

例句 INTERESTED1 feeling interested in something2 so interested that you give all your attention to something3 to make someone interested4 to become interested5 to stop being interested6 not interested7 something you are interested inRELATED WORDSoppositeBORING/BOREDsee alsoINTERESTINGEXCITED/EXCITINGOBSESSION1 feeling interested in something 对某事物感兴趣的 interested /ˈɪntrɪstəd, ˈɪntrəstəd/ [adjective not usually before noun] if you are interested in something, you give it your attention because you want to know more about it 感兴趣的 The children seemed very interested when I showed them my photographs. 当我把我的照片给孩子们看时,他们似乎都非常感兴趣。 I can't remember the name of the book, but if you're interested I can find out. 我记不起书名了,不过你要是感兴趣的话,我可以找出来。interested in I've never really been interested in politics. 我从未对政治真正产生过兴趣。 Bob first got interested in motor cycles when he was about sixteen. 鲍勃最初对摩托车产生兴趣大约是在16岁。interested to know/hear/see/learn etc something You're an expert on legal problems - I'd be interested to know what you think. 您是法律问题专家,我对您的想法很感兴趣。 We'd be very interested to hear your opinion about this. 我们很有兴趣听听你对此事的观点。 find something interesting /ˌfaɪnd something ˈɪntrstɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to feel interested in something because it is the type of thing that you usually like to know more about 觉得某事有趣 It's a book about travelling round India. I thought you'd find it interesting. 这是一本讲述在印度旅行的书,我想你会觉得它有趣。find sth interesting to read/watch/hear about etc I always find wildlife programmes interesting to watch. 我一直觉得介绍野生生物的节目看起来很有意思。 with interest /wɪð ˈɪntrst/ [adverb] especially written if you do something with interest, you do it in a way that shows you are interested 【尤书面】怀有兴趣的 Richard listened with interest to the conversation at the next table. 理查德饶有兴趣地听着邻桌的谈话。with great interest I read with great interest your article concerning the history of the university. 我满怀兴趣拜读了你那篇有关这所大学的历史的文章。 interest in something /ˈɪntrɪst ɪn , ˈɪntrəst ɪn something/ [noun phrase] if there is interest in something, several or a lot of people are interested in it and want to find out more about it 〔人们〕对某事物的兴趣 There has always been a lot of interest in the question of life on other planets. 人们对其他星球上是否有生命的问题总是深感兴趣。 The Head of Geography said the project was an example of the school's continuing interest in environmental issues. 地理科主任说该项目表明学校对环境问题的持续关注。take an interest in something I was a teenager when I first took a serious interest in films. 我最初对电影认真感兴趣时才十几岁。 Children with parents who take an interest in their education generally do better at school. 父母对子女的教育感兴趣的话,子女的学业成绩通常就比较好。 show/express (an) interest /ˌʃəʊ, ɪkˌspres (ən) ˈɪntrst/ [verb phrase] to say or do something to show that you are interested in something 表现出兴趣 If you think you'd like the job, you should at least express an interest. 如果你觉得喜欢这份工作,那么至少应该表示出感兴趣的样子。show/express (an) interest in Several companies have already expressed interest in our research. 有几家公司已对我们的研究表示了兴趣。 At a few weeks old, most babies are showing an interest in what is going on around them. 大多数婴儿在几周大的时候开始对周围发生的事表示出兴趣。 curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ [adjective] eager to find out more about something because you are interested but do not know much about it 好奇的 The visitors were soon surrounded by a crowd of curious children. 来访者很快就被一群好奇的小孩子包围了起来。 I'm not being nosy, I'm just curious. 我倒不是爱管闲事,只不过是好奇罢了。curious about People have always been curious about exactly how life on earth began. 人们对地球上的生命究竟是如何开始的一直很好奇。