HELP1 to help someone2 to help someone by making them feel more confident and less worried3 to help something to happen4 ways of saying that something helps you to do something5 someone who helps another person to do something6 help that is given7 words for describing someone who is helpful8 words for describing someone or something that is not helpful9 having no one to help youRELATED WORDSsee alsoCOMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTERSUPPORTADVISEADVANTAGEDISADVANTAGE1 to help someone 帮助某人help /help/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to make it easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work, showing them what to do, or giving them something they need 帮忙,帮助 I'm ready to help. Is there something for me to do? 我很乐意帮忙,有什么事情我可以做的吗? Dad, I don't understand my homework. Will you help me? 爸爸,我不会做作业,你能帮我吗? The money will be used to help starving children around the world. 这笔钱将用于帮助世界各地挨饿的儿童。help with Dan's mother has been great about helping with the kids. 丹的母亲帮了很大的忙,一起照顾孩子。help do something Warren offered to help clean up the house after the party. 沃伦提出聚会之后帮忙打扫屋子。help to do something Part of the assistant's job is to help to organize conferences and keep the director informed. 助理的一部分工作是帮助筹备会议,让董事了解情况。help somebody do something Help me lift this, will you? 帮我把这提起来好吗?help somebody to do something Her uncle said he would help her to find a job. 她叔叔说会帮她找工作。help somebody with something Do you want me to help you with those bags? 要我帮你拎那些包吗?help somebody into/off/across/down etchelp someone go somewhere 扶某人进去/下〔车〕/穿过/下去等 ‘Did you enjoy the trip?’ asked Jack, helping her out of the boat. “旅途愉快吗?”杰克问道,扶着她下了船。give/lend a hand /ˌgɪv, ˌlend ə ˈhænd/ [verb phrase]informalto help someone do something, especially something they have to do in their home such as carrying or lifting things 【非正式】帮忙〔尤指家里的事〕 Scott is moving Saturday and I promised to lend a hand. 斯科特星期六要搬家,我答应去帮忙。give/lend somebody a hand Give me a hand and let's see if we can get this box in the car. 帮我一下,看能不能把这箱子放到车上去。give/lend a hand with Could you give me a hand with the shopping. 帮我拿一下这些买来的东西吧。assist /əˈsɪst/ [intransitive/transitive verb]formalto help someone do something, especially by doing all the easier or less important things for them so that their job is easier 【正式】帮助,协助〔尤指做一些简单或不重要的事〕 Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to assist you? 这工作你一个人能做,还是需要有人帮助?assist in In this position, you will assist in training new employees. 这个职位是协助培训新来的员工。assist with Some of the guests assisted with the preparation of the food. 一些客人帮忙准备了食物。assist somebody in/with something A consultant has been brought in to assist management in restructuring the company. 请了一名顾问协助管理层对公司进行重组。do something for /ˈduː something fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase]to help someone by doing something for them that they would normally do themselves 为…做某事 If you're not feeling well, I'll do the shopping for you. 如果你觉得不舒服,我去帮你购物。 Did you have someone do your homework for you? It doesn't look like your writing. 你是叫别人帮你做功课的吗?看上去不像你的字。do somebody a favourBritish/favorAmerican /ˌduː somebody ə ˈfeɪvəʳ/ [verb phrase]to do something to help someone, especially a friend or someone you know well 帮某人一个忙〔尤指帮助朋友或很熟的人〕 Could you do me a favour and mail these letters for me? 你帮我一个忙,把这些信寄了好吗? She's always doing favours for us. The least we can do is help her out now. 她总是在帮助我们,现在我们可以做的最起码是帮她一把。do somebody a big favour/favorhelp someone a lot 帮某人一个大忙 They did us a big favor by letting us stay there, you know. 你知道,他们帮了个大忙,让我们住在那里。help out /ˌhelp ˈaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]to help someone do something, especially because there are not enough people to do all the work 帮忙,帮助做事〔尤因人手不够〕 Their son used to help out in the shop when it was busy. 