

例句 HURRY1 to go somewhere or do something very quickly2 what you say to tell someone to hurry3 to make someone hurry4 done quickly because you are hurrying5 to be in a situation in which you must hurry6 what you say to tell someone not to hurry7 not hurryingRELATED WORDSsee alsoFASTSLOWRUNTIMEIMMEDIATELY1 to go somewhere or do something very quickly 很快地去某地或做某事 hurry /ˈhʌriǁˈhɜːri/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to go somewhere or do something more quickly than usual, for example because you are late or because you must finish something by a particular time 赶紧,匆忙,急忙 Please hurry - this is an emergency. 请快一点,这事很急。 We have plenty of time, there's no need to hurry. 我们有足够的时间,不必匆忙。 Brewing beer is a long process and should not be hurried. 酿造啤酒是个很长的过程,急不得。hurry across/after/away etc The day was cold, and students hurried across campus to warm classrooms. 那天天气很冷,校园里学生都急匆匆地赶往温暖的教室。 Elizabeth disappeared into the crowd and Donald had to hurry after her. 伊丽莎白消失在人群中,唐纳德只得赶紧追上去。hurry to do something In the kitchen Paul was hurrying to get the dinner ready before six o'clock. 厨房里,保罗在赶着在6点以前把晚餐准备好。 rush /rʌʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to do something or go somewhere very quickly, often so quickly that you do not do it carefully or properly 仓促行事,匆匆完成 Try to do your work calmly and carefully, without rushing. 尽量安安静静、仔仔细细地做作业,不要匆忙。 The book was rushed into print, and there are a lot of mistakes in it. 这本书仓促付印,所以里面错误很多。 If you rush your meals, you'll get indigestion. 吃饭太急会消化不良的。rush out/around/into etc Everyone rushed out into the street to see what was happening. 大家都赶到大街上看发生了什么事。 We rushed around trying to get all the information we needed before the end of the week. 我们忙得团团转,想赶在周末之前找到我们所需要的全部资料。rush to do something Zack rushed to tell her what had happened. 扎克赶紧把所发生的事情告诉她。 I rushed over to meet him. 我赶紧上前去迎接他。rush things Don't try to rush things in a new relationship. 刚刚建立一段新的关系时不能仓促行事。 dash /dæʃ/ [intransitive verb] to go somewhere very quickly, usually by running, especially because there is something important or urgent you must do 匆忙地奔跑,猛冲〔尤指因有重要或紧急的事情要做〕 dash around/out/into/across etc Kids were dashing across the playground chasing a ball. 孩子们在操场上奔跑着抢一个球。 He just dashed into the office and then dashed out again without speaking to anyone. 他冲进办公室,一会儿又冲了出去,和谁也没有说话。 She dashed off to the airport and just managed to catch her plane. 她匆匆赶去机场,正好赶上飞机。dash to do something I dashed downstairs to answer the phone. 我冲到楼下去接电话。 in a hurry/in a rush /ɪn ə ˈhʌriǁ-ˈhɜːri, ɪn ə ˈrʌʃ/ [adverb] if you do something in a hurry or in a rush, you do it too quickly because you do not have much time, usually with the result that you make mistakes 匆忙地,急忙地,仓促地 She had left in a hurry, and had forgotten her driver's license. 她走得很急,忘了带驾驶证。be in a hurry/rush to do something We were in a hurry to get back to the office. 我们急着要赶回办公室。 Why are they in such a rush to sell the house? 他们为什么这样急着要卖房子? hurry through/rush through /ˌhʌri ˈθruːǁˌhɜːri-, ˌrʌʃ ˈθruː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hurry in order to finish something in time, often so that you do not do something properly 急匆匆地做 She hurried through her breakfast with her eye on the clock. 她眼睛看着时钟,急匆匆地吃完了早餐。 Don't rush through the chapters; take notes as you read. 不要匆匆翻阅章节,要边看边做笔记。 People hurried through their morning chores, wanting to get to the fair. 人们急急地做完早上的家务,想到集市去。 hurriedly /ˈhʌrɪdliǁˈhɜːr-/ [adverb] written if you do something hurriedly, you do it very quickly because you do not have much time 【书面】匆忙地,急忙地 He dressed hurriedly and went to answer the door. 