curious to know/find out/discover etc something He was curious to find out why she had left her job so suddenly. 他很想知道她为何会突然辞职。 curiously [adverb] Everyone stared at us curiously, wondering who we were. 所有人都好奇地盯着我们看,想知道我们是谁。 curiosity /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsɪti, ˌkjʊəriˈɒsətiǁ-ˈɑːs-/ [uncountable noun] She seems to have no curiosity as to who her natural parents are. 她对自己的亲生父母是谁好像并不好奇。 Out of curiosity, I started to read the record he's made. 出于好奇,我开始阅读他留下的记录。 fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtəd, ˈfæsəneɪtəd/ [adjective not usually before noun] extremely interested in something that you are watching or listening to, especially because it is unusual 极为感兴趣的,入神的 She watched, fascinated, as the bird came closer until she could almost touch it. 她入迷地看着那只鸟靠近,直至几乎能触摸到它。 The more I heard about him, the more fascinated I became. 他的事我听到得越多,我就越对他入迷。fascinated by I was fascinated by her stories of her childhood in Africa. 我对她童年时在非洲的经历深感兴趣。fascinated to discover/find out/learn etc He was fascinated to discover that they had both been born in the same town on the same day. 他发现他们是同一天在同一座城市中出生,这令他极感兴趣。 have a fascination with/for /hæv ə ˌfæsˈneɪʃən wɪð, fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to have a very strong and often unusual interest in something 对…极为感兴趣 I've always had this strange fascination with the circus. 我对马戏表演总是有一种奇特的兴趣。 Her writing shows a fascination for the darker side of life. 她的作品表现出对生活中阴暗面的强烈兴趣。 intrigued /ɪnˈtriːgd/ [adjective not before noun] interested by something and eager to know more about it, because it seems mysterious or strange 怀有极大兴趣的,深感好奇的 ‘Stop me if I'm boring you.’ ‘No, please carry on - I'm intrigued!’ “如果我使你厌烦的话就打断我。”“不,请继续。我很感兴趣。” Scientists became intrigued by the rock, which appeared to have come from outer space. 科学家对这块石头深感兴趣,它似乎来自外太空。intrigued by Diana was intrigued by Sue's cryptic message on the answerphone. 黛安娜对休在答录机中所讲的那些隐晦的话很好奇。intrigued to find out/learn/know etc I was intrigued to find that she spoke Aramaic. 我饶有兴趣地发现她会讲阿拉姆语。 be into /biː ˈɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] British spoken informal to be very interested in a subject or activity, and to spend a lot of time on it because you enjoy it 【英口,非正式】深感兴趣,入迷 Both the kids are into computer games at the moment, and nothing else! 这两个小孩目前都对电脑游戏入了迷,此外对什么都没兴趣!be into doing something Luke's really into keeping fit - he goes running at 6 o'clock every day. 卢克对健身很入迷,他每天6点钟就去跑步了。2 so interested that you give all your attention to something 对所做的事非常感兴趣而投入了全部注意力 absorbed /əbˈsɔːʳbd, əbˈzɔːʳbd/ [adjective not before noun] so interested in something that you give it all your attention and do not notice or pay attention to other things 全神贯注的 absorbed in Penny and Sam were so absorbed in their game, that they didn't hear me call. 彭尼和萨姆专心致志在玩游戏,我叫他们也没听见。 Dad was obviously far too absorbed in his own difficulties to be interested in mine. 爸爸显然对他自己的困难太关注了,所以就没兴趣管我的事了。 I saw Bill walking across the park, absorbed in his own thoughts. 我看见比尔走着穿过公园,全神贯注地在想自己的事。 gripped/riveted /grɪpt, ˈrɪvtd/ [adjective not before noun] extremely interested by a book, film, event etc or by what someone is saying, so that you cannot stop reading, watching, listening etc 被深深吸引的,〔看得,听得〕入迷的 It was a brilliant documentary. I sat absolutely riveted from beginning to end. 那部纪录片精彩极了,我从头至尾都看得兴趣盎然。 I was completely gripped as soon as I opened the book. 我一打开那本书就完全被吸引住了。gripped/riveted by We stopped the car, riveted by the sight of a village wedding in progress. 