

例句 GIVE1 to give something to someone without expecting to be paid for it2 to give something to everyone in a group3 to officially give something to someone4 something that you give someone on a special occasion5 to give money, food etc in order to help people6 something that is given to help people who need it7 to give something to someone in authority8 to officially give control of something to someone else9 to arrange for something to be given to someone after you die10 to give something that you have received to someone11 to give something to someone who had it before12 to give someone something that you would prefer to keep13 to give generously14 when several people give some of the total money needed15 to give something extra when someone buys something16 to give someone something useless or that you do not wantRELATED WORDSoppositeTAKEGETsee alsoPROVIDE/SUPPLYSHAREGENEROUS/NOT GENEROUSEXCHANGE1 to give something to someone without expecting to be paid for it 把某物给某人,不指望对方付钱 give /gɪv/ [transitive verb] give somebody something I gave my nieces and nephews $20 each. 我给了侄子侄女每人20美元。 Why don't we give her some flowers for her birthday? 我们为什么不送点鲜花给她作生日礼物? Let me give you some advice. 让我给你一些忠告。 They gave me this leaflet - it's really helpful. 他们送给我这本小册子—确实很有用。 Can you give me a ride to the office tomorrow? 明天让我搭你的车去上班好吗?give something to somebody Would you give this letter to your uncle when you see him? 你见到你叔叔时把这封信交给他好吗? Russell was accused of giving secret information to the enemy. 拉塞尔被指控向敌人泄露秘密情报。 let somebody have /ˌlet somebody ˈhæv/ [verb phrase not in passive] to give something to someone, especially something that they have asked for or something that they need 给某人〔尤指其所要或所需之物〕 She lets her kids have anything they want. 孩子们想要什么她就给什么。 One of my mum's friends was getting a new sofa, and so she let us have the old one. 我妈妈的一个朋友买了新沙发,所以就把旧的给了我们。 If you could let me have your suggestions, it would be very helpful. 如果你能给我一些建议,一定非常有用。 give away /ˌgɪv əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something that you own to someone else, especially because you do not want it or need it 送掉〔不想要或不需要的东西〕 give away something I gave away most of my old furniture because I didn't have room for it in my new apartment. 我把大部分旧家具都送了人,因为我的新公寓里放不下。give something away He decided to give all his money away and become a Buddhist monk. 他决定送掉所有的钱,然后去做和尚。give something away to somebody I don't need all this stuff - I'll give it away to the first person who asks for it. 这些东西我都不要了一谁第一个问我要就给谁。 pass /pɑːsǁpæs/ [transitive verb] to give something to someone by putting it in their hand or putting it near them, especially because they cannot reach it themselves 传〔给〕,递〔给〕〔尤因对方拿不到〕 Could you pass the salt, please? 请把盐递一下好吗?pass somebody something Would you pass me my sweater? It's on the back of your chair. 把我的毛衣递给我好吗?在你的椅子背上。pass something to somebody Ellis quickly passed the note to the woman, looking around to check that no one had noticed. 埃利斯往四下看看以确保无人察觉,很快地把纸条传给那个女人。 hand /hænd/ [transitive verb] to take something in your hand and give it to someone by putting it in their hand 交〔给〕,递〔给〕 hand somebody something The nurse handed me a glass of brown liquid and told me to drink it. 护士递给我一杯褐色液体叫我喝下去。 As the delegates entered the room they were each handed a name-badge. 代表们走进房间时,每个人都拿到了一块姓名牌。hand something to somebody Would you please hand your ticket to the man at the door. 请把你的票交给门口的人。 slip /slɪp/ [transitive verb] to quickly give someone something small such as money or a piece of paper, by putting it into their hand, especially so that other people do not notice 〔把小物品,如金钱或小纸片〕偷偷塞给〔某人〕 slip somebody something I know it's a private party, but if you slip the doorman $5, he'll let you in. 我知道这是私人聚会,但如果你偷偷塞给看门人五美元,他就会放你进去。slip something into somebody's hand/pocket etc During the meeting, she reached under the table and slipped a note into my hand. 开会时,她在桌下把一张纸条塞到我的手里。 spare /speəʳ/ [transitive verb] if you can spare a particular amount of something, you can only give that amount but no more because you need the rest for yourself 拨出,抽出 If anyone can spare a couple of hours a week to help out, it would be much appreciated. 如果谁能一个星期里抽出几小时的时间帮一下忙,我们将十分感激。 Dad, can you spare a fiver? 爸爸,可以给我五英镑吗?spare somebody something We don't have very much coffee, I'm afraid, but we can spare you a little. 不好意思,我们的咖啡不多了,但可以分给你一点。2 to give something to everyone in a group 把东西给予组里所有的人 hand out/give out /ˌhænd ˈaʊt, ˌgɪv ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something to all the people in a group 分发,分送 hand out/give out something The princess plans to hand out gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow. 王妃计划明天到一家儿童医院去分发礼物。 Don't start the test until I've finished giving out the question papers. 等我发完考卷才开始答题。hand/give out something to somebody Outside the embassy, students were handing out leaflets to everyone who walked past. 大使馆外,学生们在向每个过路人派发传单。