

单词 END
例句 END1 the last part of an event or period of time2 the last part of a book, film, show etc3 happening at the end of an event, time, book, film etc4 the part at the end of an objectRELATED WORDSoppositeBEGINNINGSTARTto finish 结束 FINISHto finish something 完成某事 FINISHto make something stop happening 使某事停止发生 STOPin the end/finally 最后/终于 FINALLYsee alsoLAST1 the last part of an event or period of time 事件或一段时间的末尾部分 the end /ði ˈend/ [singular noun] the last part of an event or period of time 最后部分;末尾 the end of something The end of the game was really exciting. 比赛的最后阶段非常令人兴奋。at/by/towards the end He left New York at the end of December. 他在12月底离开了纽约。 Towards the end of the interview, I was beginning to feel that I might have got the job. 面试快结束时,我开始感到,也许我已经获得了这份工作。come to an end finish 结束 It was a difficult project and I was glad when it came to an end. 这个项目很难,我很高兴终于能结束了。there's an end/no end in sight use this to say that something is nearly finished or that you do not know when it will finish 看到/看不到尽头 The current housing crisis is more serious than ever, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. 目前的住房危机比以往任何时候都更加严重,而且似乎还看不到尽头。to/until the bitter end until the time when a very difficult event or situation finally finishes 坚持到底 She remained loyal to her unfaithful husband right to the bitter end. 她苦撑到底,坚持忠于她那个不忠的丈夫。 The company's board vowed to fight to the bitter end, rather than submit to the takeover. 公司董事会发誓要苦战到底,不会任由别人接管。 conclusion /kənˈkluːʒən/ [singular noun] the end of an event or piece of work, especially one that has several different stages or has continued for a long time 〔尤指分成几个不同阶段或持续很长时间的事件或工作的〕结尾,最后阶段 Introducing the changes has been a long process, and it's still nowhere near its conclusion. 推行改革已经历了一个长期的过程,现在离结束为时甚远。the conclusion of something At the conclusion of the trial, the jury returned with a verdict of guilty. 在庭审的最后阶段,陪审团宣告了一个有罪的判决。bring something to a conclusion make something reach an end 结束某事 The talks are aimed at bringing the dispute to a conclusion. 会谈旨在结束分歧。 close /kləʊz/ [singular noun] formal the end of a period of time or an activity 【正式】〔一段时间或一项活动的〕结束,终止 the close of something The beginning of April usually marks the close of the skiing season. 4月的开始通常标志着滑雪季节的结束。 At the close of trading on the stock market, Ciena shares were up to $37. 到股市收盘时,讯远通信公司的股票涨到了37美元。draw/come to a close finish 结束 Several hours later, the meeting drew to a close and the board members filed out of the room. 数小时后会议结束,董事会成员从会议室里鱼贯而出。2 the last part of a book, film, show etc 书、电影、演出的最后部分 the end /ðiː end/ [singular noun] the last part of a book, film, show etc 〔书、电影、演出等的〕结尾;最后部分 It was such a terrible movie, half the audience walked out before the end. 这是一部很糟糕的电影,一半的观众在完场前就退席了。the end of The end of the book was so sad that I almost cried. 书的结局非常悲惨,我差点儿就哭了。at/by/towards etc the end By the end of the play, the main characters have all either died or gone mad. 到了戏剧的结尾,主要人物都非死即疯。the very end the most final part of something 最末尾 You don't find out who the killer is until the very end. 到了最后结束时才知道谁是凶手。 ending /ˈendɪŋ/ [countable noun] the way a story or film ends 〔故事或影片的〕结局 In the Spanish version of this story, the ending is completely different. 这个故事的西班牙版本结局完全不同。happy/sad ending an ending in which something good or bad happens 美满/悲惨的结局 I love those old Hollywood movies with happy endings. 我喜欢那些有美满结局的好莱坞老片。 finale /fɪˈnɑːliǁfɪˈnæli/ [countable noun usually singular] the exciting or impressive last part of a piece of music, show, ceremony etc 〔音乐的〕终曲,末乐章;〔演出、仪式等的〕终场,结尾 the finale of something The finale of Beethoven's ninth symphony is really magnificent. 贝多芬《第九交响曲》的末乐章气势非常恢宏。the grand finale one that is very impressive 大结局 For the grand finale there was a marching band and fireworks. 仪式在行进乐队的演奏和烟火表演中隆重结束。 conclusion /kənˈkluːʒən/ [countable noun] formal the last part of a book, play, report etc 【正式】〔书、剧本、报告等的〕结尾 the conclusion of something At the conclusion of the book, the reader is still not certain whether Markham is guilty or not. 在书的结尾,读者仍不能肯定马卡姆是否有罪。come to a conclusion There was complete silence in the room as the play came to its tragic conclusion. 