

例句 DEPEND/IT DEPENDSwhen what happens is influenced by other facts or eventsRELATED WORDSdepend on someone 发生的事是受其他事实或事件的影响所致 NEED/NECESSARYsee alsoCONDITIONNEED/NECESSARYIF1 when what happens is influenced by other facts or events 需要某人 depend /dɪˈpend/ [intransitive verb] if something depends on a fact, result, decision etc, it is not fixed or decided because it will change if the fact, result, decision etc changes 〔某事〕取决于〔某事实、结果或决定等〕,由…而定 it depends how/where/what etc I might not be able to go to France - it depends how much it costs. 我可能去不了法国,那得看费用是多少而定。it depends/that depends spoken say this when your decision may change according to what happens 【口】那得看情况 ‘Are you going to apply for that job?’ ‘Well, it depends.’ “你打算申请那份工作吗?”“这个么,得看情况啦。”it all depends spoken say this to emphasize that you cannot be certain about something 【口】一切得看情况 We still don't know whether we'll have to move to a new house or not - it all depends. 我们还是不知道是否得搬到新房子去住,一切都要看情况而定。depend on The amount I earn depends on the kind of work I'm doing. 我挣多少钱取决于我做哪种工作。 according to /əˈkɔːʳdɪŋ tuː/ [preposition] if something is done according to particular facts, a particular situation etc, these affect the way it is done 随〔某事实、某情况等〕而定 Telephone charges vary according to the time of day. 在每天不同的时候打电话,电话费是不同的。 The students were grouped according to age and ability. 这些学生是按年龄和能力分组的。 depending on something /dɪˈpendɪŋ ɒn something/ [preposition] use this to say that what will happen or what you do will change according to what happens in another situation 随着…的变化而定 Inflation goes up and down depending on the state of the economy. 通货膨胀随着经济状况的变化而起伏不定。 In many languages there are different words for "you' depending on who you are talking to. 在许多语言中,根据说话对象的不同,“你”有几种不同的说法。 I kept getting different answers depending on who I asked. 我一直得到不同的答案,这视乎我向谁提问。 be determined by /biː dɪˈtɜːʳmɪnd baɪ/ [verb phrase] if the quality or nature of something is determined by other things, it depends on those things for how it is made 〔事物的质量或性质等〕由…决定 The colour of the rock is determined by the type of mineral present in it. 岩石的颜色由它所含的矿物的种类决定。 The ultimate flavor of the cheese variety is determined by the length of time it is allowed to mature. 这种干酪最终的味道是由其发酵时间的长短决定的。 An individual's metabolism is generally determined by his or her genetic make-up. 一个人的新陈代谢大体上是由他或她的遗传构成决定的。 be dictated by /biː dɪkˈteɪtd baɪ/ [verb phrase] if a decision, choice, or result is dictated by something, it depends very strongly on it, and leaves no choice for the people involved 〔决定、选择或结果〕由…决定,受…支配 A country's choice of export products is dictated by geography, climate, and natural resources. 一个国家出口什么样的产品由地理条件、气候条件及自然资源而定。 Any development in the city center is dictated by the city's historic preservation laws. 市中心的任何扩建发展都受该市的历史文物保护法所限制。 be based on /biː ˈbeɪst ɒn/ [verb phrase] if one decision, situation, calculation etc is based on another, the second is the main thing upon which the first decision etc depends 〔一个决定、情况、计算等〕以…为根据,根据…而定 Your pension will be based on the amount that you are earning when you retire. 你的养老金将根据你退休时的工资金额而定。 This year's funding for the program is based on the number of applications that we received last year. 该项目本年度的拨款根据我们去年所接到的申请数目而定。 The jury's decision must be based on the evidence heard in court. 陪审团的裁决必须以法庭上听到的证词证据而定。 be dependent on /biː dɪˈpendənt ɒn/ [verb phrase] formal to depend on something 【正式】取决于 The speed of the plane is dependent on the efficiency of the engines. 飞机的速度取决于引擎的效能。 Benefits paid will be dependent on length of service with the company. 津贴的多少将取决于在公司工作的时间长短。 hinge on/hang on /ˈhɪndʒ ɒn, ˈhæŋ ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] if a result, especially an important result, hinges on or hangs on something happening, it depends on it completely 〔结果,尤指重要的结果〕完全取决于,完全有赖于 The future prospects of a student can hinge on his or her performance in these exams. 一个学生的前途完全取决于他或她这几次考试的成绩。 The case hinged on whether the jury believed the defendants had planned to kill anyone when they broke into the house. 这个案子完全取决于陪审团是否相信被告破门入屋时已计划好要杀人。 be riding on /biː ˈraɪdɪŋ ɒn/ [verb phrase] if something important such as money or success is riding on the result of something else, it depends on it 〔金钱或成功等重要之事〕取决于 It's really stressful when you know that your whole future may be riding on this one interview. 当你知道你的全部前途可能就取决于这一次面试时,可真叫人感到紧张。 Boxing has become big business, with a huge amount of money riding on the outcome of a fight. 拳击已成为赚大钱的生意,大笔的钱,输赢就看一场拳赛的结果。 be decided by /biː dɪˈsaɪdd baɪ/ [verb phrase] if what someone does or what happens is decided by something else, it depends on it 〔某人所做的事或某事的发生〕由〔另一事物〕决定;视…而定 The future of the school will be decided by the results of this survey. 学校的未来将由这次调查的结果来决定。 Your choice of tool will be decided by the hardness of the wood you are working on. 选用什么样的工具视乎你手上木头的硬度而定。




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