

例句 HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY1 someone who is healthy2 someone who is usually healthy3 someone who looks healthy4 how healthy or unhealthy you are5 the state of being healthy6 something that makes or keeps you healthy7 someone who is not healthy8 something that is bad for your healthRELATED WORDSsee alsoCURERECOVERFIT/NOT FITSTRONGEXERCISE1 someone who is healthy 身体健康的人 healthy /ˈhelθi/ [adjective] someone who is healthy has nothing physically wrong with them 身体健康的 I've been much healthier since I stopped smoking. 我戒烟之后身体健康多了。 She's just had a lovely healthy baby girl. 她刚刚生了一个可爱健康的女婴。 well /wel/ [adjective not usually before noun] healthy - use this to say that someone feels or looks healthy, or that they are healthy again after an illness 健康的,身体好的 ‘How are you?’ ‘I'm very well, thank you.’ “你身体怎么样?”“很好,谢谢。” Clare's been much better since the operation. 克莱尔手术之后身体好多了。look well You're looking well - have you been on holiday? 你气色很好——是不是休过假了?fit and well You need to eat regular nourishing meals if you want to keep yourself fit and well. 如果要保持身体健康,需要定时进餐,吃有营养的东西。 fine /faɪn/ [adjective not before noun] spoken say this when someone has asked you how you or someone else feels, and you are replying that you or the other person feels well 【口】身体好的,健康的 ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ “你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。” ‘How's your wife now?’ ‘Oh, she's fine, thank you.’ “你妻子现在怎么样?”“噢,她很好,谢谢。 in good/perfect/excellent health /ɪn ˌgʊd, ˌpɜːʳfɪkt, ˌeksələnt ˈhelθ/ [adjective phrase] formal very healthy 【正式】身体状况很好/非常好 The hostages arrived back in Britain yesterday, tired but otherwise in good health. 昨天人质回到英国,虽然疲倦,身体状况倒是不错。 My grandmother remained in excellent health until she was in her nineties. 我祖母直到九十多岁还依然有很好的身体。2 someone who is usually healthy 一向健康的人 healthy /ˈhelθi/ [adjective] He's nearly 60 now but he's strong and healthy and full of energy. 现在他已年近60,但身体健壮,精力充沛。 Her death came as a terrible shock. She had always been so healthy. 她的死太令人震惊了。她一向都是那么健康。stay/keep healthy Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will help you to stay healthy. 多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜可以帮助你保持身体健康。 strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective] someone who is strong has a healthy body that can do a lot of physical exercise, and becomes well quickly after any illnesses 健康的,强健的 My father's over eighty now, and not very strong. 我父亲现在八十多岁了,身体不是很健壮。 Only people who are physically strong and fit should consider coming on this expedition. 只有身体强健的人才可考虑参加这次探险活动。 have a strong/good etc constitution /hæv ə ˌstrɒŋ kɒnstˈtjuːʃənǁ-ˌstrɔːŋ kɑːnstˈtuː-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not become ill easily and easily get well again after an illness or injury 体质强健/好等 Your husband has an excellent constitution and is likely to recover in no time. 你丈夫体质很好,很快就会康复的。 Her injuries were horrifying. Only her determination and robust constitution pulled her through. 她的伤势很严重,只是凭着坚强的意志和强壮的体格才挺过来的。 robust /rəˈbʌst, ˈrəʊbʌst/ [adjective] written someone who is robust is very healthy, strong, and active, and almost never ill 【书面】强健的,强壮的 He was a robust little boy, with curly dark hair. 他是个健壮的小男孩,有着一头黑色的发。 Paul travelled north to visit his parents, who he found less robust than before. 保罗北上探望父母,他发现他们不如以前健壮了。3 someone who looks healthy 看上去健康的人 healthy-looking /ˈhelθi lʊkɪŋ/ [adjective] looking very healthy 看上去很健康的 Two healthy-looking suntanned kids were playing in the driveway. 两个看上去很健康、皮肤晒得黑黑的孩子正在车道上玩耍。 Even the most healthy-looking person could be carrying HIV. 即使是看上去最健康的人也可能会携带艾滋病病毒。 