过去店里忙的时候,他们的儿子就帮忙。 Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work, so I need some volunteers to help out. 组织学校旅行事情很多,所以我需要一些志愿者来帮帮我。help out with The kids are always good about helping out with the chores. 孩子们总是很乖,会帮着做做家务。help somebody out While I'm gone, try to help your Mom out, OK? 我不在的时候要帮帮妈妈,好吗?help out somebody No need to thank me - I was just glad to help out a friend. 没有必要谢我—我很高兴能帮得上朋友的忙。do somebody a good turn /ˌduː somebody ə ˌgʊd ˈtɜːʳn/ [verb phrase]to help someone by doing something for them that they have not asked you to do, because you think they need your help and you want to help them 做对某人有利的事,帮某人的忙 She's always happy to do a stranger a good turn. 她总是乐于帮助陌生人。 He did me a good turn when he advised me not to sell my house - it's worth twice as much now. 他帮了我大忙,建议我不要把房子卖掉—现在值原来的两倍了。do your bitBritish/do your partAmerican /ˌduː jɔːʳ ˈbɪt, ˌduː jɔːʳ ˈpɑːʳt/ [verb phrase]to do what you can to help in a bad or difficult situation, especially because you think you are expected to do it or that it is your duty 尽自己的本分;尽自己的职责 I've done my bit - now it's up to you. 我该做的已经做了,现在要看你的了。do your bit for Brown feels that she's done her part for the Democratic Party. 布朗觉得她已经为民主党尽了自己的职责。come to somebody's aid/assistance /ˌkʌm tə somebodyˈs ˈeɪd, əˈsɪstəns/ [verb phrase]formalto offer to help someone who is in difficulty and who will not be able to continue without your help 【正式】帮助某人,援助某人 It took an ambulance 27 minutes to come to the aid of the accident victims. 救护车花了27分钟过来救助事故的伤者。 Many expect the central government to come to the assistance of the ailing industry. 许多人都指望中央政府来解救这个不景气的行业。give help/assistance/support /gɪv ˈhelp, əˈsɪstəns, səˈpɔːʳt/ [verb phrase]to help a person or group 提供帮助/援助/支持give help/assistance/support to The program gives assistance to unemployed mothers and their children. 这个计划向失业的母亲及其子女提供援助。give somebody help/assistance/support My family gave me very little support when I decided to go back to college. 我决定重返校园,可是我的家人不是很支持。 Any kind of help you can give would be greatly appreciated. 十分感激你提供的任何类型的帮助。2 to help someone by making them feel more confident and less worried 帮助某人,给他们信心,使他们不要担心encourage /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒǁɪnˈkɜːr-/ [transitive verb]to say or do things that help someone feel confident enough to do something, for example by telling them they are good enough to do it, by giving them advice etc 鼓励,激励 She was always looking for ways to encourage her students. 她总是想办法鼓励学生。encourage somebody to do something I would never have won if my friends hadn't encouraged me to keep trying. 如果不是朋友们鼓励我坚持下来,我决不会获胜。be supportive /biː səˈpɔːʳtɪv/ [verb phrase]to make someone feel less worried and more confident by talking to them in a sympathetic way and giving them practical help 支持 It was a difficult decision, but my family was very supportive. 这是个很难作出的决定,但是我的家人非常支持。be supportive of My husband has always been very supportive of everything that I do. 无论我做什么事,我丈夫总是非常支持。support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [transitive verb]to help someone by being sympathetic and kind to them during a difficult time in their life 〔在困难时〕支持;帮助 She is my daughter, and I will love and support her no matter what happens. 她是我的女儿,不管发生什么事,我都会爱她,支持她。 I am very grateful to members of the faculty who have supported me in so many ways. 我非常感激教员们在很多方面对我都这么支持。support [uncountable noun]sympathetic encouragement and help that you give to someone: 支持,帮助 He was grateful for his friends’ support during his divorce. 他很感激朋友们在他离婚的时候所给予的帮助。support of I would not have been able to finish writing the book without the support of my husband and family. 