

例句 INTERFERE1 to interfere2 someone who interferes too much in other people's affairs3 to not interfereRELATED WORDSsee alsoTAKE PART/BE INVOLVED1 to interfere 干涉,介入 interfere /ˌɪntəʳˈfɪəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to try to influence a situation that you should not be involved in, for example by telling someone what to do or giving them advice that they do not want 干预,介入,干涉 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interfere, but I didn't want Glenda to be upset. 抱歉,我并不想多管闲事,可我不愿看到格伦达不开心。 The protestors were peaceful, and the police decided not to interfere. 抗议者很有秩序,于是警察就决定不加干预。interfere in She has no right to interfere in her son's marriage. 她无权干涉儿子的婚姻。 The US was accused of interfering in China's internal affairs. 美国被指责干涉了中国的内务。 interference [uncountable noun] when someone interferes in a situation: 干预,干涉 interfere from The Internet should be allowed to develop without any interference from the government. 应该允许互联网在不受政府任何干预的情况下发展。 meddle /ˈmedl/ [intransitive verb] to interfere in a situation that you do not understand or know enough about, and that someone else is responsible for dealing with 干预,管闲事 meddle in Church leaders shouldn't meddle in politics. 教会领袖不应干预政治。meddle with Most of us don't know our neighbors well enough to meddle with their lives. 我们大多数人都对邻居了解不多,所以不应该去管闲事。 poke/stick your nose into /ˌpəʊk, ˌstɪk jɔːʳ ˈnəʊz ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] informal to ask questions about someone else's private life and give them advice they do not want, in a way that annoys them 【非正式】探听,管闲事 No one wants the government sticking its nose into the personal affairs of citizens. 没人愿意政府打探公民的私事。 She's one of these people who is always poking her nose into other people's business. 她属于那种老爱打听别人私事的人。 put/shove/stick your oar in British informal /butt in American informal /ˌpʊt, ˌʃʌv, ˌstɪk jɔːr ˈɔːr ɪn, ˌbʌt ˈɪn/ [verb phrase] to give your opinion or advice to someone when they do not want it, because it is a private situation 干预,插手 I don't want your dad over here sticking his oar in. 我不想你爸爸插手这里的事。 intrude /ɪnˈtruːd/ [intransitive verb] to become involved in someone's private affairs when you know you have no right to be involved - use this especially when saying that you want to avoid doing this 干涉,侵扰〔尤用于指想避免这样做时〕 I don't want to intrude, but are you all right? 我不想打扰,你没事吧? Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I didn't realize you were on the phone. 抱歉,我不是故意打扰,我不知道你在打电话。intrude on It's very important not to intrude on the family's grief, whilst still helping with the funeral arrangements. 在帮助家属办丧礼时不要触动悲痛的情绪是很要紧的。intrude into Companies should not have the right to intrude into employees’ personal lives by giving them psychological tests. 公司无权对员工进行心理测试来干预他们的个人生活。 intrusion /ɪnˈtruːʒən/ [countable/uncountable noun] intrude in/into The magazine has apologised for any intrusion into the actor's private life. 该杂志就干涉了那位演员的私生活而道歉。 intrusive /ɪnˈtruːsɪv/ [adjective] I found the reporter's questions very intrusive. 我觉得那名记者的提问很烦人。2 someone who interferes too much in other people's affairs 过多干预别人私事者 busybody /ˈbɪziˌbɒdiǁ-ˌbɑːdi/ [countable noun] someone who likes interfering in other people's affairs, giving advice, and trying to influence what people do 爱管闲事者;搬弄是非者 I can't believe the number of busybodies who ask me when I'm going to have another baby. 我简直无法相信竟有这么多爱管闲事的人来问我什么时候再生个孩子。 do-gooder /ˌduː ˈgʊdəʳǁˈduː ˌgʊdər/ [countable noun] someone who tries to help other people and thinks that they are being helpful - use this about someone you think is in fact causing problems and when it would be better if they did not get involved 想做好事的人;爱管闲事的好心人〔指其实是在添麻烦〕 Pearson isn't just a do-gooder - he's been in prison and wants to help others stay out. 皮尔逊不是爱管闲事一他进过监狱,希望别人不要重蹈覆辙。 interfering /ˌɪntəʳˈfɪərɪŋ◂/ [adjective] someone who is interfering often tries to influence situations they should not be involved in, and annoys people by doing this 爱管闲事的,喜欢干涉的 I wish that interfering brother of yours would keep out of my affairs. 我希望你那个爱管闲事的哥哥别来管我的事。 meddling/meddlesome /ˈmedlɪŋ, ˈmedlsəm/ [adjective only before noun] a meddling or meddlesome person interferes in situations that they should not be involved in and do not always fully understand or know enough about 爱干预的,爱管闲事的 He's skilled at dealing with meddlesome reporters. 对付爱管闲事的记者他很有一套。 Because of the new laws, food companies are complaining about meddling government. 食品公司由于这些新法律而抱怨爱干预的政府。3 to not interfere 不干涉 mind your own business/it's none of your business /ˌmaɪnd jɔːr əʊn ˈbɪzns, ɪts ˌnʌn əv jɔːʳ ˈbɪzns/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when you want someone to stop interfering or asking questions about something that is private 【口】别多管闲事 Whitney, you just mind your own business. He can do what he wants. 惠特尼,你就别多管闲事了。他可以做自己想做的事。 He wanted a copy of the will but I told him it was none of his business. 他想要一份遗嘱的复印件,但我对他说这不关他的事。 I didn't ask, because it's none of my business really, but I was sure curious. 我没问,因为这与我无关,但我的确很好奇。 stay/keep out of it /ˌsteɪ, ˌkiːp ˈaʊt əv ɪt/ [verb phrase] spoken informal to not get involved in a fight or an argument between other people 【口,非正式】别插手,别介入〔如打架或争吵等情况〕 It isn't your business, you stay out of it and let her handle it. 这与你无关,你别去插手,让她来处理。 I know what I'm doing - you keep out of it. 我知道自己在干什么——你别管。stay/keep well out of it not interfere at all 【英】完全不插手 British They're always arguing about money, but I try to stay well out of it. 他们老是为钱争吵,可我尽量不去插手。 be/have nothing to do with also not have anything to do with somebody /biː, hæv ˌnʌθɪŋ tə ˈduː wɪð somebody, nɒt hæv ˌeniθɪŋ tə ˈduː wɪð somebody/ [verb phrase] if a situation has nothing to do with someone, it is very personal and private, and that person has no right to interfere in it 与〔某人〕无关 I really shouldn't have told her about it - it had nothing to do with her, really. 我实在是不该把这事告诉她的,这件事和她完全无关。 Back off and let me handle it. It's nothing to do with you. 让开,我来处理。这事与你无关。 leave/let well alone British /leave/let well enough alone American /liːv, let ˌwel əˈləʊn, liːv, let ˌwel ɪnʌf əˈləʊn/ [verb phrase] spoken to not interfere or try to change a situation, because you might make it worse than before 【口】不管;不插手 I should have left well enough alone, and never told my parents what had happened at all. 我本该不去管,根本就不该把发生的事告诉我父母。 Once you've finished a project, leave well alone and go on to the next one. 你一旦完成了一个项目就别去管它了,继续下一个项目就是了。




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