hand/give something out I need some volunteers to hand programs out tonight. 我需要几个志愿者在今天晚上分发节目单。 pass around also pass round British /ˌpɑːs əˈraʊnd, ˌpɑːs ˈraʊndǁˌpæs-/ [transitive phrasal verb] if a group of people pass something around, one person takes it and gives it to the next person, who then gives it to the next person 传递 pass around something They passed around a list, and we each had to sign our name. 他们传过来一张名单,我们每个人都必须在上面签名。pass something around Don't keep all the chocolates to yourself - pass them around! 不要把所有的巧克力都留给自己—传给大家吃! distribute /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ [transitive verb] to give things out to a large number of people, especially in an organized way 〔尤指有计划地〕分发,分配,分送 Aid agencies are calling for local volunteers to help them distribute food and medicine. 救援机构呼吁当地志愿者帮助他们分发食物和药品。distribute something to somebody The Red Cross has started distributing food and blankets to villages in the flood area. 红十字会已开始把食品和毯子分发给水灾地区的村子。distribute something among somebody Medical supplies have been distributed among families affected by the epidemic. 医药用品已经分发给受传染病影响的家庭。 share out /ˌʃeər ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to divide something into equal parts and give a part to each person 平均分配,分摊 share out something As long as they share out the profits fairly, everyone will be happy. 只要公平分配利润,大家都会高兴。share something out Take these cookies and share them out. 把这些饼干拿去分给大家吃。share out something among/between somebody We've got three pizzas to share out between five people. 我们有三个比萨饼,五个人分着吃。 More than $1.7 million has been shared out among victims of the disaster. 已经有170多万美元分给了灾民。 hand around also hand round British /ˌhænd əˈraʊnd, ˌhænd ˈraʊnd/ [transitive phrasal verb] to go from person to person offering or politely giving them something such as a drink, food, etc 分发〔饮料、食物等〕 hand around something Dorothy was handing around coffee and biscuits when we arrived. 我们到达时,多萝西正在分发咖啡和饼干。 I'm handing round a summary of last week's lecture. 我要发给大家一份上星期课堂的摘要。hand something around Would you mind helping me hand the crackers around, please? 帮我分发一下饼干,行吗? serve /sɜːʳv/ [transitive verb] to give food and drinks to people, for example at a restaurant or a party 给…上菜,端上〔食物或饮料,尤指在餐厅里或聚会上〕 Dinner will be served at 8.30. 晚餐将于8点半开始。 Don't forget to serve the guests first. 不要忘了先给客人上菜。serve something to somebody We don't serve alcohol to anyone under 21. 我们不给21岁以下的人供应酒类。serve somebody with something As soon as they sat down, they were served with steaming bowls of soup. 他们一坐下来,热腾腾的汤就端上来了。 dish out/dole out /ˌdɪʃ ˈaʊt, ˌdəʊl ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something, especially food or money, to people who are waiting to receive it 分发〔尤指把食物或钱分给正等着要的人〕 dish/dole out something They want me to dress up as Santa Claus, and dish out presents at the kids’ Christmas party. 他们要我打扮成圣诞老人,在孩子们的圣诞晚会上分送礼物。 The federal government doles out $58 billion in student grants every year. 联邦政府每年都发放580亿美元的助学金。dish/dole something out Jo, would you dish the ice cream out? 乔,你把冰淇淋分给大家吃好吗?dish/dole out something to somebody Air stewardesses were doling out meals to the passengers. 空中小姐在向乘客分发餐食。3 to officially give something to someone 正式给予某人某物 award /əˈwɔːʳd/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to officially give someone something such as a prize, money etc, especially as a reward for their hard work or for something they have done 颁发〔奖品、奖金等〕 award somebody something She was awarded the Nobel Prize for her work in medical research. 她因在医学上所做的研究工作而获诺贝尔奖。 The management have awarded all factory employees a 5% pay increase. 资方给工厂里所有的雇员都加了5%的薪水。award somebody compensation/damages etc A woman who suffered brain damage during an operation has been awarded $300,000 in compensation. 一位在手术中大脑受到损伤的妇女已获得30万美元的赔偿金。 award [countable noun] The award ceremony will be held at the National Film Theatre tonight. 颁奖仪式将于今晚在国家电影院举行。 present /prɪˈzent/ [transitive verb] to give someone something at an official ceremony 〔在正式典礼上〕颁发,授予;呈献 present a prize/medal/trophy/certificate/award etc Who's going to present the prizes this year? 今年将由谁来颁奖? The trophy will be presented by last year's winner, Brett Butler. 奖杯将由去年的冠军布雷特·巴特勒颁发。present something to somebody A little girl presented a basket of flowers to the President's wife. 一个小女孩向总统夫人献上花篮。present somebody with something Last night Phil Donahue was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. 昨天晚上,菲尔·多纳休被国家电视艺术与科学学院授予终身成就奖。 presentation /ˌprezənˈteɪʃənǁˌpriːzenˈteɪʃən, -zən-/ [countable noun] Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer received the award at a star-studded presentation in London last night. 昨晚在伦敦的一个明星荟萃的颁奖仪式上,维克·里夫斯和鲍勃·莫蒂默都获奖了。 grant /grɑːntǁgrænt/ [transitive verb] to formally or officially give someone something that they have asked for, especially permission to do something 〔正式〕给予,准予〔尤指获授权而做〕 The company's application to build a billion dollar leisure complex has been granted by city hall. 