没有我丈夫和家人的支持,我写不成这本书。give somebody moral support /ˌgɪv somebody ˌmɒrəl səˈpɔːʳtǁ-ˌmɔː-/ [verb phrase]to help someone, especially someone who is in a difficult situation, by telling them that they are right in what they are doing, and encouraging them to be brave, confident, etc 给予某人道义上〔精神上〕的支持〔尤指某人处境困难时〕 She was very nervous about the interview, so I went along to give her some moral support. 她对面试非常紧张,所以我和她一起去,给她一些精神支持。 The US is giving the rebel leaders moral support, but so far no weapons. 美国对叛军领袖给予了道义上的支持,但至今没有提供武器。3 to help something to happen 促成某事发生help /help/ [transitive verb]tohelp something such as an improvement to happen 有助于;促进 The plan was intended to help development in rural areas. 这个计划旨在促进农村地区的发展。help do something Spending time in Spain should help improve her Spanish. 在西班牙住一段时间应该能帮助她提高她的西班牙语水平。help to do something It is hoped that the tax increases will help to stabilize the economy. 大家希望增税有助稳定经济。encourage /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒǁɪnˈkɜːr-/ [transitive verb]to make something more likely to happen or make people more likely to do something, often something that you think they should not do 促进;助长 Congress is considering tax breaks to encourage investment. 国会在考虑用减税的办法来刺激投资。 Damp conditions encourage the growth of the fungus. 潮湿的环境会促进真菌的生长。encourage somebody to do something Cigarette machines in the streets will only encourage more teenagers to smoke. 街头的自动售烟机只会促使更多的青少年去吸烟。promote /prəˈməʊt/ [transitive verb]formalpromote good relations/cooperation/trade etcto help something good to happen or to develop and increase 促进良好关系/合作/贸易等 The aim of the meeting is to promote trade between the two countries. 会议的目的在于促进两国贸易。 A balanced diet promotes good health and normal development. 均衡的饮食可促进健康,帮助身体正常发育。promotion /prəˈməʊʃən/ [uncountable noun] Government policies have focussed on the promotion of economic growth. 政府政策以促进经济发展为重。aid /eɪd/ [transitive verb]formalto help something get better, develop, grow etc 【正式】帮助,援助 The country's economic recovery has been aided by increased international trade. 该国经济的复苏得益于国际贸易的增长。 The large number of Latino voters aided Garcia's victory in the last election. 拉丁选民人数众多,帮助加西亚获得了上一届选举的胜利。benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt, ˈbenəfɪt/ [transitive verb]to give advantages to someone or something, so that something can improve 有益于,使受益 Critics argue that the tax cuts will only benefit large companies. 批评者认为减税只会使大公司受益。 Admission is $5, with proceeds benefiting a local children's charity. 入场费是五美元,收益拨捐当地的一家儿童慈善机构。advance/further /ədˈvɑːnsǁədˈvæns, ˈfɜːʳðəʳ/ [transitive verb]to help something you are trying to do to be successful 推进,促成,促进 Separatist rebels have used terrorism to advance their cause in the region. 分裂分子组成的叛军运用恐怖手段在该地区推进他们的事业。 The associations allow professionals to band together to further their interests. 协会可以使专业人员团结起来发展自己的兴趣。be conducive to /biː kənˈdjuːsɪv tuːǁ-ˈduː-/ [verb phrase]formalif a situationis conducive to something such as work, rest etc, it provides the conditions that make it easier 【正式】有助于,有益于〔工作、休息等〕 All this noise is hardly conducive to rest and relaxation. 这些噪音不利于休息和放松。 We want to create an atmosphere conducive to serious discussion. 我们想营造一种有利于进行严肃讨论的气氛。give something a boost /ˌgɪv something ə ˈbuːst/ [verb phrase]to help something such as a business so that it suddenly begins to develop more quickly 刺激某事物;推动某事物的发展 The recent drop in interest rates has given the economy a much needed boost. 最近利率的降低给经济带来了必要的推动力。give sth a boost to The central government also privatized farmland, giving a boost to food production. 中央政府把农田也转为私人所有,大大提高了粮食的产量。