INTRODUCE1 to talk or write about a subject for the first time2 speech or writing that introduces somethingRELATED WORDSto introduce yourself when you meet someone for the first time 首次遇到某人时作自我介绍MEET (3)see alsoSTARTFIRST1 to talk or write about a subject for the first time 首次谈及或写到某一主题introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːsǁ-ˈduːs/ [transitive verb] The first chapter introduces the terms and ideas which will be studied. 第一章介绍了以后要学习的术语和观点。 Einstein introduced his theory of relativity in 1915, in a scientific paper. 爱因斯坦在1915年的一篇科学论文中发表了他的相对论。lead into /ˈliːd ɪntuː/ [transitive verb not in passive]to begin to talk or write about a subject by talking about a similar subject first 引向,引入 Her lecture began with a talk about her own experience, leading into a more general discussion. 她以自己的亲身经历作为演讲的开始,并以此引入更有普遍性的讨论。 Each Olympic event will be led into by sports experts explaining the format. 每个奥运会项目开始前都先由体育专家讲解它的形式。preface /ˈprefɪs, ˈprefəs/ [transitive phrasal verb]writtento say or write something about your subject before you talk about the main part of it 【书面】作为开端,以…作开场白 He prefaced his criticisms by saying there was much to admire in the work. 他开始批评这部作品之前先表示它有许多值得称赞之处。preface with There are 45 tours, each prefaced with a historical overview of the area. 共有45条旅游路线,每一条都先有对该地区历史的概况介绍。2 speech or writing that introduces something 介绍某事物的演讲或文章introduction /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən/ [countable noun] After a brief introduction by the Chairman, the meeting began. 主席简短地介绍了一下以后会议便开始了。 Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team. 鲍威尔在序言中写道,所有武装部队必须要作为一个团队协同行动。intro /ˈɪntrəʊ/ [countable noun]spokenthe introduction to a speech 【口】开场白,介绍 I'll start off with a brief intro. 我先简单介绍一下就开始。 In his intro he said he didn't know much about language teaching 他在开场白中说他对语言教学了解得不多。lead-in /ˈliːd ɪn/ [countable noun]a short statement that comes before the main part of a speech or piece of writing to tell you what it is about 开端;开场;介绍 The lead-in to a news item should only take a few seconds. 一条新闻的引子应当只占用几秒钟时间。 The last sentence in a paragraph should form a lead-in to what is to be discussed in the next paragraph. 一段的最后一句应承上启下,引入下一段要讨论的内容。introductory /ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri◂/ [adjective only before noun]giving a short introduction to a subject before it is discussed or studied in more detail 介绍性的 Wilson will give the introductory speech at the education conference. 威尔逊将于教育大会上致开幕词。 an introductory course on American literature 美国文学入门课程preface/foreword /ˈprefɪs, ˈprefəs, ˈfɔːʳwɜːʳd/ [countable noun]a short piece of writing at the beginning of a book, before the main part, that tells what the book is about or the reason for writing it 前言,序言 In his preface, the author sums up what he has learned from two years of observing political life. 作者在序言中对他两年中所观察到的政治生活进行了总结。 According to the foreword, the cookbook aims to celebrate the rich variety of Chinese food. 这本烹调书在引言中说此书的目的是要称颂中国菜的丰富多样。prologue /ˈprəʊlɒgǁ-lɔːg, -lɑːg/ [countable noun]an introduction to a piece of writing, for example a play or a long poem 〔戏剧的〕序幕;〔长诗的〕序篇 The play begins with a brief prologue. 该剧以一简短的序幕开场。prologue to the prologue to Shakespeare's Henry V 莎士比亚的《亨利五世》的序幕