公司建造价值十亿美元的休闲场所的申请已得到市政府批准。grant somebody something The authorities have refused to grant him a visa to visit the US. 当局已经拒绝给他发出访问美国的签证。grant somebody's request I am pleased to inform you that your request for housing benefit has been granted. 我很高兴地通知你,你的住房补贴申请已经得到批准。 confer /kənˈfɜːʳ/ [transitive verb] formal confer a degree/honour/title etc to officially give someone a degree, honour etc especially as a reward for something they have achieved 授予学位/荣誉/称号等 confer something on somebody The university has already conferred honorary degrees on several prime ministers. 大学已经向几位首相授予了荣誉学位。confer on somebody something The President trusted him so much that he conferred on him the role of ‘Principal Advisor’. 总统对他十分信任,授予他“首席顾问”一职。 allocate /ˈæləkeɪt/ [transitive verb] if someone in authority allocates something such as money, a house, a job etc to someone, they decide to give that person some of the money, or one of the houses, jobs etc that are available 〔当权者〕分配〔钱、房子、工作等〕;拨给 allocate something to somebody The company has allocated $1000 to the team to get the project started. 公司拨给这个小组1,000美元用以启动该项目。allocate somebody something Several single parent families have been allocated homes on the new site. 好几个单亲家庭已在新址分配到住房。 allocation /ˌæləˈkeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] The allocation of places at the university is based on candidates’ examination results. 这所大学按考生成绩进行录取。 allotted /əˈlɒtɪd, əˈlɒtədǁəˈlɑːt-/ [adjective only before noun] allotted money/time/space etc the money, time etc that has been officially given or allowed to someone in order for them to do something 分配到的钱/时间/空间等 This department has already spent all its allotted budget. 这个部门已经把所划拨的预算全花完了。 David wasn't able to finish the task within the allotted time. 戴维没法在限定时间内完成任务。4 something that you give someone on a special occasion 在特殊场合送给某人的物品 gift /gɪft/ [countable noun] something that you give to someone as a sign of friendship, love, respect, or as part of a formal ceremony 礼物,礼品 These candlesticks would make a lovely gift. 这些烛台将是很好的礼物。 I got this jacket as a gift. I wouldn't have chosen this color myself. 这件夹克是人家送我的,我自己不会选这种颜色。gift from In the hall was a magnificent vase, which was a gift from a Japanese businessman. 大堂里摆着一只漂亮的花瓶,那是一位日本商人赠送的礼物。 It was a gift to the US from the Chinese people. 这是中国人民送给美国的一件礼物。gift for I bought this CD as a gift for Jane, but she's already got it. 我买了这张CD唱片当礼物送给简,可是她已经有了。birthday/graduation/wedding etc gift especially American I'm going to go pick up a birthday gift for Uncle Warren, and then I'm going to go and see him. 我打算给沃伦叔叔挑件生日礼物,然后再去看看他。gift shop a shop that sells small things that are suitable for giving as gifts 礼品商店 There's a gift shop in the hotel. They have jewelry and souvenirs and stuff. 酒店里有一家礼品店,有珠宝、纪念品之类的东西出售。 present /ˈprezənt/ [countable noun] something that you give to someone on a special occasion, for example on their birthday or when they leave their job 礼物;赠品〔在生日或离职等特殊场合赠送〕 I've bought you all a present! 我给你们大家都买了礼物!get a present How many birthday presents did you get? 你收到了多少生日礼物?present for He got a lot of expensive presents for his 21st birthday. 他21岁生日收到了许多贵重的礼物。 ‘What's this?’ ‘It's a present for Valerie - she needs cheering up.’ “这是什么?”“这是给瓦莱丽的礼物—她需要人逗她开心。”present from The watch was a present from my mother. 那块手表是我母亲送的礼物。Christmas/birthday/wedding etc present We can't afford to spend much on Christmas presents this year. 今年我们拿不出很多钱来购买圣诞礼物。 reward /rɪˈwɔːʳd/ [countable noun] something, especially money, that you give someone because they have done something good or helpful 报酬;奖赏;奖金 reward of The parents of the missing boy are offering a reward of £10,000. 失踪男孩的父母悬赏一万英镑寻人。reward for The police say there is a $50,000 reward for any information that helps them find the killer. 警方说,凡是能提供任何信息帮助他们找到凶手的,可以领取五万美元奖金。 She got no reward for all the hard work she did. 她干得这么辛苦,却没有任何报酬。5 to give money, food etc in order to help people 为帮助别人而给予钱、食物等 give /gɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to give money to an organization that will use it to help people who are poor, sick, in trouble etc 捐赠,捐助 The British give animal welfare organizations over £200 million per year. 英国人每年向动物福利机构捐赠超过两亿英镑。 Please give generously, these children need your help. 请大家慷慨解囊,这些孩子需要你们的帮助。 We would be grateful for any donation that you are prepared to give. 如果你们愿意解囊相助,我们将非常感激。give something to somebody Local people have given over $100,000 to our Help a Child appeal. 当地人民已经捐赠了十多万美元,响应我们“帮助孩子”的呼吁。give to About a quarter of Britons regularly give to charity. 大约有1/4的英国人定期捐钱给慈善事业。 donate /dəʊnˈneɪtǁˈdəʊneɪt/ [transitive verb] to give money, or something useful or valuable, in order to help people - use this especially about things that are given by companies or organizations 捐赠〔尤用于指公司或组织〕 The books were donated by a local publishing company. 这些书由当地的一家出版公司捐赠。donate something to something The concert organizers say they will donate all profits to charity. 