

例句 DISAGREE1 to have a different opinion from someone else2 to disagree strongly with someone3 when members of a group disagree with each other4 when people disagree5 to cause disagreement6 causing disagreementRELATED WORDSoppositeAGREEsee alsoARGUEOPINIONCRITICIZEREJECT1 to have a different opinion from someone else 与他人的意见不同 disagree /ˌdɪsəˈgriː/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] to have a different opinion about something from someone else 意见不合;不同意;有分歧 A lot of people think that capitalism is the only system that works, but I disagree. 许多人认为资本主义制度是唯一可行的制度,但我不同意。disagree with I showed my article to the editor. He disagreed with almost everything I'd written. 我把文章给编辑看,我写的东西他几乎都不赞同。disagree about Throughout their marriage my parents disagreed about whether to stay in their hometown or not. 我父母自结婚那天起,就一直为要不要留在家乡的城镇上居住而意见不一。disagree that The company's lawyers disagreed that the complaint was a criminal matter. 这家公司的律师不认为该项投诉属于刑事案件。strongly disagree The court decision represents an issue on which the president and the Justice Department strongly disagree. 法庭的裁决提出了一项议题,总统和司法部对此议题持非常不同的意见。 not agree /nɒt əˈgriː/ [verb phrase] to disagree with someone about a subject or about what to do 意见不合,不同意 He thinks we'd have a better chance of finding work if we moved house, but I don't agree. 他认为如果我们搬家的话就更有可能找到工作,但我不同意这种看法。not agree with I'd never vote for Davies. He has too many policies I don't agree with. 我决不会投戴维斯一票,他的政策有太多是我不赞成的。not agree on/about Before long, they realized that they couldn't agree about anything. 很快他们就意识到他们相互之间不可能就任何事达成一致意见。 We couldn't agree on what to do in the afternoon, so we just stayed at home. 我们对下午应该干什么意见不一,所以就留在家里。not agree that The doctor did not agree that the only solution was to operate. 这位医生不同意唯一的解决办法是动手术。 not see eye to eye /nɒt siː ˌaɪ tʊ ˈaɪ/ [verb phrase] if two people do not see eye to eye, they have very different opinions and ideas, so that it is difficult for them to be friends or to work together 意见不一致〔以致无法成为朋友或一起工作〕 not see eye to eye on/about Unfortunately, Julie and I don't see eye to eye on money matters. 不幸的是,在钱的问题上朱莉和我意见不合。not see eye to eye with Donato doesn't see eye to eye with several of the other committee members. 多纳托与其他几位委员会成员意见不一。 take issue with /teɪk ˈɪʃuː wɪð/ [verb phrase] formal to disagree strongly with someone about something they have said or done, and to argue with them about it 【正式】强烈反对…,与…争论 take issue with somebody over something I took issue with Meeker over the way he was running the company. 我因米克经营公司的方式跟他吵了一架。 differ /ˈdɪfəʳ/ [intransitive verb] especially written if a group of people differ about something, they have a range of different opinions on it 【尤书面】〔在意见方面〕有分歧,持不同看法 differ about/over Critics differed about the importance of Osborne's new play. 对奥斯本的新剧本的重要性,评论家们持不同看法。 All politicians agree that inflation must be beaten but they differ over methods of achieving this. 所有的政治家都认为必须遏制通货膨胀,但对于怎么样去做,他们各持己见。differ widely differ a lot 看法大为不同 Scholars differ widely about when the two manuscripts were written. 学者们对这两份手稿的创作时间看法很不一样。 agree to disagree also agree to differ British /əˌgriː tə ˌdɪsəˈgriː, əˌgriː tə ˈdɪfəʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to stop arguing with someone about something and accept that they cannot be persuaded to agree with you 同意彼此保留不同意见 The two sides had agreed to differ. 双方同意彼此保留不同的意见。 After two days, the negotiators had done little more than agree to disagree. 经过两天的谈判,谈判者除了同意各自保留不同意见外未取得任何结果。 