be favourable for/toBritish/be favorable for/toAmerican /biː ˈfeɪvərəbəl fɔːʳ, tuː/ [verb phrase]writtenif conditionsare favourable for orto something such as an agreement or an improvement in a situation, they make it more likely to happen 【书面】〔情况〕对…有利 The conditions are now favorable for job creation and economic growth. 现在的情况有利于创造就业机会和经济增长。 The conference has produced a political climate that is favourable to a peace settlement. 此次会议创造了一个有利于和平解决问题的政治环境。4 ways of saying that something helps you to do something 某事物帮助某人做某事的说法help /help/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to make it easier for someone to do something or to make a difficult situation easier 对…有用,有利于;帮忙,帮助 I took a couple of aspirin for my headache, but they didn't help. 我头痛吃了几片阿司匹林,但没有用。 The warm weather this spring has certainly helped the farmers. 今春的暖和天气绝对是帮了农民的忙。help somebody do something All this arguing isn't going to help us win the election. 这么争吵不休帮不了我们在选举中胜出。help somebody to do something The latest report should help us to evaluate the true benefits of the program. 最近的这份报告应该能帮助我们评估这个计划的真正好处。assist /əˈsɪst/ [intransitive/transitive verb]formalto help someone do something 【正式】帮助,协助 They have developed a computerized system that will greatly assist all library users. 他们开发了一种计算机系统,将大大帮助图书馆的所有使用者。assist somebody in/with something The guide is written to assist consumers in choosing the best insurance plan. 编写这本手册是为了帮助消费者选择最好的保险计划。aid /eɪd/ [intransitive/transitive verb]formalto help someone or something achieve something, by making the situation that they are in easier 【正式】援助,协助 The new government grants are intended to aid small businesses. 新的政府拨款是用来帮助小型企业的。 Our ability to combat organized crime has been aided by our partnership with local police. 我们与地方警察合作,加强了打击有组织犯罪的能力。aid in The new equipment has been provided to aid in the diagnosis of liver disorders. 已经提供了新的设备帮助诊断肝病。be a help /biː ə ˈhelp/ [verb phrase]if somethingis a help, it makes it easier for you to do something, especially something that would be difficult to do without it 〔尤指对困难的事〕有帮助;有用 For the teachers, just having more books and equipment would be a help. 对于老师来说,要是有更多的书和设备就好了。be a big/great/real help Stating your objectives clearly will be a great help in organizing the research. 在组织研究工作的时候,明确地规定目标是很有帮助的。helpful /ˈhelpfəl/ [verb phrase]making it likely to be easier for you to do or achieve something 有用的,有帮助的 If you're looking for a good guidebook, I found this one to be very helpful. 如果你想找好的旅游指南,我觉得这一本很有用。 She gave us some helpful advice about renting apartments. 关于租公寓房,她给了我们一些有用的建议。helpful in Giving the test can be helpful in deciding the best way to treat a patient. 做检查有助于确定怎样治疗病人最好。it is helpful to do something It's helpful to prepare a list of questions before going to an interview. 去面试之前准备好一些问题,这样很有帮助。beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəl◂, ˌbenəˈfɪʃəl◂/ [adjective]actions, experiences, changes etc that arebeneficial help to improve someone's situation or give them an advantage 有利的,有益的,有用的 The relationship between the two companies has been mutually beneficial. 这两家公司之间是互利互惠的关系。beneficial to Recent studies show that moderate amounts of alcohol are beneficial to health. 最近的研究表明,适量饮酒对身体有好处。beneficial effect/impact/result There is no evidence that the diet pills have any beneficial effect on weight loss. 没有证据表明这种减肥药有助于减轻体重。be a boon /biː ə ˈbuːn/ [verb phrase]something thatis a boon happens or is given to you, especially unexpectedly, and makes it much easier for you to do something 有好处,大为有用〔尤指意外地〕 Having a bicycle was a tremendous boon as our house was so far from the village. 我家离村子很远,有辆自行车真是太有用了。be a boon to/for The current low exchange rates are a boon for exporters. 目前的低汇率对出口商极为有利。 Increased competition among airlines will prove to be a boon to tourists. 