音乐会的筹办者说所有赢利都将捐给慈善事业。 make a donation /ˌmeɪk ə dəʊˈneɪʃən/ [verb phrase] to give an amount of money to an organization that will use it to help people 捐款 We're collecting money to build a hostel for homeless people - would you like to make a donation? 我们在募集资金为无家可归者建一个收容所,你愿意捐款吗?make a donation to The company made several large donations to charities. 这家公司几次向慈善机构捐赠巨额钱款。 go to /ˈgəʊ tuː/ [transitive verb not in passive] if something such as a sum of money goes to someone, especially to a group of people who are poor, hungry, sick etc, it is given to them 〔钱财等〕给予〔尤指一群穷人、饥民、病人等〕 All the money raised will go to local charities. 所募集到的所有钱款都将捐给当地的慈善机构。 charity /ˈtʃærɪti, ˈtʃærəti/ [countable/uncountable noun] an organization that collects money or goods from people who give them, and uses them to help people who need help 慈善机构 Elton John has campaigned for a number of AIDS charities. 埃尔顿·约翰为许多艾滋病慈善机构发起过运动。give/donate something to charity The corporation has donated nearly $70 million to children's charities over the past 17 years. 这家公司在过去的17年里向儿童福利机构捐献了将近七千万美元。 Clear out all the clothes you never wear, and give them to charity. 把你从来都不穿的衣服都整理出来捐给慈善机构。go to charity All profits from the show will go to charity. 这次演出的所有收益都将用于慈善事业。do something for charity They aim to walk 30 miles for charity. 他们的目标是为慈善步行30英里。a charity ball/lunch/concert etc an event organized to make money for charity 慈善舞会/午宴/演唱会等 Porter spent his retirement years organizing charity golf tournaments throughout the United States. 波特退休之后在全美各地组办慈善高尔夫球锦标赛。 donor /ˈdəʊnəʳ/ [countable noun] a person, organization, or country that gives something, especially money, to another organization or country so that they can use it to help other people 捐赠者 Money for the new health centre has come mostly from private donors. 用于新保健中心的资金大部分都是私人捐赠的。 Some donor countries have criticized the way in which their aid is being distributed. 一些捐赠国家对援助物品的分配方法提出了批评。 blood/kidney etc donor /ˈblʌd ˌdəʊnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who gives blood or a part of their body so that it can be used in the medical treatment of someone else 捐血者/捐献肾脏者等 The patient needs a liver transplant, and the search has begun for a suitable donor. 病人需要做肝脏移植手术,而寻找合适器官捐献者的工作已经开始。 Unless more blood donors come forward, it may be necessary to cancel some operations. 如果没有更多的捐血者,一些手术或须取消。 benefactor /ˈbenɪˌfæktəʳ, ˈbenəˌfæktəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who gives something, especially a large amount of money, to an organization or institution such as a school, hospital or library 捐助者;赞助人〔尤指捐一大笔钱给某组织或社会机构的人〕 Getty had been the museum's chief benefactor. 格蒂曾是博物馆的主要捐助人。 The painting was bought by an anonymous benefactor, and donated to the Museum of Modern Art. 这幅画作是一位不愿透露姓名的捐赠人买来捐赠给现代艺术博物馆的。 philanthropist /fɪˈlænθrəpəst, fəˈlænθrəpəst/ [countable noun] a rich person who gives a lot of money to help poorer people 慈善家 In Victorian times, factory owners were often also philanthropists. 在维多利亚时代,工厂主常常也是慈善家。 the millionaire philanthropist, Graham Paulo 乐善好施的百万富翁格雷厄姆·保罗6 something that is given to help people who need it 为了帮助需要的人而给予的东西 donation /dəʊˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] something, especially money that is given to help people 捐赠物〔尤指钱〕 Any donation, however small, will be gratefully received. 任何捐赠,不管多么少,我们都会感激地收下。 The Famine Appeal has raised more than a million pounds through private donations and fund-raising activities. 赈饥会通过私人捐赠和筹款活动筹集到一百多万英镑。 charity /ˈtʃærɪti, ˈtʃærəti/ [uncountable noun] money or help given to help the poor, the sick etc 赈济金,施舍物 Many homeless people are too proud to ask for charity. 许多无家可归的人自尊心太强,不想申请救济。 The organization depends on charity, and on volunteer workers who are prepared to give up their time. 这个组织依靠的是慈善捐款,以及愿意献出时间的义务工作者。 aid /eɪd/ [uncountable noun] money, food, medicine etc that is given by a government or organization to the people of another country or to people who are in a very difficult situation 政府或组织给予的〕援助物资;援助 Aid is not getting through to the refugees. 援助物资没有送达难民手中。foreign/overseas aid The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding. 这个教育计划依靠外国援助,资金问题已经和美国的国际发展机构联系过了。aid agency an organization that brings aid to people in places where there is war, not enough food etc 救援机构 Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation. 庄稼再次歉收,国际救援机构警告说有大规模饥荒的威胁。aid worker someone who works for an aid agency 救援人员 An Italian aid worker was kidnapped by rebels last month, and still hasn't been released. 上月一名意大利救援人员遭叛军绑架,至今仍未获释。 handout /ˈhændaʊt/ [countable noun] money, food etc that is given to someone who is poor - use this especially when you think they should not be given it or should not have to ask for it 施舍〔物〕〔指金钱、食物等,尤用于你认为某人不该领受或申请时〕 The unemployed need jobs, not government handouts! 失业者需要工作,而不是政府的施舍! She applied for a bank loan because she did not want to depend on her father for handouts. 