dissent /dɪˈsent/ [intransitive verb] formal to say publicly that you disagree with an official opinion or belief, or one that is accepted by most people 【正式】〔对官方意见或大多数人都接受的意见〕不同意,持异议 The decision was supported by almost everyone. Baldwin was the only one to dissent. 这决定得到几乎每个人的支持,只有鲍德温一人反对。dissent from No one dared dissent from the official party line. 没有人敢于对执政党的方针路线持异议。dissenting voices people who say they disagree 反对的声音 Blair would be wise to listen to some of the dissenting voices in his party. 布莱尔要是能够听一听党内某些反对的声音那就聪明了。2 to disagree strongly with someone 强烈反对某人 be at loggerheads /biː ət ˈlɒgəʳhedzǁ-ˈlɔːg-/ [verb phrase] if two people or groups are at loggerheads, they strongly disagree with each other and argue, usually about how to deal with a problem or decision 争执;不和〔常指对如何处理某问题或决定〕 As a result of the strike, neighbours and even families were soon at loggerheads. 罢工使邻里之间,甚至是家庭成员之间很快产生了不和。be at loggerheads over/about Congress and the President are still at loggerheads over how to balance the federal budget. 国会与总统在如何平衡联邦预算的问题上仍然争执不下。 be at odds /biː ət ˈɒdzǁ-ˈɑːdz/ [verb phrase] to disagree with a person, organization, or way of thinking and be opposed to them - used especially in news reports 〔与某人、组织或思维方式〕不一致,意见不合〔尤用于新闻报道〕 be at odds with Britain and France were constantly at odds with each other throughout the negotiations. 整个谈判过程中,英法两国始终意见不合。be at odds over The two sides are still at odds over a pay increase for airline pilots. 在航空公司驾驶员的加薪问题上,双方意见仍然不一致。 fall out /ˌfɔːl ˈaʊt/ [] British to disagree strongly with someone and argue with them about it so that your good relationship with them is damaged 【英】与…闹翻 Jung and Freud fell out when Jung disagreed with some of Freud's central theories. 荣格与弗洛伊德闹翻是因为荣格不同意弗洛伊德的一些中心理论。fall out with Maria fell out with some of her colleagues and decided to look for a new job. 玛丽亚与几位同事闹翻,于是决定另找工作。fall out (with somebody) over They fell out over some stupid little issue. 他们为一些无谓的小事闹翻了。 falling-out [singular noun] She was fired from the Broadway production after a highly-publicized falling-out with Weber. 她与韦伯沸沸扬扬地闹翻后,被开除不能参与那百老汇剧目的演出。 be in conflict with /biː ɪn ˈkɒnflɪkt wɪð ǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to strongly disagree with someone and to be continuously opposing them and arguing against their actions and intentions 与…发生冲突 Rather than be in continual conflict with his boss, Bruce moved to another job. 布鲁斯并未没完没了地跟老板争执,而是换了一份工作。 Union leaders are again in conflict with management, this time over job losses. 工会领袖又一次跟资方发生了冲突,这一次是为了工作岗位减少的问题。 irreconcilable /ɪˌrekənˈsaɪləbəl◂/ [adjective] having or resulting from such completely different aims or opinions that agreement is impossible 〔分歧、观点等〕不可调和的;不能一致的 The split in the Liberal party seems to be irreconcilable. 自由党内部的分歧似乎是不可调和的。irreconcilable differences When irreconcilable differences exist between two people, it is better that they should separate. 如果两人之间存在着不可调和的分歧,那么还是分开为妙。irreconcilable with Both these ways of looking at the world are valid but utterly irreconcilable with each other. 这两种看待世界的方法都合理可取,却全然不能相容。 nonsense spoken also rubbish British spoken /ˈnɒnsənsǁˈnɑːnsens, ˈrʌbɪʃ/ use this when you strongly disagree with something someone has said 胡说,废话 ‘You always think you're right!’ ‘Nonsense!’ “你总以为自己是对的!”“胡说!”3 when members of a group disagree with each other 组内成员意见各不相同 be divided/split /biː dˈvaɪdd, ˈsplɪt/ [verb phrase] if a group of people is divided or split over something, some of them support one opinion and others support a completely different one 发生分歧;产生分裂 be divided/split over/on The country's leaders appear to be split on the question of tax cuts. 该国的领导人似乎在减税问题上有分歧。 