

例句 FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING1 frightened of someone or something2 when you do not want to do something because you are frightened3 to be suddenly frightened4 to make someone feel frightened5 making you feel frightened6 to deliberately frighten someone7 someone who easily gets frightened8 the feeling of being frightened9 an event or situation that frightens people10 a film or story that is intended to frighten youRELATED WORDSshake because you are frightened 因恐惧而颤抖 SHAKE (2)see alsoNERVOUSBRAVE/NOT BRAVECONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENTSCREAMGHOSTMAGICSTRANGE1 frightened of someone or something 害怕某人或某事 frightened /ˈfraɪtnd/ [adjective] feeling very nervous and afraid of someone or something, because you think something bad is going to happen to you because of them 害怕的;惊恐的〔因担心会遭遇不幸〕 Don't be frightened, it's only thunder. 别害怕,只是打雷。 Two frightened children were hiding in a corner of the room. 两个惊慌的小孩躲在房间的角落里。frightened of A lot of people are frightened of dentists. 许多人都怕牙医。 Are you frightened of the dark? 你怕黑吗?frightened to do something I was frightened to move in case the branch broke. 我不敢动,怕一动树枝就会断掉。frightened of doing something He was frightened of making mistakes. 他怕出错。frightened (that) I was frightened my parents would get divorced, and wished that there was something I could do to make them happy again. 我害怕父母会离婚,希望我能做些什么使他们和好如初。 Alice kept perfectly still, frightened that the dog might attack her. 艾丽斯一动不动,害怕狗会咬她。 afraid /əˈfreɪd/ [adjective not before noun] frightened 害怕的,恐惧的 Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. 别害怕,我不会伤害你的。afraid of He had a terrible temper and everyone was afraid of him. 他脾气暴躁,人人都怕他。 It's amazing how many people are afraid of spiders. 这么多的人害怕蜘蛛真是令人费解。afraid (that) Billy was afraid his aunt would punish him if he owned up. 比利害怕自己承认的话姑妈会惩罚他。afraid to do something She was afraid to speak up in front of all these important people. 她害怕在这么多重要人物面前侃侃而谈。afraid of doing something I didn't tell anyone, because I was afraid of being punished afraid I might be punished. 我没告诉任何人,因为我怕受到惩罚。 scared /skeəʳd/ [adjective not before noun] especially spoken frightened 【尤口】害怕的,恐惧的 The first time I went on a motorcycle I was really scared. 我第一次坐摩托车时非常害怕。scared of She's always been scared of heights. 她一直恐高。scared to do something I stood still, scared to move forward and scared to go back. 我站着不动,不敢前进也不敢退后。scared of doing something I think they were all scared of offending him. 我觉得他们全都害怕得罪他。scared (that) I hate reading out my work in class - I'm scared that people are going to laugh at me. 我很讨厌当着全班把我的作业读出来,我怕同学们会嘲笑我。scared stiff/scared to death very scared 吓呆了/害怕得要死 When he came back he looked scared stiff, as if he'd seen a ghost. 他回来时看上去害怕得要命,好像见了鬼似的。 terrified /ˈterɪfaɪd, ˈterəfaɪd/ [adjective] extremely frightened 极度惊恐的,吓坏的 The faces of the four terrified teenagers looked up at us. 四个吓坏了的青少年抬起脸看着我们。terrified of He's absolutely terrified of snakes. 他非常怕蛇。terrified to do something The little boy cowered behind the tree, terrified to make a sound. 小男孩畏缩在树后,吓得不敢出声。terrified (that) I was terrified that my father would find out I had lied to him. 我极害怕父亲会发现我对他撒了谎。absolutely terrified I couldn't move - I was absolutely terrified. 我无法动弹—我害怕极了。 petrified /ˈpetrɪfaɪd, ˈpetrəfaɪd/ [adjective] extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move 吓呆的;极害怕的 She just stood there, petrified at the thought of the crowds waiting outside. 她就站在那儿,一想起人群在外面等着她就害怕极了。absolutely petrified He had the gun pointed at my head. I was absolutely petrified. 他把枪对着我的脑袋。我都吓呆了。petrified of She's a very nervous dog, and she's petrified of traffic. 它是条很胆怯的狗,被来往车辆吓坏了。be petrified with fear He was petrified with fear as I held my knife in front of him. 我持刀站在他面前时,他被吓呆了。 