她申请银行贷款是因为她不想依赖于父亲的施舍。7 to give something to someone in authority 把某物交给掌权的人 hand in/give in /ˌhænd ˈɪn, ˌgɪv ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something to someone in authority, for example to the police or a teacher 呈交,交上 hand/give in something When you leave the hotel, please hand in your key at the desk. 离开旅馆时,请把钥匙交到服务台。 Luckily, someone gave in her purse at the lost property office. 幸好有人把她的钱包交到了失物认领处。hand/give something in Have you given your English assignment in yet? 你的英语作业交了没有? turn in/turn over /ˌtɜːʳn ˈɪn, ˌtɜːʳn ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something such as weapons or important documents to the police or to government officials, when you should not legally have them or you have been officially asked to give them 上缴;上交〔武器或重要文件等〕 turn something in/over Police are encouraging people to turn illegal weapons in at their local police station. 警方鼓励人们将非法拥有的武器上交到当地的警察局。turn in/over something to somebody The government is refusing to turn over the documents to the UN inspection team. 该政府拒绝向联合国检查小组交出文件。 hand over /ˌhænd ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something to someone because they have asked or forced you to 因被要求或强迫而〕交出 hand over something The robbers forced them to hand over the money. 劫匪强迫他们交出钱。 ‘Give us a bit of your rum,’ he said. Virginia handed over the bottle. “给我们一点你的朗姆酒。”他说。弗吉尼娅就把酒瓶递了过去。hand something over If you don't hand it over I'll shoot! 要是你不把它交出来,我就开枪了! hand somebody over/turn somebody over /ˌhænd somebody ˈəʊvəʳ, ˌtɜːʳn somebody ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give a prisoner to another group of people, especially the police or the people in authority in another country 移交〔犯人,尤指交给警方或另一国家的政府〕 hand/turn somebody over to somebody The terrorists were taken to the airport, where they were handed over to the French authorities. 恐怖分子被带到机场,在那里他们被移交给了法国当局。hand/turn over somebody The kidnappers promised to go to the embassy and turn over all their hostages within 24 hours. 绑匪答应24小时之内去大使馆交出所有人质。 pass on /ˌpɑːs ˈɒnǁˌpæs-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give information or documents to another person 传达〔信息或文件〕 Officials admitted that they failed to pass on important information. 官员们承认他们没有把重要信息传达下去。pass on something to somebody It was discovered that he had been passing secrets on to the Russians whilst working at the Pentagon. 有人发现他在五角大楼工作时向俄罗斯提供秘密情报。pass something on to somebody He was accused of stealing secret documents and passing them on to the enemy. 他被指控窃取机密文件交给敌人。 surrender /səˈrendəʳ/ [transitive verb] formal to give your power or possessions to someone else because you have been forced to or have agreed to 【正式】〔因被迫或答应过〕交出〔权力或所有物〕 The President has indicated that he intends to surrender power on February 7th. 总统已经表示,他打算于2月7日交出权力。surrender something to somebody They promised to abide by the peace agreement and surrender all their weapons to the occupying forces. 他们答应遵守和平协议,并向占领部队交出所有武器。 sign away /ˌsaɪn əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to let someone else have your possessions or rights by officially signing a legal document 签字放弃〔所有物或权利〕 With a stroke of the pen he signed away his claim to the family estate. 他大笔一挥,签字放弃了对家产的权利。 Her husband has tricked her into signing away her rights to the property. 她丈夫用计骗她签字放弃了拥有财产的权利。sign something away ‘I have no intention whatsoever of signing my inheritance away,’ she informed him coldly. “我丝毫没有放弃继承遗产的打算。”她冷冷地对他说。 relinquish /rɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/ [transitive verb] to let someone else have your position, power or rights, especially unwillingly 交出,放弃〔职位、权力或权利,尤指不情愿地〕 The Prince was persuaded to relinquish his claim to the throne. 王子被说服放弃王位继承权。 The United States is pressing the rebel army to relinquish power. 美国在强迫叛军交出权力。8 to officially give control of something to someone else 正式把某物的控制权交给别人 hand over /ˌhænd ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] hand over something (to somebody) In 1997 the sovereignty of Hong Kong was handed over to China. 香港的主权于1997年移交给中国。 It was only after many legal battles that he agreed to hand over the farm. 只有在经历了多次法庭争辩之后,他才答应交出农场。hand something over (to somebody) She was forced to hand executive control over to the new board. 她被迫向新的董事会交出行政权。 handover /ˈhændəʊvəʳ/ [uncountable noun] Negotiations have begun in preparation for the handover of power to the new government. 准备向新政府移交权力的谈判已经开始。 transfer /trænsˈfɜːʳ/ [transitive verb] transfer power/responsibility/control etc to officially give it to another person, organization, or country 移交权力/责任/控制权等给… transfer something to somebody The military government is refusing to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government. 军政府拒绝把权力移交给经民主选举产生的人民政府。 In 1923 the ownership of the forest was transferred to a rich Dutch family. 这座森林的所有权于1923年转给了一个富有的荷兰家族。 transfer /ˈtrænsfɜːʳ/ [uncountable noun] transfer of The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully. 