

例句 MANAGER1 a manager2 a manager in a high position3 a manager who is in a lower position4 a group of managers5 the job of being a managerRELATED WORDSsee alsoIN CHARGE OFPOSITION/RANKWORKJOBWORK FOR SBTELL1 a manager 经理 manager /ˈmænɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to be in charge of a group of people, a project, a department, or a bank, shop, hotel etc 经理 I'd like to speak to the manager. 我想和经理谈谈。manager of the advertising manager of a mail-order company 邮购公司的广告部经理bank/hotel/restaurant etc manager All new loans must be approved by the bank manager. 所有新贷款都必须由银行经理批准。marketing/sales/accounts etc manager She's one of our regional sales managers. 她是我们的一个地区销售经理。 boss /bɒsǁbɔːs/ [countable noun] informal the person who is in charge of you at work 【非正式】老板 Does your boss know you're looking for another job? 你的老板知道你在另找工作吗? There's a new guy at work who's always trying to impress the boss. 公司里有个新来的家伙老是想方设法要讨好老板。 The front page of the paper announced ‘Company bosses get record pay increases’. 报纸头版上报道:“公司主管们的工资增长创新高”。 executive /ɪgˈzekjɑtɪv/ [countable noun] a manager, especially an important one 管理人员;经理;主管〔尤指处要职者〕 We were visited by a young, dynamic executive from a small computer company. 一家小规模电脑公司的年轻而富有活力的经理拜访了我们。executive for Clifford, a former congressman, is now an executive for a large charity. 前国会议员克利福德现在是一家大型慈善机构的主管。executive stress an illness suffered by managers who are under a lot of pressure in their jobs 管理人员压力症 a psychiatrist who specializes in executive stress 一位专治管理人员压力症的精神科医生 foreman /ˈfɔːʳmən/ [countable noun] someone who is in charge of a group of factory workers or builders, whose job is to make sure that the workers do what the manager wants 工头,领班 Anton hated the foreman, who was never satisfied with anyone's work. 安东讨厌那个工头,他对任何人的工作都从没满意过。foreman of He spoke as though he were a rich landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm. 他说起话来好像他是有钱的地主,而不是一家小建筑公司里的一个小工头。 supervisor /ˈsuːpəʳvaɪzəʳ, ˈsjuː-ǁˈsuː-/ [countable noun] someone who is in charge of a group of workers, such as cleaners or secretaries, in an office, factory, airport etc, whose job is to make sure that the workers do what the manager wants 主管,监督人 We still need to replace the office supervisor. 我们仍需要更换办公室主任。supervisor of She has worked her way up the company and is now supervisor of 50 staff members. 她在公司里工作,一路升职,现在是50名员工的主管了。 line manager /ˈlaɪn ˌmænɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun] the manager who is directly in charge of you in a company, rather than a more senior manager 部门经理 If you want to take a holiday, first ask your line manager. 如果你要去度假,先去征求部门经理的意见。 report to /rɪˈpɔːʳt tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] if you report to someone in a company, they are your line manager 向〔顶头上司〕汇报 Jan is based in Birmingham and reports to the Head of Marketing. 简在伯明翰工作,向营销主任汇报。2 a manager in a high position 高级经理 director /dɪˈrektəʳ, dəˈrektəʳ, daɪ-/ [countable noun] an important manager who is in charge of a company or a department in a company 董事;经理;主任 The directors are meeting today to discuss the company's future. 董事们今天开会商讨公司的未来。finance/sales/personnel etc director Have you met the new finance director? 你见过新来的财务经理了吗?director of Dr Jane Wilde, director of the Health Promotion Agency 简·怀尔德博士,健康促进局的主任 chief executive also chief executive officer/CEO American /ˌtʃiːf ɪgˈzekjɑtɪv, ˌtʃiːf ɪgˈzekjɑtɪv ˌɒfsəʳǁ-ˌɔːf-, ˌsiː iː ˈəʊ/ [countable noun] the manager with most authority in the normal, everyday management of a company. This job is often combined with other jobs, such as that of president 〔行政〕总裁,首席执行官 Universal Studios is looking for a new chief executive. 环球影片公司正在物色一位新的总裁。chief executive of the CEO of General Motors 通用汽车公司的总裁 president /ˈprezɪdənt, ˈprezədənt/ [countable noun] the person in charge of a large company or organization, especially in the US 董事长,总裁〔尤在美国〕 Angry shareholders called for the resignation of the company president. 愤怒的股东们要求公司董事长辞职。president of the president of CBS news 哥伦比亚广播公司新闻部的总裁 vice president /ˌvaɪs ˈprezdənt/ American abbreviation VP [countable noun] the person in a company or organization who is directly below the president in rank, and who is usually responsible for a particular part of the company 副总裁 Meyer hopes to become the company's first female vice president. 迈耶希望成为该公司首位女性副总裁。