panic-stricken /ˈpænɪk ˌstrɪkən/ [adjective] so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly, especially when something has suddenly frightened you 惊慌失措的;万分恐慌的〔尤某事突然发生时〕 A few seconds after the explosion the street was full of panic-stricken people, fleeing in all directions. 爆炸发生几秒钟后,街上全都是惊慌失措、四处逃散的人。 Mr Cottle dashed in, looking panic-stricken. 科特尔先生冲了进来,看上去惊慌失措的。 In a panic-stricken attempt to free herself from Annie's grip, she snatched the scissors off the table. 她万分惊恐,企图挣脱安妮的手,便一把抓起桌上的那把剪刀。 live in fear /ˌlɪv ɪn ˈfɪəʳ/ [verb phrase] to always be afraid of something unpleasant that is fairly likely to happen 终日害怕〔不快的事情要发生〕 Until security can be assured, the people here will continue to live in fear. 在安全得到保障之前,这里的人将继续在恐惧中生活。live in fear of something/doing something After leaking the secret document, Sarah lived in fear of being found out. 泄露了机密文件之后,萨拉成天诚惶诚恐,怕被人发现。live in fear (that) A surgeon lives in constant fear that something will go wrong in an operation when he's feeling tired. 外科医生老是担心自己感到疲倦时手术会出什么差错。 scared stiff/scared out of your wits/scared to death /ˌskeəʳd ˈstɪf, ˌskeəʳd aʊt əv jɔːʳ ˈwɪts, ˌskeəʳd tə ˈdeθ/ [adjective phrase] informal extremely frightened 【非正式】吓呆的/吓坏的/吓得半死的 You must have been scared stiff when you saw the car coming straight towards you. 你看到汽车一直朝你开来,一定是吓呆了。 Helen had to go for an interview with the school Principal -- she was scared stiff. 海伦得到校长那儿去面谈—她都吓呆了。 I knew a man was following me, and I was scared out of my wits. 我知道有个男人跟着我,都吓得魂不附体了。 Some of the prisoners were only 16 or 17, and they looked scared to death. 有几个囚犯才十六七岁—他们看上去吓得半死。2 when you do not want to do something because you are frightened 不敢做某事 be afraid/be frightened/be scared /biː əˈfreɪd, biː ˈfraɪtnd, biː ˈskeəʳd/ [verb phrase] to be unwilling to do something because you are frightened about what may happen if you do it. Be scared is more informal than be afraid or be frightened 感到害怕〔be scared比be afraid或be frightened 更加非正式〕 I wanted to talk to you about it, but I was frightened. 我想和你谈谈那件事,可我很害怕。 We are urging our citizens to carry on as normal and not be afraid. 我们要求市民保持正常生活,不必惊慌。 A lot of young children are frightened the first time they are put on a horse's back. 许多小孩第一次被放上马背时都感到害怕。be afraid/be frightened/be scared to do something Many old people are afraid to go out at night. 许多老人害怕晚上外出。be afraid/be frightened/be scared of doing something She asked me to come with her because she was scared of going there on her own. 她要我同她一起去,因为她很怕单独去那里。 He's frightened of flying in case there's a bomb on the plane. 他害怕乘飞机,怕万一飞机里有炸弹。be afraid/be frightened/be scared (that) She was afraid that if she went to the police, her husband would beat her up again. 她害怕要是去报警,丈夫又要痛打她。 be terrified /biː ˈterfaɪd/ [verb phrase] to be unwilling to do something because you are extremely frightened about what may happen if you do it 害怕,恐惧〔某事会发生而不愿做某事〕 When my name was finally called I was terrified. 当我的名字终于被叫到时,我怕得要死。be terrified (that) I didn't tell my parents I was pregnant. I was terrified that they would throw me out of the house. 我没把自己怀孕的事告诉父母,我害怕他们会把我赶出家门。be terrified of doing something They always travel by boat because Jimmy's terrified of flying. 他们总是乘船出游,因为吉米害怕乘飞机。be terrified to do something She was too terrified to jump from the flames. 她恐惧极了,不敢从火灾现场跳下去。 dread /dred/ [transitive verb] to feel worried and frightened about something you have to do 害怕;担心 I have to go to the dentist's tomorrow, and I'm dreading it. 明天我得去看牙医,我很害怕。dread doing something The Wilsons were coming back from holiday today, and I was dreading telling them what had happened while they were away. 威尔逊一家今天要度假回来了,我不敢把他们外出时发生的事告诉他们。 fear /fɪəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] written to be frightened about what may happen if you do something 【书面】害怕;担心 Many of the gang's victims refused to give information to the police because they feared reprisals. 许多受到过这帮歹徒侵害的人都拒绝给警方提供信息,因为他们害怕遭到报复。fear (that) The rescuers dug slowly and carefully, fearing that the wreckage might collapse on top of them. 