

例句 IN CHARGE OF1 to be in charge of an activity or group of people2 someone who is in charge at work3 to be in charge of a meeting4 someone who is in charge of an official meetingRELATED WORDSto tell someone to do something 告诉某人做某事 TELLsee alsoMANAGERLEADERCONTROL/NOT CONTROLRESPONSIBLEPOSITION/RANKGOVERNMENT1 to be in charge of an activity or group of people 主管一项活动或一群人 be in charge /biː ɪn ˈtʃɑːʳdʒ/ [verb phrase] if you are in charge of an activity or a group of people, you are the person who has the authority to control what happens, tell other people what to do etc 负责,管理〔活动或一群人〕 He's the captain. He's in charge, so he's responsible for anything that happens. 他是船长,由他管事,所以发生了什么事他负有责任。be in charge of Who's the officer in charge of the investigation 谁是负责调查的官员?be in charge of doing something As senior supervisor, she is in charge of training new employees. 作为高级主管,她负责培训新来的员工。put somebody in charge Two years after joining the police force, he was put in charge of the department's records. 他加入警察部队两年后,被调去负责部门的档案记录。 run /rʌn/ [transitive verb] to be the person who makes the important decisions about what will happen in a business, organization, country etc 负责,管理,掌管〔企业、组织、国家等〕 She runs a company called Sunshine Holidays. 她经营一家名为“阳光假日”的公司。 a drug counselling service that is run by ex-addicts 由曾经的吸毒者经管的一家戒毒咨询服务机构 Who really runs the country - the elected government or big business? 谁真正在管理这个国家?是民选的政府还是大企业?well/badly/poorly etc run The voting process was smooth and, for the most part, well-run. 选举过程很顺利,大部分情况下都组织得井井有条。state-run run by the government 国营的 a state-run mental hospital 国营的精神病医院 manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ [transitive verb] to be in charge of a business, especially one that is owned by someone else 管理,经营〔尤指别人拥有的公司〕 My husband manages a mill, 200 miles north of Bombay. 我丈夫管理位于孟买以北200英里处的一家工厂。 Managing four pizza outlets is extremely hard work. 经营四家比萨饼外卖店是很累人的工作。 The family business was skilfully managed by her elder brother, Michael. 家族企业由她哥哥迈克尔熟练地管理着。 head /hed/ [transitive verb] if you head a company or activity, you are in charge of it 主管,领导〔公司或活动〕 Levy headed an investigation into the fund mismanagement. 利维领导对资金管理不善的调查。 The program is headed by an expert in teaching gifted and talented children. 这一项目由一位天才儿童教育专家主持。head up American informal Heading up the investigation into the crash is Officer Frank Foyle. 负责失事事件调查工作的是弗兰克·福伊尔警员。 lead /liːd/ [transitive verb] to be the person with responsibility for a large group or team that is working together on an important activity 领导,指挥,带领〔一队人做一项重要的活动〕 The drug raid was led by top officers. 这次查抄毒品是由最高层的警官指挥的。 Dr Jenkins leads a team of researchers at the Plant Institute. 詹金斯博士在植物研究所领导一组研究人员工作。 A group of 80 planes, led by Lieutenant Commander Egusha, was on its way to attack. 由80架飞机组成的机群在江草少佐的率领下正在出击途中。 supervise /ˈsuːpəʳvaɪz, ˈsjuː-ǁˈsuː-/ [transitive verb] to be in charge of a group of workers or students and be responsible for making sure that they do their work properly, especially by being with them to give instructions, answer questions etc 管理;监督〔一群工人或学生,尤指通过对其进行指导、解答问题等〕 At work, she supervises a production team of fifteen. 她在工作中管理一个15人的生产小组。 All volunteers are supervised by a qualified nurse. 所有的志愿服务人员由一名合格的护士来管理。 The teacher's duties that morning included supervising the before-school reading program. 那天上午这位教师的职责包括对课前阅读计划进行指导。 supervision /ˌsuːpəʳˈvɪʒən, ˌsjuː-ǁˌsuː-/ [uncountable noun] We work under the Chief Engineer's supervision. 我们在总工程师的监督下工作。 Children of this age do not need constant supervision. 这一年龄段的儿童已不需要一直管着了。 oversee /ˌəʊvəʳˈsiː/ [transitive verb] formal to be in charge of a group of workers, especially when this involves planning and organizing what they should do rather than being with them or giving instructions to them directly 【正式】管理;监督;指导〔尤指通过计划或组织〕 Team leaders and project managers oversee groups of programming staff. 团队领导和项目经理管理各个程序员小组。 Administrators oversee the testing of students, to place them in the appropriate classes. 管理人员负责对学生的测试,以便把他们安排到合适的班级。2 someone who is in charge at work 工作中担任管理职务的人 supervisor /ˈsuːpəʳvaɪzəʳ, ˈsjuː-ǁˈsuː-/ [countable noun] someone who is in charge of a group of workers, and makes sure they do their jobs properly 〔一群工人的〕管理人,主管 You must receive approval from a supervisor before visiting a high-risk area. 