

例句 DRIVE1 to drive a car, train, or other vehicle2 to go somewhere in a car or other vehicle3 when you take someone somewhere in a car etc4 someone who drives a car, train etc5 someone whose job it is to drive a car, train, etcRELATED WORDSsee alsoTRAVELROAD/PATHACCIDENTGET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETC1 to drive a car, train, or other vehicle 驾驶汽车、火车或其他交通工具 drive /draɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to drive a car, bus, train etc 驾车;驾驶〔汽车、公共汽车、火车等〕 Drive carefully - the roads are very icy. 小心驾车,路上结满了冰。 They drive on the left in the UK. 在英国车是沿左边行驶的。learn to drive I'm learning to drive. In fact, I take my test next week. 我在学驾驶,事实上我下周就要考驾驶执照了。drive a car/bus/truck etc We need someone to drive the school bus. 我们需要有人来开校车。 ‘What car do you drive?’ ‘A Fiat Brava.’ “你开的是什么品牌的车?”“菲亚特博悦。” Driving a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool was one of the most dangerous stunts Crawford had to perform. 驾驶一辆劳斯莱斯汽车冲进游泳池是克劳福德表演过的最惊险的绝技之一。 driving /ˈdraɪvɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the activity of driving a car or other road vehicle 驾驶〔汽车或其他车辆〕 Driving in central London is pretty unpleasant. 在伦敦市中心驾车是很讨厌的事。dangerous/reckless/bad/careless driving She was arrested for dangerous driving. 她因危险驾车而被捕。driving lesson I got driving lessons for my 18th birthday. 有人送我去学驾驶作为我18岁的生日礼物。driving offence The man was stopped by police for an alleged driving offence. 那人因为涉嫌违章驾驶被警察拦截。 ride /raɪd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to drive a vehicle with two wheels, for example a bicycle or motorcycle 骑〔两轮交通工具,如自行车或摩托车〕 I ride a bicycle to work every day. 我每天骑自行车上班。 Riding a motorcycle is safer than riding a scooter. 开摩托车要比开小型摩托车安全。 After you've been riding a bike all day, you're really glad to reach your campsite. 骑了一整天的车,到达营地时你会非常高兴。 steer /stɪəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to control the direction that a vehicle is going in by turning the wheel 操纵;驾驶;控制〔方向盘〕 Even the children had a go at steering the boat. 甚至孩子们也尝试操纵船舵。 Steer slightly to the right as you enter the bend. 进入弯道时把方向盘稍稍向右转。steering wheel the part of a car that you turn to change direction 方向盘 You can adjust the height of the steering wheel. 你可以调整方向盘的高低。 be behind the wheel/at the wheel /biː bɪˌhaɪnd ðə ˈwiːl, ət ðə ˈwiːl/ [verb phrase] to be the person who is driving a car, bus etc 驾驶〔汽车、公共汽车等〕 An old Pontiac pulled up, with a young Mexican man at the wheel. 一辆旧的庞蒂亚克牌汽车停了下来,驾车的是一个墨西哥青年。 Seymour was glad to be behind the wheel again after his two-year ban. 两年的禁驶令解除后,西穆很高兴又能重握方向盘。 be at the controls /biː ət ðə kənˈtrəʊlz/ [verb phrase] to be the person who is driving or controlling a large vehicle such as a plane 操纵;驾驶〔飞机等大型交通工具〕 The King himself was at the controls when his helicopter landed. 直升机降落时是国王自己操纵的。 The power boat, with Don at the controls, swept around the bay. 汽艇由唐驾驶着在海湾里疾驰。be at the controls of When I was a child I used to imagine myself at the controls of a fighter plane. 我小时候经常想象自己在驾驶一架战斗机。 joyriding /ˈdʒɔɪraɪdɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the activity of driving a stolen car very fast and dangerously for excitement 乱开着偷来的汽车兜风 Joyriding is the most common type of crime among boys under 18. 偷别人的汽车兜风是18岁以下男孩中最普遍的犯罪活动。