

例句 ATTENTION1 to listen and watch carefully2 to pay particular attention to a subject or person3 to pay so much attention to something that you do not notice other things4 not paying attention to what is happening5 not paying attention to a particular subject or person6 to make someone pay attention to you7 to make people pay attention to a subject or problem8 when someone or something gets a lot of attention9 to avoid attention or take attention awayRELATED WORDSsee alsoNOTICE/NOT NOTICEFAMOUSINTERESTEDIGNORE1 to listen and watch carefully 仔细地听和看 pay attention /ˌpeɪ əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to listen to and watch carefully what you are doing, what is happening, or what someone is saying 留心,注意〔正在做的事、正在发生的事或某人正在讲的话〕 Judith never pays attention in class. 朱迪思上课从来都不专心。pay attention to The TV was on, but Jamal wasn't really paying attention to it. 电视机开着,但是贾马尔其实并没有专心在看。pay somebody/something attention I often find myself nodding and smiling at my children without really paying them much attention. 我经常发现自己虽然朝着孩子们点头微笑,但其实心思并不在他们身上。pay close/careful attention Lawyers around the country were paying close attention to the trial. 全国各地的律师都密切关注这个案子的审理。 concentrate /ˈkɒnsəntreɪtǁˈkɑːn-/ [intransitive verb] to think very carefully about something that you are doing, without being interrupted 专注,专心,集中注意力 I tried to read a few pages, but I found it hard to concentrate. 我想看几页书,但很难集中注意力。concentrate on There were so many people talking that I couldn't concentrate on the music. 那么多人在说话,我的注意力怎么也集中不到音乐上来。 Sherman sat hunched forward and staring through the windshield, trying to concentrate on the traffic. 舍曼弓着背坐着,眼睛通过挡风玻璃盯着前方,专心地注意着行驶的车辆。 concentration /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃənǁˌkɑːn-/ [uncountable noun] your ability to think carefully about what you are doing without being interrupted 专心,集中注意力 His face was solemn with concentration. 他神情专注,一脸严肃。concentration on Plummer said she plans to continue her concentration on the 3,000 meter race. 普卢默说,她打算继续专攻3,000米的长跑比赛。 keep your mind on /ˌkiːp jɔːʳ ˈmaɪnd ɒn/ [verb phrase] to continue to pay attention to something especially when you are very excited or worried about something else 继续专心于〔某事,尤在为其他事非常激动或担心的时候〕 Just keep your mind on the driving -- I'll figure out where we are. 你就专心开车吧—我来搞清楚我们在哪里。 Bill couldn't keep his mind on anything but the verdict. 比尔一心只想着法院的判决。 keep your eyes on /ˌkiːp jɔːr ˈaɪz ɒn/ [verb phrase] to keep watching something carefully, so that you do not make any mistakes 留心,注视〔以免出错〕 We had to keep our eyes on the sandy path to avoid the roots and rocks in the way. 我们只得很小心地看着沙石路走,免得踩到路上的根茎和石块。 Keep your eyes on the ball -- now swing! 小心看球一现在打过去吧! take notice/note /ˌteɪk ˈnəʊts, ˈnəʊt/ [verb phrase] to pay attention to and think about something, often allowing it to affect a decision - used especially in writing 注意〔常用于书面中〕 There is a lot of criticism of the new law and a number of politicians are beginning to take notice. 这项新制定的法律招致了许多批评,一些政治家已经开始注意到了。take notice/note of No one took notice of me until I pulled out my notebook and started writing. 没有人注意到我,直到我拿出笔记本开始写起来。 The organization began to take note of its public image. 这个组织开始注意起它的公众形象了。sit up and take note/notice As usual, Greenspan's announcement made the financial world sit up and take notice. 一如以往,格林斯潘发布的公告引起了金融界的注意。 attentive /əˈtentɪv/ [adjective] someone who is attentive pays careful attention to someone that they are listening to, watching or looking after 注意的,专心的,留心的 Hecke's new work has something of interest for both the casual and attentive viewer. 赫克的新作雅俗共赏。attentive to The crew were extremely attentive to the passengers’ safety. 机组人员极为关心乘客的安全。 attention span /əˈtenʃən spæn/ [uncountable noun] the amount of time that you are able to carefully listen or watch something that is happening without getting tired or bored 注意力集中时间 have a short/limited attention span Kids of his age typically have a very short attention span. 这个年龄的孩子,注意力集中的时间一般都很短。2 to pay particular attention to a subject or person 特别注意某话题或某个人 pay attention to /ˌpeɪ əˈtenʃən tuː/ [verb phrase] The government never pays any attention to pre-school education. 