

例句 PUSH1 to push something or someone2 to push something that has wheels or rolls easily3 to push someone or something with your finger, elbow, or with something pointed4 to push an object into an opening or into something soft5 to push people in order to move forward6 to push something to operate a machineRELATED WORDSsee alsoPULLPRESSSQUASH1 to push something or someone 推某物或某人 push /pʊʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to push something or someone, especially with your hands, so that they move away from you 推〔尤指用手〕 We pushed as hard as we could, but we couldn't get the bus to move. 我们用尽力气推,可还是推不动那辆公共汽车。 Mum, William pushed me! 妈,威廉推我!push something/somebody to/into/from etc something She pushed the table into a corner of the classroom. 她把桌子推到教室的角落里。 Pushing his plate to one side he called for the waiter. 他把盘子推到一边,叫侍者过来。 Witnesses had seen the man push Mrs Cooper off the bridge into the canal. 目击者看见那男子把库珀太太从桥上推下运河去。 give something/somebody a push /ˌgɪv something/somebody ə ˈpʊʃ/ [verb phrase] to push something or someone once, so that you force them to move 推某物/某人一下 ‘Go away!’ she said, giving him a push. “走开!”她推了他一下说。 He reached out and gave the door a gentle push. 他伸出手,轻轻推了一下门。 shove /ʃʌv/ [transitive verb] informal to push something or someone, using your hands or shoulders, in a rough or careless way 【非正式】〔用手或肩〕猛推,推挤 The children were all pushing and shoving each other. 孩子们在相互推搡。shove somebody/something against/aside/under etc something One of the soldiers shoved her roughly against the wall. 其中一名士兵把她猛推到墙上。 Tom shoved his suitcase under the bed. 汤姆把手提箱推到床底下去。 Armed police shoved the protestors aside to make way for the president's car. 武装警察把抗议者猛推到一边,为总统的车子开道。 give something/somebody a shove /ˌgɪv something/somebody ə ˈʃʌv/ [verb phrase] to push something or someone suddenly and strongly to force them to move 猛推某物/某人一下 If the door won't open just give it a shove. 如果门打不开,就猛推一下。 ‘Mind your own business!’ said Graham, giving me a shove. “别管闲事!”格雷厄姆说道,猛地把我一推。 hustle /ˈhʌsəl/ [transitive verb] to push someone along roughly in order to make them move forward quickly 猛推 hustle somebody out/into etc Two policemen quickly appeared and hustled him out. 两名警察很快到来,把他推了出去。 Martin seized her arm and hustled her away. 马丁捉住她的胳膊,把她推开。 The two men were hustled into a police van and driven away. 两名男子被推入警车带走了。 bundle /ˈbʌndl/ [transitive verb] to quickly push someone or something into something such as a car, a bag, or a cupboard, for example because you are in a hurry or you want to hide something 把〔某人或某物〕匆忙推进;把…匆忙塞入 Her friends managed to get her out of the pub and bundled her home. 她的朋友设法把她拉出小酒馆,匆匆送她回家。bundle somebody/something into something He had been bundled into the back of a Volkswagen by three masked men. 他被三名蒙面男子迅速推入一辆大众汽车的后座。 I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine. 我把脏衣服放在一起,塞进洗衣机。 manhandle /ˈmænhændl/ [transitive verb] to move someone who does not want to move or something that is difficult to move by holding on to them and pushing them roughly 硬推 manhandle somebody/something into/out/towards etc The soldiers were manhandling two men into the yard. 士兵们把两名男子硬推入院子。 The gang manhandled the stolen trailer through a gap in the fence. 匪徒把偷来的拖车从篱笆的缺口处硬推过去。2 to push something that has wheels or rolls easily 推有轮子或容易滚动的东西 push /pʊʃ/ [transitive verb] Paul held the door open for a woman pushing a trolley of heavy books. 保罗拉着门不让它关上,让一名推着装有沉重书籍小车的妇女通过。push something in/around etc something Shoppers were pushing their carts around the supermarket. 顾客推着购物手推车在超级市场里转悠。 The car had run out of gas so they pushed it into a side-street. 车子耗尽了汽油,于是他们把它推进小路。 wheel /wiːl/ [transitive verb] to push something with wheels while holding it with your hands 推〔有轮子的东西〕 wheel somebody/something out/into/down etc As I arrived she was just wheeling her bicycle out of the shed. 我到达时,她正好把自行车从车棚里推出来。 I collected a trolley and wheeled it towards the frozen food section. 我取了一辆手推车,把它推向冷冻食品区。 She hated being wheeled round in a wheelchair. 她讨厌坐在轮椅里被人推来推去。 