go joyriding A group of youths went joyriding in stolen cars, causing three accidents before the police caught them. 一伙年轻人开着偷来的车到处乱撞,等警察抓住他们时已导致了三起车祸。 joyrider [countable noun] Joyriders are becoming a serious problem in the inner cities. 偷车乱兜风的人成了旧城区内一个很严重的问题。2 to go somewhere in a car or other vehicle 坐汽车或别的交通工具去某地 drive /draɪv/ [intransitive verb] to go somewhere in a car 驾车〔去某地〕 ‘How do you get to work?’ ‘I drive.’ “你怎么去上班的?”“我自己开车去。”drive to/from/into/through etc We drove to the airport, but couldn't find anywhere to park. 我们开车去机场,但找不到地方停车。 They drove home in silence. 他们一声不吭地开车回家。drive off/away leave somewhere in a car 驾车离开 She drove off without saying goodbye. 她再见也没说就开车走了。drive 50 kilometres/100 miles etc Was the restaurant worth driving 50 miles for? 开车50英里去那家饭店吃饭值不值得? drive [countable noun] a journey in a car 开车去的路程 It's a two-hour drive to Hamilton from here. 从这里开车到哈密尔顿是两小时的路程。 by car/bike etc /baɪ ˈkɑːʳ/ [adverb] to go somewhere in a car, on a bicycle etc - use this especially when you are comparing different methods of travelling 坐车;骑自行车〔尤用于对不同的旅行方式加以比较〕 One group went by car and the others took a taxi. 一组人乘汽车去,其他的人乘出租车。 I can get to work in about 20 minutes by bike. 我骑自行车上班要大约20分钟。 I went by boat the first time I went to Tahiti. 我第一次去塔希提岛是坐小船去的。 cycle /ˈsaɪkəl/ [intransitive verb] to go somewhere on a bicycle 骑自行车 Cycling isn't only good for the environment - it's a great form of exercise too. 骑自行车不仅对环境有益,而且也是一种极佳的锻炼方式。cycle to/from/through etc I usually cycle through the park to get to school. 我经常骑自行车穿过公园去学校。cycle 50 kilometres/10 miles etc It took about 20 minutes for her to cycle the 5 miles to her home. 她回家5英里的路程骑车大约要20分钟。 go for a drive also take a drive American /ˌgəʊ fər ə ˈdraɪv, ˌteɪk ə ˈdraɪv/ [verb phrase] to go somewhere in a car, especially for enjoyment 开汽车出去兜风〔尤作消遣〕 We'll go for a drive after lunch and see if we can find this park. 午餐后我们开车去兜兜风,看看能否找到这个公园。 We took a drive down to the ocean. 我们开车去海边。 go for a ride also take a ride American /ˌgəʊ fər ə ˈraɪd, ˌteɪk ə ˈraɪd/ [verb phrase] to go somewhere in a car or on a bicycle especially for enjoyment 坐汽车或骑自行车兜风〔尤作消遣〕 When you've finished your work, shall we take a ride? 你完成工作后,我们开车去兜兜怎样? It was unusual that someone should be taking a ride on a stormy night like this. 这样风雨交加的夜里竟然有人在骑车兜风,真稀奇。3 when you take someone somewhere in a car etc 开车等带人去某地 take/drive somebody somewhere /ˈteɪk, ˈdraɪv somebody sʌmweəʳ/ [verb phrase] Could you take me to the station, please? 请你开车送我去车站行吗? The President was driven away in a big black limousine. 总统乘坐一辆黑色豪华大轿车走了。drive somebody home/back He always expected his girlfriend to drive him home at the end of the night. 他夜里回家时总要女友开车送他。 lift /lɪft/ especially British /ride /raɪd/ American [countable noun] if you give someone a lift or a ride, you take them somewhere in your car 〔让某人〕搭便车 Never accept lifts from strangers. 千万别搭乘陌生人的车。give somebody a lift/ride Pedro stopped to give me a lift. 佩德罗停下来让我搭便车。lift to Do you need a ride to school? 你要搭便车去上学吗?a lift/ride home I accepted her offer of a lift home. 我接受了她请我搭便车回家的邀请。 carpool /ˈkɑːʳpuːl/ [countable noun] a group of car owners who agree to drive everyone in the group to work on different days, so that only one car is used at a time 合伙用车的人,拼车 I've been in a carpool with the same three women for ten years. 我和那三位妇女拼车已有十年了。