政府从来不关心学前教育。pay special/particular attention to something The investigators at the crash site are paying particular attention to the weather data. 撞车事故现场的调查人员特别注意天气资料。pay more attention to something Previously the company payed much more attention to its investors than it did to its customers. 之前,公司关心投资者大大超过了关心它的客户。not pay enough attention to something Not enough attention is paid to the role of diet in illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. 人们对饮食在癌症、心脏病等疾病上所起的作用不够关注。 concentrate/focus on /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt, ˈfəʊkəs ɒn/ [verb phrase] to spend your time considering a particular subject, group etc, especially because you think it is more important than others 注意力集中于,注重〔某问题或课题〕 Concentrate on the content of your report. You can worry about its format or appearance when you've finished writing. 要注重报告的内容,格式或版面可以留待写好了之后再去操心。 The conference will focus on the issue of population control. 会议将主要讨论人口控制问题。 turn your attention to /ˌtɜːʳn jɔːr əˈtenʃən tuː/ [verb phrase] to begin to pay attention to someone or something different or new - used especially in written and formal contexts 把注意力转移到〔某人或某事上,尤用于书面上或正式的场合〕 Amelia next turned her attention to finding herself a place to live. 阿梅莉娅接着就开始专心找住的地方。 Having dealt with the problem of energy sources, let's now turn our attention to the question of nuclear power. 讲完了能源问题,我们现在来谈谈核动力问题。 give something/somebody your undivided attention /gɪv something/somebody jɔːr ʌndɪˌvaɪdd əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to give all your attention to something or someone and not do anything else at the same time 专心于〔某事或某人而不让其他事分心〕 I worry about how Quincy's going to do in school - he can't sit still long enough to give anything his undivided attention. 我担心昆西在学校里怎么办—他坐不住,什么事情都专心不了。give your undivided attention to something Once I had finished my exams, I could give my undivided attention to looking for a job. 考试一结束,我就可以一心一意去找工作了。3 to pay so much attention to something that you do not notice other things 对某事物专心致志,而没有注意到其他事物 be engrossed in /biː ɪnˈgrəʊst ɪn/ [verb phrase] to be paying so much attention to something you are doing, that you do not notice what is happening around you 全神贯注于,专心致志于 Helen was sitting up in bed, engrossed in a novel. 海伦坐在床上全神贯注地看小说。 The two women huddled together like schoolgirls, happily engrossed in their conversation. 那两个女人就像小学生一样紧紧地靠在一起,相谈甚欢。 He was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn't even hear the doorbell ring. 他干得那么专心,连门铃响了他都没听到。 be wrapped up in /biː ˌræpt ˈʌp ɪn/ [verb phrase] to be so involved in something that you do not notice or seem to care about other things 埋头于;全神贯注于〔某事上以致没有注意到或不关心其他事情〕 Hazel's totally wrapped up in the new baby. 黑兹尔把全部精力放在刚出生的孩子身上。 ‘Some novelists get wrapped up in their celebrity status,’ he acknowledged. ‘I hope that doesn't happen to me.’ “有些小说家心里只惦着个人名位,”他承认说,“希望我不是这样。” be absorbed in /biː əbˈsɔːʳbd ɪn/ [verb phrase] to pay a lot of attention to something, especially when you are reading or watching something you enjoy and want to know what happens next 聚精会神于〔某事,尤指想得知下一步会发生什么〕 I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn't hear Alexis come in. 我聚精会神地在看电视上的比赛,连亚历克西斯进来都没有听到。 The little boy sat at the edge of the pond, totally absorbed in watching the fish. 小男孩坐在池塘边沿上,出神地看着水里的鱼儿。 immerse yourself in /ɪˈmɜːʳs jɔːʳself ɪn/ [verb phrase] give all your attention to something such as studying or work so that you do not want to think about anything else 聚精会神于〔某事中,如学习或工作中,以至于不想考虑其他事〕 He immersed himself in his work and tried to forget about Julia. 他埋首于工作中,试图忘掉朱莉娅。 For the first time, I had the chance to really immerse myself in Lenin's writings. 我头一回有机会完全沉浸于列宁的著作中。be immersed in something The possibility of computer addiction occurred to her when she missed a class she was teaching, because she was immersed in the Internet. 她可能对电脑上瘾了,那一次她因为上网入迷竟然忘记了去讲课。 preoccupied /priːˈɒkjɑpaɪdǁ-ˈɑːk-/ [adjective not before noun] someone who is preoccupied is worried or thinking about other things, and tends to forget about someone or something else 入神的,全神贯注的〔因对某事太操心或想得太多而忘掉其他人或事〕 Parents are often too busy, tired, or preoccupied to give their children the time and attention they need. 