

例句 EXPLAIN1 to explain something2 what you say when you are going to explain something3 to explain something in a simpler way4 the words you write or say to explain somethingRELATED WORDSexplain what you are thinking or feeling 解释自己的想法或感觉 EXPRESSinformation about how to use something or what to do 关于如何使用某物或如何做某事的信息 INSTRUCTIONSsee alsoCLEAR/NOT CLEARUNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTANDLEARNTEACH1 to explain something 解释某事 explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to give someone the information they need to understand something 解释,说明 It's not so complicated - let me explain. 这不是很复杂—我来解释一下。 We listened carefully while Pam explained the process. 我们认真地听着帕姆解释这个工序。 Let me show you - it's too difficult to explain. 我来做给你看—这太难解释了。explain something to somebody If you don't get the joke, I'll explain it to you later. 如果你没听懂这个笑话,我稍后再向你解释。 Could you explain the rules of the game to me, please? 你能把比赛规则向我解释一下吗?explain how/what/why etc Can you explain what the poem means? 你能说说这首诗是什么意思吗? The doctor explained how the clinic operates. 医生介绍了诊所的运作方式。 tell /tel/ [transitive verb] especially spoken to explain to someone how something works or how to do something 【尤口】告诉 tell somebody how/what/why etc Can you tell me how to log on to the Internet? 你能告诉我怎么登入互联网吗? The leaflet tells you what to do if you get malaria. 这本小册子告诉你得了疟疾之后如何处理。 say what/why/where etc /ˈseɪ wɒtǁ-wɑːt/ [verb phrase] spoken to explain the reasons for something or give detailed information about something 【口】说什么/为什么/在哪里等 He didn't say where he was going or who he was going with. 他没有说要去哪里,也没有说和谁一起去。 Did Caroline say why she needed the tape recorder? 卡罗琳有没有说她为什么需要录音机? show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb] to explain to someone how to do something by doing it while they watch you 〔通过演示〕解释,说明 ‘How do you change the speed of the drill?’ ‘Let me show you.’ “电钻的转速怎么调整?”“我来给你示范。”show somebody something I'll show you an easier way to get down from there. 我来教你怎么样从那里下来更方便。show somebody how to do something Can you show me how to use your camera? 你能给我解释一下怎样使用你的相机吗?show somebody what to do If you show him what to do, I'm sure he'll do a good job. 如果你告诉他怎么做,我相信他一定能做得好的。 demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to show someone how to do something by doing it while they watch you, especially when it is your job to show people how to do things 演示,示范〔尤指这是你的工作〕 The ski instructor began by demonstrating the correct way to turn. 滑雪教练一开始就演示如何正确转向。 If you still don't understand, Marcia will be happy to demonstrate. 如果你还是不明白,玛西娅将很乐意给你做示范。demonstrate how A trainer came in to demonstrate how the new computer system worked. 一位培训员进来演示这个新的电脑系统如何运作。 go through /ˈgəʊ θruː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to explain all the details about something in the right order, to help someone understand it 〔按顺序详细地〕讲解 I'll go through the instructions once more in case you missed anything. 我把用法说明再讲一遍,以防你们有些地方没听到。 If you stay after class, I'll go through the theory with you again. 如果你下课后留下来,我就把这个理论再给你解释一遍。 throw/shed light on /ˌθrəʊ, ˌʃed ˈlaɪt ɒn/ [verb phrase] written to provide new information which makes something easier to understand, especially something which has been studied, but which is still not well understood 【书面】使更容易理解〔尤指为正在研究之中,但仍不为人们所熟知的事物提供新资料〕 These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe. 这些发现也许能使人进一步了解宇宙的起源。 Scientists working in the Gobi desert have thrown new light on the life of dinosaurs. 在戈壁沙漠中进行研究的科学家已对恐龙的生活有了新的了解。 