Foreign aid agencies were split over whether to resume their operations in the troubled country. 外国救援组织对是否继续援助这个动荡不安的国家存在分歧。 division /dɪˈvɪʒən, dəˈvɪʒən/ [countable/uncountable noun] disagreement among the members of a group that causes it to separate into smaller groups, each with a different opinion 〔造成成员分裂的〕分歧 There are signs of growing division within the administration about the best strategy to adopt. 有迹象表明:对于什么是可以采用的最佳策略,政府内部出现了越来越大的分歧。division over There was a deep division in the Republican Party over policy on Central America. 在中美洲问题上,共和党内有着严重的分歧。 split /splɪt/ [countable noun] a serious disagreement that divides an organization or group into two smaller groups 〔组织或团体内部的〕分裂,分化 There is great danger of a split in the party if a competent leader is not found soon. 如果不快点找到一位称职的领导,党内将很有可能出现分化的危险。split over There is a deep split in the country over the best way to move forward the peace process. 该国内部在何为推进和平进程的最佳方法问题上有着严重分歧。 rift /rɪft/ [countable noun] a serious disagreement that divides a group for a very long time or prevents two people or organizations from continuing to live or work together 〔长时间的〕嫌隙,裂痕 It took a good five years for the rift within the party to mend. 党内的裂痕整整花了五年时间才得以弥合。rift between The family arguments finally caused a rift between the mother and daughter that has not yet healed. 家庭争吵最终在母女间导致了嫌隙,从此再也未曾弥合。4 when people disagree 人们之间意见不合 disagreement /ˌdɪsəˈgriːmənt/ [countable/uncountable noun] when people disagree with each other 意见不一致,分歧 The party is seriously split by internal rivalries and disagreements. 该党由于内部竞争与意见相左而产生了严重分歧。disagreement about/over Disagreement over who should produce the next album caused the band to split. 该乐队对由谁来制作下一张专辑意见不一,于是分道扬镳。disagreement between/among There is some disagreement among medical experts about the best treatment for back pain. 医疗专家对治疗背痛哪种方法最佳有些意见不合。 difference of opinion /ˌdɪfərəns əv əˈpɪnjən/ [noun phrase] when people are unable to agree, especially about something important - use this as a way of avoiding more direct words like ‘argument’ and ‘disagreement’ 〔尤指在重要事情上〕意见的分歧〔argument〔争吵〕和disagreement〔分歧〕的婉转说法〕 difference of opinion about/over There were major differences of opinion over who should command the UN forces. 在由谁来指挥联合国军队的问题上意见相差很大。difference of opinion between/among There is a difference of opinion between the chairman and the board as to the best way to handle the takeover. 哪种为最佳的接管方式,董事长与董事会之间有不同意见。 controversy /ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi, kənˈtrɒvəsiǁˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/ [countable/uncountable noun] a serious disagreement about a decision, plan, or action, that causes arguments for a long time in newspapers, on television etc 〔某项决定、计划或行动在报章、电视等上长时间的〕争议,争端 Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic. 这部电视剧有很多争议,许多人认为它具有种族主义、性别歧视及仇恨同性恋的倾向。controversy over There has been a huge controversy over where to put the city's new sports stadium and who should build it. 关于该市在哪里建造新体育场以及由谁来承建有很大的争议。 deadlock/stalemate /ˈdedlɒkǁ-lɑːk, ˈsteɪlmeɪt/ [singular noun] a situation in which two groups disagree, and no agreement is possible because each group refuses to change its mind even slightly 〔争执的〕僵局;僵持 Parents believe that pressure from city hall could force an end to the stalemate with the school board. 学生家长相信来自市政厅的压力可以强制结束与学校董事会之间的僵持。deadlock/stalemate over the political deadlock over allowable levels of greenhouse emissions 对温室排放允许程度的政治僵局break the deadlock/stalemate end the situation 打破僵局 US negotiators met with representatives from both countries today in an attempt to break the deadlock. 美国的谈判代表今天与两国代表见面,以期打破僵局。 