我们停下车,被正在进行的乡村婚礼场面深深吸引。 engrossed /ɪnˈgrəʊst/ [adjective not before noun] extremely interested in something such as a book or your work, so that you do not notice anything that is happening around you 全神贯注的;专心致志的 As she worked, she became so engrossed that she lost all sense of time. 她工作时就变得非常专注,完全忘了时间。engrossed in Jane was sitting in bed, engrossed in a novel. 简正坐在床上,专心致志地看小说。 They appeared to be engrossed in their conversation and I didn't want to disturb them. 他们似乎在专心致志地谈话,我不想打扰他们。 obsessed /əbˈsest/ [adjective not before noun] to be too interested in something, so that you cannot stop thinking about it or spending your time on it 着迷的,全神贯注的 He spends all his time fiddling about with cars - he's completely obsessed. 他把所有时间都用来摆弄汽车—他完全入了迷。obsessed by/with As an artist, he was obsessed with sex and death. 作为艺术家,他对性与死亡念念不忘。 People seem to be obsessed by health issues these days. 如今的人好像对健康问题尤其关注。become obsessed She became obsessed with the idea of making money. 她一心一意只想着赚钱。 obsession /əbˈseʃən/ [countable noun] His interest in the Internet was rapidly becoming an obsession. 他对互联网的兴趣很快就变为迷恋。 enthralled /ɪnˈθrɔːld/ [adjective] very interested and excited by a story or by something that you see or hear, so that you give all your attention to it 被吸引住的,被迷住的 From the opening line of the play, the audience was completely enthralled. 从该剧开场第一句对白起,观众就被彻底迷住了。listen/watch etc enthralled We listened enthralled as she told us the story of her life. 她把自己一生的经历告诉我们,我们都被吸引住了。enthralled by I was completely enthralled by the world of the theatre, and knew that I wanted to act. 我完全被戏剧的世界迷住了,心里很清楚自己想演戏。 mesmerized also mesmerised British /ˈmezməraɪzd/ [adjective not before noun] unable to stop looking at something or listening to someone because they completely keep your attention 被迷住的 She stood there mesmerized as he picked up the gun and turned it slowly towards her. 他捡起枪,把枪慢慢对准她,此时她怔怔地站着。!mesmerized by It was as if the audience was completely mesmerized by the small figure on the stage. 观众似乎被舞台上的这个身材矮小的人完全迷住了。 spellbound /ˈspelbaʊnd/ [adjective] so interested by something, especially something strange or wonderful, that you are unable to move or think of anything else 入迷的,着迷的〔尤某物奇怪或奇妙的〕 listen/watch/wait etc spellbound Millions of Japanese listened spellbound as they heard the Emperor speak in public for the first time. 数以百万计的日本人出神地听着天皇首次发表公开讲话。spellbound by On clear nights we were spellbound by the strange flickering of the Northern lights in the sky. 清朗的夜晚,我们出神地看着空中闪闪烁烁、神秘莫测的北极光。held somebody spellbound The Firebird is a magical ballet that still holds audiences spellbound. 《火鸟》是一部神奇的芭蕾舞剧,至今仍然能让观众看得入迷。 be all ears /biː ˌɔːl ˈɪəʳz/ [verb phrase] spoken to be extremely interested in what someone is telling you, and listen very carefully to it 【口】专心地听 Tell me exactly what happened. I'm all ears. 把发生的一切都告诉我吧,我洗耳恭听。 Everyone was all ears as soon as I mentioned a cash prize. 我一提到现金奖项,大家都注意听了。3 to make someone interested 使某人对某事物感兴趣 interest /ˈɪntrɪst, ˈɪntrəst/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if something interests you, it makes you feel interested 使感兴趣 There was an article in yesterday's paper that might interest you. 昨天的报上有篇文章你可能会感兴趣。 It's always best to choose the subject that interests you, not the one your parents want you to do. 最好是选择你感兴趣的学科,而不是你父母要你读的学科。 What interests me most is where he got all that money in the first place. 最让我感兴趣的就是首先他是从哪里弄来这么多钱的。 