DIE1 to die because you are old or ill2 to die in an accident, war, fight etc3 to die when you are still young4 to die for your country or for something you believe in5 when someone is going to die very soon6 when someone dies7 when one of your relatives or friends dies8 an illness or accident that you die fromRELATED WORDSoppositeALIVEnot die despite an accident, illness etc 虽然发生事故、生病等但未死亡SURVIVEsee alsoDEADKILL1 to die because you are old or ill 因年老、疾病等死去die /daɪ/ [intransitive verb]to stop being alive, as a result of old age or illness 死,死亡 I want to see Ireland again before I die. 我想在死前再看一眼爱尔兰。 Many people are worried about growing old and dying alone. 许多人都害怕年迈孤独死去。 No wonder your plants always die - you don't water them enough. 难怪你种的植物总是死,原来你不浇足水的。die of His son died of liver cancer three years ago. 他的儿子三年前死于肝癌。die in your sleepdie while you are sleeping 睡眠中死去 In the spring of her 93rd year, Miss Grantley died in her sleep. 格兰特利小姐93岁那年春天在睡梦中去世。die a natural death/die of natural causesdie as a result of illness or old age 自然死亡 The autopsy said he had died of natural causes, but his family is not convinced. 尸体解剖的结论说他是自然死亡,但他的家属不同意这种说法。pass away /ˌpɑːs əˈweɪǁˌpæs-/ [intransitive phrasal verb]to die - use this when you want to avoid using the word ‘die’, because you think it might upset someone 过世,去世〔用于避免提及“死”字,以免令某人不安〕 Have you heard? Carl passed away last night. 你听说了吗?卡特昨晚过世了。 My wife had just passed away, and I didn't want to be around people. 我妻子刚刚去世,我想一个人静静。drop dead /ˌdrɒp ˈdedǁˌdrɑːp-/ [verb phrase]spokenif someonedrops dead, they die very suddenly and unexpectedly, especially when they are in the middle of doing something 【口】猝死,暴毙 One of their neighbors just dropped dead on the tennis court. 他们有个邻居在网球场上突然死了。 McSherry dropped dead of a heart attack in the middle of a baseball game. 麦克谢里在棒球比赛进行到一半时心脏病突发而死。kick the bucketspoken informalalsosnuff itBritish /ˌkɪk ðə ˈbʌkt, ˈsnʌf ɪt/ [verb phrase not in progressive]to die - use this humorously when you are not being serious 死,伸腿,断气〔幽默用语〕 When I kick the bucket you'll be able to live on my life insurance. 我一伸腿你就可以靠我的人寿保险金过活了。 I feel like I've done everything I wanted to - I might as well snuff it. 我觉得自己想做的事都已做过了,我死而无悔了。2 to die in an accident, war, fight etc 在事故、战争、打斗等中死去die/be killed /daɪ, biː ˈkɪld/ [intransitive verb/verb phrase] The firefighters died when the warehouse floor collapsed. 仓库楼板坍塌,消防员丧生。die/be killed in an accident/explosion/the war etc Two people were killed and four injured in a gas explosion this morning. 今晨发生的瓦斯爆炸中有两人死亡,四人受伤。die/be killed in actionbe killed in a war 在战争中死亡 His brother was killed in action in Vietnam. 他的弟弟在越战中阵亡。to death /tə ˈdeθ/ [adverb]starve/freeze/bleed etc to deathto die because of having no food, being too cold, losing blood etc 饿死/冻死/失血致死等 The baby starved to death. 这婴儿是饿死的。 He bled to death after being stabbed repeatedly. 他被连刺数刀后失血致死。lose your life /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˈlaɪf/ [verb phrase]to be killed in a terrible event - used especially in news reports and descriptions of past events 丧生〔尤用于新闻报道或对过去事件的叙述〕 Hundreds of people lost their lives when the ship overturned in a storm. 船在风暴中倾覆,数百名乘客丧生。 Supporters continue to visit the site where Colosio lost his life to an assassin's bullet. 仍有支持者前往克洛西奥在刺客枪口下丧生的地点凭吊。come to a sticky end /ˌkʌm tʊ ə ˌstɪki ˈend/ [verb phrase not in progressive]British informalto die in a violent or unpleasant way - use this especially when you think the person who died deserved this 【英,非正式】毙命,横死〔尤指罪有应得〕 At the end of the film the prisoners are rescued, and the pirates come to a sticky end. 影片的结局是俘虏获救了,海盗则丧了命。perish /ˈperɪʃ/ [intransitive verb]to die in a terrible event - used especially in literature and news reports 送命;死于非命〔尤用于文学作品或新闻报道〕 Everyone aboard the ship perished when it sank off the coast of Maine. 船在缅因州海岸沉没,船上所有人都遇难了。 Five children perished before firefighters could put out the blaze. 消防员扑灭大火前已有五名儿童丧生。