be a picture of health /biː ə ˌpɪktʃər əv ˈhelθ/ [verb phrase] use this to say that someone looks extremely healthy 看上去非常健康 The baby lay in her father's arms, a picture of health and contentment. 那婴儿躺在她父亲的怀里,看上去很健康,很满足。look the picture of health In spite of all her complaints, Jilly looked the picture of health. 吉莉尽管有很多小毛病,但看上去很健康。4 how healthy or unhealthy you are 健康状况 health /helθ/ [uncountable noun] Linda's one of those people who always seem to be worrying about their health. 琳达是那种老是担心自己身体不好的人。health problems Pollution in the atmosphere causes serious health problems for many people. 大气污染给许多人带来严重的健康问题。mental/physical health Too much stress is likely to affect both your mental and physical health. 压力太大可能会影响你的身心健康。be in good/poor health be healthy or unhealthy 身体好/不好 There's no reason why you shouldn't continue working until you're 70 or over, if you're in good health. 如果身体条件好,你没有理由不工作到70岁或70岁以上。5 the state of being healthy 健康的状态 health /helθ/ [uncountable noun] For most animals, a shiny coat is a sign of health. 对于大多数动物,一身光亮的皮毛是健康的象征。 Your health is more important than any amount of money. 健康比多少钱都来得重要。 wellbeing /ˌwelˈbiːɪŋǁˈwelbiːɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the condition of being healthy, happy, and having no problems 幸福;安康,健康 the wellbeing of somebody/somebody's wellbeing A warm home is essential to the wellbeing of elderly people. 一个温暖的家对于老人的安康来说是至关重要的。physical/mental/emotional etc wellbeing Samuel Roberts was a large man in his fifties who exuded physical wellbeing and self confidence. 塞缪尔·罗伯茨是一个50岁左右的大块头男人,身体健康,充满自信。a feeling/sense of wellbeing It's a relaxing treatment that should leave you calm with a sense of wellbeing. 这是一种能让人感到放松的疗法,应该可以使你平静,有一种健康的感觉。 wellness /ˈwelnɪs, ˈwelnəs/ [uncountable noun] American when someone is usually healthy and does things to take care of their health, such as exercising and eating good foods 【美】健康 In Denmark, regular health visiting promotes wellness by developing healthier children. 在丹麦,定期的健康随访使儿童更加健康地成长,从而提高了国民的身体素质。 The institute trains people to manage wellness programs for industries, schools, communities and hospitals. 这个学院为人们提供培训,给企业、学校、社区和医院管理健康计划。6 something that makes or keeps you healthy 使你健康或使你保持健康的事物 healthy /ˈhelθi/ [adjective] Taking plenty of exercise can be both healthy and enjoyable. 多运动既有利于身体健康,又有乐趣。 I'm trying to eat a healthier diet now, with less fat and sugar. 我现在尽量保持健康的饮食,少吃脂肪和糖。 a healthy outdoor life 健康的户外生活 be good for you/be good for your health /biː ˈgʊd fəʳ juː, biː ˌgʊd fəʳ jɔːʳ ˈhelθ/ [verb phrase] if something is good for you or is good for your health, it makes you more healthy or stops you getting ill 对你身体有好处 Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are very good for you. 橙子、柠檬等柑橘类水果对身体非常好。 I can't see how gazing at a crystal is in any way good for your health. 我看不出盯着看一块水晶对身体会有什么好处。 I love junkfood but I know it's not good for me. 我喜欢吃垃圾食品,但我知道这对我身体是不好的。 do somebody good /ˌduː somebody ˈgʊd/ [verb phrase] if something does you good, it makes you feel better physically or emotionally, especially when you have not been feeling well 对某人〔身体或感情上〕有好处 I thought that a vacation would do me good. 我想休假对我会有好处。 Let's ask Jean to come tonight.. It might do her good to meet some new people. 今天晚上我们叫琼来吧,让她认识一些新朋友对她有好处。do somebody the world of good make you feel a lot better 对某人有很大的好处 What you need is a good night out - it'd do you the world of good! 你需要的是出去好好玩一个晚上一肯定对你大有好处! wholesome /ˈhəʊlsəm/ [adjective] food that is wholesome helps you stay healthy because it has nothing unhealthy added to it and is usually prepared very simply 〔食物〕有益于健康的,增进健康的 ‘Rosie's Pantry’ is a small restaurant that serves good wholesome food. “罗茜小厨”是一家小饭馆,供应美味健康的食品。 