EXCHANGE1 to exchange one thing for another2 when you exchange one thing for another3 ways of saying what you give or get when you exchange thingsRELATED WORDSsee alsoGIVEGET1 to exchange one thing for another 把一物换成另一物exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb]to give something to someone and receive a similar thing from them at the same time 交换,更换;把…换成exchange addresses/telephone numbers We exchanged addresses and phone numbers. 我们交换了地址和电话号码。exchange something for something Foreign currency can be exchanged for sterling at any bank. 外币可在任何银行兑换成英镑。swap /swɒpǁswɑːp/ [intransitive/transitive verb]informalto exchange something with someone, especially with someone you know well, so that you each get something that you want 【非正式】交换〔尤与所认识的人进行交换〕 Jacky had the book I wanted, but wasn't willing to swap. 杰基有我想要的书,可他不肯换。swap something with somebody Taylor offered to swap jobs with me. 泰勒提出和我交换工作。swap something for something I'm trying to sell my bike, or swap it for a slightly bigger one. 我在设法把自行车卖掉,或者和人家换一辆稍微大点儿的。trade /treɪd/ [intransitive/transitive verb]especially Americanto exchange something that you have for something that someone else has 【尤美】交换 We liked each other's clothes, so we traded. 我们都喜欢对方的衣服,所以就交换了。trade something for something The West is accused of trading weapons for hostages. 西方国家被指控用武器交换人质。I'll trade youspokensay this when you want to exchange something 【口】我要和你交换 I'll trade you my baseball for those two cars. 我用我的棒球换你这两辆汽车。do a swap /ˌduː ə ˈswɒpǁ-ˈswɑːp/ [verb phrase]Britishan informal expression: if two peopledo a swap with each other they exchange things so that they each get what they want 【英】互换〔非正式用语〕do a swap with somebody If you can't work a particular shift, you can always do a swap with a colleague. 如果你上不了某个班,随时可以和同事换一换。trade in /ˌtreɪd ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to give your old car, washing machine etc to the shop that you are buying a new one from, so that they will let you buy the new one for a slightly lower price 用〔旧车、旧洗衣机等〕折价贴换trade in something You can get quite good price reductions on new cars if you trade in your old one. 如果你以旧车折价换购新车,可以有很不错的价格优惠。trade something/it/them in My car was now six years old, so I traded it in and got a newer one. 我的车已经开了六年,所以我把它拿去贴换了一辆比较新的。trade in something for They traded in their Porsche for a family car. 他们用保时捷换购了一辆家庭轿车。changeBritish/exchangeAmerican /tʃeɪndʒ, ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb]to exchange something you have bought or chosen because you have decided you want something different or because there is something wrong with it 换〔因为买错、选错,或有问题〕 If the trousers are the wrong size you can always change them. 如果这裤子尺码不对,随时可以拿来换。change something for something Can I exchange this sweater for a black one? 我可以把这件毛衣换成黑色的吗?barter /ˈbɑːʳtəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to exchange something that you have for something that you want or need without giving or taking money for it 进行易货贸易,作物物交换,以物易物barter something for something In the local market, meat and vegetables are bartered for electrical goods. 当地市场用肉类和蔬菜换电器产品。barter with She had some success in bartering with her guards. 她拿东西和看守她的人作交换,有了一定的作用。barter [uncountable noun] In the mountain areas, most of the trade is still done by barter people barter to get what they need. 在山区,大部分的交易仍是以物物交换的方式进行的。switch /swɪtʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]to exchange something so that two or more things or people change the places that they are in 换掉,交换〔位置〕 He was accused of switching the price labels on goods. 他被指控换掉了货品上的价格标签。 Professor Rigby's talk may be switched to the main hall. 里格比教授的讲座可能要换到大礼堂去举行。switch seats/places We switched seats halfway through the show. 演出看到一半时,我们交换了位置。change places /ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈpleɪsz/ [verb phrase]to exchange the place you are standing or sitting on with another person 交换位置change places with Would you mind changing places with me? 你能和我换一下位置吗?change partners /ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈpɑːʳtneʳz/ [verb phrase]if a group of people who are dancing change partners, they stop dancing with one person and dance with another person in the group 交换舞伴 We agreed to change partners after a couple of dances. 我们说好跳过几曲之后交换舞伴。2 when you exchange one thing for another 用一物换取另一物exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ [countable noun usually singular]when you give something to someone and receive a similar thing from them at the same time 交换 Sale goods can be brought back to the store for an exchange or store credit. 特价商品可以拿回商店退换或换取积分。exchange of The exchange of prisoners took place on a bridge over the Mekong river. 双方在湄公河的一座桥上交换了战俘。 In any negotiations there must be an honest exchange of information. 无论何种谈判,双方都必须诚实地交换信息。interchange /ˈɪntəʳtʃeɪndʒ/ [countable noun usually singular]the useful exchange of ideas or information between people or organizations, especially when this happens continuously over a long period of time 〔尤指很长一段时间内观点或信息的〕交流;交换interchange of The conference provides a forum for the interchange of ideas and information. 这次会议为思想交流和信息交换提供了一个平台。data/document interchangethe exchange of information by computer 〔通过电脑的〕数据/文件交换 The new program should help solve some of the problems of data interchange between companies with different computer systems. 这种新的软件应该有助于解决使用不同电脑系统的公司之间的一些数据交换问题。swap /swɒpǁswɑːp/especially British/trade /treɪd/especially American [countable noun usually singular]informalwhen you give something to someone and receive a similar thing from them, usually someone you know 【非正式】交换〔通常指与所认识的人进行交换〕 If you are unable to sell your house, it is sometimes possible to arrange a swap. 如果你没法出售你的房子,有时可以安排和别人交换。 After a brief discussion we agreed a trade. 经过简短的讨论,我们同意进行交换。3 ways of saying what you give or get when you exchange things 表示交换东西时你给什么或得到什么的说法in exchange/in return /ɪn ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ, ɪn rɪˈtɜːʳn/ [adverb]if you give something or do somethingin exchange orin return for something else, you give it in order to get something else back 作为交换 He is always willing to help people out, without expecting anything in return. 他一向乐于助人,不求任何回报。in exchange/in return for In exchange for giving evidence in court, Jacobs was granted freedom and allowed to leave the country. 雅各布斯出庭作证,条件是他得到自由,获准离开这个国家。for /fəʳ; strong fɔːʳ/ [preposition]in exchange for 作为交换give/offer somebody something for something They gave me £200 for my old car. 他们用200英镑买了我的旧车。 She offered me $30 for my bike. 她出30美元买我的自行车。 I get £35 for each shift, plus tips. 我每个班能赚到35英镑,另加小费。