suffer heavy losses /ˌsʌfəʳ ˌhevi ˈlɒszǁ-ˈlɔːsz/ [verb phrase]if a military forcesuffers heavy losses, a very large number of its soldiers die while fighting 〔军队的士兵〕伤亡惨重 US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses. 美军在遭受重大伤亡之后撤退了。 The troops suffered heavy losses fighting their way through the Italian countryside. 部队奋战穿过意大利乡间时伤亡惨重。3 to die when you are still young 年轻时候死去die young /ˌdaɪ ˈjʌŋ/ [verb phrase]to die when you are young 年轻时候死去,英年早逝 Like so many other pop stars, Jim Morrison died young. 和许多其他流行歌星一样,吉姆·莫里森也是英年早逝。 a memorial to tens of thousands of allied soldiers, many of whom died so young 成千上万盟军阵亡将士的一座纪念碑,其中许多人牺牲时都很年轻be cut off/down in your prime /biː kʌt ˌɒf, ˌdaʊn ɪn jɔːʳ ˈpraɪm/ [verb phrase]to die when you are still young, strong, and active, as a result of an accident, sudden illness etc 英年早逝〔因事故、突发病症等〕 The movie tells the story of a popular athlete cut down in his prime. 该影片讲述的是一个英年早逝的著名运动员的故事。be cut off/down in your prime by Dolly was an energetic woman who was suddenly cut off in her prime by scarlet fever. 多莉是个精力充沛的女子,却因患了猩红热而年纪轻轻就去世了。untimely death /ʌnˌtaɪmli ˈdeθ/ [singular noun]someone's death that happens before it would normally be expected 早逝 James Dean had made just three movies before his untimely death in 1955. 詹姆斯·迪安在1955年早逝前仅拍了三部影片。4 to die for your country or for something you believe in 为国家或为某种信念而死die for /ˈdaɪ fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] These brave men were ready to fight and die for their country. 这些勇敢的人已准备为祖国而战并牺牲。 How many of you would be willing to die for your religion? 你们中间有多少人愿意为自己的宗教信仰而捐躯?give your life/lay down your life /ˌgɪv jɔːʳ ˈlaɪf, ˌleɪ daʊn jɔːʳ ˈlaɪf/ [verb phrase]formalto die in order to save someone, or because of something that you believe in 【正式】〔为了救人或某种信念而〕献出生命,牺牲 We want to pay special tribute to the men and women who have given their lives in service of their country. 对那些为国捐躯的男女,我们谨致以特别的敬意。give your life/lay down your life for He was ready to lay down his life for his comrades. 他已准备好为他的同志牺牲。martyr /ˈmɑːʳtəʳ/ [countable noun]someone who is killed because of their religious or political beliefs, and becomes very famous because of this 殉道者,殉教者;烈士 The early Christian martyrs were killed by the thousands. 成千上万的早期基督教殉道者被屠杀。make somebody a martyr/make a martyr out of somebodymake people think someone is a martyr 使某人成为烈士 His death in police hands made him a martyr among the people. 他死在警察手上,使他成了人们心目中的烈士。martyrdom [uncountable noun] His martyrdom encouraged the people to resist. 他的殉难激励人民进行抵抗。suicide bomber/pilot/killer /ˈsuːɪsaɪd ˌbɒməʳ, ˈsuːəsaɪd ˌbɒməʳ, ˌpaɪlət, ˌkɪləʳǁ-ˌbɑːm-/ [countable noun]someone who attacks and kills people with a bomb etc even though they know they will die as well 自杀式人体炸弹/飞行员/杀手 FBI agents found the passport of one of the suicide bombers among the wreckage. 联邦调查局探员在残骸中找到了其中一名自杀式炸弹袭击者的护照。 Suicide pilots are brainwashed into believing they will go straight to paradise when they die. 自杀飞行员经过洗脑后相信自己死后能直接上天堂。5 when someone is going to die very soon 即将死去的人dying /ˈdaɪ-ɪŋ/ [adjective]if someone isdying, they will die very soon because they are very ill or very badly injured 〔因病或受重伤〕垂死的,奄奄一息的 He gave the dying man a drop of water from his flask. 他从自己的水壶里倒出一点水给那垂死的人喝。 The priest was killed as he was giving the last rites to a dying man. 神父在给一位垂死的男子举行临终圣礼时被杀死了。lie dying Even as she lay dying in a hospital bed, she was still thinking of her children. 她躺在医院病床上生命垂危之际,仍念念不忘自己的孩子。be close to death/near (to) death /biː ˌkləʊs tə ˈdeθ, ˌnɪəʳ (tə) ˈdeθ/ [verb phrase]formalto be going to die very soon 【正式】生命垂危 When the fisherman spotted the boat, its crew were already close to death. 当渔夫发现那小船时,船员们已经奄奄一息了。 Davis had suffered a stroke and was near death. 戴维斯曾患中风差点没命。on your deathbed /ɒn jɔːʳ ˈdeθbed/ [adverb]to be lying in your bed, about to die 临终时 My grandmother gave me that ring when she was on her deathbed. 祖母在临终时给了我那枚戒指。 Thirty years later, on her deathbed, she confessed to the crime. 30年后,她在临终之际承认犯了那罪行。be at death's door /biː ət ˌdeθs ˈdɔːʳ/ [verb phrase]spokento be extremely ill and likely to die soon 【口】危在旦夕,生命垂危 His skin was so pale, he looked like he was at death's door. 