friction /ˈfrɪkʃən/ [uncountable noun] continuous disagreement and angry feelings or unfriendliness between people 摩擦,不和,抵触 Teenage children begin to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of friction in the family. 孩子十来岁开始坚持要独立,这可能会在家里造成很多摩擦。friction between There has been serious friction between the two army commanders. 两位军队指挥官之间存在着严重的不和。 discord /ˈdɪskɔːʳd/ [uncountable noun] formal strong disagreement that makes people feel unfriendly towards each other 【正式】不和,冲突 Money is the single biggest cause of discord in marriage. 钱的问题是造成夫妻不和唯一一个最大的原因。discord over There has always been discord over NATO's role in world conflict. 对北大西洋公约组织在世界各国间的冲突上的角色一直有着意见分歧。 dissent /dɪˈsent/ [uncountable noun] a refusal to accept an official opinion or an opinion that most people accept 意见的不一致,意见的分歧,异议 During the Prime Minister's speech there were several murmurs of open dissent from the crowd. 首相在演说时,人群中几次有人窃窃私语地公开表示反对。 Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office. 自尼克松上台时,反战呼声日渐高涨。5 to cause disagreement 引起分歧 give rise to/lead to/cause disagreement /gɪv ˌraɪz tuː, ˌliːd tuː, ˌkɔːz dɪsəˈgriːmənt/ [verb phrase] The issue of organ cloning has given rise to some disagreement among doctors. 克隆器官的问题在医生中引起了一些意见分歧。 It was Garcia's plan to redistribute land that caused the most disagreement. 加西亚要重新分配土地的计划引发了最严重的意见分歧。 His speech is bound to lead to some disagreement, but I think most people will accept it. 他的演说必定会引起一些不同意见,但我觉得大多数人会接受的。 divide /dɪˈvaɪd, dəˈvaɪd/ [transitive verb] to cause strong disagreement among a group of people so that they separate and form different groups with different opinions 使产生分歧 The election campaign was bitter, dividing the city. 竞选活动进行得很激烈,使市民产生了意见分歧。 The issue dividing the Church was the question of women priests. 使教会产生分歧的是有关妇女做神职人员的问题。 split /splɪt/ [transitive verb] to cause strong disagreement among a group of people so that it is divided into two smaller groups - use this especially about political groups or political ideas 使分裂〔尤指政治团体或政治观点〕 When the book appeared just before the end of the century, it almost split the feminist movement. 当此书在世纪末问世时,它几乎使女权运动产生分裂。split the country/party etc down the middle split it into two equal and opposing groups 使国家/政党等分成两派 Feelings about the war split the country right down the middle. 对战争的看法使该国人民分为两派。6 causing disagreement 引起争议 controversial /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʳʃəl◂ ǁ ˌkɑːn-/ [adjective] something that is controversial causes a lot of disagreement and angry argument, especially in the newspaper, on television etc 〔尤在报纸、电视上〕有争议的,引起争议的 A recent government paper on education contains some controversial new ideas. 政府最近的一份有关教育的文件中有一些引起争议的新想法。 Rossellini's controversial film, ‘The Miracle’ 罗塞利尼的具争议性的影片《奇迹》 The decision to use the bomb remains the most controversial question of the Second World War. 使用原子弹的决定一直是第二次世界大战中最具争议性的问题。 contentious /kənˈtenʃəs/ [adjective] contentious issue/subject/problem etc one that is likely to cause a lot of disagreement and argument 引起争议的议题/话题/问题等 Abortion has always been a contentious subject. 堕胎一直是个有争议的话题。 the contentious issue of arms sales to non-democratic countries 向非民主国家出售武器的具有争议的话题 bone of contention /ˌbəʊn əv kənˈtenʃən/ [noun phrase] a subject that people strongly disagree about for a long time and often argue about 争议的焦点 The new tax on property is likely to become a serious bone of contention. 新设的财产税很有可能成为激烈争论的焦点。bone of contention between The way we manage money has been the only real bone of contention between us. 怎样安排钱财是我们两人之间争执的唯一真正原因。




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