

例句 ARMY1 the army, navy etc2 someone who is in the army, navy etc3 used by or connected with the army, navy etc4 to join the army, navy etc5 when people are made to join the army, navy etcRELATED WORDSleave the army, navy etc 离开陆军、海军等 LEAVEsee alsoWARWEAPONATTACKFIGHT1 the army, navy etc 陆军、海军等 army /ˈɑːʳmi/ [countable noun] a large organized group of people trained to fight on land in a war 陆军〔部队〕 the army Units of the Nigerian army were quickly sent to the border. 尼日利亚陆军部队很快被派往边境。in the army My sons are both in the army. 我的两个儿子都在陆军服役。raise an army collect and organize an army to fight a battle 组建军队 In 1066 William the Conqueror raised an army and invaded England. 1066年征服者威廉募集军队入侵英格兰。 navy /ˈneɪvi/ [countable noun] the part of a country's military forces that is trained for fighting a war at sea 〔一国的〕海军 the navy It was an important battle for the navy. 这是海军的一场重要战役。in the navy My father was in the navy during the war. 战时我父亲在海军服役。 airforce also air force American /ˈeəʳfɔːʳs/ [countable noun] the part of a country's military forces that is trained for fighting a war in the air 〔一国的〕空军 The French have a very powerful airforce. 法国拥有一支非常强大的空军部队。the airforce The airforce played a huge part in the Kosovo conflict. 空军在科索沃的冲突中发挥了巨大的作用。in the airforce My brother and sister are both in the airforce. 我的哥哥和姐姐都在空军服役。 the military /ðə ˈmɪltəriǁ-teri/ [] especially American the army, navy, and air force of a country 【尤美】〔一国的〕军队;海、陆、空部队 The military may be sent in to deal with the riots. 有可能会派军队去平定暴乱。 a company that supplies electronic equipment to the military 向军方供应电子设备的一家公司 the armed forces /ði ˌɑːʳmd ˈfɔːʳsz/ [plural noun] the army, navy, and airforce of a country 〔一国的包括海陆空在内的〕武装力量,武装部队 A new government minister is now responsible for the armed forces. 现在由一位新上任的政府部长掌管着武装力量。 Measures will be taken to help modernize the country's armed forces. 将要采取措施帮助该国的武装部队实现现代化。 forces /ˈfɔːʳsɪz, ˈfɔːʳsəz/ [plural noun] groups of soldiers from a country's army, navy, and airforce 〔一国的〕海、陆、空部队;兵力 The town was captured by Italian forces under the command of General Ciano. 那小镇被查诺上将指挥的意大利军队占领了。 The United States placed its forces in the region on alert. 美国让该地区的军队保持戒备状态。 Ground forces were wiped out by the air attack. 地面部队被空袭消灭了。 the services also the service American /ðə ˈsɜːʳvs(z)/ [plural noun] the army, navy, and airforce - use this especially when talking about someone having a job in the army etc 海、陆、空部队,军队〔尤用于谈论某人在军队服役等〕 be in the service(s) Camp Lejune was the first place I was stationed when I was in the service. 莱琼营是我进部队后驻扎的第一个地方。go into the services The family has a tradition of going into the services. 这个家族有参军服役的传统。 the Marines/the Marine Corps /ðə məˈriːnz, ðə məˈriːn kɔːʳ/ [plural noun] a specially trained part of the US armed forces 〔美国的〕海军陆战队 A special force of 500 US Marines has been sent to the area. 一支由500名美国海军陆战队士兵组成的特别部队被派往该地区。 I have a 25-year-old brother who's in the Marine Corps. 我有一个25岁的哥哥在海军陆战队服役。2 someone who is in the army, navy etc 在陆军、海军等服役的人 serviceman/servicewoman /ˈsɜːʳvɪsmən, ˈsɜːʳvəsmən, ˈsɜːʳvsˌwʊmən/ [countable noun] a man or woman who is in an army, navy etc 军人/女军人 The ceremony was held to honour the tens of thousands of servicemen and servicewomen who lost their lives in the war. 这次典礼是为了缅怀在战争中牺牲的成千上万的军人。 Four Australian servicemen were reported missing after the ambush. 伏击行动之后,有四名澳大利亚军人被报失踪。 a tribute to the bravery of our servicemen and -women 对我们军人的大无畏精神的颂扬 soldier /ˈsəʊldʒəʳ/ [countable noun] a member of an army, especially someone who is not an officer 〔陆军〕士兵,军人〔尤指不是军官的军队成员〕 Moore has been a soldier for most of his adult life. 穆尔成年后大部分时间都在部队里当兵。 There were several soldiers guarding the main gate. 大门有几名士兵把守。 troops /truːps/ [plural noun] soldiers - use this especially to talk about soldiers taking part in a military attack 军队;部队;〔尤指正在参加军事行动的〕士兵 Thousands of French troops died in the attack. 这次袭击中有数千名法国士兵阵亡。 The President is sending three hundred troops to the area. 总统将派遣300名士兵前往该区。 sailor /ˈseɪləʳ/ [countable noun] a member of the navy 水兵,海军士兵 Janet married a sailor in the French navy. 珍妮特嫁给了法国海军的一名水兵。 Two thousand British sailors lost their lives when the ship went down. 2,000名英国水兵因为船只沉没失去了生命。 airman /ˈeəʳmən/ [countable noun] a member of the airforce 空军士兵 Three airmen were killed during the battle. 