航空公司之间竞争加剧将使游客受惠。with the aid of /wɪð ði ˈeɪd ɒv/ [preposition]if you do somethingwith the aid of something, especially an object, you need that thing to help you do it 在…的帮助下〔尤指物件〕 The bacteria can only be seen with the aid of a high power microscope. 这种细菌只有用高倍显微镜才能看到。 Since the accident he's only been able to walk with the aid of a cane. 遭遇这次事故之后,他只能拄着拐杖行走。5 someone who helps another person to do something 帮助别人做某事的人assistant /əˈsɪstənt/ [countable noun]someone who is employed to help someone do their job, especially by doing all the easier or less important things for them so that their job is made easier 助手;助理 The dentist had her assistant sterilise the instruments. 那位牙医请助手给器械消毒。assistant to Lydia is the assistant to the Director of Finance. 莉迪娅是财务总监的助理。assistant manager/director/editor etc Winston got a job as assistant manager at Wal-Mart. 温斯顿找了一份工作,在沃尔玛做助理经理。helper /ˈhelpəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who helps someone else to do something, especially when they want to do it and are not paid for it 帮手;〔尤指〕自愿帮忙的人;志愿者 Ella works at the hospital once a week as a voluntary helper. 埃拉一星期到医院做一次义工。 Helpers are needed to run the book stall and man the bar. 需要有人帮忙照看书摊和照顾酒吧生意。aide /eɪd/ [countable noun]someone who is employed to help a very important person, especially someone in politics or government 〔尤指从政的人或在政府工作的人的〕助手;助理 An aide confirmed this week that the President will not be running for re-election. 本周一名助手证实,总统将不再竞选连任。aide to Anderson has worked as an aide to the mayor for three years. 安德森当市长助理有三年了。aidealsoaid /eɪd, eɪd/ [countable noun]Americanteacher's aid/nurse's aidsomeone whose job is to help a teacher, nurse etc to do their work, especially by doing the less important jobs 教师/护士的助手 Amelia went to work as a nurse's aide in the children's wing of the hospital. 阿梅莉亚去了医院的儿科部当护士助手。 As a teacher's aide, I help watch the children and run errands for the teacher. 作为老师的助手,我帮着照看孩子,给老师跑跑腿。accomplice /əˈkʌmplɪs, əˈkʌmpləsǁəˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ [countable noun]someone who helps someone else in a crime 同谋,共犯 Evans could not have carried out the robbery without an accomplice. 埃文斯没有同谋是不可能去抢劫的。 One man held a gun on her while his accomplice took the money. 一名男子用枪顶着她,而他的同犯则拿钱。accomplice in/to She has been accused of being an accomplice in the kidnapping. 她被指控合谋绑架。right-hand man /ˌraɪt hænd ˈmæn/ [countable noun]the person who someone in a position of authority depends on most to help and support them 得力助手 Beria, the head of the KGB, was Stalin's right-hand man. 克格勃头目贝利亚是斯大林的得力干将。 Newman's resignation leaves his boss without a right-hand man. 纽曼的辞职使得他的老板手下没有了得力的助手。6 help that is given 所给的帮助help /help/ [uncountable noun] If I need any help I'll call you. 我如果需要帮助会给你打电话的。 I'm having trouble paying the rent, but I don't want to ask my parents for help. 我付不起房租,但是我不想找父母帮忙。help with Would you like some help with those suitcases? 你需要有人帮你拎那些箱子吗?with help from somebody We managed to buy the house with a little help from Dave's parents. 戴夫的父母稍微帮了点忙,我们总算买下了房子。with the help of somebody/something With the help of a nicotine patch she was able to quit smoking. 她在戒烟贴的帮助下戒了烟。get helpfind someone to help you 找人帮忙 You go get help - I'll wait here with the car. 你去找人来帮忙一我看着汽车在这里等。assistance /əˈsɪstəns/ [uncountable noun]formalsomething you provide in order to help someone do something 【正式】援助;帮助 Patients can usually walk without assistance within a week of the operation. 病人在手术之后一般不出一个星期就不需要帮助能自己行走了。 The federal agency provides assistance to families whose homes were destroyed by flooding. 这个联邦机构为家园遭洪水破坏的家庭提供帮助。 The company has a toll-free number that offers technical assistance to anyone who needs it. 