DISAPPOINTED1 disappointed2 making you feel disappointed3 to make someone feel disappointedRELATED WORDSsee alsoFED UPSADSATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED1 disappointed 因事情没有以你希望的方式发生而不开心disappointed /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd◂, ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntəd◂/ [adjective]unhappy because things did not happen in the way you hoped they would, or were not as good as you expected them to be 失望的;沮丧的 I felt a little disappointed when she didn't come to the party. 她没来参加聚会,我感到有点失望。 The hall was already full, and hundreds of disappointed fans were turned away at the door. 大厅已满座了,数以百计感到失望的乐迷被拒之门外。disappointed in I'm very disappointed in both of you - I guess I expected better behavior. 我对你们俩感到非常失望,我原以为你们会有更好的表现。disappointed with/by Were you disappointed with the way you played today? 你对自己今天在场上的表现感到失望吗?disappointed that The children were very disappointed that we couldn't go to the zoo. 我们不能去动物园,孩子们深感失望。disappointed to find/learn/hear/see We were disappointed to find that the museum was closed. 看到博物馆已关门了,我们感到很失望。bitterly disappointedvery disappointed 极为失望 Backley was bitterly disappointed when an injury prevented him from competing in the Olympic Games. 巴克利对自己因伤未能去参加奥运会感到很失望。disappointment [uncountable noun]the feeling of being disappointed 失望;沮丧 She couldn't hide her disappointment when David told her he wasn't coming. 当戴维告诉她不来了时,她掩饰不住失望的表情。bitter disappointment Davis expressed bitter disappointment with Carlson's resignation. 戴维斯表示对卡尔森的辞职大失所望。feel let down /fiːl ˌlet ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase]to feel disappointed because someone did not do what they promised to do, or did not help you when you needed them 感到失望 No wonder the nurses feel let down - they were promised a big pay increase, but nothing has happened. 难怪护士会感到失望。先是答应给她们大幅度提高工资,但后来就只字不提了。 They were ashamed of their daughter's behaviour, and felt badly let down. 他们觉得女儿的行为令他们丢脸了,感到非常失望。disillusioned /ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒənd◂, ˌdɪsəˈluːʒənd◂/ [adjective]disappointed because you realize that a person, belief, way of life etc is not as good as you thought they were 〔对某人、某个信念或生活方式等〕不再抱有幻想的;失去信心的 Disillusioned voters are turning against the government. 幻想破灭的选民转而反对政府。disillusioned with/by As David grew older he became increasingly disillusioned with socialism. 随着年龄的增长,戴维对那个项目越来越不抱有幻想了。 Japanese college students in particular are disillusioned by the restrictions placed on them by society. 尤其是日本的大学生对社会强加给他们的种种限制感到失望。disillusionment [uncountable noun]disillusioned with Public disillusionment with government promises is at an all time high. 公众对政府的许诺从未感到如此彻底地失望过。crestfallen /ˈkrestˌfɔːlən/ [adjective]looking very disappointed and sad 沮丧的,垂头丧气的 Steve looked crestfallen as he returned from the mailbox empty-handed. 史蒂夫从信箱处空手而回时显得垂头丧气。 She ripped open the package but found nothing in it but shoes. She was crestfallen. 她撕开包裹发现里面除了一双鞋外没有别的东西。这令她深感沮丧。disenchanted /ˌdɪsɪnˈtʃɑːntəd◂, ˌdɪsənˈtʃɑːntəd◂ǁ-ˈtʃænt-/ [adjective]disappointed with something that you used to enjoy or believe in, or with someone you used to have great respect for 〔对一度喜欢的或信任的事物或对自己一度非常尊敬的人〕不再着迷的;不再抱有幻想的 The party's greatest problem is trying to win back the support of its own disenchanted members. 该党最大的问题是要赢回对它已不再抱有幻想的党员们的支持。disenchanted with After three divorces he must be pretty disenchanted with married life. 他离了三次婚,肯定对婚姻生活已不再抱有幻想了。disenchantment [uncountable noun]disenchanted with There seems to be a growing disenchantment with work in the high-tech world. 似乎越来越多的人不再迷恋在高科技领域里工作了。2 making you feel disappointed 令人感到失望的disappointing /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ◂/ [adjective]something that is disappointing makes you feel unhappy or dissatisfied, because it is not as good as you hoped it would be 令人失望的 The team had a disappointing season. 这支球队整个赛季的表现让人失望。 Company profits this year have been very disappointing. 今年公司的赢利很令人失望。