roll /rəʊl/ [transitive verb] to push a round object along so that it turns over and over and moves forward 使〔圆的东西〕滚动;推 roll something up/down etc something We had so much fun rolling stones down into the river. 我们把石头滚到河里,玩得很开心。 trundle /ˈtrʌndl/ [transitive verb] to push something heavy that has wheels, slowly and with difficulty 〔沉重而艰难地〕推动 trundle something in/along etc The porters were trundling barrows loaded with vegetables into the market. 搬运工吃力地把满载蔬菜的两轮手推车推进市场。 The soldiers trundled the massive gun carriage along the road. 士兵们费劲地推着庞大的炮车,沿着公路前进。3 to push someone or something with your finger, elbow, or with something pointed 用手指、肘部或尖的东西推某人或某物 nudge /nʌdʒ/ [transitive verb] to gently push someone with your elbow to get their attention, especially when you do not want anyone else to notice 〔用肘〕轻推〔以引起某人注意,尤不想其他人注意时〕 Toby nudged my arm. ‘That's the guy I told you about,’ he whispered. 托比轻轻碰了一下我的胳膊,小声说道:“那就是我跟你说过的家伙。” Christine nudged me and giggled. 克里斯蒂娜轻轻碰了我一下,咯咯地笑了起来。 nudge [countable noun] Mark gave me a nudge and indicated two men who had just walked in. 马克用肘轻轻推了推我,指向刚进来的两名男子。 poke /pəʊk/ [transitive verb] to push someone or something with your finger or with something sharp 〔用手指或尖的东西〕戳;刺 The boys poked the fish with sticks to see if it was still alive 那些男孩子用木棒戳那条鱼看它是否还活着。poke somebody in the eye/side/ribs Careful with that stick! You nearly poked me in the eye. 拿着那根棍子小心点!你差点戳到我眼睛。 poke [countable noun] I gave dad a poke to wake him up. 我捅了爸爸一下,把他叫醒。 prod /prɒdǁprɑːd/ [transitive verb] to gently push someone or something, using your finger or something such as a stick 〔用手指、棍棒等〕戳一戳 Sergeant Thompson raised his stick and prodded the soldier in the chest. 汤普森中士提起棍子,戳戳那士兵的胸脯。 They walked around him, prodding and pinching him. 他们绕着他走来走去,对他又戳又掐。 prod [countable noun] He gave the dog a quick prod with his foot. 他飞快地踢了那条狗一脚。 dig somebody in the ribs /ˌdɪg somebody ɪn ðə ˈrɪbz/ [verb phrase] to suddenly push your finger or elbow into someone's body, to get their attention or tell them something 〔用手指或肘部〕戳〔碰〕一下某人的肋部〔以引起注意或告诉对方某事〕 Jenny dug me sharply in the ribs and told me to be quiet. 珍妮突然戳了我一下,叫我安静。 Edward laughed loudly, digging me in the ribs, wanting me to share the joke. 爱德华大声笑着,碰了碰我,让我分享笑话。4 to push an object into an opening or into something soft 把物体推进一个开口或柔软的东西内 stick /stɪk/ [transitive verb] to push a sharp object into something soft, or push something into a small space 〔用尖物〕戳;刺;插;塞 stick something into/up/inside etc something They stuck pins into a map to show where the enemy's camps were. 他们把图钉按在一张地图上表示敌人营地的位置。 The doctor had to stick a tube down my throat in order to examine my stomach. 医生必须把一根管子从我的咽喉往下插作胃部检查。 force /fɔːʳs/ [transitive verb] to push something into a small space using a lot of strength 硬塞 force something into/through/down something She tried to force her feet into the shoes but they were too small. 她把双脚硬往鞋子里塞,但鞋子实在太小了。 I finally managed to force the package through the small letterbox. 我终于把包裹塞进那个小信箱。 stuff/shove /stʌf, ʃʌv/ [transitive verb] informal to push something quickly and carelessly into a small space 【非正式】〔胡乱、匆忙地〕塞进,填进 shove/stuff something into/up/down etc She shoved two more sweaters into her bag. 她又把两件毛衣塞进包里。 He quickly stuffed the letter down the side of the sofa. 他飞快地把那封信塞进沙发的一边。 ram /ræm/ [transitive verb] to push something very hard or violently into something 用力推;硬塞;填 ram something into something She rammed the papers into her briefcase. 她把文件用力塞进手提箱。 Construction workers had to spend the night ramming iron girders into place to support the building. 建筑工人不得不花了一晚上用力把支撑大楼的铁梁安装好。 plunge /plʌndʒ/ [transitive verb] to push something deep inside another thing, especially violently or suddenly 把…插进;把…刺进〔尤指猛烈地或突然地〕 plunge something into something Plunging both hands deep into the sack she rummaged among the parcels. 她把双手深深地插进盛有包裹的麻袋里胡乱翻找着。 Then he plunged the knife into his victim's chest. 然后,他把刀猛地刺进被害者的胸膛。 thrust /θrʌst/ [transitive verb] to push something suddenly and hard into an opening or into something soft 猛推;刺;戳;插 thrust something into something He thrust the knife deep into the animal's chest. 他把刀深深地刺进那只动物的胸口。 