

例句 PERFECT1 very good, with nothing wrong2 the best and most suitable person or thing3 to make something perfect4 ways of saying what you would like to happen if everything was perfect5 not perfect6 in a perfect way7 perfect as an idea, but impossible in reality8 to think that someone or something is perfect when they are notRELATED WORDSin perfect condition 状态完美的 CONDITIONcontaining only one substance, not mixed with anything else 只有一种物质,没有杂质的 PUREsee alsoBESTGOODSUITABLECONVENIENTRIGHT1 very good, with nothing wrong 很好的,没有差错的 perfect /ˈpɜːʳfɪkt/ [adjective] someone or something that is perfect is good in every way and could not be any better 完美的;完善的;理想的 We had a wonderful vacation - the weather was perfect. 外出度假我们玩得很开心—天气棒极了。absolutely perfect The meal was absolutely perfect. 那顿饭绝对好吃。be in perfect health use this especially about someone who is old 身体很健康 My mother's in perfect health, even though she's nearly 80. 母亲尽管已近80高龄,但身体很健康。the perfect husband/secretary/couple etc Beth and Martin always seemed to be the perfect couple. 贝丝和马丁总是看上去像天生的一对。 perfectly [adverb] It's a beautiful dress, and it fits perfectly. 这条裙子真漂亮,完全合身。 flawless/faultless /ˈflɔːləs, ˈfɔːltləs/ [adjective] formal completely perfect, with no mistakes or faults at all 【正式】无错误的;无缺点的 Hiroshi's English was flawless. 广司的英语挑不出毛病。 He gave a faultless performance as Macbeth. 他扮演麦克白无懈可击。 model /ˈmɒdlǁˈmɑːdl/ [adjective only before noun] model husband/wife/student etc someone who has all the qualities that a husband, wife, student etc should have 模范丈夫/妻子/学生等 Karen was a model student: hardworking, intelligent and enthusiastic. 卡伦是位模范学生:刻苦、聪明又热情。 Chris always got to work early and left late - the model employee. 克里斯上班总是早来晚走—是模范员工。 impeccable /ɪmˈpekəbəl/ [adjective] formal behaviour that is impeccable, is so good that it is impossible to find anything wrong with it 【正式】〔行为〕完美的;无缺点的;无可指摘的 impeccable manners/behaviour/taste etc Macdonald was an aristocratic character with impeccable manners. 麦克唐纳有贵族气派,举止无可指摘。 As I expected, her house was decorated with impeccable taste. 正如我所料,她装修的房子品位无可挑剔。impeccable qualifications/credentials documents that show that your experience or skills are perfect for a particular job or situation 绝对合适的资格 On paper, her qualifications seemed to be impeccable. 从书面材料看,她的资格似乎无可挑剔。 impeccably [adverb] Gary came in, impeccably dressed in a dark blue suit. 加里走了进来,穿着深蓝色套装,十分得体。 There was a long church service, but the kids managed to behave impeccably. 教堂里的礼拜仪式时间很长,但孩子们努力表现得很乖。 can't fault /ˌkɑːnt ˈfɔːltǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] say you can't fault something, when you cannot criticize it because it has no faults or mistakes 对…无法挑剔 I can't fault her driving, except that it's rather fast. 除了车速较快之外,我对她的驾车水平无可挑剔。 No one could fault the way he handled the crisis. 没有人能够指责他处理危机的方式。 unblemished /ˌʌnˈblemɪʃt/ [adjective] perfect over a long period of time 清白的;无瑕疵的 The report stated that Stewart's character had remained completely unblemished. 那份报告称斯图尔特的人品一直以来完美无瑕。an unblemished reputation/record/past etc Mrs Falconer had an unblemished record of 27 years service with the company. 福尔克纳女士为该公司服务了27年,她的纪录白璧无瑕。 He has established an unblemished reputation for accuracy. 他追求精确,从未懈怠,建立起了完美无缺的名声。 perfection /pəʳˈfekʃən/ [uncountable noun] when something is so good that it could not be any better 完美 Don't expect perfection in your relationships. 在男女关系上你不可要求十全十美。to perfection perfectly 完美地 The pasta was cooked to perfection. 这道面食煮得恰到好处。2 the best and most suitable person or thing 最佳的、最合适的人或物 perfect /ˈpɜːʳfɪkt/ [adjective] completely suitable for a person or situation 最好的;最佳的 A dry white wine is perfect with any fish dish. 