家长们往往太忙太累,或者烦心的事儿太多,不能给予孩子应有的时间和关心。preoccupied with Most Russians are preoccupied with matters close to home, their economic conditions in particular. 大多数俄罗斯人都关注着关系到切身利益的事情,尤其是经济状况。4 not paying attention to what is happening 不关心正在发生的事情 not pay attention /nɒt ˌpeɪ əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] What did the announcers just say? I wasn't paying attention. 播音员刚才说了什么?我没注意听。not pay attention to When you're young, you don't pay attention to what your parents are saying half the time. 人在年轻的时候经常不听父母的话。 daydream /ˈdeɪdriːm/ [intransitive verb] to not pay attention because you are thinking about pleasant things or imagining things that you would like to happen 做白日梦,幻想 Blackthorne was sitting alone in a corner of the garden, daydreaming. 布莱克索恩一个人坐在花园的一个角落里做着白日梦。daydream about Almost anyone who has ever read a good book has daydreamed about writing his or her own best-seller. 几乎人人都会读了一本好书就梦想着自己也要写一本畅销书。 switch off /ˌswɪtʃ ˈɒf/ [intransitive phrasal verb] British informal to stop paying attention to something because you are bored, or to stop thinking about your work after you have finished in the evening and relax 【英,非正式】〔因感到厌烦而〕不再注意;〔工作完成之后〕不再去考虑 In the end I got sick of the conversation and switched off. 最后我聊得腻烦了,就闭口不言。 It's difficult for teachers to switch off when they go home at night. 当老师的晚上回到家里之后很难做到不去想工作的事。 be miles away /biː ˈmaɪlz əˌweɪ/ [verb phrase] British spoken to not be paying attention to anything or anyone around you and seem to be thinking about something very different 【英口】〔因想着别的事而〕走神,心不在焉 Sorry, I was miles away. What did you say? 对不起,我刚才走神了,你说什么? I don't mean to disturb you, you looked miles away -- but there's a call for you. 对不起,打搅了,你好像有什么心事—有一个电话找你呢。 your mind wanders /jɔːʳ ˌmaɪnd ˈwɒndəʳzǁ-ˈwɑːn-/ if your mind wanders you are no longer paying attention, usually because you are bored or because something is worrying you 〔一般因厌倦或正担心某事〕走神,心不在焉 I tried hard to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering. 我拼命地想集中注意力,可老是心不在焉。your mind wanders to/from His mind wandered to the things he was trying not to think about. 他的思绪又回到他努力不去想的那些事情上。let your mind wander Corrinne let her mind wander back to the days when they first met. 科琳的思绪回到他们初次相识的那个时候。 inattentive /ˌɪnəˈtentɪv◂/ [adjective] someone who is inattentive does not pay attention to something when they are expected to 〔对应该留心的事〕漫不经心的,不注意的 Roger was hyperactive and inattentive as a child. 罗杰小时候极度活跃,对什么事都不能专心。 In spite of the inattentive servers and the bad decor, it's worth eating at Leon's for the great cheap food. 尽管利昂餐馆侍者服务不周,装潢欠佳,但是食品价廉物美,值得一尝。inattentive to The government is still being accused of being inattentive to the plight of the Health Service. 政府仍被指责对国民医疗保健制度的困难处境漠不关心。 lose (your) concentration /ˌluːz (jɔːʳ) ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃənǁ-ˌkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] if you lose your concentration, you stop being able to think carefully about what you are doing, for example because you are suddenly interrupted 分散注意力,分神 Sensing that the team was losing their concentration, Barret called a time out. 巴雷特感觉到球队分神了,于是要求暂停。 With too much homework, children may lose concentration and stop progressing. 小孩子功课太多就会没有心思去做,从而影响学习的进度。5 not paying attention to a particular subject or person 不注意某个特别的话题或人 not pay attention /nɒt ˌpeɪ əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] Don't pay attention to anything they say - they're just trying to get money out of you. 不要去理他们的话—他们只是想骗你的钱。 More than half the people in the study said they do not pay attention to election campaigns. 接受调查的人有半数以上都说他们不关心竞选活动。 A high-level military official warned people not to pay attention to rumours about invasion. 一名高级军官告诫人们不要去理会有关入侵的谣传。 take no notice/not take any notice /ˌteɪk nəʊ ˈnəʊts, nɒt ˌteɪk eni ˈnəʊts/ [verb phrase] to not pay attention to something - used especially in writing 不理会;不注意;不关心〔尤用于书面上〕 The conflict continued in the small African state, but the world took no notice. 