他急忙穿好衣服去开门。 The official hurriedly glanced through my papers and stamped my passport. 那官员匆匆扫视了一下我的文件,就在我的护照上盖了章。 ‘Sorry,’ Alice said, as she hurriedly put out her cigarette. “对不起。”艾丽斯说着,赶紧熄灭了香烟。 in haste /ɪn ˈheɪst/ [adverb] especially written if you do something in haste, you do it too quickly and without taking enough care - used especially in literature 【尤书面】匆忙地,仓促地;草率地〔尤用于文学作品〕 She had married in haste and regretted it ever since. 她草率地结了婚,从此一直懊悔不已。in your haste to do something because you want to do something very quickly 匆匆忙忙做某事 In his haste to leave, he almost forgot his coat. 他急于离去,差点忘了拿外套。2 what you say to tell someone to hurry 叫某人赶快的说法 hurry up /ˌhʌri ˈʌpǁˌhɜːri-/ [intransitive phrasal verb not in progressive or past] spoken Hurry up or you'll be late for school. 快点,否则你上学就迟到了。 If you want tickets, you'd better hurry up. There's only a few left. 如果你要购票就得赶快,只剩最后几张了。hurry up and do something Hurry up and get your things, it's time to go. 快点,拿好你的东西,该走了。 come on /ˌkʌm ˈɒn/ say this when you want someone to hurry, especially when you are annoyed with them for being too slow 快点〔尤在嫌某人动作太慢时说的话〕 Come on, you two, we're going to be late. 你们两个快点吧,我们要迟到了。 Oh come on! We don't have all day! 哦!快点吧!我们没多少时间了! get a move on also get moving especially American /ˌget ə ˈmuːv ɒn, ˌget ˈmuːvɪŋ/ [] spoken to start to do something or go somewhere more quickly than before 【口】快点,赶紧些 Come on Sally, get a move on! 好了萨利,快点! I think we'd better get moving, it's only five minutes to boarding time. 我想我们得赶紧了,离登机时间只有五分钟了。 step on it /ˈstep ɒn ɪt/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when you want someone who is driving to hurry 【口】开快点 Step on it. We have a plane to catch. 开快一点,我们要赶飞机。 You'll have to step on it if you're going to be there by eleven thirty. 如果你想在11点半以前到达那儿就得开快点。 get cracking /get ˈkrækɪŋ/ [verb phrase] British spoken to start working quickly 【英口】赶紧做 Get cracking you people! I want the whole house cleaned by four o'clock. 你们这帮人赶紧动手干!4点前必须把整幢房子打扫干净!get cracking doing something When Alf arrives we'll get cracking moving the furniture. 阿尔夫到达以后,我们将赶紧动手搬家具。get cracking with It's time you got cracking with your homework. 现在你该快点做作业了。 jump to it /ˈdʒʌmp tʊ ɪt/ [verb phrase] British spoken say this when you are ordering someone to do something quickly 【英口】赶快〔用于命令〕 I need to have that job done before lunch. Come on, jump to it! 那工作午饭前必须完成。来吧,赶快动手!3 to make someone hurry 使某人赶快 hurry somebody up /ˌhʌri somebody ˈʌpǁˌhɜːri-/ [transitive phrasal verb] They're taking a long time to finish. Can you hurry them up a little? 他们要花很长时间才能完成。你能否催催他们? I think she's nearly finished packing. I'll go hurry her up. 我想她差不多收拾好行李了,我去催她一下。 rush/hurry /rʌʃ, ˈhʌriǁˈhɜːri/ [transitive verb] to make someone hurry, especially when you are impatient, and so that they do not have time to do something carefully or properly 催促〔尤在不耐烦的时候〕 I wish you wouldn't hurry me. I'm being as quick as I can. 希望你不要再催我,我已经在尽快了。 Don't rush me! You'll only make me get it wrong. 不要催我!你这样反而会让我弄错。 I'm sorry to rush you, but we don't have much time left. 对不起,我要来催你了,我们剩下的时间不多了。 chivvy somebody along /ˌtʃɪvi somebody əˈlɒŋǁ -əˈlɔːŋ/ [transitive phrasal verb] British informal to try to make someone do something more quickly, by repeatedly telling them to hurry 【英,非正式】〔反复〕催促某人 He'll get the job done, but you need to chivvy him along a bit. 他会把这工作做完的,但你需要稍微多催催他。4 done quickly because you are hurrying 因为赶时间所以很快做成的 hurried /ˈhʌridǁˈhɜːrid/ [adjective usually before noun] done very quickly because you are in a hurry 匆忙完成的;赶出来的 After a hurried dinner, the boys do their homework or watch TV. 