get somebody interested /ˌget somebody ˈɪntrstd/ [verb phrase] to make someone interested in a subject or activity, especially by trying to make it seem attractive or enjoyable 令某人感兴趣〔尤指试图使某事物看上去吸引人或使人愉快〕 If we can get enough people interested, we could start a reading group. 如果我们能使足够多的人感兴趣,就可以成立一个阅读小组了。get sb interested in I've tried to get Sam interested in sport, but all he wants to do is watch TV. 我已尝试过让萨姆对运动产生兴趣,可他只想看电视。 fascinate /ˈfæsɪneɪt, ˈfæsəneɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if something fascinates you, it makes you very interested, so that you want to spend a lot of time thinking about it, watching it etc 强烈地吸引;使入迷 Anything to do with computers fascinates him. 与电脑有关的任何事都使他入迷。 Cats fascinate me - I don't know why. 我对猫很感兴趣,我也不知道是为什么。what fascinates me is What fascinates me about his poems is their apparent simplicity. 他的诗最令我感兴趣的一点就是其表面的平易浅近。 intrigue /ɪnˈtriːg/ [transitive verb] if something intrigues you, it makes you want to know more about it because there is something about it that you do not understand or cannot explain 使好奇;迷住 The final part of the letter intrigued him greatly. 信的最后一部分令他非常好奇。 One question has particularly intrigued those working on this study. 有一个问题使从事该项研究的人感到格外好奇。 rekindle/revive interest /riːˌkɪndl, rɪˌvaɪv ˈɪntrst/ [verb phrase] to make people interested in a particular subject again 使重新感兴趣 The discovery of the Titanic, twenty miles below the ocean surface, rekindled interest in the ship. 在离海面20英里深的海底发现了泰坦尼克号,于是又引发了人们对这艘船的兴趣。 His book did much to revive interest in long-forgotten natural remedies. 他的书对重新引发人们对遗忘已久的自然疗法的兴趣起了很大的作用。4 to become interested 变得有兴趣 get/become interested /ˌget, bɪˌkʌm ˈɪntrstd/ [verb phrase] ‘Really?’ he said. He was obviously getting interested. “真的?”他说。他显然有了兴趣。get/become interested in When did you first get really interested in baseball? 你最初对棒球真正感兴趣是什么时候? Early in his career, Piaget became interested in children's development. 皮亚杰在事业的早期便开始对儿童的发展产生了兴趣。 get into /get ˈɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] especially spoken, informal to start to become interested in something 【尤口,非正式】开始有兴趣 I never used to like jazz but I've been getting into it recently. 我以前从未喜欢过爵士乐,但最近开始对它感兴趣了。 A lot of teenage boys suddenly get into fitness and weight-training. 许多十几岁的男孩忽然间就开始对健身和重量训练有了兴趣。 get the bug /ˌget ðə ˈbʌg/ [verb phrase] informal to become interested in something, so that you want to do it a lot 【非正式】热衷,着迷 get the gardening/travel/golf etc bug Since my college days I've always had the travel bug. 从读大学时起我就一直对旅行很有兴趣。 As soon as the kids got out on the slopes, they were bitten by the skiing bug. 孩子们到了山坡上立刻就对滑雪着了迷。5 to stop being interested 不再感兴趣 lose interest /ˌluːz ˈɪntrst/ [verb phrase] to stop being interested in something that you were interested in before 失去兴趣 Dan used to play football every Sunday, but then he just lost interest. 丹以前每个星期天都踢足球,后来他就没兴趣了。lose interest in Recently she seems to have lost all interest in her work. 她近来好像对自己的工作一点都不感兴趣了。6 not interested 不感兴趣的 not be interested /nɒt biː ˈɪnstrstd/ [verb phrase] I started telling them about my vacation, but they weren't very interested. 我开始跟他们讲我度假的事,可他们不感兴趣。 Helen tried to persuade her sister to come with us, but she just wasn't interested. 海伦想劝她姐姐和我们一起来,但她就是没兴趣。not be interested in I'm sure you're not interested in hearing me talk about my ex-boyfriends. 我肯定你对听我讲以前男朋友的事不感兴趣。 uninterested /ʌnˈɪntrɪstəd, ʌnˈɪntrəstəd/ [adjective] not interested and not wanting to know about something 不感兴趣的;漠然的 Morris appeared to be completely uninterested in any of the suggestions I made. 莫里斯看来对我提出的建议都完全不感兴趣。 ‘Oh is that all?’ she said in an uninterested tone of voice. “哦,就那些了么?”