

例句 LETTER1 letters etc2 ways of beginning a letter3 ways of ending a letterRELATED WORDSto post or mail a letter 寄信 SENDsee alsoMESSAGEWRITEREADCOMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAILCONTACT1 letters etc 信件等 letter /ˈletəʳ/ [countable noun] a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail 书信 In a letter dated May 10th, the US government protested about the use of force in the republics. 在5月10日的一封信里,美国政府抗议在加盟共和国使用武力。letter from somebody I got a letter from Anna today. 我今天收到安娜的一封来信。letter to somebody Hamlin wrote a letter to the council, complaining about the incident. 哈姆林向理事会写信投诉这一事件。write somebody a letter Write me a letter and tell me all your news! 给我写信,告诉我你所有的近况!get/receive a letter David, who won first prize in the lottery, has received more than 100 letters from charities asking for money. 戴维中了彩票头奖,收到了一百多封慈善机构请求捐款的信。 post British /mail especially American /pəʊst, meɪl/ [uncountable noun] letters, papers, parcels etc that are sent and delivered using the postal system 邮件;邮包 I picked up the mail -- no letters, only bills today. 我取了邮件一今天没有信,只有账单。 Paul was opening his post when Margot phoned. 保罗正在拆邮件的时候,马戈打电话来了。 There was a pile of mail and a number of telephone messages waiting for Victor. 有一大堆邮件和许多电话留言等着维克托去处理。 When the post came, she searched anxiously for his scrawled handwriting. 邮件送来时,她急切地寻找他那潦草的字迹。 Was there any post for me this morning? 今天上午有没有我的邮件?by post You will receive the application form by post. 申请表将邮寄给你。by mail You can apply for a passport by mail. 你可以邮寄申请护照。junk mail advertisements and other mail that you do not want 垃圾邮件 So much junk mail ends up in my mailbox nowadays; I just throw it all away! 如今我信箱里垃圾邮件太多了,我就统统扔掉! note /nəʊt/ [countable noun] a short informal letter written from one person to another 便条,字条 Just a quick note to say Helen had a baby boy yesterday -- 8lbs 6oz. 借此短笺告诉你:海伦昨天生了个男孩—重8磅6盎司。leave (somebody) a note I forgot to leave them a note to tell them we won't be home by dinnertime. 我忘了留个字条告诉他们,我们要到吃晚饭的时间才会回家。suicide note a note written just before someone kills themselves 遗书,绝命书 Police are puzzled about the man's death. There was no sign of a struggle and no suicide note. 警方对此人的死亡困惑不解:既没有搏斗的迹象,也没有自杀前留下的遗书。 memo /ˈmeməʊ/ [countable noun] a short letter written from one person to another within a company or organization 〔公司或机构内部传达的〕便笺,备忘录 Mr. Fitchel said he made the suggestion in a memo to his superiors. 费切尔先生说,他是在写给上司的一封便笺里提出这个建议的。send (out) a memo The Managing Director sent out a memo to all employees saying there would be a meeting at 10 o'clock. 总经理给所有员工发了一个备忘录,说10点钟有一个会议。 correspondence /ˌkɒrɪˈspɒndəns, ˌkɒrəˈspɒndənsǁˌkɔːrˈspɑːn-, ˌkɑː-/ [uncountable noun] letters or e-mails that people write to each other regularly or over a long period of time 通信,书信往来 Your fax should include copies of any correspondence you have received from our office. 你的传真应附上我公司写给你的任何书信的副本。correspondence with The biography is based on Marx's correspondence with Engels over 40 years. 这本传记是根据马克思与恩格斯四十多年的往来书信写成的。 e-mail/email /ˈiː meɪl/ [countable/uncountable noun] an electronic message sent using the Internet 电子邮件 I came back from vacation to find 130 e-mails waiting for me. 我度假回来发现有130封电子邮件等着我。