

例句 HOLD1 to have something in your hand2 to hold something tightly3 to start holding something4 to hold something and turn it around in your hands5 to hold a weapon6 to put your arms around someone7 to hold someone's hand, arm etc8 the way that someone holds something9 to stop holding somethingRELATED WORDShave an amount of something inside 里面装多少东西 CONTAINsee alsoLIFTCARRYTAKE1 to have something in your hand 手中有某物 hold /həʊld/ [transitive verb] I held the money tightly in my hand. 我把钱紧紧地握在手里。 In the photograph there was a small boy holding a flag. 照片里,有个小男孩手拿着旗帜。 A smiling woman holding a can of beer came over to us. 一个女人手里拿着一罐啤酒笑盈盈地朝我们走来。hold something up/hold up something hold something high in the air 把某物举起 What a lovely picture! Hold it up so everyone can see it. 多漂亮的照片!把它举起来,让大家都能看到。hold something out/hold out something hold something towards someone, especially to offer it to them 拿出某物 I took a glass of champagne from the tray the waiter held out. 我从服务员端出的托盘中拿过一杯香槟。 in your hand /ɪn jɔːʳ ˈhænd/ [adverb] if something is in your hand, you are holding it 在手上,在手中 What's that in your hand? 你手上拿着什么? He arrived at the door with an enormous bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. 他一手拿着一大束花,一手拿着一瓶香槟酒来到门口。in each hand Theo walked across the yard with a pail in each hand. 西奥两手各提着一只桶穿过院子。2 to hold something tightly 紧紧地抓着某物 hold on/hang on /ˌhəʊld ˈɒn, ˌhæŋ ˈɒn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to put your hand around something and hold it tightly, in order to stop yourself from falling or from losing what you are holding 紧紧握住,抓牢〔为了不让自己掉下去或丢掉手中的东西〕 We're coming up to a bumpy bit - you'd better hold on! 前面一段路凹凸不平—大家最好抓紧! Just hang on as best you can and I'll try and get some help. 你尽量抓牢,我去叫人来帮忙。hold/hang on to something Mother's not strong. She can't walk without holding on to someone's arm. 母亲身体不好,她不扶着别人的手臂就不能走。 People stood hanging on to the overhead straps of the swaying subway car. 人们站在摇摇晃晃的地铁车厢里,紧紧地抓着头顶上的拉手。hold on tight As the roller coaster turned upside down I shut my eyes and held on tight. 过山车颠倒了过来,我闭上眼睛,抓得紧紧的。 He inched across the roof, hanging on as best he could. 他缓慢地翻越屋顶,尽可能抓牢。 grip /grɪp/ [transitive verb] to hold something tightly, by pressing your fingers very hard against it 抓住;紧抓,紧握 David suddenly gripped my arm and pulled me away from the road. 戴维突然抓住我的手臂,把我拉到路旁。 His knuckles whitened as he gripped the microphone. 他紧紧地握着麦克风,指关节都变白了。 She found his hand and gripped it tightly. 她找到他的手,紧紧地抓住不放。 clutch/clasp /klʌtʃ, klɑːspǁklæsp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hold something tightly, closing your fingers around it 紧抓,紧握 ‘Ah!’ he cried, clutching his stomach. “啊!”他大叫一声,紧紧捂住腹部。 A group of tourists stood clutching their phrase books. 一群游客站在那里,手里紧握着常用语手册。 A little girl stood clasping her mother's hand. 一个小女孩站着,紧紧地拉着她妈妈的手。 Sally ran out of the house, clasping her schoolbooks to her chest. 萨莉胸前抱着她的教科书冲出了屋子。 cling to /ˈklɪŋ tuː/ [verb phrase] to hold on to someone or something very tightly for comfort or support 紧紧抱住〔抓住〕〔为了寻求安慰或支持〕 The baby monkey clings to its mother's back until it can climb by itself. 小猴子紧紧抓在母亲的背上,直到自己能够独立攀爬。 Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother at night. 