权力迅速而和平地移交了。 make over /ˌmeɪk ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to officially give something such as money or property by signing a legal document, so that it then belongs to someone else 〔正式依法〕移交,转让〔资金、财产等〕 make over something to somebody Before he died he made over the family business to his daughter. 他去世前把家族生意传给了女儿。make something over to somebody Elderly people sometimes unknowingly make huge sums of money over to unscrupulous business advisers. 老人们有时会不知不觉地把大笔资金移交给不诚实的业务顾问。9 to arrange for something to be given to someone after you die 安排死后将某物馈赠给某人 leave /liːv/ [transitive verb] to arrange for something to be given to someone after you die 遗赠;遗留 leave something to somebody He left £1000 to each of the nurses who had looked after him. 他遗赠给曾经照顾过他的护士每人1,000英镑。leave somebody something My aunt died last year and left me some of her furniture. 我姑妈去年过世,留了一些旧家具给我。 bequeath /bɪˈkwiːð, bɪˈkwiːθ/ [transitive verb] formal to officially arrange for something you own to be given to someone else after your death 【正式】遗赠给 bequeath something to somebody She bequeathed her collection of paintings to the National Gallery. 她把自己收藏的画作遗赠给了国家美术馆。bequeath somebody something John Frazer made a will bequeathing his local church $5000. 约翰·弗雷泽立下遗嘱,将5,000美元赠与当地教堂。 will /wɪl/ [countable noun] an official document that says who your money and possessions will be given to after you die 遗嘱 make a will write a will 立遗嘱 He made a will just hours before he died. 他临死之前几个小时才立好遗嘱。leave somebody something in your will Mrs Williams left her daughter $200,000 in her will. 威廉斯夫人在遗嘱里给她女儿留了20万美元。cut somebody out of your will change your will so that someone does not get any of your money or possessions 取消某人的遗产继承权 When Henrietta told her father that she was going to marry Weinberger, he threatened to cut her out of his will. 亨丽埃塔告诉父亲说她要嫁给温伯格,他就威胁要更改遗嘱,剥夺她的继承权。 will /wɪl/ [transitive verb] formal to give something to someone after you die, by writing it down in an official document 【正式】立遗嘱把〔某物〕遗赠 will something to somebody Wilson established a fine collection of artworks, which he willed to Peale's Museum. 威尔逊收集了一批精美的艺术作品,他立了遗嘱要赠给皮尔博物馆。10 to give something that you have received to someone 把你得到的东西给某人 pass on /ˌpɑːs ˈɒnǁˌpæs-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something that has been given to you to someone else, especially after you have finished using it 把〔某物〕传给〔尤指用完后〕 pass something on (to somebody) There's only one copy of the leaflet, so when you've read it please pass it on. 只有一本小册子,所以你看完后请传给别人。pass on something (to somebody) When he gave up playing football, he passed on all his gear to me. 他不踢足球了,于是把所有的运动服给了我。 be handed down /biː ˌhændd ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase] if something is handed down, it is given to a younger person in the same family, for example to a sister or brother, or to a son or daughter 〔某物〕被传给〔家中年纪小的人或后代〕 be handed down to In most big families, clothes are handed down to younger brothers and sisters. 在多数大家庭中,衣服都要传给弟弟妹妹穿。 The ring had been handed down to her from her grandmother. 这只戒指是从她祖母传下来给她的。 traditional shipbuilding skills that have been handed down from generation to generation 代代相传的传统造船技术be handed down from mother to daughter/from father to son ancient stories handed down from father to son 由父亲到儿子一代一代传下来的古老传说11 to give something to someone who had it before 把某物归还给某人 give back /ˌgɪv ˈbæk/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something to the person who gave it to you 归还 give something back Don't forget to give my pen back when you've finished with it. 用完我的钢笔后别忘了还给我。give something back to somebody He still hasn't given that book back to me. 他还没有把那本书还给我。give somebody something back I looked at the letter, then gave her it back. 我看了看那封信,然后还给了她。 We'll have to cancel the show and give the audience their money back. 我们不得不取消演出,把钱退还给观众。 hand back /ˌhænd ˈbæk/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give something back to someone by hand 交还,归还 hand something back (to somebody) Here's the file you want. Please hand it back when you've finished with it. 这是你要的档案,用完后请即归还。 The official looked at her identity card carefully and then handed it back to her. 那个官员仔细查看了她的身份证,然后还给了她。hand back something (to somebody) Teachers will hand back student assignments after the vacation. 老师将于假期过后发还学生的作业。 She handed back the photograph to him. 她把照片还给了他。 return /rɪˈtɜːʳn/ [transitive verb] formal to give something to the person or organization that owns it, especially after you have borrowed it from them 【正式】归还,交回 You must return all your library books before the end of the year. 年底之前必须归还所有从图书馆借的书。return something to somebody Your passport will be returned to you when you check out of your hotel. 你办理退房手续的时候会把护照还给你。return something to its rightful owner give something back to the person who has the right to own it 还给其合法主人 Since the end of the war, many of the paintings have been found and returned to their rightful owners. 