(a) likely story
(it) beats me
(just) for kicks
(just) for the hell of it
(let's) get this show on the road
(set) sail
(the) Internet/(the) Net
(would/could you) do me a favour?
(you) see
2 cm/1 m etc thick
2 miles across/20 metres across etc
30 metres/100 feet etc high
40 metres/100 feet etc deep
6 ft tall/2 m tall etc
a bad patch
a bad time
a bad time/not a good time
a bar to sth
a bit
a bomb
a bout of
a break with tradition/a break with the past
a bunch
a bundle
a certain amount of
a changed man/woman
a character
a chicken-and-egg problem/situation/dilemma
a clear conscience
a commute
a couple
a couple of
a couple of times
a cross between sth and sth
a cut above
a drop in the ocean
a fair way/quite a way/a good way
a few
a fire risk/health risk
a first
a fortune
a free hand
a gamble
a giant
a glimmer of hope/a ray of hope
a good deal
a good time
a good/great deal
a great many
a growing number/an increasing number
a hand
a handful
a head
a host of
a large number of/large numbers of
a likely story
a little
a little bit
a little while back
a little while/a short while
a little/short while
a load of
a long time
a long way
a long way off/far off/far away
a long/short way
a lot
a lot of money
a man/woman after your own heart
a man/woman of few words
a measure of
a mere
a minority
a minute/a moment
a minute/second ago
a mix of sth
a mixture of sth
a mountain of
a native of
a natural
a nervous/jealous etc disposition
a nobody
a number of
a pain
a pain (in the neck)
a pain in the neck
a pittance
a place to stay/somewhere to stay
a plus
a preponderance of
a race against time
a raft of
a range of sth
a reformed character
a rip-off
a roof over your head
a run of bad luck
a rush job
a second
a second/an instant
a sense of
a short distance
a short time
a short time ago
a short/brief space of time
a short/little while ago
a shot in the dark
a shoulder to cry on
a slap on the wrist
a small amount
a small amount of sth
a small number
a step backwards
a stroke of luck
a sympathetic ear/a shoulder to cry on
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