她以一种漠然的口吻问道。uninterested in It's a pity that so many people are uninterested in science at school. 这么多人对学校的科学课不感兴趣,真是可惜。 not interest /nɒt ˈɪntrst/ [verb phrase] if a subject or activity does not interest you, you do not want to know about it or learn about it 对…没兴趣,不感兴趣 To be honest, politics doesn't interest me at all. 说实话,我对政治一点兴趣也没有。 Everyone's always talking about the World Cup, but it just doesn't interest me. 人人都在不停地谈论世界杯,可我却对此不感兴趣。 show/express no interest /ˌʃəʊ, ɪkˌspres nəʊ ˈɪntrst/ [verb phrase] to not be interested in something, and to not do or say anything that shows you are interested 没表示兴趣,显出不感兴趣 I try to talk to her about my work, but she shows no interest. 我想和她谈谈我的工作,但她显得不感兴趣。 When we suggested going camping, no one expressed any interest. 我们提议去野营,可是没人表示有兴趣。show/express no interest in A lot of people have been to look at the house, but they've shown no interest in buying it. 许多人来看了房子,但他们没有兴趣买下它。 lack of interest /ˌlæk əv ˈɪntrst/ [noun phrase] if there is a lack of interest in something, people are not interested in it, especially when you would expect them to be interested 缺乏兴趣 The boy replied with a complete lack of interest. 这男孩的回答显示出他一点都没有兴趣。lack of interest in A depressed person often shows self-pity and a lack of interest in the outside world. 抑郁的人通常都表现出自叹自怜,并对外面的世界不感兴趣。 apathetic /ˌæpəˈθetɪk◂/ [adjective] someone who is apathetic about a particular activity or problem is not interested in it and does not care about it enough to try and change it 无兴趣的,冷漠的 Of course it matters whether you vote or not! Don't be so apathetic! 你是否投票当然是要紧的啦!别这么事不关己好不好。apathetic about People must realize that we can't afford to be apathetic about environmental issues any longer. 大家必须意识到我们对环境问题不能再漠然置之了。 apathy /ˈæpəθi/ [uncountable noun] Sometimes the apathy of the electorate is quite depressing. 有时选民的冷漠态度很令人沮丧。 political apathy 政治态度冷漠 leave somebody cold /ˌliːv somebody ˈkəʊld/ [verb phrase] informal if something leaves you cold, you do not feel at all interested in it, even though many other people are 【非正式】丝毫引不起某人的兴趣 Why are people so crazy about opera? It leaves me completely cold. 为何人们会如此热衷于歌剧?我可不感兴趣。 All this talk about counselling and therapy left me cold. 我对这些咨询、疗法之类的话一点都没兴趣。7 something you are interested in 你感兴趣的事 hobby /ˈhɒbiǁˈhɑː-/ [countable noun] an activity that you enjoy and think is interesting, and that you like to spend time doing when you are not working 爱好;嗜好 What are your hobbies? 你有哪些爱好? Stamp collecting has been a hobby of mine ever since I was a child. 自小集邮就一直是我的爱好。take up a hobby When people retire, they often take up new hobbies and start to make new friends. 人们退休后常常会培养新的爱好并开始交新朋友。 interest /ˈɪntrɪst, ˈɪntrəst/ [countable noun] something you like to spend time doing or studying when you are not working, because you think it is interesting or entertaining 兴趣,爱好 Her interests were the same as most young girls -- pop music, boys and clothes. 她的兴趣与大部分女孩子一样,就是流行音乐、男孩和服装。 Golf is also one of his interests. 高尔夫球也是他的兴趣之一。 Josie isn't really an archaeologist, it's just an interest of hers. 乔茜不是个真正的考古学家,考古不过是她的一个爱好。 pastime /ˈpɑːstaɪmǁˈpæs-/ [countable noun] something that you enjoy doing and think is interesting, that you do in the time when you are not working 消遣,娱乐 As a pastime, keeping and riding horses has always been very expensive. 养马和骑马作为一种消遣从来就是开销庞大的。 Gardening is my mother's favourite pastime. 从事园艺是我母亲最喜爱的消遣。 In southern Europe, shooting birds is a popular pastime. 在欧洲南部,打鸟是一种流行的消闲活动。




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