不管吃什么鱼,一瓶干白葡萄酒是最好的搭配。perfect for This dress will be perfect for the summer. 这条裙子最适合夏天穿。 perfect weather for a picnic 最适合野餐的天气the perfect place/time/job etc That sounds like the perfect job for you. 听起来那份工作最适合你不过。 ideal /aɪˈdɪəl/ [adjective] very suitable and exactly what you want 理想的 The house was a little too small so it was not ideal. 那幢房子太小了一点,并不理想。ideal for It's a very relaxed hotel, ideal for families with young children. 这间酒店气氛亲切轻松,是带小孩子的家庭理想的下榻之处。somebody's ideal man/woman/job/house etc one that has all the qualities you like best 某人理想中的男子/女子/职业/房子等 My ideal man would be someone like Mel Gibson. 我理想中的男子是梅尔·吉布森一类的人。 just right /ˌdʒʌst ˈraɪt/ [adjective phrase] spoken suitable in every way 【口】非常合适的 ‘Do these new curtains look OK?’ ‘Yes, they're just right.’ “这些新窗帘看上去还行吗?”“非常合适。”just right for I'm glad they're getting married - they're just right for each other. 我很高兴他们要结婚了一他们真是天生一对。 be just the thing also be just the job British /biː ˌdʒʌst ðə ˈθɪŋ, biː ˌdʒʌst ðə ˈdʒɒbǁ-ˈdʒɑːb/ [verb phrase] informal to be exactly what is needed 又作 Cold lemonade is just the thing on a hot day. 冰冻柠檬汁正是热天所需要的东西。be just the thing for A tall hedge would be just the job for that side of the garden. 高高的树篱正是花园那一边所需要的。 tailor-made /ˌteɪləʳ ˈmeɪd◂/ [adjective] specially designed for you, so that it is exactly what you need or want 订制的;特别适合的 If you are an independent traveller, we can arrange a tailor-made tour. 如果你一个人旅游,我们可以专门安排旅游线路。tailor-made for Our company can provide you with an insurance policy that is tailor-made for you. 我们公司可以提供给你量身订做的保单。tailor-made to do something In the USA and Canada, a house is often tailor-made to fit the needs of the family that will live in it. 在美国和加拿大,房子常常是为满足住户的需求而专门设计的。3 to make something perfect 使某物完美 perfect /pəʳˈfekt/ [transitive verb] The only way to perfect your accent is to go and live in France. 要使自己口音地道,唯一方法是去法国居住。 James was out on the ski slope, trying to perfect his short turns. 詹姆斯在滑道上,努力完善自己的急转弯动作。 This technique was perfected by the Ancient Egyptians. 这项技术在古埃及人手中得到完善。perfect the art/technique of (doing) something After eighteen years of marriage to Gemma, Ronald had perfected the art of keeping the peace. 与杰玛结婚18年了,罗纳德维护家庭和睦的本事已入化境。 bring something to perfection /ˌbrɪŋ something tə pəʳˈfekʃən/ [verb phrase] written to make something perfect over a long period of time, especially when this takes a lot of care, practice, or skill 【书面】使某事物达到完美的境地〔尤指需要非常用心、大量练习和高超的技巧〕 Keeping the wine in a cool place for five years will bring it to perfection. 把葡萄酒置于凉爽处存放五年能使它臻于完美。 It requires considerable practise to bring the skill of weaving to perfection. 编织技巧需要大量练习才能趋于完美。 perfectionist /pəʳˈfekʃənɪst, pəʳˈfekʃənəst/ [countable noun] someone who is not satisfied with anything unless it is completely perfect 完美主义者,力求完美者 Mart Kenney was a perfectionist, and his high standards were an example to everyone else. 马特·肯尼是个完美主义者,他的高标准对其他人起到典范作用。 She worked carefully on her drawing, with all the attention to detail of the perfectionist. 她仔细地画着,所有细节都要尽善尽美。4 ways of saying what you would like to happen if everything was perfect 希望事事完美的说法 ideally /aɪˈdɪəli/ [adverb] use this when saying what you would like to happen if everything was perfect 按照理想的做法 Ideally, we'd like to provide regular training for everyone. 理想的做法是,我们让大家都接受常规培训。 In order to win, you must throw your opponent, ideally onto his back. 为了赢,必须把对手摔倒在地,最好是仰面朝天摔下。 in an ideal world/in a perfect world /ɪn ən ˌaɪdɪəl ˈwɜːʳld, ɪn ə ˌpɜːʳfɪkt ˈwɜːʳld/ [adverb] use this to say what would happen if the situation were perfect, even though you know that the situation can never be perfect 在理想的情况下 In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything. 理想的情况下,我们会循环再利用所有东西。 