营救人员小心翼翼地慢慢挖掘,担心残骸会从他们头上塌下来。 be fearful /biː ˈfɪəʳfəl/ [verb phrase] formal to be unwilling to do something because you are worried about the possibility of trouble or danger 【正式】害怕;担心〔可能会带来麻烦或危险而不做某事〕 be fearful of The Energy Department, fearful of public reaction, has cancelled its plans to build four new nuclear reactors. 能源部因担心会引起公众的不满,取消了兴建四个新的核反应堆的计划。be fearful of doing something The threats left her plagued by nightmares, and fearful of making public appearances. 这些威胁使她受到恶梦的侵扰,并且不敢公开露面。be fearful (that) She gave up smoking when she was pregnant, fearful that it might damage her baby. 她怀孕时担心抽烟会伤害婴儿,于是戒烟了。 for fear of something /fəʳ ˈfɪər əv something/ [preposition] if you are unwilling to do something for fear of something bad happening, you are frightened that something bad will happen if you do it 害怕;担心〔发生不好的事情而不愿做某事〕 The workers are unhappy but will not complain for fear of losing their jobs. 工人们不满意,但因为怕失业而不敢抱怨。 I didn't turn on the light, for fear of waking the baby. 我怕弄醒婴儿就不敢开灯。 Women and the elderly refuse to leave their apartments, for fear of the hooligans who rule the streets. 妇女和老人不肯离开公寓,因为他们害怕那些横行街道的流氓。 have a phobia about /ˌhæv ə ˈfəʊbiə əbaʊt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have a strong and unreasonable dislike and fear of something, especially of something that is not frightening for most people 十分惧怕〔无指多数人并不害怕的东西〕,对…有恐惧症 Carol had a phobia about snakes -- even talking about them made her shiver. 卡萝尔十分怕蛇—甚至说起蛇她都会发抖。 She has a phobia about telephone answering machines and will never leave a message. 她十分惧怕电话答录机,永远也不会用它留言。3 to be suddenly frightened 突然感到恐惧 get a fright /ˌget ə ˈfraɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be suddenly frightened by something that happens 吓了一跳;大吃一惊 I got a terrible fright when that dog jumped out at me. 那条狗突然跳出向我冲过来,真把我吓得半死。get the fright of your life informal be suddenly very frightened 【非正式】吓得不得了 I got the fright of my life when he suddenly spoke from out of the darkness. 他突然在暗处说起话来,把我吓了一大跳。 panic /ˈpænɪk/ [intransitive verb] to suddenly become so frightened that you cannot think clearly, especially if this makes you do something dangerous or stupid 惊惶失措;慌了神 When the parachute didn't open I just panicked. 降落伞没打开,我吓得不知所措。 The soldiers panicked and opened fire on the raiders. 士兵们吓得惊惶失措,朝袭击者开枪射击。 When a plane gets into difficulty it is essential that the pilot does not panic. 飞机遇到麻烦时,飞行员不可惊惶失措,这非常重要。 jump /dʒʌmp/ [intransitive verb] to make a sudden movement because you are surprised and frightened by something that happens very suddenly 吓了一跳 Something came out in front of me and I jumped. 有个东西出现在我面前把我吓了一跳。 Following the attacks, he now jumps every time he hears a plane. 袭击发生后,他现在一听到飞机的声音就会吓得跳起来。jump out of your skin She jumped out of her skin, as something cold and snakelike was thrust into her hand. 有个凉冰冰的像蛇一样的东西被塞进她手里,把她吓得魂飞魄散。 go white/pale /ˌgəʊ ˈwaɪt, ˈpeɪl/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to suddenly feel very frightened, with the result that your face becomes very pale 吓得脸色惨白 Alexander looked down the hall, and went pale with fright. It was as if he had seen a ghost. 亚历山大往走廊里看,吓得面如死灰,好像看见鬼似的。go white as a sheet You're as white as a sheet. What's happened? 你面无血色。出什么事了? The nurse came in with a hypodermic needle, and Rob went white as a sheet. 护士拿着一支皮下注射针进来,罗布吓得脸色发白。4 to make someone feel frightened 使某人感到恐惧 frighten /ˈfraɪtn/ [transitive verb] Does the thought of death frighten you? 想到死你害怕吗? Take that silly mask off -- you're frightening the children. 把那个愚蠢的面具取下来—你吓着孩子们了。it frightens somebody to know/think etc It frightens me to know that the rapist still hasn't been caught. 得知强奸犯还未被抓到,我很害怕。frighten the life out of somebody make someone feel very frightened 吓得某人要命 What are you doing creeping up on me like that? You frightened the life out of me! 你干什么这样偷偷地过来?