carpool lane part of a road that only people who share cars can use 合伙用车专用道 a proposal to open up a new network of carpool lanes 开辟合伙用车专用道新网络的提议 carpool [intransitive verb] American We should encourage more people to carpool. 我们应该鼓励更多的人拼车。 carpooling [uncountable noun] the practice of driving everyone in a group to work on different days 合伙用车,拼车 Despite efforts to promote carpooling, 70% of all commuters drive to work alone. 尽管努力提倡合伙用车,但上下班的人中有70%仍然在单独驾车。4 someone who drives a car, train etc 驾驶汽车、火车等的人 driver /ˈdraɪvəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who regularly drives or is driving a car, train, etc 驾驶者,司机 Many drivers suffer from backache. 许多开车的人都患有背痛。 The car was almost torn in half in the crash but amazingly the driver was unhurt. 汽车在撞车事故中几乎被撞成两截,但不可思议的是,驾驶者却没有受伤。 Car drivers now pay more than ever for fuel. 如今的驾车者在燃料上的开销比过去任何时候都要多。 Some women drivers are concerned about their personal safety. 一些女性驾车者担心自己的个人安全。driver's seat/door/side etc He got into the driver's seat and started the engine. 他坐上驾驶座发动了引擎。 motorist /ˈməʊtərɪst, ˈməʊtərəst/ [countable noun] someone who drives a car - use this especially to talk about the costs of driving or the laws that affect driving 汽车驾驶者〔尤用于谈论驾车费用或驾车规章时〕 Motorists are developing the habit of buying a new car every other year. 汽车驾驶者正形成每两年买一辆新车的习惯。 Safety needs to be improved, not only for motorists but also for pedestrians. 需要提高行车交通安全。这不仅是为驾车者,也是为行人考虑。the motorist all motorists 〔全体〕汽车驾驶者 The countryside is being destroyed for the benefit of the motorist. 为了方便开车者,乡村却正在遭受破坏。 motorcyclist /ˈməʊtəʳˌsaɪklɪst, ˈməʊtəʳˌsaɪkləst/ [countable noun] someone who rides a motorcycle 骑摩托车的人 Three motorcyclists dressed in black rode past. 三个身穿黑衣的人骑着摩托车驶过。 The President's car arrived with its escort of police motorcyclists. 总统的汽车在警方摩托车队的护送下到达了。 rider /ˈraɪdəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who rides a bicycle or motorcycle 骑自行车的人;骑摩托车的人 The rider wasn't badly hurt, but his bicycle was all smashed- up. 骑车的人伤得不重,但他的自行车却全撞毁了。 The leading rider in this year's motorcycle championship is Wayne Rainey. 本年度摩托车冠军赛的领先选手是韦恩·雷尼。 cyclist /ˈsaɪklɪst, ˈsaɪkləst/ [countable noun] especially British someone who rides a bicycle 【尤英】骑自行车的人 Most cyclists in London have their bikes stolen eventually. 伦敦大多数骑自行车的人车子最后都被偷走了。 Cyclists are demanding more and safer cycle paths in the city. 骑车人要求在市内辟出更多更为安全的自行车道。a keen cyclist Heather, a keen cyclist, is hoping to raise £10,000 by riding her bike across Europe. 希思,一位热心的骑车者,希望通过骑车横越欧洲筹款一万英镑。5 someone whose job it is to drive a car, train, etc 以驾驶汽车、火车等为工作的人 driver /ˈdraɪvəʳ/ [countable noun] The limousine pulled up outside the church and the driver got out. 豪华轿车停在教堂外,司机下了车。truck/lorry etc driver A lot of truck drivers stop at this restaurant because it's open all night. 许多卡车司机都在这家饭店歇脚,因为这里通宵营业。cab/taxi/bus etc driver Harry asked the cab driver to stop outside the store for a couple of minutes while he bought a paper. 哈里叫出租车司机在店外面等几分钟,他去买一份报纸。 chauffeur /ˈʃəʊfəʳ, ʃəʊˈfɜːʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to drive a car for someone else 〔受雇为他人开车的〕司机 I'll learn to drive and be some film star's chauffeur. 我要学会开车去为某个电影明星当司机。 a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce 一辆雇有司机驾驶的劳斯莱斯牌汽车




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