战争结束以后,许多画作都已找到,还给了其合法的主人。 restore /rɪˈstɔːʳ/ [transitive verb] formal to give something valuable back to its owner, especially after it has been taken from them 【正式】归还〔值钱的东西〕 restore something to somebody In 1905 both Japan and Russia agreed to restore Manchuria to China. 1905年,日本和俄国都同意把满洲还给中国。restore something to its rightful owner give something back to the person who has the right to own it 还给其合法的主人 After decades of colonial rule, the land was finally restored to its rightful owners. 经过了几十年的殖民统治,这块土地终于交还给了其合法的主人。12 to give someone something that you would prefer to keep 把自己想保留的东西给某人 give up /ˌgɪv ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] give up something Fania was prepared to give up all her jewelry to help her father get out of debt. 法妮娅准备卖掉她所有的珠宝帮助父亲还债。 Russia is very unlikely to give up its nuclear weapons. 俄罗斯不可能放弃核武器。give something up Americans love their cars, and no-one is going to persuade them to give them up. 美国人热爱汽车,没有人打算说服他们放弃。 let something go /ˌlet something ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] to unwillingly give or sell something to someone, for example because they have won it from you or you cannot afford to keep it any longer 〔不情愿地〕放弃某物;让出某物 They've held the world record for many years, and they're not going to let it go without a fight. 他们的世界纪录保持了多年,不经过拼争他们决不轻言放弃。 I've nowhere to store all this china, so I'm letting the whole lot go for $50. 我没有地方储藏所有这些瓷器,因此我将以50美元全部出让。 part with /ˈpɑːʳt wɪð something/ [transitive phrasal verb] to unwillingly give or sell something that is very important to you 〔不情愿地〕舍弃;出售 I'm reluctant to part with any of my precious books. 那些珍贵的书籍我一本都不愿卖掉。 The new house was much smaller, and we had to part with things that we had been hoarding for years. 新房子小了很多,我们不得不舍弃一些保存了多年的东西。 sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs, ˈsækrəfaɪs/ [transitive verb] to agree or decide to stop having something that is valuable, especially in order to gain something more important 〔尤指为得到更重要的东西而〕牺牲,舍弃 sacrifice something to do something He sacrificed a promising career to look after his handicapped daughter. 他为了照顾有残疾的女儿牺牲了一份有前途的职业。sacrifice something for something The nation is not prepared to sacrifice its independence for the sake of an alliance with a powerful neighbour. 该国不愿意为了与一个强大的邻国结盟而牺牲本国的独立。 trade away /ˌtreɪd əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to let someone take a right, advantage etc from you - use this when you think someone is stupid to do this 放弃〔权利、有利条件等以换取所需之物,用于表示这是愚蠢的做法〕 trade away something for lose one thing and gain another 放弃某物换取 The Unions would be wrong to trade away their future for short-term financial gain. 工会用自己的未来去换取短期的经济利益是错误的。trade away something It's disgusting to trade away your democratic rights in this way. 以这种方式放弃自己的民主权利令人厌恶。13 to give generously 慷慨地给予 be generous /biː ˈdʒenərəs/ [verb phrase] We've received thousands of dollars to help the children -- people have been incredibly generous. 我们收到了数千美元用以帮助这些儿童—人们都非常慷慨。be generous to He was very generous to her when they divorced, and let her keep the house and the car. 他们离婚时,他对她十分慷慨,把房子和汽车都留给了她。be generous with something give a lot of something 慷慨地付出某物 When it comes to training, Marion's always been generous with her time. 在培训方面,玛丽昂一向很舍得花时间。 lavish something on /ˈlævɪʃ something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] lavish gifts/attention/affection etc on someone to give a lot of gifts, attention etc to someone, especially in an uncontrolled or wasteful way 〔过分〕慷慨地给予某人礼物/关注/爱等 When the series was first shown, the media lavished praise on its creator David Lynch. 这个系列片最初播出的时候,媒体就对它的创作者大卫·林奇赞不绝口。 Pet owners lavish love and attention on animals because they're a lot easier to deal with than their fellow human beings. 宠物主人对动物倾注大量的关爱,这是因为动物比自己的人类同胞更容易应付。 shower /ˈʃaʊəʳ/ [transitive verb] shower somebody with gifts/affection/praise etc to give someone a lot of gifts, love, prizes etc 给某人大量的礼物/爱/赞美等 Trudi was treated as a special guest and was showered with gifts everywhere she went. 特鲁迪被视为贵宾,每到一地都有人向她赠送大量礼物。 His family loved him so much they showered him with affection. 他的家人非常喜欢他,对他倾注了大量的爱。shower something on/upon somebody When Elvis first became famous he had honours and awards showered upon him. 埃尔维斯最初成名时,荣誉和奖项就纷至沓来。14 when several people give some of the total money needed 几个人都给所需要的钱出一份 contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to give some of the money that is needed to pay for something 捐献;捐助 contribute to I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to the hospital appeal. 我想对响应医院的呼吁作出捐献的各位表示感谢。contribute something to/towards something My parents said they would contribute something towards the cost of my driving lessons. 我父母说他们愿意出点钱分担一些我上驾驶课的费用。 make a contribution /ˌmeɪk ə ˌkɒntrˈbjuːʃənǁ-ˌkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to give an amount of money that when added to money given by other people, can be used to pay for something useful 捐款;凑钱 If we all make a contribution, we'll be able to get him something really nice. 