把我魂都吓跑了!frighten somebody out of their wits make someone feel very frightened 吓得某人魂不附体 Film-makers have always known that one way to capture an audience is to frighten it out of its wits. 拍电影的人从来就知道抓牢观众的办法之一就是把他们吓得半死。frighten the (living) daylights out of somebody make someone feel very frightened 吓得某人丧魂落魄 Melissa spun round to see Eddie standing behind her. ‘You frightened the daylights out of me!’ she gasped. ‘I never heard you come in.’ 梅利莎猛地转身看到埃迪站在她身后。“你把我吓死啦!”她喘着气说,“我一点儿没听到你进来。”frighten somebody into doing something make someone do something by frightening them 威吓某人做某事 Their lawyers tried to frighten us into signing the contract. 他们的律师尝试威吓我们签下这份合约。frighten somebody off/frighten off somebody frighten someone so that they go away or stop trying to do something 吓跑某人;吓得某人不做 The man pulled out a gun and managed to frighten off his attackers. 那名男子拔出手枪,把袭击他的人吓跑了。 scare /skeəʳ/ [transitive verb] especially spoken to make someone feel frightened, especially by making them think something very unpleasant might happen 【尤口】〔尤以十分不快的事可能发生〕使恐惧;吓唬 He was driving fast just to scare us. 他把车开得很快只是为了吓唬我们。 We're not really going to get arrested - I think the police are trying to scare us. 我们不会真的被逮捕—我想警察是想吓唬我们。it scares somebody to know/think etc It scared him to think that his mother might never recover. 想起母亲可能永远不会康复了,他就害怕。scare the hell out of somebody make someone feel very frightened 【非正式】把某人吓得要命 informal She scared the hell out of me when she said she had to go into hospital. 她说她得去住院时,我被她吓得魂不附体。scare the (living) daylights out of somebody make someone feel very frightened 吓得某人魂飞魄散 Don't creep up on me like that! You scared the living daylights out of me! 别这么蹑手蹑脚地走过来!你吓死我了! terrify /ˈterɪfaɪ, ˈterəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel very frightened 使极其惧怕;使恐惧 The idea of going down into the caves terrified her. 下到那些洞穴里去的想法把她吓坏了。 The teacher terrified her so much, that she hated going to school. 老师把她吓得都不愿去上学了。 My uncle suffers from agoraphobia, and the idea of leaving the house terrifies him. 我叔叔患有广场恐怖症,想到要离家外出就把他吓得要死。it terrifies somebody to think/know etc It terrified him to think that, in six months’ time, he would have to stand up in front of a class and teach them something. 想到再过六个月就要站在一个班的学生面前给他们讲课,他就害怕极了。 give somebody a fright /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈfraɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to make someone suddenly feel frightened so that they make a sudden movement or their heart starts beating quickly 吓某人一跳 He really gave me a fright when he phoned at that time of night. 他半夜三更给我打电话,真把我吓了一大跳。give somebody a hell of a fright make someone suddenly very frightened 【非正式】把某人吓了一大跳 informal I accidentally touched a live wire in the motor, and even though it didn't hurt me it gave me a hell of a fright. 我无意中碰到发动机里一根带电的电线,虽然没受伤,却把我吓了一大跳。 alarm /əˈlɑːʳm/ [transitive verb] to make people feel very worried about a possible danger 使忧虑;使惊恐 We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here. 我们不是有意要吓人,不过最好不要喝这里的自来水。 Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer. 许多妇女听说避孕药和乳腺癌之间存在着某种联系都感到十分担心。 alarming [adjective] There have been several alarming incidents where planes have almost crashed. 已经发生过几次惊人的事件,数架飞机都几乎坠毁了。 startle /ˈstɑːʳtl/ [transitive verb] if someone or something startles you, they frighten you because you see them suddenly or hear them when you did not know they were there 使惊吓 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. 很抱歉,我不是故意要吓你的。 The noise startled him, and he dropped his glass on the floor. 那声音吓得他手一松,把杯子摔到了地上。 Any unexpected movements can startle the animal, so it must be approached slowly and steadily. 任何突然的举动都会吓着这种动物,所以必须缓慢而平稳地靠近。 make somebody jump /ˌmeɪk somebody ˈdʒʌmp/ [verb phrase] to suddenly surprise and frighten someone so that they make a sudden movement 把某人吓一跳,吓着某人 Sorry! I didn't mean to make you jump. 抱歉!我不是故意要吓你一跳。 