在这个非洲小国,冲突仍在继续,可是世人却不予关注。 My parents didn't seem to take any notice of my wails as we drove down the motorway. 我们在高速公路上行驶时,父母对我的大声哭叫似乎毫不在意。6 to make someone pay attention to you 使某人注意你 get/attract attention /ˌget, əˌtrækt əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to try to make someone notice you, by doing something that they will notice 〔做某事〕引起…的注意 Young children sometimes behave badly simply in order to get attention. 小孩子有时表现差只是为了引起别人注意。 With all the competition, a website really has to give away something good to get people's attention. 面对这么多的竞争,网站真的不得不送出一些好东西来吸引人们的注意。get/attract somebody's attention He was waving his hand wildly, trying to attract Kovitsky's attention. 他疯狂地挥着手,想引起科维茨基的注意。 draw attention to yourself /ˌdrɔː əˈtenʃən tə jɔːʳself/ [verb phrase] to make people notice you - used especially when you are trying to avoid doing this, or you think someone should try to avoid doing this 引起注意,引人注目〔尤用于本想避免或认为不应引起别人注意的时候〕 I did a few of the usual idiotic things as a teenager to try to draw attention to myself. 我在十来岁的时候,经常会做一些傻事来引起别人注意。 Carney knew he would draw attention to himself if he rented a boat in the middle of winter. 卡尼知道,他要是在隆冬时候去租一条船,将会吸引很多目光。7 to make people pay attention to a subject or problem 使人们注意某个话题或问题 draw/call attention to /ˌdrɔː, ˌkɔːl əˈtenʃən tuː/ [verb phrase] The group is willing to use terrorism in order to draw attention to their desire for independence. 这个组织愿以恐怖手段来引起世人关注他们独立的愿望。 Fox was one of the first US scientists to call attention to the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 福克斯是最早提醒人们注意大气中二氧化碳含量提高的美国科学家之一。 highlight /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ [transitive verb] to show that something is important and make people notice it, especially so that they start to do something about it 使显著,使突出;使注意力集中于 The report highlighted the need for prison reform. 报告特别强调了监狱改革的必要性。 The Association's first project was to publish a 35-cent brochure highlighting nine historic sites. 协会的第一个计划是印发一份售价35美分的小册子,重点介绍九大历史古迹。 focus attention on /ˌfəʊkəs əˈtenʃən ɒn/ [verb phrase] to make a large group of people, especially the public, pay attention to one particular problem or bad situation because it needs their help 使〔许多人,尤指公众的〕注意力集中到〔某个问题或坏情况上去,因需要他们的帮助〕 The publicity campaign helped to focus attention on the needs of elderly people in the community. 这一宣传活动有助于引起公众对社区老年人需求的关注。focus somebody's attention on The media's efforts often focus public attention on government incompetence, forcing government to do the right thing. 媒体往往努力把公众的注意力集中到政府的无能上,从而迫使政府采取正确的行动。 bring something to somebody's attention /ˌbrɪŋ something somebodyˈs əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to inform someone in a position of power or authority about a problem, bad situation etc so that they can do something to help or stop it 提请某人注意某事,使某事得到某人注意〔指提醒掌权者注意某问题、坏情况等以使他们给予帮助或出面阻止〕 It was one of the other students who brought your misbehaviour to my attention. 有一名同学提醒我注意你的不良行为。 The reviews provide a way for companies to bring their trade concerns to the attention of the government. 这些评论为公司提供了一种途径,使自己的商业利益得到政府注意。 point out /ˌpɔɪnt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to tell someone about a mistake they have made, something they have forgotten etc 指出,提醒〔某人所犯的错误或已经忘记的事等〕 He pointed out the danger of a mountain trek at this time of year. 他指出这时候到山区徒步旅行很危险。point out that I pointed out that changing the date would mean rescheduling the press conference. 我指出,改日期就意味着要重新安排新闻发布会。point something/it out I didn't realise I'd made a mistake. Thank you for pointing it out. 我没有意识到犯了个错误,谢谢你给我指出来。as somebody points out As Palermo pointed out, Peruvian university students tend to be highly political. 正如巴勒莫所言,秘鲁的大学生政治意识很强。8 when someone or something gets a lot of attention 某人或某事物吸引很多注意力 get/attract/receive attention /ˌget, əˌtrækt, rɪˌsiːv əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] The young Senator is getting a lot of attention. 这位年轻的参议员吸引了很多注意力。 The film has attracted considerable attention since it was released last week. 这部影片自上周发行以后已引起了相当多的关注。 