许多小孩子夜里会抱着软软的毛毯或玩具代替他们的母亲。 Rescue workers saved a 9-year-old boy who was clinging to rocks after he was swept into the ocean by the tide. 营救人员救起了一名九岁男孩,他被潮水冲到海里后紧紧地攀附在岩石上。3 to start holding something 开始抓住某物 get/take hold of also get a hold of /ˌget, ˌteɪk ˈhəʊld ɒv, ˌget ə ˈhəʊld ɒv/ [verb phrase] to take something and hold it in your hand 抓起,抓住 I took hold of the handle and pulled as hard as I could. 我抓住把手,使劲往外拉。 Sheila fished in her handbag until she got hold of her keys. 希拉在手提包里摸索着,直到她抓到了钥匙。 The baby got a hold of her beads and broke the string. 那宝宝抓住她的珠子,把绳子拉断了。 grab /græb/ [transitive verb] to quickly and roughly take something and hold it 攫取,抢;抓住 Brown grabbed the phone and started shouting. 布朗抓起电话就嚷了起来。 She turned to him and grabbed his arm so hard it surprised him. 她转身对着他,突然紧紧地抓住他的手臂,使他吃了一惊。grab hold of something The boy grabbed hold of my bag and disappeared quickly into the crowd. 那男孩抢过我的包,一下子就在人群里消失了。grab something from somebody According to the report, Mason grabbed the gun from a friend. 根据这篇报道,梅森是从一位朋友那里抢到这支枪的。 clutch/grasp at also grasp for /ˈklʌtʃ, ˈgrɑːsp æt, ˈgrɑːsp fɔːʳǁˈgræsp-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to take something in your hand, especially when it is very difficult to do this 〔尤指困难地〕抓牢,抓住 I clutched at my mother's arm to keep from falling. 我抓住母亲的手臂,不让自己倒下。 The climber grasped at a small hold just above him. 这位登山队员抓住头顶上一个小小的支撑点。4 to hold something and turn it around in your hands 把某物拿在手里翻转 handle /ˈhændl/ [transitive verb] to hold something and turn it around in your hands, for example to examine it or use it 触摸;摆弄 Please do not handle the fruit and vegetables. 请不要翻弄水果和蔬菜。 This violin is very old and valuable and must be handled carefully. 这把小提琴很旧了,而且非常贵重,一定要小心轻放。 fiddle with /ˈfɪdl wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to hold something small and keep turning it around in your hands, especially because you are nervous or bored 拨弄,摸弄〔小东西,尤因紧张或厌烦〕 Martina was fiddling nervously with her pen. 马丁娜紧张地摆弄着钢笔。 Stop fiddling with the remote control! 别拿着遥控器弄来弄去! play with /ˈpleɪ wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to hold something in your hands and turn it around continuously for no reason 〔无目的地〕摆弄,玩弄 She played with the red roses on the table as she talked. 她一边说话,一边摆弄着桌上的红玫瑰。 Is it worth reading to our kids when they're busy playing with their hair or their teddy bears? Yes. 小孩子在忙着玩自己的头发或玩具熊的时候,你读书给他们听有用吗?有用的。 fumble with /ˈfʌmbəl wɪð/ [] to hold something with your fingers or in your hand, trying to move it in some way, but doing it carelessly or with difficulty 〔胡乱地或笨拙地〕摸索,拨弄 She could hear someone fumbling with the handle of her door. 她听见有人在摸索着拧她房门的把手。 I fumbled drunkenly with the keys, dropping them to the floor. 我醉后手忙脚乱地用钥匙开锁,结果把它们弄掉在了地上。 He stood before them, his eyes lowered, fumbling with his hat. 他站在他们面前,低垂着眼睛,不知所措地弄着帽子。5 to hold a weapon 拿着武器 wield /wiːld/ [transitive verb] to hold a weapon such as a knife or stick and wave it around so that people can see that you are going to use it 挥舞,挥动〔武器〕 The rioters faced police who were wielding clubs and batons. 暴动者面对着挥舞棍棒的警察。knife-wielding/gun-wielding/sword-wielding etc Home was a cramped two rooms in a street where gun-wielding criminals walked. 