be a disappointment /biː ə ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/ [verb phrase]something that is a disappointment does not happen in the way you hoped, or is not as good as you expected 令人失望 The holiday was a bit of a disappointment - it rained the whole time. 这个假日有点让人失望,天一直在下雨。be a disappointment to The election results were a disappointment to civil rights groups. 选举结果对民权组织而言是很失望的。be a great/major disappointment It was a great disappointment to my parents that I didn't go to university. 我没上大学叫父母深感失望。not live up to (somebody's) expectations /nɒt lɪv ˌʌp tə somebodyˈs ekspekˈteɪʃənz/if an event or persondoes not live up to expectations, you expected them to be very good but in fact they are not 〔某人〕辜负…的期望;〔某事物〕没有达到意想的效果 I'm afraid as a husband I never really lived up to Kelly's expectations. 作为凯莉的丈夫,我恐怕从未能达到她的期望。 Despite the enormous cost of making it, the film didn't live up to expectations. 这部电影尽管耗资巨大,但没有收到意想中的效果。fail to live up to (somebody's) expectations I failed to live up to my parents’ expectations, particularly at school. 我辜负了父母的期望,尤其是在学业上。be a letdown /biː ə ˈletdaʊn/ [verb phrase]spokenif somethingis a letdown, you do not enjoy it as much as you expected 【口】令人失望,令人扫兴 The party was a real letdown. 这次聚会让人十分扫兴。 After months of planning and anticipation, the Florida trip was kind of a letdown. 虽经几个月的计划与期盼,这次佛罗里达之行却有点儿令人失望。be an anticlimax/be anticlimactic /biː ən ˌæntɪˈklaɪmæks, biː ˌæntɪklaɪˈmæktɪk/ [verb phrase]something thatis an anticlimax oris anticlimactic does not seem very exciting or interesting because it comes after something that was much better 〔在精彩事情之后〕令人扫兴 Going back to work after a month travelling in China is bound to be an anticlimax. 在中国旅行了一个月之后回去上班肯定很扫兴。 Compared to the excitement of the earlier parts of the film, the ending was a little anticlimactic. 跟前面几个动人心魄的部分相比,这部电影的结局有点虎头蛇尾。be a non-event /biː ə ˌnɒn ɪˈventǁ-ˌnɑːn-/ [verb phrase]an event or occasion thatis a non-event is disappointing because nothing interesting or exciting happened 〔事件或活动〕没意思的;令人失望的 Sue's party was a total non-event. Only five people turned up. 休的聚会没劲极了,只有五个人来参加。be a bummer /biː ə ˈbʌməʳ/ [verb phrase]spoken informalif you say that a situation or eventis a bummer, you mean it is very disappointing 【口,非正式】真扫兴;太叫人失望了 ‘I heard Reggie's going to quit the team.’ ‘That's a bummer.’ “我听说雷吉打算退出球队了。”“真扫兴。”bummer!American ‘The party was last Saturday.’ ‘Oh, bummer! I always miss those things.’ “聚会上周六举行了。”“噢,真可惜!我总是错过这种好事情。”something is not all it's cracked up to be /something ɪz nɒt ˌɔːl ɪts krækt ˈʌp tə biː/informaluse this to say that something is not as good as people say it is 【非正式】某事物没有人家说的那么好 Northbourne Leisure Centre isn't all it's cracked up to be, they don't even have a sauna. 诺斯伯恩休闲中心没有人家说的那么好,连桑拿浴室都没有。 Being a fashion model isn't all it's cracked up to be. It is extremely hard work. 当一名时装模特儿并非人们想的那么容易,这工作非常辛苦。3 to make someone feel disappointed 使人感到失望disappoint /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/ [transitive verb] The band disappointed thousands of fans by cancelling at the last minute. 乐队在最后一分钟取消了演出,数千歌迷大失所望。 I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there aren't any tickets left. 很抱歉使你失望,没有余票了。let somebody down /ˌlet somebody ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb]to not do what you promised to do for someone, or not behave as well as they expected 令某人失望;使某人伤心; I said I would help them - I can't let them down. 我说过要帮他们的,我不能让他们失望。let somebody down badly Many disabled soldiers feel the government has let them down very badly. 许多伤残军人感到政府让他们大失所望。dash (somebody's) hopes /ˌdæʃ somebodyˈs ˈhəʊps/ [verb phrase]to disappoint someone very badly by doing or telling them something that is the opposite of what they hoped for or what they needed to happen 使〔某人〕希望破灭 Renewed fighting has dashed all hopes of an early settlement. 重新爆发的战斗使早日解决争端的希望化为了泡影。 The family's hopes that their daughter would be found alive were cruelly dashed this morning. 这家人指望女儿生还的希望今天早晨被残酷地粉碎了。