他肤色如此苍白,看上去像是命不久矣的模样。6 when someone dies 某人死去时death /deθ/ [countable/uncountable noun] After her husband's death, she moved back to California. 丈夫去世后,她搬回了加州。 The bomb caused at least one death, and several serious injuries. 这次爆炸造成至少一人死亡,数人重伤。death from The number of deaths from AIDS is still increasing in many parts of the world. 世界上许多地方死于艾滋病的人数仍在不断增加。the death of somebodyformal A comet appeared at the time of the death of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. 公元前44年裘力斯·凯撒去世时,天空中出现了一颗彗星。the death tollthe number of deaths in one terrible event 〔重大事件中的〕死亡人数 The latest death toll in the Turkish earthquake is over 2000. 在土耳其地震中,最新的死亡人数超过2,000人。accidental deathdeath resulting from an accident - used in official contexts 意外死亡〔正式用语〕 The policy provides full insurance in the case of accidental death. 这种保险为意外死亡提供全保。untimely deathdeath that comes earlier than is normally expected 过早死亡 Basquiat's work had become well known even before his untimely death at age 27. 巴斯奎特的作品甚至在他27岁英年早逝之前就已声名远播了。on somebody's deathwhen they die 某人死时 Catherine will inherit a large sum of money on her father's death. 凯瑟琳在她父亲去世后可继承一大笔钱。fatalities /fəˈtælɪtiz, fəˈtælətiz/ [plural noun]the number of people who have died in accidents or from illnesses, especially when this is being calculated officially 〔因事故或疾病而引起的〕死亡;死亡人数〔尤指官方的统计数字〕 A fifth of all road fatalities are caused by people not wearing seatbelts. 五分之一的公路死亡事故是因为人们没有系安全带。 An attack on the city would cause tens of thousands of civilian fatalities. 对该城的攻击会造成数万平民死亡。loss of life /ˌlɒs əv ˈlaɪfǁˌlɔːs-/ [noun phrase]formalthe deaths of people in an accident or a war 【正式】〔在事故或战争中〕丧生;阵亡 The plane managed to crash-land on St. Lawrence Island with no loss of life. 这架飞机设法在圣劳伦斯岛上强行着陆,无人丧生。 The Bishop condemned what he called ‘this futile and tragic loss of life’. 主教谴责他所称的这种“悲惨而无谓的牺牲”。7 when one of your relatives or friends dies 某人的亲友死去lose /luːz/ [transitive verb]if youlose a close relative or friend, they die 失去,丧失 Sharon lost her mother when she was very young. 莎伦年幼时母亲就去世了。 It's a terrible thing to lose someone very close to you. 失去同你十分亲近的人是件很不幸的事。be widowed /biː ˈwɪdəʊd/ [verb phrase]if youare widowed, your husband or wife dies 丧偶 Tony's mother was widowed at the age of 23 with three children. 托尼的母亲23岁开始带着三个孩子守寡了。widowed [adjective only before noun] He's gone to stay with his widowed mother in Florida. 他去了佛罗里达州跟守寡的母亲同住。be orphaned /biː ˈɔːʳfənd/ [verb phrase]if youare orphaned, both your parents die when you are still young 成为孤儿 Ben was orphaned at an early age and raised by an uncle. 本年幼时就成了孤儿,由一位叔叔抚养大。orphaned [adjective only before noun] a home for orphaned children 孤儿之家bereaved /bɪˈriːvd, bəˈriːvd/ [adjective]formalused about someone whose close relative or friend has died 【正式】〔刚刚〕丧失亲友的 The bereaved mother stood by her son's grave. 这位痛失孩子的母亲站在儿子的墓边。 Bereaved family members are demanding more information about the plane crash. 痛失亲人的死者家属要求了解飞机失事的更多情况。bereavement [uncountable noun] Jim's depression had been brought on by the bereavement he had suffered earlier in the year when a close relative or friend of yours dies. 吉姆那年早些时候痛失亲人后就一直很消沉。 Bereavement counsellors people trained to help people who have been bereaved have been flown to the city. 丧亲辅导员乘飞机前往该市。8 an illness or accident that you die from 导致死亡的疾病或意外事故fatal /ˈfeɪtl/ [adjective]afatal accident or medical condition kills the person who has it, usually immediately 致命的 a fatal heart attack 致命的心脏病发作 Meyer's car was involved in a fatal accident on the freeway. 迈耶的汽车涉入一桩致命的高速公路交通事故中。fatally [adverb]fatally injured/wounded His father had been fatally injured in an explosion in the mine where he worked. 他父亲在所工作的煤矿发生爆炸时受了致命伤。terminal /ˈtɜːʳmɪnəl, ˈtɜːʳmənəl/ [adjective]aterminal illness cannot be cured, and the person who has it will soon die 〔疾病〕不治的,致命的,晚期的 Is the disease terminal? 这病是不治之症吗? She was recently told she has terminal cancer. 她最近得知自己患了晚期癌症。terminally [adverb]terminally ill We need to improve the way we treat terminally ill patients. 我们要改进对绝症病人的治疗方法。