send somebody (an) e-mail Several people sent us e-mail asking for help with the software. 好几个人给我们发来电子邮件,要我们帮助解决使用这种软件的问题。get an e-mail I got an e-mail from Emma the other day. 前几天我收到埃玛发来的一封电子邮件。by email The reports are sent out weekly by email. 这些报告每周通过电子邮件发出。e-mail address the letters or numbers that people use to send you e-mail 电邮地址 The e-mail address for the dictionaries department is dict.edit@pearsoned-ema.com. 辞典部的电邮地址是dict.edit@pearsoned-ema.com。 e-mail/email [transitive verb] to send a message to someone using e-mail e-mail somebody I'll e-mail you when I get to Boston.2 ways of beginning a letter 信的开头 Dear Sir/Sirs/Sir or Madam /ˌdɪəʳ ˈsɜːʳ, ˈsɜːʳz, ˌsɜːr ɔːʳ ˈmædəm/ use this in formal letters when you do not know the person's name 敬启者〔用于正式信件中,不知道对方姓名时用〕 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to ask for your help.... 敬启者:来信是请求您帮助… Dear Mr Wiggins/Ms Harper /ˌdɪəʳ mɪstəʳ ˈwɪgɪnz, mɪz ˈhɑːʳpəʳ/ use this in formal letters 亲爱的威金斯先生/哈珀女士〔用于正式信件〕 Dear Mr Bartholomew, Thank you for your quick response. 亲爱的巴塞洛缪先生:谢谢您这么快回信。 Dear Jim/Sarah etc /ˌdɪəʳ ˈdʒɪm/ use this when you know the person well enough to use his or her first name 亲爱的吉姆/萨拉等〔用于写给很熟悉的人的信中〕 Dear Jackie, How are you? 亲爱的杰姬:你好吗? Hi /Hey especially American /haɪ, heɪ/ use this in e-mails and letters to friends 嗨〔用于写给朋友的电子邮件或信中〕 Hi, how's it going? 嗨,你好吗? Hey Jenny - good to hear from you again. 嗨,珍妮,很高兴又收到你的来信。3 ways of ending a letter 信的结尾 Yours faithfully /ˌjɔːʳz ˈfeɪθfəli/ British use this at the end of formal letters, which began with ‘Dear Sir’, ‘Dear Madam’ etc 【英】忠实于您的〔用于以 Yours faithfully, Adam Browning 忠实于您的亚当·布朗宁 Yours sincerely /ˌjɔːʳz sɪnˈsɪəʳli/ British use this at the end of formal letters which begin with ‘Dear Mr ...’, ‘Dear Ms ...’ etc 【英】你真诚的,敬上,谨上〔用于以Dear Mr.…,Dear Ms...等开头的正式信件的末尾〕 Yours sincerely, Mary Whitford 玛丽·惠特福德敬上 Yours truly,/Sincerely,/Yours sincerely, /ˌjɔːʳz ˈtruːli, sɪnˈsɪəʳli/ American use this at the end of formal letters 【美】你真诚的〔用于正式信件的末尾〕 Yours truly, Donna Deavers 你真诚的唐纳·迪弗斯 love (from) /ˈlʌv (frəm)/ use this at the end of letter to members of your family, close friends etc 爱你的〔用于写给家人、好友等的信件的末尾〕 I'll give you a call soon. Love, Brad 很快打电话给你。爱你的布拉德 All the best/Best wishes/With best wishes /ˌɔːl ðə ˈbest, ˌbest ˈwɪʃz, wɪð ˌbest ˈwɪʃz/ use this especially in letters or e-mails to friends and family 祝好〔尤用于写给朋友和家人的信或电子邮件的末尾〕 All the best, Dad 祝好,爸爸 take care /ˌteɪk ˈkeəʳ/ use this at the end of letters to friends, to show that you will be thinking about them 保重〔用于写给朋友的信的末尾〕 Take care, Martin and Sophie 保重,马丁和索菲 xxx also xoxo American use this at the end of letters and notes to people you love. The X's represent kisses and the O's represent hugs 【美】亲你〔用于写给你所爱之人的信或字条的末尾。X表示亲吻,O表示拥抱〕 xxx Moira 亲你,莫伊拉 regards /rɪˈgɑːʳdz/ use this especially in letters or e-mails to people you know or work with, especially people who are not family or close friends 谨此致意〔尤用于写给你认识或和你共事的人的信件或电邮末尾〕 Regards, Jonathan Pryor 谨此致意,乔纳森·普赖尔 PS British /P.S. American /ˌpiː ˈes/ use this when you want to add something after the end of a letter 〔信末的〕附言,又及 PS I love you. 附:我爱你。 PS Send my regards to Pauline. 又及:请代我向保利娜问好。




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