Something darted out from behind the hedge, and made me jump. 树篱后面蹿出个东西来,把我吓了一大跳。 give somebody the creeps /ˌgɪv somebody ðə ˈkriːps/ [verb phrase] if a person or a place gives you the creeps, they make you feel slightly frightened and nervous because they are strange 〔人或地方〕使某人有点害怕〔紧张〕;使人起鸡皮疙瘩〔因其奇特古怪〕 This house gives me the creeps - it's so dark and quiet. 这房子让我起鸡皮疙瘩—那么黑、那么静。 I hate being left alone in the office with Graham - he gives me the creeps. 我不喜欢一个人在办公室跟格雷厄姆在一起一他让我感到害怕。 make your hair stand on end /ˌmeɪk jɔːʳ ˈheəʳ stænd ɒn ˌend/ [verb phrase] informal if something such as a story or account makes your hair stand on end it makes you very frightened 【非正式】令人毛发耸立的 Wait until I tell you about the murder -- it'll make your hair stand on end. 等我把那凶杀案说给你听——你会吓得汗毛直竖的。 I've heard rumours about how Captain Crayshaw disciplines his crew... things to make your hair stand on end. 我听说了有关格雷肖船长是怎么惩戒船员的传闻,那些事会让你毛发直竖。 send shivers down your spine /send ˈʃɪvəʳz daʊn jɔːʳ ˌspaɪn/ [verb phrase] if a thought or experience sends shivers down your spine, it makes you feel very frightened especially because it involves someone or something that is very evil 使你毛骨悚然,使你不寒而栗〔尤因某人或某事十分邪恶〕 When you think of what happened in that house, it sends shivers down your spine. 一想起那幢房子里发生的事就让你毛骨悚然。 Mere mention of his name is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most battle-hardened fighter. 只要一提到他的名字就足以使最老练的战士不寒而栗。 make your blood run cold /ˌmeɪk jɔːʳ ˈblʌd rʌn ˌkəʊld/ [verb phrase] if a thought or experience makes your blood run cold, it shocks and frightens you because it is extremely cruel, violent, or dangerous 〔想法或经历〕使你不寒而栗 The thought of ever returning to the prison makes his blood run cold. 想到重回监狱,他就不寒而栗。 The man stepped forward, and when Amelie saw him give a Nazi salute, it made her blood run cold. 这男子向前跨了一步,艾米莉看到他行了个纳粹礼,使她不寒而栗。5 making you feel frightened 使你感到恐惧 frightening /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ [adjective] making you feel frightened 令人害怕的;可怕的 Driving in big cities can be pretty frightening for many people. 对许多人来说在大城市里开车是件可怕的事情。it's frightening There are so many people with guns these days, it's really frightening. 如今这么多人拥有枪支,真可怕。it is frightening to do something It's frightening to think that something like this can happen in America today. 想到今日的美国会发生这种事也真够恐怖的。a frightening experience/thought/prospect It was the most frightening experience of my life. 这是我一生中所遇到的最恐怖的经历。 After so many years, going back to college and studying was a frightening prospect. 经过这么多年,要回到大学里去学习是一件想起来就觉得可怕的事。 terrifying /ˈterɪfaɪ-ɪŋ, ˈterəfaɪ-ɪŋ/ [adjective] very frightening 极其可怕的 They stopped me, and I saw that they had a gun. It was terrifying. 他们把我拦住,我看到他们有枪。真是可怕极了。 I opened my eyes, and tried to banish the terrifying images of the plane falling from the sky, and crashing into the sea. 我睁开双眼,想把飞机从空中坠落掉入大海的恐怖景象驱除掉。a terrifying scream/crash/sound etc There was a terrifying crash, and the house seemed to shake. 随着一下恐怖的撞击,房子似乎在摇晃。a terrifying experience/ordeal/thought It had been a terrifying ordeal, but now, at last, he was free. 那是一场可怕的苦难经历,但现在他终于获得了自由。 scary /ˈskeəri/ [adjective] especially spoken frightening - use this especially about stories, films, or situations in which strange or frightening things happen 【尤口】恐怖的;骇人的〔尤用于故事、电影或怪异的情况〕 She didn't like the film. It was too scary for her. 她不喜欢这部影片,对她来说太恐怖了。 I had a really scary dream last night. 昨晚我做了个极恐怖的梦。it's scary I don't regret my decision to start a new life, in a new country. It's scary, but it's also really exciting. 我并不后悔我在新国家开始新生活的决定。虽然可怕,但也很令人兴奋。 a big scary monster 一头庞大而恐怖的怪物 spooky /ˈspuːki/ [adjective] a place or story that is spooky is frightening, especially because it is dark, strange etc 令人毛骨悚然的,阴森恐怖的 The forest is really spooky in the dark. 黑暗中的森林真是让人毛骨悚然。 Will you shut up about ghosts! You always scare me with that spooky talk! 你别再讲鬼了行不行!