你要去高危地区先要得到主管的同意。 Haworth, formerly a supervisor of 120 people at a printing company, left to start his own business. 霍沃思原先是一家印刷公司里120人的主管,后来离职自己创业。 head /hed/ [countable noun] the person who is in charge of a company, department, or particular activity 〔公司、部门或某活动的〕主管人,负责人 head of According to Rice, the head of the planning committee, the project is 25% completed. 据计划委员会的负责人赖斯说,这项计划已经完成了25%。be head of something Hwang is head of the local Communist Party, and is also a farmer. 黄是当地共产党的领袖,也是一个农民。 foreman /ˈfɔːʳmən/ [countable noun] someone who is in charge of a group of factory workers or builders and is responsible for seeing that orders from managers are carried out 工头 Time taken in unloading should be recorded by the foreman and paid at the agreed rate. 卸货时间应由工头做记录,并按照协议的规定付工资。 boss /bɒsǁbɔːs/ [countable noun] the person who is in charge of you at work 老板,上司 As a secretary, my job includes taking my boss's phone calls. 作为秘书,我的工作包括接听老板的电话。 She accuses her former boss of sexually harassing her. 她指控前任老板对她进行性骚扰。immediate boss the person who is directly in charge of you 顶头上司 The managing director is a man but my immediate boss is a woman. 总经理是个男的,可我的顶头上司是个女的。be your own boss to run your own business and organize your own work 自己当老板 I don't make as much money as I used to, but I prefer being my own boss. 我挣钱没以前多了,可我宁愿自己当老板。 manager /ˈmænɪdʒəʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to run part or all of a company or other organization and who is in charge of you at work 经理 He was a manager for Safeway Stores before leaving to start his own business. 他在辞职自己开公司之前是西夫韦公司的经理。 If the sales clerk cannot help you, ask to see the manager. 如果销售员帮不了你,就要求见经理。 McBride was a general manager in charge of research and development. 麦克布赖德是负责管理研究和开发的总经理。line manager the person who is directly in charge of your work 所属部门经理 Notify your line manager if you are ill. 如果你生病的话要通知你的部门经理。 superior /suːˈpɪəriəʳ, sjuː-ǁsʊ-/ [countable noun] formal someone who is in a higher position than you at work 【正式】上级 The report he submitted to his superiors accurately reflected the poor morale of the workers. 他交给上级的那份报告准确地反映了员工低落的工作情绪。immediate superior the person in the position directly above you 顶头上司 Your most important working relationship is with your immediate superior. 你最重要的工作关系就是与顶头上司的关系。3 to be in charge of a meeting 主持会议 chair /tʃeəʳ/ [transitive verb] to be in charge of an official meeting 主持〔正式会议〕 The meeting was chaired by Professor Grainger of the Biology Department. 这次会议是由生物系的格兰杰教授主持的。 Her job involves chairing meetings, and producing and circulating the minutes of those meetings. 她的工作范围包括主持会议,做好会议记录并分发这些记录。 preside over /prɪˈzaɪd əʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] formal to be in charge of an official meeting, especially an important one or one attended by a lot of people 【正式】主持〔正式会议,尤重要的或许多人出席的会议〕 The meeting was held at Halling Institute and was presided over by T.H. Baker. 会议在荷林学院举行,由T.H.贝克先生主持。 Johnson presided over a long Senate ethics committee investigation. 约翰逊负责了一次历时很长的参议院道德规范委员会调查。4 someone who is in charge of an official meeting 负责主持正式会议的人 chair/chairperson /tʃeəʳ, ˈtʃeəʳpɜːʳsən/ [countable noun] someone who is in charge of a meeting - use this when it is not important to say, or you do not know, whether the person is a man or woman 主席;主持人〔用于不必说出或不知道主持者是男是女的情况〕 All questions must be addressed to the chair. 所有的问题都必须提交主席。 Topics may be selected by the chairperson at the beginning of the meeting. 议题将由主席在会议开始时挑选。chair/chairperson of Councillor Jones will be chair of the housing committee meeting. 琼斯市议员将主持房屋委员会的会议。 chairman/chairwoman /ˈtʃeəʳmən, ˈtʃeəʳˌwʊmən/ [countable noun] someone who is in charge of a meeting. Use chairman about either a man or a woman, and chairwoman only about a woman 主席/女主席 ‘Mr Chairman,’ a woman's voice called from the back of the hall, ‘may I ask a question?’ “主席先生,”从大厅后面传来了一位妇女的声音,“我能提个问题吗?”chairman/chairwoman of Rogers was asked to serve as chairman of the committee. 罗杰斯获邀担任委员会主席。 The chairwoman of the committee to reform the state's welfare program says she wants a proposal drafted by June. 国家福利计划改革委员会主席说她要求在6月前将提案起草完毕。




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