戏剧以悲剧收场,房间里鸦雀无声。3 happening at the end of an event, time, book, film etc 在某一事件、某段时间、某本书、某部影片的结尾发生 at the end /ət ði ˈend/ [adverb] at the end of an event, period of time, book, film etc 在〔事件、一段时间、书、电影等的〕最后 If you have any questions, can you ask them at the end, please. 如果有任何问题,请在最后提问。at the end of At the end of the first half, the score was 2-0. 上半场结束时,比分为2比0。 closing /ˈkləʊzɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] done or coming at the end of a meeting, film, book, race etc 〔会议、电影、书、比赛等〕结束的,结尾的 In his closing speech, he thanked the organizers of the conference. 在闭幕词中,他对会议的组织者表示了感谢。 In the closing shot of the film, Hoffman walks away from the camera without looking back. 影片的最后一幕是霍夫曼头也不回地从摄影机前走远。 The closing paragraphs were very moving. 结尾的几段非常感人。the closing stages/minutes etc of something I turned on the TV just in time to catch the closing minutes of the race. 我打开电视正好赶上比赛的最后几分钟。 final /ˈfaɪnl/ [adjective only before noun] happening at or near the end of an event or process 〔事件或过程〕最终的,最后的 The war reached its final stages in July. 战争在7月份进入了最后阶段。 The Board is expected to make its final decision on the merger by August 12th. 预计董事会将在8月12日之前就合并事宜作出最后的决定。 late /leɪt/ [adjective/adverb] if something happens in late August, late spring etc, it happens near the end of that time 将近终了的,末期的 Can you come round late morning - at about 11.30? 你可以在上午晚些时候,11:30左右过来吗? It was late summer, and the evenings were already getting cooler. 那时候是夏末,晚上已经开始变得凉快了。late in August/the evening/1918 etc We don't usually expect to have a frost so late in the spring. 晚春的这个时候,这里一般不会有霜冻。 latter /ˈlætəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] the latter part/half of something the part that comes fairly near the end or after the middle of something 某事物的后面部分/后半 This point is explained more fully in the latter part of the chapter. 这一点在本章的后面部分有更详尽的解释。 The house became known as Fields Mill during the latter half of the 17th century. 这房子在17世纪后半叶被称为“田园磨坊”。 end/finish with /ˈend wɪð, ˈfɪnɪʃ wɪð/ [verb phrase not in passive] if an event or period of time ends with something, that thing happens at the end of it 以…为结束 The concert ended with a laser light show. 音乐会在激光表演中结束。 The coming term finishes with an exhibition in the Arts Centre on December 12th. 下个学期以12月12日在艺术中心举办的一场展览作为结束。4 the part at the end of an object 物件的末端 end /end/ [countable noun] the part at the end of something long and narrow 〔长而窄的东西的〕末端;末梢 the end of something She chewed the end of her pencil thoughtfully. 她咬着铅笔头,若有所思。the end of the road/street/passage etc the furthest part of the road etc 道路/街道/通道等的尽头 Go to the end of the street and turn left. 这条街走到尽头然后左转。at one end You need a long pole with a hook at one end. 你需要一根一头有钩子的长竿。at both ends/at either end We sat in silence at either end of a long wooden table. 我们默不作声地坐在一张长木桌的两端。 point /pɔɪnt/ [countable noun] the thin, sharp end of something such as a needle, stick, or sword 〔针、棒或剑等的〕尖,尖端,尖头 the point of something Ben carved his name in the tree trunk, using the point of his knife. 本用刀尖在树干上刻下自己的名字。 the point of a needle 针尖sharp point It has small white flowers, and leaves that taper to a sharp point. 它开着白色的小花,叶子一头逐渐变细,收成一个尖端。 tip /tɪp/ [countable noun] the narrow part at the end of something such as a finger, a branch, or a piece of land 〔手指、树枝或一片地等的〕末端;尖端 the tip of something Doctor Gordon felt my neck with the tips of his fingers. 戈登医生用指尖触摸我的颈部。 The village is on the southern tip of the island. 这个村子在小岛的南端。 nose /nəʊz/ [countable noun] the rounded part at the front of a vehicle such as a plane 〔飞机等的〕头部,前端 nose of The nose of the plane dipped as we came in to land. 我们开始准备着陆时,飞机机头向下倾斜。something's nose Each missile carries 150 kilos of high explosive in its nose. 每一枚导弹的弹头上都装载着150公斤烈性炸药。 head /hed/ [countable noun] the rounded end part of a small object, especially something such as a nail or pin which also has a pointed end 〔钉子、大头针等的〕圆头部分 head of There was a hole in the pipe, no bigger than the head of a matchstick. 管子上有个火柴头大小的洞。 I picked up a hammer and hit the head of the nail as hard as I could. 我拿起一把锤子拼命地敲打钉头。




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