这家公司有一个可以免费拨打的电话号码,为需要的人提供技术支援。be of assistance Our tour guides will be pleased to be of assistance if you have any problems. 如果你们有什么问题,我们的导游将很乐意为你们提供帮助。a hand /ə ˈhænd/ [singular noun]informalpractical help from someone when something needs to be done 【非正式】帮忙;一臂之力 Everybody needs a hand now and then. 每个人都有需要帮忙的时候。a hand with I could use a hand with the yard work if you're not busy. 如果你不忙的话,可以帮我干干院子里的活。lend/give somebody a hand Could you give me a hand moving those boxes? 你帮我搬一下那些箱子好吗?aid /eɪd/ [uncountable noun]help, especially money, that an organization or country gives to another country or to people who are in a very difficult situation 援助;资助〔指组织或国家对另一国家或处境困难的人的援助,尤指金钱上〕 Aid is not getting through to the refugees. 援助还没有送到难民手上。 Each year, the U.S. sends more than $1.8 billion in aid to sub-Saharan Africa. 美国每年都提供超过18亿美元的援助给撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲各国。support /səˈpɔːʳt/ [uncountable noun]equipment, money, or help from other people that is available for you to use when you need it 支持;帮助 I'd like to thank you all for your support in the upcoming election. 我想感谢大家对即将来临的大选的支持。 Our two company lawyers provide all the legal support we need. 我们公司的两位律师提供我们所需的一切法律支援。service /ˈsɜːʳvɪs, ˈsɜːʳvəs/ [uncountable noun]help given to customers of a particular business, by the people who work there 服务 I thought the service in the pizza place was very good. 我觉得那个比萨饼店服务非常好。provide a service We knew the shop would never survive if we didn't provide a good service from the minute we opened the doors. 我们知道,我们如果不是一开门就提供良好的服务,商店就无法生存下去。back-up/backup /ˈbækʌp/ [uncountable noun]people, equipment etc that are provided to be used if people need help 后备,后援〔人员、设备等〕 This department needs more secretarial and clerical back-up. 这个部门需要有更多的秘书和文书人员作支援。 Police had to wait for backup to arrive before making any arrests. 警方只得等待后援到来之后才进行逮捕。encouragement /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒməntǁ-ˈkɜːr-/ [uncountable noun]something such as praise or advice from other people that helps give someone the confidence and determination to do something 鼓励,激励 Children need lots of encouragement when they're learning new things. 儿童在学习新事物的时候需要很多鼓励。words of encouragement After his speech, he shook hands and offered words of encouragement to people in the crowd. 他发表演说后,和人群里的人握手,又说了一些鼓励的话。by way of encouragementin order to encourage someone 作为鼓励 ‘But you're doing a great job,’ he added by way of encouragement. “但是你干得很好,”他补充了一句作为鼓励。7 words for describing someone who is helpful 描写某人很帮忙的词语helpful /ˈhelpfəl/ [adjective] Thanks, Sam. You've been very helpful. 谢谢你,萨姆,你帮了很大的忙。 A helpful woman at the tourist office gave me some tips on places to visit. 游客咨询处有位女士很帮忙,向我建议了几个可以去游览的地方。helpfully [adverb] She explained how the machine worked as helpfully as she could. 她尽自己所能提供帮助,详细说明机器是如何运作的。be a help /biː ə ˈhelp/ [verb phrase]if someoneis a help, they make it easier for you to do something 有帮助 Thanks for looking after the children - you've really been a help. 谢谢你来照看孩子,你真帮了大忙。be a big/great/real help Jim was a big help getting the house ready for the party. 吉姆帮了大忙,把屋子准备好来搞聚会。cooperativealsoco-operativeBritish /kəʊˈɒpərətɪvǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [adjective]someone who iscooperative helps someone who has asked them to help, by working together with them and not causing any problems 合作的;合力的 Some of the students are highly cooperative and attentive, but unfortunately, most aren't. 有些学生很合作,很用心,但遗憾的是大部分都不是这样。 The suspect has been cooperative with investigators, but he shows little remorse. 嫌疑犯和调查人员很合作,但是没有表示出多少悔恨。