匆匆吃完晚饭,男孩子们或做功课,或看电视。 They made a hurried search for the missing letters, but they couldn't find them. 他们匆匆找了一下那些遗失的信件,但没找到。 Her handwriting looked shaky and hurried. 她的字看上去歪歪扭扭,写得很草。 quick /kwɪk/ [adjective only before noun] a quick look, meal, visit, decision etc is done very quickly, because you do not have much time 匆匆的,快速的 Do I have time for a quick shower? 我来得及很快洗个澡吗? Could I just make a quick phone call? 我就很快打个电话可以吗? The house is priced for a quick sale. 这房子标这个价格是想尽快卖出去。 rushed /rʌʃt/ [adjective] something that is rushed is done very quickly, often too quickly to do it carefully or properly; someone who is rushed does things very quickly, often so that it is not done carefully or properly 草率完成的;做事草率的 People have complained that the doctors seem rushed, with too many patients to see in a day. 人们抱怨说医生看病似乎很草率,他们一天要看太多的病人了。 The actors’ performances were needlessly rushed. 这些演员的表演太仓促了。 hasty /ˈheɪsti/ [adjective usually before noun] done very quickly and without much care or attention, because you have very little time 急速的;仓促而成的;匆忙的 He only had time for a hasty glance at the papers. 他时间很紧,只能迅速浏览了一下报纸。 ‘I have to go now,’ said Alex, bidding them a hasty goodbye. “现在我得走了,”亚历克斯说着,急急忙忙地向他们告别。 hastily [adverb] I managed to leave a hastily scribbled note for John. 我匆匆忙忙地给约翰留了一个潦草的字条。 frantic /ˈfræntɪk/ [adjective usually before noun] in a frantic situation, people are rushing around in a confused way, especially because they are worried that they will not have time to do something or get something 混乱急促的,紧张忙乱的〔尤因担心来不及做某事或取得某物〕 Before the game there was a frantic rush to get the last few remaining tickets. 比赛开始前,人们纷纷争抢剩下的最后几张门票。 The staff spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready. 员工们紧张地忙乱了三天,想把一切准备就绪。 Throughout the night, everyone mopped floors and washed walls in a frantic effort to clean the place up for the inspectors. 大家拖地的拖地,擦墙的擦墙,整整忙了一个晚上,把地方打扫干净,等待检查人员的到来。 frantically [adverb] Mel was frantically trying to finish all her work before the deadline. 梅尔正在紧张地赶她的工作,想在最后期限之前做完。 feverish /ˈfiːvərɪʃ/ [adjective only before noun] feverish activity/preparations/ haste etc when people are hurrying to finish something, in an excited way, and when there is not much time to do it in 忙乱的活动/忙乱的准备工作/匆匆忙忙等 The show was about to begin and behind the stage there were scenes of feverish activity. 演出就要开始了,舞台后面一片闹哄哄的景象。 Feverish preparations were being made for the arrival of the President. 大家都在紧张忙乱地做准备工作,等待总统的到访。 feverishly [adverb] Negotiators worked feverishly late into the night to hammer out an agreement. 谈判人员紧张地工作到深夜,以敲定协议。 a rush job /ə ˌrʌʃ ˈdʒɒbǁ-ˈdʒɑːb/ [noun phrase] informal a piece of work that is done too quickly and therefore not as well as it should be done, especially because there is not enough time 【非正式】仓促赶出来的工作 I don't want a rush job. I want this work done right. 我不想要仓促赶出来的工作,我要它做得妥当。 Getting back into condition after a serious injury can't be a rush job. 受了重伤之后要让身体康复是急不得的事。5 to be in a situation in which you must hurry 处于必须赶紧的情况下 be in a hurry /biː ɪn ə ˈhʌriǁ-ˈhɜːri/ [verb phrase] I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I can't stop now. 对不起,我在赶时间,现在不能停下。 Some people always seem to be in a hurry. 某些人好像总是匆匆忙忙的。be in a hurry to do something Would you like to stay for a coffee, or are you in a hurry to leave? 你想留下来喝杯咖啡,还是急着要走? be pushed/pressed for time /biː ˌpʊʃt, ˌprest fəʳ ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] to be in a situation when you must hurry because you do not have enough time for what you have to do 时间紧迫 I don't want to seem rude but I'm very pressed for time. Could I call you back later? 