EXPERIENCE1 something that happens to you2 something bad that happens to you3 when something happens to youRELATED WORDSexperienced in a job, activity etc 在某项工作或活动等中有经验的EXPERIENCE1 something that happens to you 你所碰到的事情experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ [countable noun]something that happens to you or something that you do, especially something unusual or important that you remember and learn from 经历,体验 After she retired, Hannah wrote a book about her experiences as a war reporter. 汉娜退休以后写了一本书,讲她当战地记者的经历。have an experience I'm glad I had this experience but I wouldn't want to do it again. 我很高兴自己有过这样的经历,但是我不想再经历一次。good/great/bad/awful experience Living alone has been a good experience for her. 一个人单独生活对于她是一种很好的体验。experience of Tonight on Channel 4, young people will be discussing their experiences of racism. 今晚四频道将有年轻人一起讨论他们在种族歧视方面的经历。the experience of doing something Simulators are very realistic, but they don't compare to the actual experience of flying an airplane. 模拟器非常逼真,但是和驾驶飞机的真实体验是不能相比的。adventure /ədˈventʃəʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun]a situation in which exciting and dangerous things happen to you 冒险经历 My grandfather used to tell us about his adventures as a sea captain during the war. 祖父过去经常给我们讲他在战争期间当船长的历险故事。 As a young man he went off to Africa, looking for adventure. 他年轻时去了非洲寻求冒险的经历。fortunes /ˈfɔːʳtʃənz/ [plural noun]the experiences that happen to you over many years, and how happy or successful you are, especially when this is told in a story, film etc 命运,遭遇,境况〔尤指故事、电影等中讲述的一个人多年的生活经历〕somebody's fortunes/the fortunes of somebody It's a documentary about the fortunes of a group of musicians during the 1920s. 这是一部纪录片,讲一群音乐家在20世纪20年代的遭遇。 After he left London, his fortunes improved. 离开伦敦之后,他的境况有了改善。changing fortunes The movie traces the changing fortunes of a poor family in Southern Australia. 这影片追述了南澳大利亚的一个穷苦人家多变的生活遭遇。2 something bad that happens to you 发生在你身上的不幸之事bad/terrible/dreadful etc experience /ˌbæd ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ [countable noun] You shouldn't let one bad experience affect your decision. 你不应该让一次不幸的经历影响自己的决定。 Being arrested was one of the worst experiences of my life. 遭到拘捕是我这一生中最糟糕的经历之一。 My passport was stolen and the police said they couldn't help me. It was a terrible experience. 我的护照被人偷了,警察说他们也帮不了我,这种遭遇真是可怕。nightmare /ˈnaɪtmeəʳ/ [countable noun usually singular]a very unpleasant or frightening experience when you feel that you have no control over what is happening 噩梦般的经历,可怕的经历 Starting school can be a nightmare for some children. 对有些孩子来说,入学就像一场噩梦。 As the ship went down, people were rushing around in the dark screaming and yelling. It was an absolute nightmare. 轮船在渐渐下沉,人们在黑暗之中尖叫着、哭喊着到处冲来冲去。这真是一场噩梦啊。nightmare of The hostages described life in the prison camp as a nightmare of fear and uncertainty. 人质描述说,战俘营里的生活犹如噩梦一般,充满了恐惧,生死难料。ordeal /ɔːʳˈdiːl, ˈɔːʳdiːl/ [countable noun]a painful, frightening, or worrying experience, especially one that continues for a long time 可怕的经验,痛苦的折磨〔尤指长时间的〕 The three week trial turned out to be an emotional ordeal for everyone involved. 三个星期的审讯对牵涉到的每一个人来说都是一种精神折磨。 The hostages were relieved that their long ordeal was finally over. 人质心里放松了,他们那长久的苦难经历终于结束了。trauma /ˈtrɔːmə, ˈtraʊmə/ [countable/uncountable noun]a very bad experience or shock that has an effect on you 痛苦的经历;心灵创伤,精神创伤 June never recovered from the trauma of her husband's violent death. 琼一直没有摆脱丈夫惨死给她带来的精神创伤。 Multiple-personality disorder is usually caused by early childhood trauma. 多重人格错乱通常是幼年心灵受到创伤而导致的。3 when something happens to you 某事发生在你身上happen to /ˈhæpən tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]if somethinghappens to you, it affects you and you are involved in it, but you did not do anything to make it happen 发生在…身上 The crash wasn't your fault. It could have happened to anyone. 电脑死机不是你的错,谁都有可能碰上这事。 Winning this award is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. 获得这个奖是降临在我身上的一件最美好的事情。experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ [transitive verb]if youexperience something, especially an emotion, a physical feeling, or an unpleasant situation, it happens to you 经历,体会〔尤指一种情绪、感觉或不快的情况〕 When you first tried a cigarette, you probably experienced a feeling of dizziness. 第一次抽烟可能会有一种眩晕的感觉。 It was the first time she had ever experienced real poverty. 那是她第一次真正体会到贫穷的滋味。go through /ˈgəʊ θruː/ [transitive phrasal verb]to experience a period of time that is difficult or unhappy 经历〔一个时期的困难、不幸等〕 Kevin's going through a painful divorce. 凯文正在遭遇一场痛苦的婚变。somebody's been through a lot Betty's been through a lot recently -- I think you ought to try and be nice to her. 贝蒂最近经历了很多事情—我想你应当尽量待她好一些。live through /ˈlɪv θruː/ [transitive phrasal verb]to experience a period of time when there are important historical events happening which affect people's lives 经历〔重大历史事件〕 His new book is a collection of essays and fiction by writers who lived through the Great Depression. 他的新书是一本文集,汇编了经历过大萧条的一些作家所写的散文和小说。know /nəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive]know hardship/joy/sorrow etcto experience problems, joy, sorrow etc -- used especially in literature 经历苦难/喜悦/悲伤等〔尤用于文学作品〕 In his seven short years, he has known war, famine and death. 他在短短的七年生命之中,经历了战争、饥荒和死亡。 I don't think I've ever known true happiness. 我认为自己从未尝到过真正的幸福滋味。