obliging /əˈblaɪdʒɪŋ/ [adjective]formalsomeone who isobliging is always ready to help and enjoys helping people, even people who are unreasonable or difficult 【正式】乐于助人的,愿意帮助的 The shop assistants were very obliging, and brought me at least fifteen pairs of shoes to try on. 店员非常热心,拿了至少15双鞋子让我试穿。obligingly [adverb] ‘Let me get that,’ he said and obligingly lifted the suitcase into the trunk. “让我来吧,他说着,热心地把手提箱放进车后的行李箱里。accommodating /əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋǁəˈkɑː-/ [adjective]someone who isaccommodating is willing to do what someone else wants, even if this is not the best thing for themselves, in order to help them or make them more comfortable 乐于助人的,与人方便的,肯通融的 He was very accommodating, always asking if I needed anything. 他非常乐于助人,总是问我是否需要什么。 She's so nice and accommodating, I'm afraid people will take advantage of her. 她这人很好,肯帮忙,我怕人家会利用她。8 words for describing someone or something that is not helpful 描写某人或某物没有帮助的词语not helpful/unhelpful /nɒt ˈhelpfəl, ʌnˈhelpfəl/ [adjective] He bought a book on relaxation techniques but it wasn't very helpful. 他买了一本讲各种放松方法的书,但不是很有用。 The authorities weren't helpful at all when Rob reported his passport stolen. 罗布报告他的护照被偷,当局一点也帮不上忙。 I found the sales assistants most unhelpful. 我觉得这些销售员一点也帮不上忙。be no help/not be any help/not be much help /biː ˌnəʊ ˈhelp, ˌnɒt biː eni ˈhelp, ˌnɒt biː mʌtʃ ˈhelp/ [verb phrase]if something or someoneis no help they do not help you do something or get something 没有帮助/没有多大帮助 Clarissa was no help - she just sat around and watched TV. 克拉丽莎帮不了忙一她就坐着看电视。 The phrase book wasn't much help in carrying on a conversation. 短语手册对于会话没有多大用处。uncooperative /ˌʌnkəʊˈɒpərətɪvǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [adjective]not wanting to help someone who wants you to help them, especially by deliberately opposing them or stopping them doing something easily 〔尤指故意〕不合作的;不配合的 Many of the older patients are uncooperative and difficult for the nurses to handle. 许多老年病人很不合作,护士很难应付他们。 Hubbel has been a very uncooperative witness. 哈贝尔是个很不合作的证人。useless /ˈjuːsləs/ [adjective]especially spokennot giving any help - use this when you are annoyed with someone or something because they should help you but they do not 【尤口】没有用的〔用于表示不满〕 I tried calling the tax office but they were completely useless. 我尝试着打电话到税务局去了,但他们根本帮不上忙。completely/absolutely useless There's no point reading the instructions - they're completely useless. 看说明书没有用—根本帮不上忙。not lift a finger /nɒt ˌlɪft ə ˈfɪŋgəʳ/ [verb phrase]if someone doesnot lift a finger, they do not help when help is wanted or needed, especially because they are lazy 不愿帮忙〔尤因懒惰〕 She stayed with us for two weeks and never lifted a finger the whole time. 她和我们一起住了两个星期,一点忙也不帮。 Police knew there would be a fight, but they didn't lift a finger to try and stop it. 警方明知会有斗殴事件发生,但是却不采取任何措施去阻止。9 having no one to help you 没有人帮助你on your own/by yourself /ɒn jɔːr ˈəʊn, baɪ jɔːʳˈself/ [adverb]if you do somethingon your own orby yourself you do it without help from anyone else 单独地,独自地 Peter cooked everything by himself - he wouldn't even let me in the kitchen. 菜都是彼得一个人做的—他甚至不让我进厨房。 I doubt I would have been able to find this job on my own. 我怀疑靠我自己能不能找到这份工作。all on your own/all by yourselfused to emphasize that you do not have any help 独力地〔用于强调〕 You mean to tell me he painted the whole house all by himself? 你是说整个屋子都是他自己一个人刷的?helpless /ˈhelpləs/ [adjective]needing help because you cannot do anything for yourself or you need protection 无助的,无援的,无依无靠的 Why are you so afraid of a helpless old woman? 你为什么这么害怕一个连自己也照顾不了的老太太? Frightened and helpless, Alvin wondered if they might kill him. 阿尔文又害怕又无助,他怀疑他们是否会杀了他。utterly helpless His mother's death left the boy feeling utterly helpless and alone. 母亲的去世令这男孩感到孤苦伶仃。helplessly [adverb] I started to cry as helplessly as a baby. 我就像婴儿一样无助地哭了起来。