你老是拿这恐怖的话来吓我! I remembered that spooky feeling of being alone in the woods, and feeling that you are being watched by supernatural eyes. 我记得独自一人在森林里的恐怖感觉,好像有一些超自然的眼睛在盯着你看。 We sat around the fire and told spooky tales. 我们围坐在火堆旁讲恐怖故事。 creepy /ˈkriːpi/ [adjective] a creepy feeling or place is one that is strange and makes you feel nervous and frightened, especially because you think that someone or something frightening might be there 令人毛骨悚然的 The house looked OK from the outside but inside it was all dark and creepy. 这房子从外面看上去可以,不过里面一片漆黑,令人毛骨悚然。 This place is really creepy. Let's get out of here. 这地方真令人毛骨悚然,我们走吧。 I got a real creepy feeling on the way over there, as if someone was watching me. 去那里的路上我有一种毛骨悚然的感觉,好像有人在盯着我看似的。 chilling /ˈtʃɪlɪŋ/ [adjective] a fact, statement or experience that is chilling, makes you feel frightened or shocked, because it is extremely cruel, violent, dangerous etc 〔事实、叙述或经历〕令人不寒而栗的〔因极其残暴、危险等〕 The lawyer gave a chilling demonstration of how the accused used a towel to suffocate his victim. 律师作了令人不寒而栗的演示,说明被告如何用毛巾闷死被害者。 The captain's message ended with the chilling words: ‘Mission completed. All prisoners disposed of.’ 船长的电文最后两句令人不寒而栗:“使命完成。囚犯全部处置掉。” The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views. 这一案例提醒人们,有些普通的、貌似体面的市民是如何仍然持有种族主义的、极度偏狭的观念,真让人不寒而栗。 hair-raising /ˈheəʳ ˌreɪzɪŋ/ [adjective] an experience that is hair-raising is frightening because it is very dangerous 〔经历〕恐怖的;惊险的;令人毛发直竖的 We ended up making a hair-raising 200-kilometre night drive to the border. 最后我们开了200公里惊险的夜车到达边境。 After various hair-raising adventures in Afghanistan, Newcombe settled in Northern India. 纽科姆在阿富汗经历了种种令人毛发直竖的危险后,在印度北部居住了下来。hair-raising tale/story Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and always coming home with hair-raising stories. 珍妮有过许多冒险经历。她游历世界各地,总是把惊险故事带回家。 spine-chilling /ˈspaɪn ˌtʃɪlɪŋ/ [adjective] something such as a story, film, or statement that is spine-chilling is frightening because it clearly describes or shows frightening or evil events 〔故事、电影或叙述等〕令人脊背发凉的;令人毛骨悚然的 The collection includes a spine-chilling ghost story by Edgar Allan Poe. 这本文集收有一篇埃德加·艾伦·坡写的令人毛骨悚然的鬼故事。 The only journalist to witness the rebellion gave a spine-chilling account of atrocities carried out by both sides. 唯一一名目击这次叛乱的记者描述了双方令人毛骨悚然的残暴行为。 blood-curdling /ˈblʌd ˌkɜːʳdlɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] blood-curdling scream/howl/roar etc very frightening or made by someone who is extremely frightened 极可怕的尖叫/咆哮/吼叫等 Mary went upstairs to look for Dean and seconds later I heard a blood-curdling scream. 玛丽上楼去找迪安,没过几秒钟我听到了一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫。 the blood-curdling howls of the wolves in the forest 森林里令人毛骨悚然的狼嚎声6 to deliberately frighten someone 故意恐吓某人 frighten/scare somebody into something /ˈfraɪtn, ˈskeəʳ somebody ɪntə something/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make someone feel frightened about what will happen if they do not do something, so that they do it. Scare somebody into is more informal than frighten somebody into 恐吓某人去做某事〔frighten sb into 比scare sb into正式〕 frighten/scare somebody into doing something The Nationalists kept talking about the ‘Communist threat’ to scare people into voting for them. 国民党不断地谈论“共产党的威胁”以恐吓人们投他们的票。 Stapleton had tried to frighten her into keeping quiet, but she had refused to be intimidated. 斯特普尔顿试图用恐吓手段使她不敢声张,但是她不惧怕威胁。 terrorize also terrorise British /ˈterəraɪz/ [transitive verb] to deliberately frighten people over a long period of time, by using violence or by threatening them, especially in order to make them do what you want 〔长时间里〕恐吓,恫吓;威胁 Some of the older children dominated the playground and terrorized the smaller kids. 一些大孩子控制了操场,并威胁那些年纪小的。 A gang of youths are roaming the city, vandalising stores, starting fires, and terrorizing people. 一帮青年在城里游荡,捣毁商店,蓄意纵火,恐吓市民。