊的过度反应,很可能会促使他再说这句话。2 to react to someone in the same way as they treat you 以某人待你的方式同样地对待他们 reciprocate /rɪˈsɪprəkeɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] formal to react to someone's feelings or actions towards you by showing the same feelings towards them, doing the same thing for them etc --use this especially when the feelings or actions are good 【正式】回报,报答〔某人以同样好的感情或行动〕 We asked them over for dinner, hoping they would reciprocate. 我们请他们过来吃饭,希望他们也会这么回报我们。reciprocate feelings/an invitation etc Although Miss Warton did not reciprocate John's feelings, she did nothing to discourage them. 虽然沃顿小姐没有回应约翰的感情,她也没说什么使他沮丧的话。 My classmates would ask me over, but I never felt I could reciprocate the invitation. 我的同学会邀请我去,但我从未觉得我可以回请他们。 back /bæk/ [adverb] if you smile back, hit someone back etc, you smile at someone, hit them etc, after they have done the same thing to you 回,还 Carol yelled back, ‘If it's so easy, you come and have a go!’ 卡罗尔回喊了一声:“如果那么容易,你来试试看!” If Jamie rings, tell him I'll call him back. 如果杰米来电话,告诉他我会给他回电。 The man just sat there smiling back at me. 那人就坐在那儿向我回以一笑。 give as good as you get /ˌgɪv əz ˌgʊd əz juː ˈget/ [verb phrase] informal if someone who is being attacked or criticized gives as good as they get, they are just as violent or rude as the person who is attacking them 【非正式】以牙还牙 Don't you worry about Tim. He may be small but he gives as good as he gets! 你别担心蒂姆,他也许是个子小,但他总会以其人之道还治其人之身! It was a tough interview, but I thought the President gave as good as he got. 这次采访很刁难,不过我想总统的回答也是以牙还牙的。 At 87, Juran is still able to give as good as he gets. 朱兰87岁高龄时仍然能够针锋相对地回击。3 what someone says or does when they react to something 某人对某事作出反应时所说的话或所做的事 reaction /riˈækʃən/ [countable noun] what someone says or does when they react to something 反应 My father was so surprised by this violent reaction that he fell silent. 爸爸对这一激烈的反应惊讶得突然静了下来。reaction to/against Maria's reaction to the birth of her sister was to demand more attention from her mother. 玛丽亚对妹妹出生的反应是要求母亲对她多加关心。initial/first reaction I was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger. 这消息使我震惊,我最初的反应是愤怒。 Can you tell us about your first reactions to this news? 你能告诉我们你对此消息最初是什么反应吗?gut reaction a strong reaction that you have, although you are not sure why 直觉反应 I wanted to write something thoughtful, not just leap in with my gut reaction. 我想写一些有深度的东西来,而不仅仅凭直觉反应就仓促行事。knee-jerk reaction a reaction you have without thinking about it first 本能反应 Environmentalists have a knee-jerk reaction against any sort of development, however ‘green’ it might be. 环境保护主义者对任何类型的开发都本能地反对,不管它是多么“绿色”。 response /rɪˈspɒnsǁrɪˈspɑːns/ [countable noun] your reaction to something that someone has said to you, done to you, or asked you for 反应;响应 The story has provoked a strong response from the Chinese. 这则报道引起了中国人的强烈反应。 ‘You've persuaded me,’ she laughed, amazed at her own response. “你说服了我。”她大笑道,对自己的反应颇感诧异。response to Tina's outburst was a delayed response to her husband's behaviour the week before. 蒂娜的感情突然爆发,是对前一周她丈夫的行为迟来的反应。get a response We've tried to include Susan in our social activities, but we get no response. 我们试过让苏珊来参加我们的社交活动,可没有得到回应。in response to something as a way of responding 作为对某事的回应 In response to local demand, we will be opening this store from nine till seven on Sundays. 为了满足当地居民的需要,本店逢星期天从9点营业到7点。 feedback /ˈfiːdbæk/ [uncountable noun] advice, criticism, praise etc that you give to someone, telling them how well they are working 反馈意见,反馈信息 We are very encouraged by the feedback we've had from our shareholders. 我们收到来自股东的反馈意见,感到十分鼓舞。give somebody feedback/give feedback (to somebody) Every Friday, Mr James would hand out the students’ essays and give them some feedback. 每个星期五,詹姆斯先生会分发学生的文章,并给他们一些反馈意见。feedback on It is important to give employees regular feedback on their performance. 对雇员的工作表现作定期的反馈是很重要的。positive/negative feedback I'm lucky to work for an employer who gives positive feedback on my work. 我很幸运,能为一位对我的工作给予积极反馈意见的雇主工作。 feed back [verb not in progressive] Regular reports are fed back to senior managers. 定期报告反馈到高层经理人员那里。 backlash /ˈbæklæʃ/ [countable noun usually singular] an angry or violent reaction by a group of people to the actions or decisions of others 〔群体的〕对抗性反应;强烈反应 backlash against Members of the Rifle and Pistol Club fear a public backlash against their sport after a recent armed raid in the village. 最近村里发生了一起武装袭击,枪支俱乐部的成员担心会引起公众对他们这项运动会有强烈反应。 The attacks have sparked a bitter backlash against the revolutionary forces. 这些袭击引发了对革命部队愤恨的情绪反应。backlash from a growing backlash from angry voters 来自气愤的选民日益增加的反对情绪 overreaction /ˌəʊvəriˈækʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] when someone reacts much too strongly to something 过度反应,过激反应 I'm not arguing in favor of cannabis. I'm just saying we should be careful of overreaction. 我并非是在为赞成吸食大麻而争辩,我只是想说我们应该小心不要反应过激。 The appeal court judge described the sentence as a gross overreaction to the recent spate of bombing campaigns. 上诉法庭的法官说这一判决是对近来一连串爆炸事件严重的过激反应。4 the ability to react quickly 快速反应能力 reactions /riˈækʃənz/ [plural noun] to be able to react quickly to moving objects, danger etc 反应能力,反应灵敏度 Alcohol slows a driver's reactions, making it harder to avoid an accident. 酒精会减弱司机的反应能力,使他更难避免事故的发生。 He was a natural boxer, with a cold temper, fast reactions and a killer instinct. 他是个天生的拳击手,性情沉着、反应灵敏,而且具有杀手的本能。 reflexes /ˈriːfleksɪz, ˈriːfleksəz/ [plural noun] the natural ability to react quickly and well to dangers etc, without having to think about what you are doing 本能反应 Bernice moved to slap him, but with lightning reflexes, he grasped her arm. 伯尼斯动手想打他耳光,但他本能地以闪电般的速度抓住了她的手臂。 City got only one goal, and owed everything to the extraordinarily quick reflexes of their goalkeeper. 曼城队仅攻入一球,其胜利全靠他们的守门员那非凡的快速反应。




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