战斗中三名空军士兵阵亡了。 officer /ˈɒfɪsəʳ, ˈɒfəsəʳǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ a high-ranking member of the army, navy etc, who is in charge of a group of soldiers, sailors etc 军官 He's an officer in the US Marines. 他是美国海军陆战队的一名军官。commanding officer the officer in charge 指挥官 Colonel Gary G. Mahle is the commanding officer here. 加利·G.马尔上校是这里的指挥官。3 used by or connected with the army, navy etc 陆军、海军等所使用的,或与陆军、海军等有关的 military /ˈmɪlɪtəri, ˈmɪlətəriǁ-teri/ [adjective only before noun] used by or connected with the army, navy, or airforce, especially the army 军用的;军事的;军队的〔尤指陆军的〕 The President visited a military cemetery at Bitburg. 总统凭吊了比特堡的军人墓地。 China reportedly planned to sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia. 有报道称该国计划出售军事设备。 Peres said the military campaign would last as long as it took to secure the country's northern border. 佩雷斯说这次军事行动将会持续很长时间,以保护国家北部边境的安全。 army /ˈɑːʳmi/ [adjective only before noun] connected with or used by the army 陆军的 There's an American army base nearby. 附近有个美国陆军基地。 An army jeep was parked outside their house. 一辆军用吉普车停在他们家门外。 Army officers have overthrown the government in a well planned coup d'état. 陆军军官们在一场精心策划的政变中推翻了该政府。 naval /ˈneɪvəl/ [adjective only before noun] connected with or used by the navy 海军的 His orders were to protect the port from naval attack. 他的命令是为了保护港口不受海军袭击。 a huge Chinese naval base 一个庞大的中国海军基地 Stedman spent nine months recovering in a naval hospital. 斯特德曼在一家海军医院进行了九个月的康复治疗。 air /eəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] connected with or used by the airforce 空军的 The island's defences have been badly damaged by recent air attacks. 该岛的防御工事在最近几次空袭中遭到严重的破坏。 Ground forces will be backed up by NATO air power. 地面部队将由北约组织的空军掩护。4 to join the army, navy etc 加入陆军、海军等 join /dʒɔɪn/ [transitive verb] join the army/navy/airforce/marines to become a member of the army, navy etc 加入陆军/海军/空军/海军陆战队 He wants to join the air force when he finishes school. 他想毕业之后加入空军。 Frank lied about his age in order to join the army. 弗兰克为了参军谎报了年龄。 join up /ˌdʒɔɪn ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to join the armed forces, especially during a war 〔尤指在战时〕从军,入伍 My dad joined up at the beginning of the war. 战争刚开始我爸爸就参军了。 enlist /ɪnˈlɪst/ [intransitive verb] to join the armed forces, either in peace time or during a war 〔和平时期或战争时期〕参军,入伍 By the end of 1915, over 700,000 men had enlisted. 到了1915年年底,已有七十多万人入伍。enlist in Frank enlisted in the marines at the age of 19. 弗兰克19岁时加入了海军陆战队。5 when people are made to join the army, navy etc 人们被征召加入陆军、海军等 conscription // also the draft /kənˈskrpʃən, ðə ˈdrɑːftǁ-ˈdræft/ [uncountable noun] American when people are officially ordered to join the armed forces, especially during a war 【美】〔尤指战时〕征兵 When was conscription introduced in Britain? 英国是何时引入征兵制度的?avoid/dodge the draft Many young men went abroad to avoid the draft. 许多年轻人出国逃避被征召入伍。 be conscripted /biː kənˈskrɪptd/ [verb phrase] if someone is conscripted, they are made to join the armed forces by law 应征入伍 Some of the men were volunteers, but most of them had been conscripted. 这些人当中有些是自愿参军的,但多数都是被征召入伍的。be conscripted into the army/the armed forces etc Many of the young soldiers who were conscripted into the army in World War I did not want to fight. 在第一次世界大战中有许多应征入伍的年轻士兵并不愿意上战场作战。 military service /national service British /ˌmɪlɪtəri ˈsɜːʳvsǁ-teri-, ˌnæʃənəl ˈsɜːʳvs/ [uncountable noun] the system in which everyone has to be a member of the armed forces for a period of time 义务兵役制 All males between the ages of 18 and 60 were liable for military service. 18至60岁的所有男性均有义务服兵役。 My father was exempted from military service on the grounds of ill health. 我父亲因身体不好而被免除兵役。 My father was posted to Germany during his national service, and that's where he met my mother. 我父亲服兵役期间被派驻德国,就在那里认识了我母亲。do military service Did you have to do military service? 你那时一定要服兵役吗? be called up British be drafted American /bi ˌkɔːld ˈʌp, biː ˈdrɑːftdǁ-ˈdræf-/ [verb phrase] to be officially ordered to join the armed forces during a war 〔战时〕被征召入伍 I was called up three months after the First World War broke out. 第一次世界大战爆发三个月以后,我就被征召入伍了。 Thousands of young Americans were drafted to fight in the war in Vietnam. 成千上万的美国青年人被征召赴越南作战。




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