我并不想显得这么无礼,但是现在时间很紧,我过会儿给你回电话好吗? I can't stop right now, I'm a little pushed for time. 我现在不能停下,时间有点紧。 work/race against the clock /ˌwɜːʳk, ˌreɪs əgenst ðə ˈklɒkǁ-ˈklɑːk/ [verb phrase] to work as quickly as you can because you only have a short time to finish something 抓紧时间,赶时间,和时间赛跑 In advertising you're always working against the clock, trying to meet deadlines. 干广告这一行总是要赶时间,赶限期。work/race against the clock to do something We really had to work against the clock to finish the report on time. 为了按时完成报告,我们不得不加紧工作。 a race against time /ə ˌreɪs əgenst ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] a situation in which you have to work extremely quickly, especially in order to do something very important, because there is not much time to do it in 与时间赛跑;抢时间 Battleship repair crews swung into action in a race against time 战列舰修理人员赶紧投入行动。 In an urgent race against time, the Coast Guard and marine biologists struggled to rescue a whale that had beached itself on the shore. 海岸警卫队和海洋生物学家争分夺秒,奋力营救一条搁浅在海岸上的鲸鱼。 rush /rʌʃ/ [singular noun] a situation or time in which you hurry 匆忙,赶紧 I had forgotten my wallet in the usual Monday morning rush. 星期一早晨像往常一样忙乱,我忘记带钱包了。 There was a furious rush to have everything ready for the opening night. 大家紧张地忙乱着为首演之夜做好一切准备工作。不必匆忙6 what you say to tell someone not to hurry 告诉某人不必匆忙时所说的话 there's no hurry/there's no rush /ðeəʳz ˌnəʊ ˈhʌriǁ-ˈhɜːri, ðeəʳz ˌnəʊ ˈrʌʃ/ There's no hurry. The train never leaves on time. 不要急,火车从不准点发车。 You can hand in your report any time next week. There's no rush. 下周任何时候你都可以交报告,不用急。 take your time /ˌteɪk jɔːʳ ˈtaɪm/ say this when you want someone to do something more slowly and without hurrying, especially so that they do it carefully and properly 慢慢来,不着急 Take your time, think the matter over carefully, and then tell me what you've decided. 不要着急,仔细考虑考虑这件事,然后把你的决定告诉我。 Just take your time, and speak slowly and clearly. 不要急,慢慢说,说清楚点。 what's the hurry?/what's the rush? /ˌwɒts ðə ˈhʌriǁ-ˈhɜːri, ˌwɒts ðə ˈrʌʃ/ say this when someone is trying to do something quickly and you do not think they need to hurry 急什么? What's the hurry? The plane doesn't leave for another two hours. 急什么?飞机还要两个小时才起飞呢。 ‘I'd better go.’ ‘Why? What's the rush?’ “我要走了。”“为什么?干什么这么急?”7 not hurrying 不赶时间 be in no hurry/not be in any hurry /biː ɪn ˌnəʊ ˈhʌri, nɒt biː ɪn eni ˈhʌriǁ-ˈhɜːri/ [verb phrase] to not be in a hurry, because you have plenty of time 不着急 I'm in no hurry. I can wait. 我不急,我可以等。 He wasn't in any hurry, so he decided to take a look around town. 他并不赶时间,所以决定在镇上四处看看。be in no hurry/not be in any hurry to do something be very slow to do something, perhaps too slow 不急于做某事 Danny seemed in no hurry to pay me the money he owed me. 丹尼好像不着急归还他欠我的钱。 unhurried /ʌnˈhʌridǁ-ˈhɜː-/ [adjective] done slowly and calmly, without hurrying 不慌不忙的 He swam gracefully, with easy, unhurried strokes. 他游泳很优雅,划水动作轻松自如,不慌不忙。 It's a community of old trees, big houses, and an unhurried life. 那是一个古树环抱的社区,大大的房子,闲适的生活。 She walked along, calm and unhurried. 她往前走着,神色从容,不慌不忙。 leisurely /ˈleʒəʳliǁˈliː-/ [adjective usually before noun] a leisurely activity or way of doing something is pleasantly slow and relaxed, and done without hurrying 从容的;悠闲的 She enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and had time to read the newspaper. 她悠闲地用完早餐,还有时间看报纸。 The horse walked at a leisurely pace through the flat Fenland countryside. 那匹马迈着悠闲的脚步走在芬兰区平坦的乡野上。




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