be the centre of attention British /be the center of attention American /biː ðə ˌsentər əv əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] if someone or something is the centre of attention everyone is very interested in them and gives them a lot of attention 成为注意的中心 I loved talking and being the centre of attention, so I was chosen to be spokesperson. 我喜欢说话,而且也喜欢成为人们注意的中心,所以被推选为发言人。 Eliot argued that it should be the poetry, not the poet's personality, that is the center of attention. 艾略特认为,注意的焦点应该是诗歌,而不是诗人的个性。 be the focus of attention /biː ðə ˌfəʊkəs əv əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] if someone or something, often a bad situation, is the focus of attention, everyone is paying it a lot of attention 〔某人或某事,尤指坏情况〕成为注意的焦点 The earthquake has made skyscrapers the focus of attention. 地震使摩天大楼成了人们注意的焦点。 The Airline became the focus of attention yesterday after its stock fell dramatically to 31 cents. 这家航空公司昨天股价狂泻至31美分,从而成了人们关注的焦点。 Suddenly Carmichael, the shy lead singer, was the focus of millions of young girls’ attention. 一时间,卡迈克尔这腼腆的主唱歌手成了千万少女关注的焦点。 attention /əˈtenʃən/ [uncountable noun] the interest that people show in someone or something 〔对某人或某事的〕注意;关注 Jerry loves the attention he gets when he's performing 杰里喜欢表演时那种受人瞩目的感觉。media attention attention from newspapers, television etc 传媒的关注 The intense media attention surrounding the case, has made it very difficult for the family to cope. 媒体对此案件的密切关注使得这家人穷于应付9 to avoid attention or take attention away 避开注意力或转移注意力 not draw attention /nɒt ˌdrɔː əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to make a special effort to be normal, inoffensive, or quiet, so that people will not pay attention to you 不吸引注意力 not draw attention to It was obvious that Jackson didn't want to draw attention to himself. 杰克逊显然是不想引起别人的注意。without drawing attention The city's wealth allows drug traffickers to live a comfortable lifestyle without drawing attention to themselves. 这个城市的富庶使贩毒分子生活得悠然自得,丝毫不会引起别人的注意。avoid drawing attention Aides to the Prime Minister tried to avoid drawing public attention to the speech. 首相助理试图避免吸引公众对演说的关注。 draw attention away from /ˌdrɔː əˌtenʃən əˈweɪ frɒm/ [verb phrase] to make someone pay attention to one thing or person, either deliberately or without intending to, so that they do not pay attention to another 把注意力从…上引开,转移对…的注意力 The government was hoping to draw attention away from the current economic crisis. 政府希望把人们的注意力从当前的经济危机上引开。 His ‘bad-boy’ behaviour tends to draw attention away from many of the good things he is doing in his community. 他的“坏小子”行为经常使人们忽视了他在社区里所做的好事。 divert/distract attention /daɪˌvɜːʳt, dɪˌstrækt əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to make someone stop paying attention to something important, either deliberately or without intending to 转移〔分散〕〔某人的〕注意力 The debate is diverting attention from the urgent need to improve the way the medical system cares for terminally ill patients. 这场辩论转移了人们对迫切需要改进医疗制度中如何关怀绝症病人的注意力。divert/distract attention from The bomb could have been planted in order to distract attention from the robbery. 炸弹很有可能是为了引开人们对这起抢劫案的注意而安置的。distract/divert somebody's attention Before we could explore the matter further, some new evidence diverted our attention. 就在我们要对此事作进一步调查之前,一些新的证据转移了我们的注意力。 put somebody off /ˌpʊt somebody ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] British informal to make someone stop paying attention to what they are doing, especially so that they make a mistake 【英,非正式】打扰,使分心〔尤指因而使他们犯错〕 Stop staring at me, it's putting me off. 别盯着我看,这样会让我分心的。put somebody off their game/stroke All the noise from the crowd put Alison off her game. 人群的喧闹影响了艾利森比赛。 keep a low profile /ˌkiːp ə ˌləʊ ˈprəʊfaɪl/ [verb phrase] to try not to make anyone notice you for a period of time, for example because you have done something bad 〔如因自己做了坏事而在一段时间内〕保持低调 She's keeping a low profile until the scandal is forgotten. 她一直保持低调,等待丑闻被人遗忘。 Many of the exiles have married, taken jobs, and generally kept a low profile. 这些被流放的人中许多都结了婚,找了工作,而且一般都生活得很低调。




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