Quality controllers ensure that all our products are safe, wholesome, and of good quality. 质量检验员确保我们所有产品都安全健康、品质良好。 nutritious /njuːˈtrɪʃəsǁnuː-/ [adjective] food that is nutritious is full of natural substances that your body needs to stay healthy or to grow properly 〔食物〕营养丰富的 Brown bread is more nutritious than white. 黑面包比白面包更有营养。 I eat a lot of beans, lentils and vegetables, which are nutritious but cheap. 我吃许多豆子、小扁豆和蔬菜,这些东西营养丰富且价格便宜。 Milk is a very nutritious food, containing protein, vitamins and minerals. 牛奶是很有营养的食品,含有蛋白质、维生素和矿物质。 nourishing /ˈnʌrɪʃɪŋǁˈnɜː-, ˈnʌ-/ [adjective] food that is nourishing helps your body to grow or to stay healthy and also gives you energy 〔食物〕有营养的,滋养的 A simple chicken soup is both nourishing and delicious. 简简单单的鸡汤既有营养又美味可口。 Preparing good nourishing family meals was a challenge with eight mouths to feed. 要做出有营养又可口的饭菜给一个八口之家吃很不容易。 The Centre is open throughout the year, to ensure that homeless people can get at least one hot, nourishing meal a day. 该中心终年开放,确保无家可归的人每天至少能吃上一顿有营养的热饭。 healthful /ˈhelθfəl/ [adjective] American food or activities that are healthful help keep your body healthy 【美】〔指食物或活动〕有益健康的 The American breakfast is getting more healthful, with whole-grain breads and high-fiber cereals. 美国人的早餐越来越健康,有全麦面包和高纤维的谷物食品。 Our research group found that consumers want healthful food based on vegetables not meat products. 我们的研究小组发现,消费者希望吃到蔬菜类的健康食品,而不是肉类产品。 beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəl◂, ˌbenəˈfɪʃəl◂/ [adjective] formal something that is beneficial makes you more healthy or helps you to stay healthy 【正式】有利健康的,促进健康的 The occasional glass of wine is both enjoyable and beneficial. 偶尔喝一杯葡萄酒既令人愉快,又能增进健康。beneficial to This treatment can be very beneficial, especially to young children. 这种疗法对健康非常有利,尤其是幼儿。7 someone who is not healthy 不健康的人 unhealthy /ʌnˈhelθi/ [adjective] not usually healthy, so that you easily become ill 不健康的,体弱多病的 James was a thin, pale, unhealthy child. 詹姆斯是个瘦弱、苍白、不健康的孩子。 People who are very overweight tend to be more unhealthy than others. 很肥胖的人一般都不如其他人健康。 At the age of 30 I was fat, unhealthy, and smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. 我30岁的时候长得很胖,身体也不健康,每天都抽两包香烟。8 something that is bad for your health 对你身体不好的东西 be bad for you/be bad for your health /biː ˈbæd fəʳ juː, biː ˌbæd fəʳ jɔːʳ ˈhelθ/ [verb phrase] to make you less healthy or make you ill 对你身体不好 Children always seem to love food that's bad for them - ice-cream, sugar, burgers. 小孩子好像都喜欢对身体有害的食物—冰淇淋、糖、汉堡包。 Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. 人人都知道吸烟有害健康。 unhealthy /ʌnˈhelθi/ [adjective] likely to make you ill or less healthy 有害健康的 He has such an unhealthy lifestyle -- smoking, drinking, eating too much. 他的生活方式很不健康—抽烟、喝酒、吃得太多。 An unhealthy diet is one that is too high in fat and sugar and too low in fibre. 不健康的饮食就是糖和脂肪含量太高,纤维含量太低。 My mother thought it was unhealthy to sleep with the windows shut at night. 我母亲认为晚上关着窗睡觉有害健康。 harmful /ˈhɑːʳmfəl/ [adjective] likely to have a bad effect on your health 对身体有害的 The new air pollution controls are designed to limit harmful emissions from industry and motor vehicles. 新的空气污染控制措施是为了限制工业和机动车辆的有害气体排放而设计的。 You should always use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. 一定要使用防晒霜来保护皮肤不受太阳的伤害。harmful to As yet there is no proof that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans. 到目前为止还没有证据表明转基因食物对人类有害。 damaging /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ [adjective] very harmful to your health, and usually having a permanent effect 有破坏性的 Avoid too much exposure to damaging ultraviolet light. 避免受到有害紫外线的过度照射。damaging to X-rays can be extremely damaging to living cells. X射线可对活细胞产生很大的破坏性。




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