set out /ˌset ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to explain facts, arguments, reasons etc by stating them clearly and in a carefully planned order 陈述,阐明〔事实、论点、理由等〕 set out something She set out the reasons for her resignation in a confidential letter to her boss. 她在给老板的一封密函中陈述了自己辞职的理由。 The Republicans’ goals for the year are clearly set out in the party platform. 共和党在政纲里明确地陈述了本年度的目标。set something out The facts, as you have set them out, seem convincing enough. 你讲的这些事实看来非常有说服力。2 what you say when you are going to explain something 试图解释某事时所讲的话 (you) see /(jʊ) ˈsiː/ spoken say this when you are explaining something to someone, and you want to check that they are listening and that they understand you 【口】〔你〕看〔用于对别人解释某事的时候〕 This fits on here, see, where the arrow is. 这个装在这里,看,箭头所在的地方。 Simon's car broke down, you see, and neither of us knew how to fix it. 西蒙的汽车坏了,你看,我们俩谁也不会修理。 I mean /aɪ ˈmiːn/ spoken say this when you are explaining something you have said or giving an example of something 【口】我的意思是〔用于作解释或举例的时候〕 Ted seems kind of lazy. I mean, he never offers to help and he just lies in front of the TV. 特德好像有点懒。我的意思是,他从来都不会主动帮忙,只是躺在电视机前。what I mean (to say) is I'm afraid I can't help you. What I mean is that I'm not a detective, and I don't solve crimes. 我恐怕帮不了你,我是说,我并不是侦探,我不会破案。 in other words /ɪn ˌʌðəʳ ˈwɜːʳdz/ use this when you are saying something in a different way in order to explain it more clearly 也就是说,换句话说 What we need is a more sustainable transport system, in other words, more buses and trains, and fewer cars. 我们所需要的是一个更有持续性的交通系统,也就是说,要增加公共汽车和火车,减少汽车。 This is supposed to be a democracy - in other words, one person one vote. 这就是人们所认为的民主一即一人一张选票。 the thing is /ðə ˈθɪŋ ɪz/ spoken use this when you are explaining a problem or the reason for something 【口】问题是 I really don't want to leave yet. The thing is, I have an appointment in 15 minutes. 我真的还不想走,问题是我15分钟后有个约会。 I do have a computer, but the thing is, it's really old and I can't use it for email. 我是有电脑,可是它很旧了,发不了电子邮件。 that is /ˈðæt ɪz/ use this to explain the meaning of the previous word or phrase by giving more information about it 也就是,即〔具体说明前面所用词语或短语的意思时所说的话〕 The fare is reduced for children, that is, anyone under 15 years old. 儿童,即15岁以下者,票价优惠。 All documents are printed in the two official languages - that is, English and French. 所有文件都使用两种官方语言印发—即英语和法语。 let me explain /ˌlet miː ɪkˈspleɪn/ spoken say this when you want to explain something to someone because you think they have not understood 【口】让我来解释一下〔认为别人不明白而要作出解释时说的话〕 I can see you're getting confused. Let me explain. 我看你有些给弄糊涂了。我来解释一下。 I know the plan seems a little crazy at first, but it's really not. Let me explain. 我知道这个计划乍看像是很荒唐,可实际上并不是这样。我来解释一下。 to put it another way /tə ˌpʊt ɪt əˈnʌðəʳ ˌweɪ/ used when you have explained something in one way and you are going to try to make it clearer by explaining it in a different way 换句话说,用另一种方式说〔用不同的方式作更清楚的解释时所说的话〕 Money makes money. To put it another way, the more you invest, the greater your potential profit will be. 钱能生钱。换句话说,投资越大,赢利越多。 The problem demands a global solution. To put it another way, local regulations will have very little effect. 这个问题需要一个全球性的解决方案。换句话说,地区性规章没有什么效用。 put it like this/put it this way /ˌpʊt ɪt laɪk ˈðɪs, ˌpʊt ɪt ˈðɪs weɪ/ spoken say this when someone is not sure what you mean and you are going to try to explain in a way that will help them to understand, especially by saying something humorous or direct 【口】可以这么说〔因为别人不明白你的意思而向他们作出解释时所说的话,尤用幽默或直接的方式作解释〕 ‘Does he get many dates?’ ‘Put it like this - you don't have to feel sorry for him.’ “他约会多吗?”“这么说吧—你不用去同情他。” Put it this way, honey - what the boss doesn't know isn't going to bother him. 可以这么说,亲爱的—老板不知道的事情就不会让他烦心。 