家就是两间狭小的房间,所在的那条街上有挥枪乱指的犯罪分子游荡。 brandish /ˈbrændɪʃ/ [transitive verb] to hold something such as a gun, knife, or stick so that people can see it, especially while threatening them 〔尤指威胁地〕挥舞〔枪、匕首或棍棒〕 A man brandishing a gun had threatened staff and customers at a local bank. 一名男子挥舞着一支枪,威胁一家当地银行的职员和顾客。 Four horsemen dashed up at full gallop, shouting and brandishing their weapons. 四名骑手策马全速冲上前去,一边吆喝着,一边挥动手中的武器。6 to put your arms around someone 把某人抱在怀里 hold /həʊld/ [transitive verb] to put your arms around someone and hold them close to you, especially to show that you love them, or in order to comfort them 搂,抱〔尤为示爱或安慰〕 I held her until she went to sleep. 我搂着她直到她入睡。hold somebody tight There was nothing I could say so I just held her tight and let her cry. 我不知道可以说什么,只有紧紧地抱着她让她哭。hold somebody in your arms She held a baby in her arms. 她怀里抱着一个婴儿。 put your arms around /ˌpʊt jɔːr ˈɑːʳmz əraʊnd/ [verb phrase] to hold someone especially when you want to comfort them or kiss them or show that you love them 拥抱,抱住〔尤为安慰、亲吻或示爱〕 Mama put her arms around me and tried to comfort me. 妈妈抱住我,尽力安慰我。 She put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. 她搂住他的脖子,亲吻他的脸。 hug /hʌg/ [transitive verb] to put your arms around someone and hold them close to you, especially to show that you love them, or to comfort them 拥抱〔尤为了表示爱对方,或为了安慰对方〕 My father hugged me affectionately when I got home. 我到家时,爸爸亲切地拥抱我。 ‘I'll never forget you,’ she said, and we hugged each other for the last time. “我永远不会忘记你,”她说。我们最后一次紧紧地拥抱在一起。hug somebody close/tight Jane threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. 简张开双臂把他抱得紧紧的。 hug [countable noun] give somebody a hug Give me a hug, then it's time for bed. 抱我一下,然后就该睡觉了。bear hug a very tight hug 紧紧的拥抱 His arms tightened around her in a bear hug. 他双臂紧紧地抱住她。 cuddle /ˈkʌdl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hold someone in your arms for a long time, especially a child, a small animal, or someone you love 拥抱;抱着〔尤指抱住小孩、小动物或所爱的人〕 She had fallen asleep in her chair, cuddling a little teddy bear. 她在椅子上睡着了,怀里抱着一只小小的玩具熊。kiss and cuddle when two people hold each other and kiss each other 亲吻和拥抱 They were kissing and cuddling on the sofa. 他们在沙发上拥抱亲吻。 cuddle [countable noun] give somebody a cuddle She was giving the baby a cuddle. 她抱了一下宝宝。 take somebody in your arms /ˌteɪk somebody ɪn jɔːr ˈɑːʳmz/ [verb phrase] to gently pull someone towards you and hold them in your arms, especially someone you love 把某人搂进怀里〔尤指所爱的人〕 He took Sophie in his arms and kissed her. 他把索菲搂进怀里亲她。 Margaret took the little boy in her arms and carried him downstairs. 玛格丽特把小男孩抱在怀里,带到楼下。 embrace /ɪmˈbreɪs/ [intransitive/transitive verb] formal put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way, especially when you are meeting or leaving someone 【正式】拥抱〔尤在见面或离别时〕 Phoebe ran to embrace her mother. 菲比跑过去拥抱她母亲。 Before my flight was called we stood and embraced. 我的航班通知登机之前,我们就站着拥抱在一起。 embrace [countable noun] The children rushed into the embrace of their father. 孩子们奔过去投入父亲的怀抱。