terrorize somebody into doing something make someone do something by using violence, threats etc 威迫某人做某事 With threats, beatings, and even murder, the workers were terrorized into leaving their unions. 工人们遭到了威胁、殴打,甚至是谋杀,被迫退出工会。7 someone who easily gets frightened 很容易受惊吓的人 scare easily /ˈskeəʳ ˌiːzli/ [verb phrase] informal to easily get frightened 【非正式】容易受惊 Being a police officer isn't a job for someone who scares easily. 警察工作不是容易受惊吓的人能胜任的。 I'll go down and see what that noise was. I don't scare easily you know. 我下去看看那是什么声音。我不是那么容易受惊吓的,你知道。 timid /ˈtɪmɪd, ˈtɪməd/ [adjective] easily frightened and unwilling to do anything that might be unpleasant or dangerous 胆怯的,易受惊的 Decker knew that the senior officer was wrong, but was too timid to tell him. 德克尔知道上级错了,可他过于胆怯,不敢告诉他。 They think I'm just a timid woman, but I'll show them they're wrong. 他们以为我是个胆小的女子,可我要让他们知道他们错了。timid about doing something I was always timid about taking action in a crisis, but not Doris. 碰到危急情况我总是不够果断,但多丽丝却不是这样。 nervous /ˈnɜːʳvəs/ [adjective] a nervous person is always worried or frightened about something that may happen, so that they cannot relax 紧张的,焦虑不安的 You know what makes me nervous? When people drive really close behind you. 你知道什么事会让我紧张不安吗?那就是有人开车跟得我太紧时。 The stage is huge, you know, and I walked out there, and I was real nervous. 你知道那舞台极大,我走上台,胆怯极了。nervous about I was so nervous about my exams that I couldn't sleep. 我为考试担心得睡不着。nervous of Jill's always been a little nervous of dogs. 吉尔总是有点害怕狗。of a nervous disposition with a nervous character 【正式】性格紧张 formal People of a nervous disposition may be upset by some of the scenes in the following programme. 敏感的人可能会对以下节目中的一些镜头感到不安。8 the feeling of being frightened 害怕的感觉 fear /fɪəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun] the feeling you have when you are very frightened, or the thought that something very unpleasant will happen 恐惧;忧虑 The boy's eyes were full of fear. 男孩的眼中充满了恐惧。fear of Fears of a recession have wiped billions of dollars off share values. 对经济衰退的担心使股票损失了几十亿美元的价值。 fear of flying 害怕乘飞机 My fear of the dentist goes back to when I was a child. 我对牙医的恐惧感可追溯到童年期。fear that There was always the fear that he might never return. 一直都有一种担心,就是他可能永远不回来了。do something in fear do something because you feel fear 因恐惧〔忧虑〕而做某事 I glanced around in fear. Was someone following me? 我担心地往四周看了看。是否有人在跟踪我?do something in fear of your life do something because you think you are going to be killed 做某事以保命 People fled in fear of their lives, as mud began to pour down the mountainside. 当泥浆从山坡上冲下来时,大家都害怕得赶快逃命。shake/tremble/go white etc with fear Her hands were shaking with fear. 她吓得双手颤抖。frozen/sick with fear The boat had gone. We stood frozen with fear, staring at the sea. 船开走了。我们恐惧地呆立着,望着大海。hopes and fears the things that you hope will happen and the things that you are frightened will happen 希望和忧虑 On New Year's Eve we come together, and share our hopes and fears for the coming year. 除夕我们聚在一起,分享对来年的希望,分担对来年的忧虑。 terror /ˈterəʳ/ [uncountable noun] a very strong feeling of fear when you think that something very bad is going to happen to you, especially that you will be killed 恐惧;惊骇 Denver burst from the room, terror in her eyes. 丹佛从屋子里冲出来,眼中充满恐惧。 The men on the quivering, battered boat were mad with terror. 那艘摇摇晃晃的破旧小船上的人害怕得发疯了。 Their faces were white, and their eyes were filled with terror. 他们脸色惨白,眼中充满了恐惧。in terror because you are very frightened 害怕地 Shots were fired, and the children fled in terror. 枪声响起,孩子们害怕得奔逃。sheer terror very great terror 极度的恐惧 I will never forget the look of sheer terror on her face. 我永远忘不掉她脸上的惊恐神色。terror-stricken feeling terror 惊恐的 Terror-stricken refugees fled across the border. 惊恐万状的难民逃着越过边境。 horror /ˈhɒrəʳǁˈhɔː-, ˈhɑː-/ [uncountable noun] a strong feeling of shock and fear that you have when you see something terrible happen, or when you think of something terrible 惊恐,震惊 Jocasta turned white, a look of horror on her face. 