Of course, in an ideal world there would be no war. 当然,理想的世界里没有战争。5 not perfect 不完美的 imperfect /ɪmˈpɜːʳfɪkt/ [adjective] formal not completely correct or perfect 【正式】不完美的,不完善的 Imperfect goods are sold off cheaply. 有瑕疵的商品被廉价出售。 In general, people have a very imperfect knowledge of the law. 通常来说,民众不太了解法律。 You have to accept that most relationships are imperfect. 你得承认,大多数男女关系都不完美。 She has anxieties and fears, like anyone else in this imperfect world. 就像这个不完美的世界中的其他人一样,她心怀忧虑和恐惧。 flawed /flɔːd/ [adjective] something such as a plan, idea, or system that is flawed, has a fault which prevents it from working as well as it should do 有缺点的;有缺陷的 Each party rejected the other's approach, saying it was flawed. 每一方都排斥其他方的办法,称其有缺陷。 flawed logic 有漏洞的逻辑推理 The results are based on flawed interpretations of the data. 这些结论是基于对数据的错误解释而作出的。deeply/seriously etc flawed Birch's analysis of the situation was deeply flawed. 伯奇对形势的分析有很大漏洞。6 in a perfect way 以完美的方式 perfectly /ˈpɜːʳfɪktli/ [adverb] The coffee machine seems to work perfectly now. 咖啡机现在运转起来似乎毫无问题。 He was perfectly dressed in a dark suit and tie. 他穿着深色西装,系着深色领带,十分得体。 After two years in Spain, Kate spoke the language perfectly. 凯特在西班牙待了两年,能说一口流利的当地话。 to perfection /tə pəʳˈfekʃən/ [adverb] if something happens, or has been done to perfection, it is perfect and you are very pleased with it 完美地,恰到好处 Marge tried on the dress and it fitted to perfection. 玛吉试穿了那条裙子,合身极了。 By September the apples had ripened to perfection. 到了9月,那些苹果完全熟了。7 perfect as an idea, but impossible in reality 作为想法是好的,但不现实 ideal /aɪˈdɪəl/ [adjective] Plato dreamed of an ideal society. 柏拉图梦想过一个理想的社会。 A completely new kitchen would be ideal, but I don't think that we can afford it. 全新的厨房最理想,但我想我们付不起。 ideal [countable noun] the ideal of something the ideal of equality 平等的理想 utopian /juːˈtəʊpiən/ [adjective usually before noun] a utopian society is one in which you imagine there is a perfect social or political situation, although this is unlikely to ever really exist 乌托邦式的 The debate was about the impossibility of a utopian society. 这场辩论是关于乌托邦式社会的不可能性。a utopian dream when you think about and wish for utopian society 乌托邦式的梦想 Marxism was a Utopian dream. 该社会制度是乌托邦式的梦想。 idealized also idealised British /aɪˈdɪəlaɪzd/ [adjective] an idealized view or description of something considers or shows it as perfect when really it is not 理想化的 I think you have an idealized idea of what a doctor does. 我觉得你把医生的职业理想化了。 The film showed an idealized view of rural life in the nineteenth century. 这部电影表现了对19世纪农村生活的一种理想化面貌。 an idealized image of motherhood 母亲的理想化形象8 to think that someone or something is perfect when they are not 认为某人或某事物是完美的,其实并不如此 idealize also idealise British /aɪˈdɪəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to consider or show someone or something as perfect, without noticing their faults 把〔某人或某事物〕理想化 People often idealize the past. 人们常常把过去理想化。 She always idealized her father, who had died when she was five. 她父亲在她5岁时去世,她一直把他理想化了。 put somebody on a pedestal /ˌpʊt somebody ɒn ə ˈpedstəl/ [verb phrase] to wrongly think that someone is perfect so that you are unable to treat them as an ordinary person 盲目崇拜 It's very common for men to put women they love on a pedestal. 男人盲目崇拜所爱女子很是常见。 can do no wrong /kən ˌduː nəʊ ˈrɒŋǁ-ˈrɔːŋ/ [verb phrase] if one person thinks that another person can do no wrong, they think they are perfect, even though they really do have faults 〔以为某人〕样样都对;十全十美 Whatever trouble Eddy gets into, Mum still thinks he can do no wrong, 不管埃迪惹上什么麻烦,妈妈仍旧认为他样样都对。 Of course, the fans believe that the players can do no wrong. 当然,球迷认为球员们十全十美。




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