7 to hold someone's hand, arm etc 握住某人的手、手臂等 hold somebody's hand /ˌhəʊld somebodyˈs ˈhænd/ [verb phrase] to hold someone's hand, especially to comfort them or to make them feel safe 握住某人的手〔尤指为了安慰对方,或让他们感到安全〕 Hold Mummy's hand -- there's a good girl. 握住妈咪的手—真是个乖女孩。 Andrew sat next to Jane and held her hand. 安德鲁坐在简的旁边,握着她的手。 He held her hand tightly and led her across the street. 他紧紧地拉住她的手,带她过马路。hold hands if two or more people hold hands, they hold each other's hands 手拉着手 She saw Kurt and Eileen coming back from the beach, kissing and holding hands. 她看见库尔特和艾琳从沙滩回来,手拉着手亲吻。 Then we all sat in a circle and held hands. 于是,我们大家手拉手围成一圈坐下。 take somebody by the arm/hand etc /ˌteɪk somebody baɪ ði ˈɑːʳm/ [verb phrase] to take hold of someone's hand, arm etc, in order to take them somewhere 挽着某人的手臂/牵着某人的手 Emily took me by the hand and led me into the garden. 埃米莉牵着我的手,带我进了花园。 A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair. 一位护士扶着她的手臂,把带她到一把椅子前。8 the way that someone holds something 某人拿住某物的方式 hold /həʊld/ [singular noun] the way in which someone is holding something 拿,握,抓 somebody's hold on something I tightened my hold on the child as we crossed the busy road. 我们穿过拥挤的马路时,我紧紧拉住了孩子。tighten/loosen/relax your hold (on) My mother relaxed, and loosened her hold on my hand. 妈妈放心了,松开了握着我的手。keep/have hold of Prevost asked me if I still had hold of my camera. 普雷沃斯特问我手里是否还拿着照相机。 In this form of wrestling there are a number of different holds, each used in a different situation. 这种摔跤的形式有多种不同的擒拿法,分别用于不同的情形。 grip /grɪp/ [singular noun] the way you hold something tightly 紧抓,紧握 The policeman had a firm grip on my arm. 警察紧紧地抓住我的胳膊。 To play this shot, you need to change your grip on the racquet slightly. 要击出这样的球,你需要稍微改变一下握球拍的方式。lose your grip be unable to hold something any longer 松手 I lost my grip on the branch, and fell out of the tree. 我未能抓牢树枝,从树上掉了下来。tighten your grip grip something more tightly 抓得更紧 She looked anxious and tightened her grip on her shoulder bag. 她看上去很不安,把手提包抓得更紧了。 grasp /grɑːspǁgræsp/ [singular noun] the way you hold something tightly, especially a part of someone's body, in order to keep them close to you 紧抓,紧握〔尤指某人身体的一部分〕 She tried to escape Moore's grasp but he was too strong for her. 她试图挣脱穆尔的手,但是他力气太大了。tighten your grasp grasp something more tightly 抓得更紧 Helen tightened her grasp on my collar and shouted ‘Don't fool around with me, Mickey!’ 海伦把我的衣领抓得更紧,并大声叫道:“不要耍我,米基!”9 to stop holding something 不再拿住某物 let go /ˌlet ˈgəʊ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to stop holding something or someone 放开,松开 Let go! You're hurting me. 放开!你弄疼我了。let go of She wouldn't let go of the letter. 她不肯放下那封信。 At the end of the fair, the school let go of hundreds of balloons. 游园会结束之时,学校里放飞了几百个气球。 drop /drɒpǁdrɑːp/ [transitive verb] to stop holding something suddenly, especially by accident, so that it falls to the ground 使落下;掉落〔尤指意外地〕 I dropped my sunglasses and they broke. 我把太阳镜掉在地上摔碎了。 As soon as she saw him she dropped her suitcases and ran towards him. 她一看到他就扔下旅行箱,向他跑去。 release /rɪˈliːs/ [transitive verb] especially written to stop holding something, especially someone's hand, wrist, arm etc 【尤书面】松开,放开〔尤指放开某人的手、腕、胳膊等〕 He took hold of my hand but then released it again quickly. 他抓住我的手,但是很快又松开了。




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