乔卡斯塔脸色变苍白,神色恐惧。in horror The crowd watched in horror as the plane hit the ground and burst into flames. 人群惊恐地看着飞机撞到地上烧成一团火。to somebody's horror making someone feel very frightened 〔使〕某人惊恐 He suddenly realized to his horror that the brakes weren't working. 突然间他惊恐地意识到刹车已失灵了。 To his horror, PC Kelly saw a handgun protruding from the man's coat. 警员凯利惊恐地看到那人外套里露出一支手枪。 panic /ˈpænɪk/ [uncountable noun] a sudden, strong feeling of fear when you are in a dangerous situation, that often makes you do things that are not sensible because you cannot think clearly 〔突然的〕恐慌,惊慌;慌乱 There was a sudden panic and everyone started rushing towards the door. 突然爆发了恐慌,大家都开始朝门口冲去。in panic Shoppers fled the street in panic after two bombs exploded in central London. 伦敦市中心两颗炸弹爆炸后,商店里购物的人惊恐地逃离街道。get into a panic/be thrown into a panic She got into a real panic when she thought she'd lost the tickets. 当她以为自己把票子弄丢了时着实吃了一惊。panic-stricken feeling panic 惊恐的 The panic-stricken crowd pushed through the exit, and 10 people were crushed to death. 惊恐万状的人群从出口处冲出,有十个人被挤死。 foreboding /fɔːʳˈbəʊdɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of fear because you think something bad is going to happen although you do not have any real reason for thinking this 〔不祥的〕预感 ‘Jeanie, I have to go away,’ he said, his voice full of foreboding. “詹妮,我离开了。”他说道,声音中充满不祥的预感。a feeling/sense of foreboding As they waited at the airfield, Sara had the same feeling of foreboding that she had felt before her father died. 他们在机场等着的时候,萨拉有一种在父亲死之前也有过的预感。 He had a sudden sense of foreboding. Something was wrong, very wrong. 突然他有一种不祥的预感。肯定出事了,出了大事了。9 an event or situation that frightens people 使人恐慌的事件或情况 scare /skeəʳ/ [countable noun] a situation in which a lot of people are frightened of something such as a serious illness, violence, or a problem that may harm them - used especially in news reports 〔对严重疾病、暴力或能给自己造成伤害的问题的〕恐慌〔尤用于新闻报道〕 Aids has caused such a scare that fewer and fewer people are giving blood. 艾滋病引起了那么大的恐慌,越来越少的人愿意捐血了。scare about/over A year after Chernobyl the scare about radioactive food had died down. 切尔诺贝利事件发生一年后,人们对放射物污染食品的恐慌渐渐平息了。bomb scare when there is a report that there is a bomb 炸弹恐慌〔传闻〕 Retail sales were down due to a spate of bomb scares before Christmas. 由于圣诞节前炸弹的传闻,商品零售额下降了。food/health scare Some people, nervous about the health scare over cellular phones, have started using hands-free apparatus. 有些人对手机不利于健康心存恐惧,开始使用免提装置。 horror /ˈhɒrəʳǁˈhɔː-, ˈhɑː-/ [countable noun] an event or situation which frightens and shocks people because they see terrible things happening 恐怖的事件;可怕情景 Children in these famine-stricken areas simply cannot be protected from the horror all around them. 根本无法保护这些饥荒地区的孩子不受恐怖的环境伤害。the horror of One woman cried as she told of the horror of seeing workmates killed in the lift. 一位妇女哭着述说自己看到同事在电梯里被害时的恐怖情景。 They joined the anti- nuclear campaign after seeing a film about the horrors of Hiroshima. 他们看过一部讲述原子弹轰炸广岛后的惨状的影片后,就参加了反核运动。10 a film or story that is intended to frighten you 意在使你受惊吓的电影或故事 horror /ˈhɒrəʳǁˈhɔː-, ˈhɑː-/ [adjective only before noun] horror film/movie/story etc a film or story that is intended to make you feel frightened 恐怖电影/影片/故事等 The movie is based on a horror story by Stephen King. 这部影片改编自斯蒂芬·金的一个恐怖故事。 a low-budget horror film about a group of teenagers in a wood 一部讲述一群青少年在林中的低成本恐怖影片 thriller /ˈθrɪləʳ/ [countable noun] a film or book that is intended to be exciting and frightening because you do not know what will happen next 惊悚影片;惊险小说 Kurt Russell and Steven Seagal team up in a thriller about a hijacked plane. 库尔特·拉塞尔与史蒂文·西格尔联手参演一部讲述被劫持飞机的惊悚片。action/crime/psychological etc thriller ‘Psycho’ is Hitchcock's greatest psychological thriller. 《精神病患者》是希区柯克最伟大的心理惊悚片。 ‘Bullet to Beijing’, a spy thriller, starring Michael Caine and Michael Gambon 《北京特快》是一部间谍惊悚片,由迈克尔·凯恩和迈克尔·冈本主演




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