let me rephrase that /ˌlet miː riːˈfreɪz ðæt/ spoken used when you are going to use different words to say something again, because you have just said it in an unsuitable way and it may not have been understood correctly 【口】让我换种说法再讲一遍〔因为刚才的讲话不恰当,引起了误解〕 I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. That wasn't what I meant to say at all. 对不起,让我换个说法,我刚才根本不是那个意思。 Most of the people there were incredibly old. Let me rephrase that - we were the youngest couple there. 那里大多数人都是老朽了,我是说,我们是那里最年轻的一对。3 to explain something in a simpler way 用更简单的方式解释某事 simplify /ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ, ˈsɪmpləfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to explain something difficult in simple language so that it is easier to understand 用浅显的语言解释〔困难的事物〕,使简化 We have done everything we can to simplify the procedure. 我们已经尽可能把手续简化了。 She took a complex topic and simplified it in a way that we could all understand. 她选了一个复杂的话题,用简单的语言讲得让我们大家都能听懂。 demystify /ˌdiːˈmɪstɪfaɪ, ˌdiːˈmɪstəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to give a simple, clear explanation of an important but difficult subject so that it is easier for ordinary people to understand 使非神秘化,使容易理解〔重要但难懂的问题〕 This new book demystifies some of the computer language currently in use. 该新书简单明了地解释了目前正在使用的一些电脑语言。 The course seeks to demystify the loan application process for people buying a home for the first time. 这一举措是为了简化首次购房者申请贷款的手续。 in plain English /ɪn pleɪn ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ [adverb] if you explain something or tell someone something in plain English, you explain it simply and clearly, without using difficult words or technical language 用简单的语言〔指不用难懂的词汇或术语〕 I just wish someone would explain to me in plain English what is wrong with my computer. 我就希望有人用简单的语言给我解释一下,我的电脑出什么毛病了。 It says ‘the children lack the ability to mobilize self and commit’ - what does that mean in plain English? 上面说“这些儿童缺乏激励自己和承担责任的能力”一简单地说是什么意思?4 the words you write or say to explain something 为解释某事物而写或说的话语 explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ [countable noun] something that you say or write in order to make something clearer or to explain why something happened 解释;说明 Each diagram is followed by a simple explanation. 每幅图后都附有简要的说明。explanation for What was their explanation for their decision? 他们对自己的决定作了怎样的解释?explanation of Our guide gave us a detailed explanation of the system of government. 导游给我们详细地介绍了政治体制。give/offer (somebody) an explanation Can you give us a quick explanation of how it works? 你能很快给我们解释一下它是怎么运转的吗? She offered no explanation as to why she had left so suddenly. 她没有解释为什么突然间就走了。 instructions /ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/ [plural noun] written or spoken information that explains exactly how to do something 指示;用法说明 Read the instructions carefully before using the machine. 使用机器之前请仔细阅读说明书。 The cooking instructions are on the back of the box. 烹饪方法见盒子背面。give (somebody) instructions They gave us detailed instructions explaining how to get to their house. 他们给了我们一个详细的说明,解释去他们家怎么走。follow instructions do what they tell you 按照指示 if you had followed my instructions, none of this would have happened. 如果你照我的指示做了,就不会发生这种事情。 account /əˈkaʊnt/ [countable noun] a detailed description of a process which also explains how it happens and what makes it possible 〔对某过程的〕解释,叙述 account of So far no linguist has given us a satisfactory account of how children learn language. 到现在为止还没有一位语言学家给我们作出满意的解释,儿童是如何学习语言的。 Her account of the events of that day was wildly different from the first witness's. 她对那天那些事情的叙述,与第一位证人所述的大相径庭。




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