Thrusting the gun back into its holster, the man grinned at the body lying on the floor. 那人把枪插入枪套,朝躺在地板上的尸体咧嘴狞笑。 He thrust some money into my hand and told me to drive him to the airport. 他把一些钱塞入我手中,告诉我开车送他去机场。 squeeze /skwiːz/ [transitive verb] to push something with difficulty into a space that is too small 硬塞;硬填 squeeze something into something I don't think I can squeeze any more files into this drawer. 我觉得这只抽屉里再也塞不进文件了。 It's no use trying to squeeze yourself into clothes that are too small for you. 太小的衣服你硬穿是穿不上的。 jam /dʒæm/ [transitive verb] to push something forcefully into a small space, so that it fits tightly and is difficult to pull out again 〔用力地〕塞入 jam something under/into etc something Just hold the door open while I jam a wedge under it. 把门开着,让我把楔子塞在下面。 Kelly poured himself another glass of wine and jammed the cork back into the bottle. 凯利又给自己倒了杯酒,然后把木塞塞回瓶口。5 to push people in order to move forward 为了向前移而推某人 push /pʊʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to push people, especially in a crowd, in order to move past them or in order to make them move 推;推挤;推开〔尤在人群中〕 Can you tell the people at the back of the queue to stop pushing! 告诉排在队伍后面的人不要挤,好吗?push your way through/into etc He pushed his way through the crowd. 他从人群中挤过去。push past She pushed past me to the front of the line. 她推开我挤到队伍的前面。 shove /ʃʌv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to push people in a rough and careless way with your hands, arms, or shoulders in order to move forward or past people 猛推;乱推 The people moved forward towards the food, pushing and shoving to get there first. 人群朝着食物的方向推推搡搡,争先恐后地往前挤。shove your way through/into etc Peter shoved his way through the dense crowd in search of his son. 彼得在拥挤的人群中连推带挤地寻找他的儿子。shove past Robert shoved past the others and made his way to the front of the room. 罗伯特挤过其他人身边,朝房间的前部走去。 barge /bɑːʳdʒ/ [intransitive verb] to move forward so fast and forcefully that you push someone as you pass them 横冲直撞地前进 barge into She just barged into me, without even apologizing. 她撞了我个满怀,连道歉话也不说。barge past A woman carrying a large basket barged past me to the front of the line. 一个拎着大篮子的妇女从我旁边横冲直撞地挤到队伍的前面。 force your way /ˌfɔːʳs jɔːʳ ˈweɪ/ [verb phrase] to push hard in order to go somewhere when your way is blocked 强行挤出路来 force your way through He forced his way through the dense crowd. 他在拥挤的人群中强行挤出一条路来。force your way into Police forced their way into the flat and arrested two men. 警察破门进入公寓,逮捕了两名男子。 jostle /ˈdʒɒsəlǁˈdʒɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to push against one person or several people so that you knock them to one side, especially in order to reach a place or get something before they do 挤;推;推搡着前进〔尤指为了到达某处或抢先得到某物〕 jostle for Passengers were jostling each other at the news kiosk for the last remaining copies of the evening paper. 乘客们为了购得最后几份晚报,在售报亭前互相推搡。jostle to do something The children moved forward, jostling to get to the front and see the magician. 孩子们往前挤,想到前面看那位魔术师。 elbow /ˈelbəʊ/ [transitive verb] to push with your elbows in order to move past people 用肘挤;用肘推 elbow your way through/into etc She elbowed her way through the crowd. 她用肘推挤着穿过人群。elbow somebody aside/elbow somebody to one side Craig elbowed me aside roughly. 克雷格粗鲁地用肘把我挤到旁边。 Elbowing me to one side, he took hold of the microphone. 他用肘把我挤到一边,一把抓住麦克风。 press /pres/ [intransitive verb] to push in order to move forward with the rest of the crowd 拥挤着前进 press forward/round etc As the race started the crowd pressed forward towards the track. 比赛开始时,人们朝跑道的方向拥挤着。 The security men tried to hold back crowds of reporters pressing round the President's car. 保安人员试图阻止记者围拥在总统的座车四周。6 to push something to operate a machine 推动某物来操纵机器 push/press /pʊʃ, pres/ [transitive verb] push/press a button to push something that makes a machine operate 按下按钮 It's very simple - you put the paper in and push a button, and the computer does the rest for you. 这很简单—把纸放进去,按下按钮,余下的事就由电脑来做了。 She pressed the button and the machine started to whirr. 她按下按钮,机器便开始呼呼转起来。




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