如果我们大家都凑点钱,就可以给他买一样很好的东西。make a contribution to/towards Several local businesses have made contributions towards our new school bus. 几家当地的企业捐钱给我们买新的校车。 have a collection /ˌhæv ə kəˈlekʃən/ [verb phrase] to collect money from each of the people in a group, especially in order to buy something for someone 募捐;凑钱〔尤指为了给某人买东西〕 They had a collection at the bar and they raised over $80. 他们在酒吧募捐,筹集了八十多美元。have a collection for We're having a collection for Jane's birthday present. 我们在凑钱给简买生日礼物。 chip in /ˌtʃɪp ˈɪn/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] informal if everyone in a group chips in an amount of money, they each give an amount so that they can pay for something together 【非正式】凑份子;凑集 We all chipped in to pay for the food and wine. 我们大家都出了钱买食品和酒。 When Mona retired, all her co-workers chipped in and bought her a lovely dinner service. 莫娜退休的时候,她所有的同事都凑钱给她买了一套精美的餐具。chip in with Electronics firm Compol chipped in with over $20,000. 电子产品公司康贝出了两万多美元。 pay/give towards British /give toward something American /ˈpeɪ, ˈgɪv təˌwɔːʳdz, ˈgɪv təˌwɔːʳd something/ [verb phrase] to give part of the money needed to pay for something 〔为买某物〕凑钱 pay/give something towards something I don't mind paying something towards Samantha's wedding present. 我不介意出一部分钱给萨曼莎买结婚礼物。 She feels it's partly her fault the TV's broken, so she's ready to pay $50 toward a new one. 她觉得电视机坏了她也有责任,所以准备在买新电视机的时候出50美元。pay/give towards something Although students receive government grants, parents are still expected to pay towards living costs. 虽然学生可以领到政府的助学金,家长还是应该承担一部分生活费用。 have a whip-round /ˌhæv ə ˈwɪp raʊnd/ [verb phrase] British informal if a group of people have a whip-round, everyone in the group immediately gives some money in order to buy something with the total amount that is collected 【英,非正式】〔一群人即时〕募捐;凑份子 It's Sally's birthday tomorrow. We'd better have a whip-round so we can get her a present. 明天是萨莉的生日,我们最好凑点钱给她买件礼物。15 to give something extra when someone buys something 某人购买某物时附送另外的东西 give away /ˌgɪv əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] if a company gives away something, they give it to people when they buy the company's products 〔购物时〕赠送 give away something (with something) They're giving away free wine glasses when you spend more than $15 on gas. 买汽油超过15美元,他们就赠送酒杯。 700 concert tickets were given away to people buying CDs or cassettes. 700张音乐会门票赠送给了购买CD唱片或盒式磁带的人。give something away (with something) ‘Where did you get that badge?’ ‘They're giving them away with this week's Melody Maker magazine.’ “你是在哪儿弄到那枚徽章的?“是买本周《旋律制造者》杂志时送的。” throw in /ˌθrəʊ ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to give someone something at no additional cost when they buy something from you 〔售物者〕额外赠送 throw in something The person selling the house may offer to throw in the carpets and curtains as part of the deal. 售房者可能会赠送地毯和窗帘作为交易的一部分。throw something in Never mind the chairs -- I'll throw them in with the table. 不必担心那些椅子—我会随桌子奉送给你。 free gift /ˌfriː ˈgɪft/ [countable noun] something, usually something not very valuable, that is given to you when you buy something else 〔通常为不值钱的〕赠品 Most banks offer students a free gift when they open a new account. 多数银行在学生开新账户的时候会给他们一份赠品。 Your Free Gift From Cachet. A perfume atomiser with every 50ml Eau de Toilette purchase. “威望”有免费赠品,购买50毫升的香露一瓶可获赠香水喷雾器一个。16 to give someone something useless or that you do not want 给某人没有用或自己不想要的东西 palm something off on /ˌpɑːm something ˈɒf ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to get rid of something that you do not want by giving or selling it to someone else without telling them about its faults 【非正式】哄骗…接受某物 If he tries to palm that old Ford of his off on you, just tell him you're not interested. 如果他想哄你买他那辆旧福特,你就告诉他说你没有兴趣。 I've managed to palm that early morning class off on Mary - she's desperate for work. 我已经把那早上的课打发给玛丽去上了,她急着要找工作。 fob somebody off with /ˌfɒb somebody ˈɒf wɪðǁˌfɑːb-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make someone accept something that is not as good as or not the same as the thing that they actually wanted 用〔劣货、假货〕哄骗某人 Don't let him fob you off with some cheap imported whisky -- you want the real thing. 别让他拿一些便宜的进口威士忌酒来蒙骗你—你要的是真货。 People are much more selective about what they watch on TV these days, and they don't want to be fobbed off with any old rubbish. 如今人们看电视挑剔多了,那些乱七八糟的旧东西哄不了他们。 offload /ɒfˈləʊdǁɔːf-/ [transitive verb] to get rid of something such as work or responsibility that you have by giving part of it to someone else 卸去〔工作或责任〕,减轻 You should try and offload some of your duties and relax more, instead of spending all day at the office. 你应该想办法减去一些职务,多放松放松,不要整天都待在办公室里。 The bank are trying to offload some of their US holdings. 该银行在设法减持一些在美国的股份。




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