vice president of/for the vice president for sales and marketing 销售与市场部副总裁 the VP of corporate affairs 企业事务副总裁 chairman/chairwoman /ˈtʃeəʳmən, ˈtʃeəʳˌwʊmən/ [countable noun] the person who is in charge of a large company or organization, especially the most powerful member of its board 〔大公司或组织的〕主席;董事长 Doreen's leaving party looked more like a board meeting, with the chairman and directors there to say goodbye. 多琳的离职聚会看上去更像是一次董事会议,董事长和董事们都来和他道别。chairman/chairwoman of Manley gradually worked her way up, and within ten years became chairwoman of the board. 曼利逐步升职,十年之内就成了董事长。 The Chairman of British Airways visited Downing Street last week. 英国航空公司主席上周访问了唐宁街。 managing director /ˌmænɪdʒɪŋ dˈrektəʳ/ [countable noun] British the person in charge of the daily management of a company or organization. This job is often combined with that of chairman 【英】总经理;常务董事 managing director of Silva has been appointed managing director of the sales division. 席尔瓦被任命为销售部总经理。 He's the managing director of a small printing firm. 他是一家小印刷公司的常务董事。 head /hed/ [countable noun] the person in charge of an organization or department 领导,主管 head of the former head of MI5, the British Intelligence Service 军情五处,即英国情报机构的前主任 She's the head of research and development. 她是研究与开发部的主管。3 a manager who is in a lower position 职位较低的经理 deputy /ˈdepjɑti/ [countable noun] someone who is immediately below the rank of another manager, and who is officially in charge when that other person is away or ill 副手 deputy director/manager/principal etc The deputy director is authorized to act in the director's absence. 副主任被授权在主任缺位时行使管理权。 He became the deputy head of the FBI at the age of only 36. 他年仅36岁时就成了美国联邦调查局的副局长。 second-in-command /ˌsekənd ɪn kəˈmɑːndǁ-ˈmænd/ [countable noun] a manager who is in charge of an organization or department when a more senior manager is not there 副手;副经理 I left the planning to my second- in-command while I was away. 我不在时就把订计划的事留给了我的副手去做。 She had been second- in-command at the nursing home and was now a senior manager in one of the big Boston hospitals. 她以前是这家疗养院的副经理,现在是波士顿一家大医院的高级经理。4 a group of managers 一组经理人员 management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [] the people who are in charge of an organization, not the ordinary workers 资方;公司管理层 Talks between the workers and the management broke down today. 今天劳资双方的谈判破裂了。senior management Senior management seem to be completely out of touch with their staff's needs. 高级管理层似乎完全不了解员工的需求。 the board/the board of directors /ðə ˈbɔːʳd, ðə ˌbɔːʳd əv dˈrektəʳz/ [] the group of people who have been chosen to manage a company, and who meet regularly to make important decisions 董事会 There are only two women on the company's board of directors. 公司董事会里只有两名女性。 Last year the board approved use of funds to improve staff training. 去年董事会同意动用资金来改善雇员的培训质量。be appointed to the board (of directors) Carmichael was appointed to the board in July. 卡迈克尔在7月份被任命进入董事会。board meeting An emergency board meeting was hastily arranged. 很匆忙地安排了一次紧急董事会议。 head office British /the head office American /(ðə) ˌhed ˈɒfsǁ-ˈɔːf-/ [singular noun] the group of top managers of a company who work in it's central office and control the rest of the company's offices from there 总部 Head office must approve any order for new equipment. 订购新设备必须得到总部批准。 In the past, strategy was dictated by the head office. 在过去,策略是由总部完全主导的。 the powers that be /ðə ˌpaʊəʳz ðət ˈbiː/ [noun phrase] an expression meaning the management of an organization, used especially when the organization is so large that you do not know who the management is 掌权者们〔尤用于组织庞大得你不知道由谁负责〕 The powers that be have decided that our lunch breaks should be reduced to 45 minutes. 掌权者们已决定把我们的午饭时间减为45分钟。5 the job of being a manager 经理的工作 management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [uncountable noun] the job or skill of being a manager 管理;管理工作;管理技巧 Val has finished college and is looking for a job in management. 瓦尔已经大学毕业,正在找一份管理工作。 a course aimed at improving management skills 一门旨在提高管理技巧的课程good/bad management The failure of many small businesses is caused by bad management. 许多小企业的倒闭都是管理不善造成的。 managerial /ˌmænɪˈdʒɪəriəl◂, ˌmænəˈdʒɪəriəl◂/ [adjective only before noun] connected with being a manager - use this about the jobs that managers do or the skills that they need 管理的〔职务、技能等〕 This is her first managerial job. 这是她的第一个管理职务。 This is the biggest crisis of his managerial career. 这是他管理生涯中遇到的最严重的危机。 Managerial skills and technical expertise are often in short supply. 通晓管理技巧与专业技术知识的人员经常供不应求。




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